SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
<remiliascarlet> zorz: "an example of before getting elected and after getting elected." Name me one politician from after the 1950s who isn't like that.
<zorz> helmut kol
<remiliascarlet> "water, electricity, education, health should be free." I'd rather say these should be optional, not free of charge.
<remiliascarlet> Well, water and electricity aren't really optional, but the other 2 are.
<zorz> musl is good
<zorz> second time in 6 months glibc has problem
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "So I guess you suck at installing OpenBSD" Reminds me to a Linux kernel maintainer who struggled with the OpenBSD installer, the most simplest OS installer ever! Almost 30 minutes long, and it's pretty boring too, but pretty funny seeing him struggle with very easy tasks.
<remiliascarlet> "I removed it because already swollen like a diabetics uncircumsized dick" Is that a MacBook?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i installed openbsd 3-4 months ago but i really do not use it of wifi issues... and today i solved... openbsd kept installing iwm... i change it to iwx and ok
<zorz> now i need to make it a bit faster... but is ok.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: "ok in linux you install it yourself." The drivers are in the kernel, the tools is what you need to install yourself.
<zorz> still openbsd is slow... if you setup well linux you are better off, but again it depends.
<remiliascarlet> "openbsd kept installing iwm..." Maybe because that's the WiFi module you have?
<zorz> anyway this laptop has 1TB ssd, 700 crux 300 openbsd i load them with F11 i use the efi stub.
<zorz> ax210 is iwx... i saw it today and i tried it.
<remiliascarlet> Musl is good, but it does mean that some programs outright can't be compiled, because some soydevs decided that glibc is the only C library in the world.
<zorz> iam ax210 iwlwifi... maybe 2-3 months ago did not exist.
<remiliascarlet> Up until recently I used separate laptops for each OS, I just don't like dualbooting.
<remiliascarlet> But all my laptops are OpenBSD now.
<remiliascarlet> And yes, OpenBSD is slow, but that's the price you pay for security.
<zorz> now i need tomorow Lin to see if i can do something extra for the amdgpu and the fun that keeps running.
<remiliascarlet> "Vulnerabilities they discovered include a flaw in glibc's dynamic loader" Oh, there's a second option: learn how to statically fucking link!
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<zorz> i have an old pc runs alpine.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i was watching, in openbsd the file structure, even the ready made xinitrc huge difference.
<remiliascarlet> 2000s: "macOS has no games!" Windows users migrate to macOS. 2010s: "Linux has no games!" Windows and macOS users migrate to Linux. 2020s: "BSD has no games!"
<remiliascarlet> And I guess this argument will shift to OpenSolaris in 2030s, Minix in 2040s, HP AIX in 2050s, UnixWare in 2060s, and GNU Hurd (when it finally gets a 1.0 release) in 2070s.
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> remiliascarlet: after fixing the wifi... i installed spectrwm as a wm... quite interesting,
<zorz> i am seriously thinking to pass dwm.
<remiliascarlet> Their repo includes files for FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, and OS X, but not OpenBSD? Gay...
<zorz> which repo ?
<zorz> pkg_add spectrwm
<zorz> and in crux is in opt... handy.
<remiliascarlet> pkg_add isn't spectrwm's repo, it's OpenBSD's.
<remiliascarlet> ++ package manager.
<zorz> spectrwm is a beautiful pearl! For it, too, was created by grinding irritation. Nothing is a bigger waste of time either than moving windows around until they are the right size-ish or having just about any relevant key combination be eaten by some task one never performs. The path of agony is too long to quote, and, in classic OpenBSD fashion (put up, or hack up), a brand new window manager
<zorz> was whooped up to serve no other purpose than to obey its masters.
<zorz> i do not know. i thought it had for openbsd.
<remiliascarlet> I wouldn't be surprised if this was forked from DWM, there's thousands of DWM forks out there, because its source code is so easy to understand.
<zorz> anyway ag the_silver_searcher out of the box, fzy out of the box. vis the same with tre and lpeg ready.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: ofcourse is fork... using xcb instead of xlib and arranges the windows nicely
<zorz> i want to see only if i detach a window and make it float, if the other windows are resizing cause in dwm they not.
<zorz> if are resizing, i will go with it.
<remiliascarlet> I literally have that feature in my DWM build.
<remiliascarlet> Meta + left button drag = detach window to a floating window.
<remiliascarlet> Meta + right button drag = resize that floating window.
<zorz> let me try
<zorz> yes indeed it does it.... i used meta and mouse
<zorz> then no need.
