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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: 2 New Zealanders died while ski-ing in Hokkaido, another one was transfered to a hospital, and it was apparently a group of 6 people.
<remiliascarlet> Also, just learned that Hokkaido's ambulances look pretty different from the rest of the country.
<remiliascarlet> Why I tagged you? Because New Zealand is like a pair with Australia just like the UK + Ireland or US + Canada.
<remiliascarlet> White Anglosphere countries always seem to be coming in pairs.
<SiFuh> Hmm
<remiliascarlet> Looks like almost all Linux distro's will make you grow a beard, but only Arch will make you a mini skirt and a pair of legs:
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Why? You have a beard?
<remiliascarlet> Can I even grow one in the first place, though?
<SiFuh> I actually know women whom have beards or moustaches and they are not lopped-off-gender
<remiliascarlet> I know one who grew a little moustache, and that's because of the side effects of some anti-cancer medication she was taking.
<SiFuh> The cousin wants a handsome strong Chinese man. The other day her boyfriend was with her and I asked who is this girl.
<SiFuh> Last night I was discussing with the other cousins about how weedy looking this guy was. Like if he took a bath he'd look like a ramen noodle
<remiliascarlet> So a typical soyboy.
<SiFuh> No one knows why she is dating him. He is useless at everything, no intelligence and a weakling
<remiliascarlet> Maybe she's a leftover girl?
<remiliascarlet> Or he has lots of money?
<remiliascarlet> Typically either of the 2.
<SiFuh> I think desperate
<remiliascarlet> One thing you should know is, women don't always care about looks, but will always care about the boyfriend or husband to be rich.
<SiFuh> That's just dumb
<SiFuh> I like strong women. Like Kelly Hu in the TV series Martial Law.
<SiFuh> Strong like this chick
<remiliascarlet> Can't see videos.
<SiFuh> mpv
<remiliascarlet> Even MPV couldn't open it.
<remiliascarlet> [1] 17301 segmentation fault mpv
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I see why.
<SiFuh> What OS are you using?
<remiliascarlet> It's trying to load LLVM-17, and I recently updated to LLVM-18.
<remiliascarlet> See, this is why I hate dynamic linking so much!
<SiFuh> This is why I use OpenBSD
<SiFuh> Haha
<SiFuh> Not really, but it sounded good
<remiliascarlet> Just re-compiled mesa and mpv, and now it's loading.
<SiFuh> Just to see a girl with a catfish ;-)
<remiliascarlet> If not for that, I would have noticed with a different video eventually anyway.
<SiFuh> So Hannah Barron helped you out ;-)
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<SiFuh> Cool
<ppetrov^> heh
<remiliascarlet> Left hates Google because capitalism. Right hates Google because communism.
<remiliascarlet> And everyone else uses their stuff as if they were the internet itself.
<zorz> SiFuh i rename it in your honor :-)
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, what do you use?
<ppetrov^> duckduckgo?
<remiliascarlet> ppetrov^: What do I what use?
<zorz> alias sif :)
<ppetrov^> instead of google
<remiliascarlet> SearX.
<remiliascarlet> Or SearXNG more specifically.
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<SiFuh> Bing
<zorz> Bing with Copilot correct!
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<zorz> today is a beautifull day, I got rid of fuzzywuzzy.
<SiFuh> zorz: ?
<remiliascarlet> By the way, the skin of a pig is really tough, so better cut it off after you're done making your own bacon.
<SiFuh> Pigs have way too many parasites
<remiliascarlet> Okinawa is known for thriving on pork meat. At least, known locally. Because outside of that prefecture, there's misinformation going around alledging that they thrive on sweet potatoes.
<remiliascarlet> "Pork Parasites don't like Pepsi!!" Is there anyone who likes Pepsi?
<SiFuh> Pork skin makes great crackling in the oven
<remiliascarlet> But honestly, who even eats pork uncooked (or unsmoked in the case of ham and bacon)?
