phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unnofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
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<midfavila> update, everyone at the store threatened to quit on the spot if i were to be terminated
<midfavila> corporate's decided to back off
<midfavila> management threatened corporate too :DDD
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<sad_plan> hi
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<sad_plan> midfavila: sometimes I feel like you guys live in a completely separate world than me. this stuff wouldve never happened where I live. in any case, its good to see that people got your back at the very least
<sad_plan> s/separate/different/
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<sewn> hi
<sad_plan> hi sewn
<sewn> hi sad_plan
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<sewn> i wonder if theres anything new in kiss community
<sewn> seems to me its just updating updating updating package package package
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<sad_plan> sewn: not really. there are prs and issues, but things are moving rather slowly..
<sewn> everyone with their stupid jobs smh
<sad_plan> welcome to adult life
<sad_plan> the life where everyones busy
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<sewn> i dont wanna be an adult
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<sad_plan> growing up is inevetable, but growing old, is a choice
<sad_plan> ffs.. does webkit browsers not support opening local html files? I coulve sworn it does... unless its my configuration which breaks it
<sewn> sad_plan: what other cat asciis did you consider
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<sad_plan> wym sewn? I only had one cat
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<sewn> bye sad_plan
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<raph_ael> sewn: indeed being an adult sucks
<raph_ael> i envy my little daughter
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<sewn> wow you have a daughter
<sewn> you must be a grandpa
<raph_ael> i'm old indeed :)
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<raph_ael> even for a father of a young girl
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<sewn> hows it like being a father
<raph_ael> mixed feelings, great and hard
<raph_ael> specially when being single
<sewn> what happened?
<sewn> sorry if im getting personal
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<ehawkvu> illiliti: entr 5.4 patch ~
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