<remiliascarlet> If in doubt, just read the config.h file.
<remiliascarlet> It'll do wonders.
<zorz> plus xlib is fater than xcb... no matter what they say about xcb asychronous etc etc.
<zorz> anyway,,, going now.
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<remiliascarlet> I wonder if it's possible to replace glibc with musl on an already existing CRUX installation without breaking the whole system altogether.
<remiliascarlet> Probably not, some distro's release separate ISO's for a reason.
<SiFuh> You will break the system
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> In Soviet Russia the system will break you
<remiliascarlet> Oh, first snow day of this winter has arrived.
<remiliascarlet> How annoying!
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I slipped over once. That was enough for me. I Walked straight into a shop and bought two steel scourers and a pair of socks. Put the socks over my boots and stuffed a scourer between the sole of the boots and the socks. Never slipped over again.
<SiFuh> Not a fan of ice
<remiliascarlet> I hate walking on ice.
<remiliascarlet> Usually snow in this area doesn't stay on the ground for long if at all, since this is a warmer area compared to the north.
<remiliascarlet> The worst part is the timing of the snow fall, because I have an appointment at the city hall today.
<SiFuh> The Kurobe-Tateyama Alpine Route, a road in Tateyama, Toyama Prefecture, is famous for its walls of snow up to 20 meters high from April to June.
<SiFuh> Damn
<SiFuh> Imagine it being like that on the way to the city hall
<SiFuh> She tells me that her father has a pile of keys he wants to throw out and if I want them. I said I will take them because I can recycle them with the aluminium and tins.
<SiFuh> I start looking through the keys for warded keys because I always keep those and I find a tag on one that says 43 and it is our address written on it in Chinese.
<SiFuh> So I start checking the keys and find out the keys he wants to throw out are the front door, front security grill, front sliding door and front sliding security grill.
<SiFuh> What the heck?
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<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> Burboun
<zorz> :)
<zorz> SiFuh: iwx fix my wifi in openbsd.
<SiFuh> You didn't have the firmware????????
<SiFuh> you can run fw_update now that you have internet
<zorz> the point is, that on initiall install did not have driver to connect to the internet. so i used an old usb wifi. then openbsd installed iwm. ax210 does not work with iwm... yesterday i installed fw_update iwx and got connected. ok took me sometime to realize i have to make /etc/hostname.iwx0
<zorz> now then i did something like pcidump or pci list, and something in amdpgpu is not working ... i will boot later with openbsd and come back.
<SiFuh> Bahahahaha
<SiFuh> /etc/hostname.iwx0.inactive /etc/hostname.re0 /etc/hostname.rge0 /etc/hostname.trunk0
<zorz> you fuck and you do not talk.
<SiFuh> Which one are you using nwid or join?
<zorz> nwid
<SiFuh> You only plan to connect to one Wi-Fi?
<zorz> right now yes... maybe later another one.
<zorz> iwx works good and fast.
<SiFuh> Well if you replace nwid with join then you can add mutliple Wi-Fi networks
<SiFuh> zorz: It'll drop and you will see errors in dmesg :-P
<zorz> thank you
<zorz> i was happy when i got connected with iwx that i even dmesg mail HAHAHAHA
<SiFuh> Heh
<zorz> SiFuh: let me close everything and come back with openbsd to see the gpu. i also read something about hw.=1 or atime
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<remiliascarlet> Fuck, it got worse than I thought!
<remiliascarlet> It went from just a bit of snow to a full blown snowstorm!
<SiFuh> Sucks to be you
<remiliascarlet> It was annoying, but fun.
<SiFuh> Heh, this is the most useful thing ever.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Also, turns out the Tailor Swift nudes were generated using Microsoft's "Designer" AI tool, the same company who 10 years ago launched an AI chatbot on Twitter, and were forced to shut it down within a day after Twitter users turned that AI into a "racist neonazi".
<SiFuh> It was originally a meatball spoon. I cut the handle off to use it for opening beer bottles and cans. I doubt there isn't a week that goes by where I find a use for it.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am aware
<SiFuh> The bots name is Tay
<remiliascarlet> It once again comes to show how "talented" Microsoft programmers are.
<SiFuh> They shut it down because they couldn't control it
<remiliascarlet> They took 10 years, and still can't do AI right.
<SiFuh> They manipulate human thinking all the time. Then build a stupid robot and they tried to force that robot to be manipulated and repeat propaganda
<SiFuh> AI doesn't exist
<remiliascarlet> The word "AI" is a buzzword.
