SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> i am looking at the server logs look:
<zorz> [15/Mar/2024:22:49:53 +0000] "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 301 162 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" ""
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<remiliascarlet> Somebody make a 27 minute video (because JewTube) just to tell you why piracy will never stop. Meanwhile, I can tell you in just a few seconds (but first, let's hear from our sponsor!). The reason is either because of suspicion towards the author after having published stinkers, or because they charge way too much money (for example, 2000 USD for Photoshop while you might as well just pick
<remiliascarlet> Krita for 0 JPY).
<SiFuh> So many shit joo joo tube videos out there
<SiFuh> You go to watch a video on how to dissassemble and iPhone 4S and the guy spends 20 minutes talking before even doing anything. Then doesn't speed up the video while he removes ever single screw and fumbles around.
<SiFuh> Or they use a robot voice
<remiliascarlet> And those who keep things to the point speak 80% Hindi with 20% English blended into it.
<SiFuh> I find mostly they are speaking Tamil
<SiFuh> 80% Tamil 20% English mixed together is fine for me. I seem to understand even though I don't speak the language
<remiliascarlet> Not sure, all I know is that they're Pajeets.
<SiFuh> Pajeet is a fake Indian name and slang term often used in a derogatory manner to refer to Indian, typically Hindu or Sikh, men on the internet.
<SiFuh> Oh no, they did a remake of Road House.
<remiliascarlet> Looks like Hindi is pretty popular over there.
<SiFuh> It was the largest kingdom
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