<SiFuh> There are people who like raw meat
<remiliascarlet> I know, but it's mostly things like minced meat from what I understand.
<remiliascarlet> I actually ate raw minced beef when I travelled around Eastern Europe before, it was really tasty.
<remiliascarlet> But the reason why I don't eat meat raw is not because I think it's disgusting (if anything, might be the most natural way), it's because it's so tough.
<SiFuh> Well, eating raw meat of any kind is just plane stupid
<SiFuh> plain
<remiliascarlet> He looks really hot, can't deny that.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> And he actually seems to stick to his principles too.
<SiFuh> Still dumb because of the parasites
<SiFuh> Hope he takes Ivermectin and tape worm pills ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Don't you worry, I cook my meats. And if I don't, then it's either salmon or tuna.
<SiFuh> I eat nothing raw. I have had a tape worm twice in my life and I don't want another.
<remiliascarlet> Also credit to the vegetarian who doesn't belittle someone for eating meat.
<SiFuh> I agree
<SiFuh> Heh
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<remiliascarlet> zorz: I don't want to offend you too much, but your Lemonbar script causes Lemonbar itself to segfault on OpenBSD, but not on Linux.
<remiliascarlet> And yes, I tried to run it without the script, and the error specifically tends to come from the last echo command in the script.
<SiFuh> So his lemonbar script is an actual lemon?
<remiliascarlet> No, his script is 3 grandpa's having gay sex together.
<SiFuh> [remiliascarlet> zorz: I don't want to offend you too much, <--
<remiliascarlet> OK, solved the problem.
<remiliascarlet> I simply installed the one in the OpenBSD repository now instead of compiling it myself.
<SiFuh> Hmm I have to look at this micrphone thing for zorz. I have a distiller to run today so maybe Wednesday.
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<zorz> remiliascarlet: my lemonbar works fine... and as i told you.... take off the windows first part.
<zorz> wait let me trye it.
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<zorz> remiliascarlet: learn how to copy paste :-)
<zorz> i add a & at the end :)
<SiFuh> Graceful Panda
<zorz> btw in bash maybe is not working, i dont know.... ksh works perfect.
<SiFuh> zorz: What you think remiliascarlet is dumb enough to use bash on OpenBSD?
<zorz> he has bash installed and first time running the script, because of bin/sh it run it with bash.
<zorz> we change this #!/usr/bin/env ksh and we are good.
<SiFuh> sh doesn't run bash in OpenBSD it runs sh
<zorz> SiFuh: take the cript and run it.
<SiFuh> zorz: He is a she
<SiFuh> Why would I run it?
<zorz> SiFuh: do not confuse me now.... to see if its working.
<SiFuh> I don't use your gay bar
<zorz> i am telling him the script works... he insist seg fault
<SiFuh> She
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> Your script
<zorz> is now int the downloads folder
<SiFuh> Where the heck do you think I download it too
<SiFuh> So you are saying that this script is so dumb it needs to be in a specific location?
<SiFuh> Also why would you bother with xprop -root _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP | sed -e 's/_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP(CARDINAL) = //'
<SiFuh> env |grep DISPLAY
<SiFuh> And DISPLAY can just be a variable since most of the time it is :0.0
<zorz> you see its working.
<zorz> now temp depends machine with machine.
<zorz> but in my machine it works just fine.
<zorz> i do not use it thogh.
<SiFuh> I am not wasting my time with this shit.
<SiFuh> Princess Mononoke is really awful. I closed it part of the way through. I can't handle it
<zorz> SiFuh: env Display shows the monitors... i need the desktops
<SiFuh> You don't need it. You have to take in nourishment, expel waste, and inhale enough oxygen to keep your cells from dying. Everything else is optional
<SiFuh> Paraphrasing Sheldon Cooper
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<serpente> Prince Mononoke is masterpice art
<serpente> nix is coming to bsd so bsd can suck too
<serpente> hahahahah
<serpente> its a paradox maybe
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