<remiliascarlet> All it is is a bullshit generator.
<SiFuh> Just like systematic and systemic
<SiFuh> It's a plagiarizer
<SiFuh> I was listening to a talk show the other day and they said the first ChatGPT has an IQ of 105 and version 4 has an IQ of 153.
<remiliascarlet> Buzzwords are there for the "trendy" retards to waste lots of money on.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh:
<SiFuh> 153 isn't very high
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: No man, that's way too high on both.
<SiFuh> Now they reckon 5 will be 1,000 plus IQ
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am 164
<SiFuh> My flat-head brother is 164 as well. Hahah
<remiliascarlet> At least you couldn't get to the senate a 180 years ago.
<SiFuh> Actually if I remember correctly the highest IQ president was Bill Clinton and he was 173 I think
<remiliascarlet> The company I work for has a GPT4 account we all can make use of at the cost of the employer, because he's the type of guy who gets from buzzword to buzzword.
<remiliascarlet> ChatGPT might have been IQ 120 back in March 2023, but I really noticed it getting dumber and dumber over time.
<SiFuh> I think it has an IQ of zero
<SiFuh> How do you test the IQ of a piece of software that uses the internet to search for answers?
<remiliascarlet> Just tell it anything negative about LGBT, and see it trying to condemn and shame you.
<remiliascarlet> So yes, IQ is 0.
<SiFuh> I reckon I could break it ;-)
<remiliascarlet> At one point, GPT-4 even became more useless than GPT-3.5, because GPT-4 would outright refuse to give you answers on specific questions, whereas GPT-3.5 is much more obedient.
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<remiliascarlet> A friend of mine once said, maybe we should make use of the SJW's on the left to make them "offended" so much that they will call for regulations, and let them regulate it out of relevance.
<remiliascarlet> They'll just find a new fad after the whole AI fad is done though.
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<zorz_> any ideas?
<remiliascarlet> Cool story bro.
<SiFuh> zorz: You mean adding the line hw.smt=1 to /etc/sysctl.conf so that you are using all the cores?
<zorz_> yes this line
<SiFuh> 6:0:0: ATI Cezanne <-- Your GPU
<zorz_> also check the paste please of pcidumb
<zorz_> this laptop has 2 intergrated and the rx 6700m
<zorz_> the power button keeps being orange, and the right fun works no stop. usually the color of the button is white.
<remiliascarlet> Mozilla: "Thunderbird got a redesign to make it look nicer." Me: *vomit*
<remiliascarlet> Good thing I'm using Neomutt.
<SiFuh> pcidumb? fun?
<SiFuh> zorz_: on Linux my powerbutton is orange
<zorz_> amd fch ahc i do not have
<SiFuh> zorz_: It's a different machine
<SiFuh> But they are pretty similar
<SiFuh> The other machine is doing mining right now so I haven't botted it into OpenBSD
<zorz_> meybe if i remove, the amdgpu and install it again will be different.
<SiFuh> booted*
<zorz_> man, like this you have a point.. you get to know openbsd. no need to look further. especially someone like me only python no games
<zorz_> now if i add this line in hw.smt=1 is ok ?
<SiFuh> I think OpenBSD is the easiest distro
<SiFuh> or OS
<zorz_> i like the pkg_info
<zorz_> but i like the option of installing vim, that asks you what do you want. in crux for example python interpretter is disabled. you have to build your own. but vim is in core.
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<SiFuh> VI should be in core and not VIM
<zorz_> yes
<zorz_> SiFuh: i forgot to tell you as i dailly run apt update in the server debian, 3 or 4 days before i updated the glibc did not know about the cve you talked yesterday. this guys are fast.
<SiFuh> amdgpu.conf and serverflags.conf are identical
<SiFuh> fw_update: add none; update intel; keep amd,amdgpu,athn,bwfm,bwi,inteldrm,ipw,iwi,iwm,iwn,iwx,malo,mtw,ogx,otus,pgt,radeondrm,uath,upgt,uvideo,vmm,wpi
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<zorz_> i do not understand
<zorz_> wait
<zorz_> fw_update: add none; update none; keep amd,amdgpu,iwx,uvideo,vmm
<zorz_> what to add ? HAHAHAHA
<zorz_> RADEONDRM ?
