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i can't afford to go to university
time-wise or money-wise
i've already attended a college though
completely useless
i can teach myself what i need to know faster than if i were to attend a school
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"I know how to do this" vs "here's a high-level certificate of how I can do this"
I agree that school sucks but we are in a world of capitalism and lies
vova here has a diploma thing bachlor and because of it, a high paying job afaik
no scholarships though?
"high paying" you mean 1900€ after taxes ?
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for a full stack + devops job
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vova_ that's four times what i make
if not more
so yes
high paying
Where do you live midfavila
new brunswick, canada
Man you're paid like a slave wtf
yeah uh
welcome to minimum wage labor
my god
where you're a slave in every sense except legal
And you can live with this low amount of money ?
we've gone from chattel to prison to indentured to wage
yes, i can
i've lived on significantly less
this job makes me twice as much as my previous job
but my previous job had me literally scraping food off of plates because i had so little time and money
so, you know
I thought canada was like minimum 30k/year easily
lmao no
for the longest time i lived on 12k
many people in my city live on much less
good luck bro
this job pays like 24k a year, in theory
in practice it pays much less because you get zero benefits
not even sick days
i was told if i call in sick again while i'm on probation i'm getting fired on the spot
there was a strep outbreak a while back that spread to everyone in the store and i was out for like two days
and of course because NB's medical system collapsed years ago you have to pay for everything out of pocket
oh and of course like 50-60% of what i make goes to my landlord
and groceries are like 500 a month
hard life
fuck man
good luck
sounds horrible ngl
well, i was homeless for most of my teenage years, so
still a step up
* midfavila
I guess
i still have to sleep with a knife though because my city is a shithole
truly fitting for the capitol of my province
i'm hoping to qualify for a line of credit soon so i can finance a move
but yeah the whole wage labor == slavery thing is a trend that's been noted since ancient times
i have a friend in europe who always goes on about how i need to find a high-paying salaried position because muhmuhmuh and i'm like... dude what's a salary
you get *paid* even if you don't show up? wild
it's always surreal when i see the way programmers and etc get treated and then they turn around and bitch about how they're "underpaid"
like no
your job is overpaid and overrated
and isn't worth anything more than any other skilled trade unless you're doing some crazy shit
because that's literally all programming is: a modern skilled trade
you don't need a university degree or even a college diploma to be a competent programmer. you can apprentice and get all the skills you need. people in tech are just credentialist as fuck
you want underpaid, go be a manual labourer for a day
literal back-breaking work and you get barely enough to eat and sleep
and the former is questionable considering you won't have enough time to cook so you'll have to rely on other, equally poorly-paid people to cook for you
thereby playing into the whole ultraprocessed food industry thing
which destroys your health
in turn destroying your ability to work
you just get ground down at every possible opportunity
Yeah, I mean dev jobs compared to manual labor jobs are way less harder physically, but, the mental impact is not easy too, when you're dev you have so many deadlines, so much pression for anything, because the boss thing it's vital to make a logo bounce, to send an email everyday to X or Y clients cause we need to keep them etc. I did both, I worked in factories when I was a student it was damn
hard the first weeks on the body, but the mental charge was low, you can go there and be a zombie just doing the job without thinking about anything it's damn long I know but when you don't have choice... Dev jobs aren't easy tho, trust me, do a full month being a full time dev, you'll see how the mental charge is damn real. But honestly I understand you, but I'm quite shocked to hear how canada
is a shit hole tbh, here in France canada is viewed as the paradise, like the worst you can get ? 35k$/year but don't worry the year after you'll be at 50k, and the year after 70k...
i get that the mental strain of a corporate office isn't exactly nil but like
the mental strain of being poor is entirely incomparable
you can't *sleep*, you can't *think*, you can't do *anything*
any second spent on something that doesn't provide a direct, immediate, guaranteed return induces crushing existential anxiety
you have to constantly sprint at full speed just to stay in place
it's the difference between self-actualization and eating, on the hierarchy of needs
i would *kill* for a factory job here
those tend to have benefits and pay better
as opposed to retail, which is viewed as "easy"
because "all you have to do is sit there and scan the code"
except no, i have to stand for eight hours straight, sometimes up to sixteen, even twenty, and get screamed at by hundreds of people every day all day for things i have no control over
i would much rather the mental strain of "oh no deadlines" than the mental strain of being constantly insulted and belittled and threatened, and the physical pain of my feet literally splitting apart after every shift
's all i'm saying
and i mean, canada is good if you have money
like everywhere else in NA
but good luck
i have a diploma with honors and a letter of recommendation from a PhD and CEO with 30 years of experience under his belt and i can't even get a pre-interview
shit i can't even get a letter of rejection
over 400 applications, nothing
because, sure, you need a fucking bachelor's in CS to write javascript or python or C or whatever
* midfavila
of course, "just get certs", but that's hundreds if not thousands of dollars per cert
not to mention travel costs because the closest test center for Pearson is in Toronto, which is halfway across the country
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stand up for sixteen hours straight ?
wtf man
wtf is canada lol
in France it's max 2 hours then you MUST have a 15min break
you get a thirty minute optional break after five hours of consecutive labor but it's unpaid
so nobody actually takes them
Yeah in those condition I can't understand you, man even 5 hours straight must be painful AF
considering i don't even get like, a cushion or anything
just hard tile
fuck canada
like most people here want to move to europe lmao
canada is a shithole
almost america-tier
Europe's work conditions are wayyyyyyyy better but good luck for finding a job lol
there are immigrants moving to canada and then immediately leaving for europe
good luck finding a job here too
even minimum wage jobs are impossible now
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the average person around my age works two or more jobs
three, sometimes four, plus usually something on the side
because you can't even get consistent full-time hours at one job
so you need like four or five casual positions but none of those provide consistent hours
so your sleep is also constantly getting fucked with
it's a huge issue in the upcoming elections
canadian politics is wild right now
the conservatives are coming out swinging for the first time in like
...well, the first time since i've been born
trudeau has absolutely demolished the economy
and the housing market
like food right now is experiencing 9% inflation per month on top of the inflation for CAD which is like 3%
and that's projected to continue last i checked
the NDP is useless too. they're part of a coalition with the liberals to prop up their minority government if the liberals pass bills in support of their platform
which would be a huge relief
considering that would put pharma under medicare
as well as dental, optical, and more
but so far we've only gotten a limited form of social dental
government will pay to rip your teeth out but not prevent them from needing to be ripped out
i could go on for hours
good luck anyway
that's not a life
nope lmao
but vova_ you have to workworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkwork and respect the INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS!!!! of your employer
or else you're a bad no good lazy horrible stupid awful communist
and honestly you should just die
shit that reminds me i have to write the teamsters again
i'm close to getting my workplace unionized, but i don't know if i can proceed because i might face retaliation