<SiFuh> I haven't updated in 32 days
<SiFuh> So it updated the intel driver
<SiFuh> lots of syspatches
<zorz_> yes yesterday i did when i got connected to iwx
<zorz_> irsii has better res than weechat. basically the X feels better in openbsd even xterm.
<SiFuh> When I did syspatch it said it can't install to sd1f because no disk space. So I moved all the /usr/X11R6/bin/ files to another location. Ran sysptach, then moved them all back. However 4 files were not moved back because syspatch changed them
<SiFuh> Xephyr Xnest Xorg Xvfb
<zorz_> SiFuh: do i need radeon drm ?
<SiFuh> radeondrm-firmware-20230919[3~
<zorz_> basically is a way to reinstalll everything in fw_update ?
<SiFuh> Let me check something
<SiFuh> radeondrm-firmware-20230919
<SiFuh> Not sure if you need it. But usually OpenBSD detects what you need and installs it.
<zorz_> you have it and i do not.
<SiFuh> For the laptop, I installed every firmware because I might connect a device that needs it
<zorz_> maybe like this the fun will stop.
<SiFuh> Download it and pkg_add it
<zorz_> # Allow wheel by default
<zorz_> permit persist :wheel
<zorz_> persist very important.
<zorz_> :)
<SiFuh> What is that?
<zorz_> now everytime i use doas i do not have to type the pswd.
<zorz_> only the first.
<zorz_> doas will be busy for a couple of hours.
<SiFuh> You gave your user full access to everything?
<SiFuh> Mine looks more like this
<SiFuh> But I have persist on the top line that I didn't paste but I have it set up so only certain commands can be run. If I want to run any other command I need to be root.
<SiFuh> And they can only be run from the exact location. So I can run /usr/sbin/rcctl but I can't run rcctl
<zorz_> only wheel access
<zorz_> gbox$ doas vise /etc/wsconsctl.conf
<zorz_> gbox$
<zorz_> very important :)
<SiFuh> display.vblank=off
<SiFuh> display.brightness=20
<SiFuh> zorz_: Anything else you need before I go back to mining?
<zorz_> wait
<zorz_> SiFuh: thank you, it is good for now.
<SiFuh> You got a GUI yet?
<zorz_> yes i try spectrwm
<zorz_> with startx.
<zorz_> so far statically linked build lpeg only debian and openbsd i found. and the one i build in crux.
<zorz_> i need it for vis, did not know in openbsd has vis and vis is vise :)
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<zorz_> SiFuh: [drm] *ERROR* visible_vram_size 27f000000 or aper_base_kaddr 0x0 is not initialized.
<zorz_> [drm] *ERROR* Failed to process memory training!
<zorz_> [drm] *ERROR* sw_init of IP block <psp> failed -22
<zorz_> drm:pid0:amdgpu_device_init *ERROR* amdgpu_device_ip_init failed
<zorz_> drm:pid0:amdgpu_attachhook *ERROR* Fatal error during GPU init
<SiFuh> Spammer
<SiFuh> Ignore it.
<SiFuh> Been like that since 6.9 :-P
<zorz_> HAHAHA I CANNOT upload txt from firefox, i have no access to drive hahaha
<zorz_> the man is working well.. if i save the id_rsa file from crux to usb... and ported in openbsd. the connections will work with ssh ?
<SiFuh> The key file is for a specific machine
<SiFuh> So you can transfer the to whatever machine you want for your passwordless login
<SiFuh> As long as CRUX and OpenBSD had the same ID, it might work. Only one way to find out.
<SiFuh> ID/IP*
<zorz_> ok
<SiFuh> No idea if you can do that to be honest.
<SiFuh> Wouldn't be surprised if it works though.
<zorz_> i give it a try tom... today i need to clean install all drivers,, in case gets better
<zorz_> SiFuh: again to load had to change the dns server in firefox to nextdns. probably is a security feature of the site.
<SiFuh> zorz_: No idea, I use unwind here in OpenBSD
<SiFuh> cat /etc/rc.conf.local |grep unwind
<SiFuh> unwind_flags=
<SiFuh> cat /etc/resolv.conf
<SiFuh> nameserver # resolvd: unwind
<zorz_> nameserver # resolvd: iwx0
<zorz_> lookup file bind
<SiFuh> Why are you using bind? (named)
<zorz_> i do not know... openbsd.
<zorz_> man i am telling you i just installed it.
<zorz_> 4 months ago, but never used it till yesterday.
<zorz_> rcctl enable unwind
<SiFuh> You need to get rid of bind first
<SiFuh> You stop named and then you can run unwind
<zorz_> how to get rid of bind ?
<zorz_> i see what you do... you want me not to use openbsd :Pp
<zorz_> doas rcctl disable unwind
<SiFuh> named is bind
<SiFuh> doas rcctl stop named
<SiFuh> doas rcctl disable named
<SiFuh> doas rcctl enable unwind
<SiFuh> doas rcctl start unwind
<zorz_> no named
<zorz_> doas rcctl ls on
<zorz_> u see fuckin clever command... and in linux they play with systemd... its like having a second os.
<zorz_> what you run linux. no you do not run linux you run systemd and ontop linux.
<zorz_> maybe doas rcctl stop resolvd | disable resolvd and then unwind.
<SiFuh> Since named is not running
<SiFuh> Then you can skip the named steps
<SiFuh> resolvd <-- You shouldn't need to touch it
<zorz_> how can i see the hw.sensors temp ?
<SiFuh> Huh?
<zorz_> live it as it is, is ok for now. it works.
<zorz_> how can i see the temperature?
<SiFuh> Ohhhh systat is an awesome collection of tools
<SiFuh> You can use left and right arrows to change pages
<zorz_> btw firefox works the same maybe a bit faster.
<SiFuh> run systat and press the right arrow 4 times
<SiFuh> sysctl |grep hw.sensors
<SiFuh> Will show you the same results but not live like systat will
<zorz_> systat is nice.
<zorz_> i do not see temperature
<SiFuh> Hit your arrow keys right
<zorz_> 58c 56c why the fun is working ?
<zorz_> SiFuh: no urlview in this one,,, do not paste to many :PPp
<zorz_> acpitz0 57 | ksmn0 54.88
<SiFuh> Fun?
<SiFuh> What is Fun?
<zorz_> fan
<SiFuh> My fan is only spinning when hot
<zorz_> my fan works non stop
<zorz_> he is a hard worker :)
<SiFuh> Maybe we set up APMD settings for you later
<zorz_> this is what i am reading now
<SiFuh> Without even reading it, they will probably ask you to adjust CPU speed to automatic
<zorz_> i have no idea.
<zorz_> Reconfigure limits for your user in /etc/login.conf to higher values
<zorz_> Enable apmd (power management) and set to auto or max performance
<zorz_> so rcctl enable apmd rcctl start apmd ?
<zorz_> Make sure you have direct rendering enabled like this for example: glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" this is working
<SiFuh> softdep will increase your speed, but you will need to wait until everything is synced before you shutdown
<SiFuh> man apmd
<zorz_> haha
<zorz_> ytfzf
<SiFuh> staff:\ :datasize-cur=8192M:\ :datasize-max=infinity:\ :maxproc-max=4096:\ :maxproc-cur=2048:\ :openfiles-max=infinity:\ :openfiles-cur=8192:\ :stacksize-cur=64M:\ :ignorenologin:\ :requirehome@:\ :tc=default:
<zorz_> for people using youtube
<SiFuh> Mine in login.conf
<zorz_> wait
<SiFuh> Each \ = a new line
<SiFuh> My /tmp is in RAM
<SiFuh> This is the fstab entry
<SiFuh> swap /tmp mfs rw,nodev,nosuid,-s=4095m 0 0
<zorz_> i need to add my user to staff group, and change this.
<zorz_> i will change the default
<SiFuh> chsh
<zorz_> its the sell ?
<SiFuh> You should already be in the staff group anyway
<zorz_> let me see the /etc/group
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> doas chsh <username>
<SiFuh> Go to the line Class:
<SiFuh> It should say staff
<zorz_> i am not... only wheel
<SiFuh> zorz_: Dude! It is not /etc/group!!!!! It is doas chsh <username>
<zorz_> usermod -G staff xyz
<SiFuh> NO
<zorz_> ok
<SiFuh> doas chsh <username>
<SiFuh> Login classes have absolutely jack shit nothing at all to do with groups
<zorz_> Expire [month day year]:
<zorz_> Class:
<zorz_> Home directory: /home/xyz
<zorz_> Shell: /bin/ksh
<SiFuh> Okay change 'Class:' line to 'Class: staff'
<SiFuh> Now for your 'Class' to take effect you need to log out and log in again. ALSO, if you modify /etc/login.conf then you need to log out and log in again for the changes to take effect for all users that the class affects
<SiFuh> cat /etc/group |grep sifuh
<SiFuh> wheel:*:0:root,sifuh
<SiFuh> You don't really need to add yourself to other groups usually.
<zorz_> chsh: illegal character in the "class" field
<zorz_> re-edit the password file? [y]:
<zorz_> what a fuck
<SiFuh> What characters did you add?
<zorz_> staff
<SiFuh> Did you use a space? after Class: ?
<zorz_> yes
<SiFuh> Are you using English characters?
<zorz_> gbox$ vis .Xsession
<zorz_> export LANG=en_US.UTF.8
<zorz_> xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
<zorz_> export ENV=$HOME/.kshrc
<zorz_> xsetroot -solid dimgray
<zorz_> xidle &
<zorz_> xset b off
<zorz_> exec spectrwm
<SiFuh> how about using vipw instead
<zorz_> no no i fix it.... it was xterm ctrl shift + that i increase font size
<zorz_> i did it with default fontsize.
<zorz_> let me change the login.conf.
<zorz_> /etc/login.conf i do not have this lines under section staff :openfiles-max=infinity:\ :openfiles-cur=8192:\ :stacksize-cur=64M:\
<SiFuh> For fuck sake
<zorz_> shall i add them ??
<SiFuh> Do that
<SiFuh> Oh wait, how much RAM do you have?>
<zorz_> 16
<SiFuh> Ah okay, should be good then to do the insane amount as I have chosen
<SiFuh> This is for a machine with 64GB of RAM but I think my 16GB is the same
<zorz_> ok
<SiFuh> So if you don't mind your datasize being 8GB which is 1/2 of your RAM :-P
<zorz_> i do not care :)
<SiFuh> I do video editing so I have everything set to super high
<zorz_> what you edit porn ? :P
<zorz_> this msi delta has amazing keyboard.
<SiFuh> Comes in handy when you use GIMP as well and working on huge size engineering plans
<SiFuh> Mine rarely gets used
<SiFuh> And the MSI it is plastic wrapped inside. So it is a pain to get to parts when you open it up
<zorz_> now it is time to reboot
<zorz_> correct ?
<SiFuh> Why reboot?
<zorz_> why not
<zorz_> brb
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<zorz_> SiFuh: yes it is fast
<SiFuh> You only need to ever reboot OpenBSD when you upgrade, or modify the kernel.
<zorz_> i need to see the apmd
<zorz_> SiFuh: messagebus is the dbus ?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> Hmm, maybe. /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system
<zorz_> ok anyway so far no need for dbus, openbsd i can open multiple instances of firefox. in linux only with dbus
<SiFuh> zorz_: Yep apparently it is
<SiFuh> I don't launch either in rcctl
<zorz_> in linux i start my wm with dbus-run-session dwm but in openbsd exec is fine.
<SiFuh> I have only ever used export `dbus-launch` in ~/.xsession
<zorz_> man the thing is good... only to fix the fun
<SiFuh> fun?
<zorz_> fan :P
<SiFuh> Ass
<SiFuh> Well the laptop has apmd running for OpenBSD but I am already back in CRUX doing mining
<zorz_> its ok...
<SiFuh> rcctl enable apmd
<SiFuh> rcctl set apmd flags -A
<SiFuh> rcctl start apmd
<zorz_> i have to go back and check the server of the site. you know that today i did a microsoft account for the first time.
<SiFuh> But I remember using it on the laptop
<zorz_> apmd(ok)
<SiFuh> But don't follow everything he says. It is outdated
<SiFuh> His /etc/sysctl.conf is a bit weird. You don't need to go to that extreme. I didn't do any of that because you don't notice any difference
<SiFuh> You won't find nearly as many online resources about setting up OpenBSD, because honestly, you really don't need any. Unlike much of Linux and FreeBSD, the included manuals are high quality, coherent, and filled with practical examples. You also need very little third party software to do basic tasks—almost everything you need is well-integrated into the base system.
<SiFuh> Yep 100% correct
<SiFuh> zorz_: You might like tray-app if you are running a WM instead of a DE.
<SiFuh> small utilities for X11 system tray: eject, battery, mixer
<zorz_> i will check it.
<zorz_> let me run, browserbench
<SiFuh> Do you use conky?
<zorz_> i forgot this.
<zorz_> no
<zorz_> never used conky
<SiFuh> Good, easy then :-P
<SiFuh> We have conky and gkrellm on OpenBSD but conky is a bit funky so I made a gkrellm instead that looks just like the Conky I use on Linux :-P
<zorz_> i only used slstatus for dwm... which for me is ok
<SiFuh> Second Life Status?
<zorz_> hahaha
<zorz_> do u remember when i asked you about the kernel sbin mod
<zorz_> i wanted a file?
<zorz_> it was for the sound of slstatus.
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<SiFuh> Hmm did I not say that the sysctl.conf stuff is like unnoticeable?
<zorz_> ?
<SiFuh> [22 36 01] [SiFuh> His /etc/sysctl.conf is a bit weird. You don't need to go to that
<SiFuh> zorz_: You don't really read do you?
<zorz_> i was not in
<zorz_> i read it
<SiFuh> Yes you were
<zorz_> anyway my problem now is the fun... only the bloody fun
<zorz_> fan
<zorz_> haha
<SiFuh> AEIOU dude
<SiFuh> Learn them
<zorz_> oygk!
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: So Mr and Mrs Smith. Is now an Asian woman and a black skinned American man.
<SiFuh> Wonder why no trannies
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, you still up?
<SiFuh> lavaball: I doubt he is
<lavaball> i'm watching mononoke!
<lavaball> i need the japanese now!
<lavaball> did he leave it lying around here somewhere?
<SiFuh> Looks interesting
<lavaball> YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT?!
<lavaball> do you ahve the brain worms?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<lavaball> except for th first one with the huge rabbit, all this guys projects are the bomb, i tell you.
<lavaball> THE BOMB!
<SiFuh> I didn't even plan on watching it
<lavaball> i'll kill you!
<SiFuh> You won't succeed
<lavaball> don't be so sure about it.
<SiFuh> I am pretty damned sure you have no chance
<SiFuh> I am downloading it now to be safe :-P
<lavaball> hahaha
<lavaball> that was first cool thing you said.
<lavaball> maybe there is hope for you yet.
<lavaball> well, if you leave out the smiley faces.
<SiFuh> I didn't smile
<lavaball> then i don't understnad your regex.
<SiFuh> That's a tongue like a rasberry like "nuh nuh nuh nuh nuuuuh, you can't get me"
<lavaball> so i was right. it's a mental handicap indicator.
<lavaball> i hated them in the 90s. i hate their yellow evolution now.
<lavaball> use your words.
<SiFuh> No it is a tourment
<lavaball> torment or tournament?
<SiFuh> taunt
<lavaball> don't overplay your hand.
<lavaball> also why is mpv all crashy now?
<SiFuh> Cause you use Linux?
<lavaball> are you fucking gay?!
<SiFuh> Now that is a mental handicap indicator. Palilalia
<SiFuh> That;s your go to card right?
<lavaball> hahaha
<lavaball> not bad!
<SiFuh> You over played your hand
<lavaball> no, but you are yet again.
<lavaball> careful!
<lavaball> anyway, yeah, i went back to the good old days when everything was gay.
<SiFuh> How to over-play a hand when you have no cards, nor need them?
<SiFuh> I remember those days
<SiFuh> Pretty much every word in a song could be replaced with gay and *ay
<lavaball> you aren't so old that you can't think in hypotheticals.
<lavaball> so please don't pretend.
<SiFuh> Am I not older than you?
<lavaball> i think you might be. but you would have to have 10 years on me at least.
<lavaball> i doubt you have reached 50.
<SiFuh> I have not
<lavaball> in fact, i think you arent much older than me.
<lavaball> though you do have a wife going.
<lavaball> i mean she's asian, so i live, but still.
<lavaball> good for you.
<SiFuh> I need 4 years to make it to the 50's
<SiFuh> Actually she is older than me so she is really going
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<lavaball> haha.
<lavaball> what's going on?! you are on fire today.
<lavaball> anyway, you are 15% older than me.
<SiFuh> 268 days older if I remember correctly which is nothing but I tease her
<lavaball> and i'm 13.04% younger than you.
<SiFuh> Lucky me and unlucky you
<lavaball> why?
<lavaball> the wife or the age?
<SiFuh> 15 is not 13
<lavaball> you know how percentages work, right?
<SiFuh> Yes
<lavaball> sometimes you make me wonder.
<SiFuh> You know how stupidstition works right?
<SiFuh> Mononoke downloaded
<lavaball> nice.
<SiFuh> Percentages are actually very important in my work. I need to know the percentage of distilled water to add to ethanol to reduce the ethanol to 40%.
<SiFuh> It gets a bit funky when you realise the molecular structure of Ethanol is larger than Distilled water.
<SiFuh> Hmm
<SiFuh> Actually one that comes up the most is molecular weight
<SiFuh> So if I mix 100ml of Vodka at 100% or 20 proof with 100ml of distilled water I don't get 100ml of alcohol at 50% (100 proof)
<lavaball> great,
<lavaball> mpv is fucked.
<SiFuh> 20 proof/200 proof
<SiFuh> I get around 192ml instead
<lavaball> i tell you. next stable release.
<SiFuh> I don't use CRUX so I don't know what you are doing
<lavaball> no more snapshots.
<lavaball> no more current.
<SiFuh> OpenBSD?
<lavaball> yes?\
<lavaball> what do you think?
<SiFuh> You said snapshots and current
<lavaball> so?
<SiFuh> You running 7.4?
<lavaball> yes?
<SiFuh> You okg_add -u, fw_update and syspatched?
<SiFuh> okg_add/pkg_add*
<lavaball> i'm on current. what do you think?
<lavaball> and it's pkg_add -uDsnap on current.
<lavaball> ...
<SiFuh> Silly to be honest
<SiFuh> Why did you jump to snaps?
<lavaball> also current doesn't have syspatch.
<lavaball> it had newer shit.
<SiFuh> And that is the reason?
<lavaball> yes?
<lavaball> why else would you?
<SiFuh> Strange
<SiFuh> I will only update to snapshots if something I use suddenly stopped working with a pkg_add -u or a feature I need is missing
<SiFuh> You are best to stay with current although sometimes that has it's own problems. As in 'something I use suddenly stopped working'
<SiFuh> On the good side of the isle. Snapshots move faster so you maybe wait a day or a week or a month or two
<SiFuh> On the bad side, more things break because of everything is being constantly tweaked
<SiFuh> You are probably better off returning to current
<lavaball> what?
<SiFuh> I used snapshots for 7.2 and 7.3 because I needed something that current didn't have. A few things were broken, but they were not as important as MPV. So I held out
<lavaball> snapshot is current.
<lavaball> you mean stable.
<SiFuh> Hmm, is it?
<SiFuh> Probably
<SiFuh> Active OpenBSD development is known as the -current branch. These sources are frequently compiled into releases known as snapshots.
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Hah
<SiFuh> Current = snapshots. Reminds me of going to Toyota and then a Mechanic
<SiFuh> Leading arm? You mena Radius Arm? No it is a Control Arm. No it is a drive arm. Shut up haha
<SiFuh> Yes, go back to stable if you can
<SiFuh> You maybe can download the src.tar.gz and compile the old mpv to fit with your system but you may need to recompile a few other things
<SiFuh> MPV might not be the broken party. I may be ffmpeg or something else
<lavaball> says corrupt file detected.
<lavaball> but i have the same issue with a differnt file.
<SiFuh> What file is corrupt?
<SiFuh> The extension that is
<lavaball> mkv.
<SiFuh> I would look into the backends
<SiFuh> If you do modify the backends, you will need to recompile MPV
<lavaball> i'll just wait until tomorrow.then there's new snap shot.
<SiFuh> Hope it works
<SiFuh> But I have had issues that never got fixed in any snapshots but only worked in the 'stable'
<SiFuh> Weird but that was the way it went
<lavaball> thing is, if i start the file at that exact spot it works agian for a few minutes.
<SiFuh> You adjust login.conf?
<lavaball> no.
<lavaball> that is hogwash anyway. i saw the posts about it. didn't make sense.
<lavaball> also why would it be an issue now if it worked till i did sysupgrade.
<SiFuh> Posts?
<lavaball> just calm your tits.
<lavaball> next snapshot will fix it.
<SiFuh> I have tits?
<lavaball> do you want me to pull out the anatomy sheet again?
<SiFuh> You an LGBT some shit twat?
<lavaball> no no, i just had an extensive education.
<lavaball> why do you think you have nipples?
<SiFuh> Nipples are not tits
<lavaball> someone's good fucking lord.
<SiFuh> Guess your extensive education was cut short
<lavaball> also i don't know how fat you are, so maybe yuo have actual tits even.
<SiFuh> Haha
<SiFuh> Right, sleep! Back later
<lavaball> laters.
<SiFuh> You know what would be really cool?
<SiFuh> Keyboard lights that turn red when you type in the incorrect password
<SiFuh> Green if correct
<lavaball> i don't think that's hard.
<lavaball> the lights are usually in the open source stuff included.
<lavaball> get slock and change the code from screen to keyboard basically.
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