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<sad_plan> sewn: im here. silently watching, and judging all of you
<sad_plan> anyhow, im ususually only on irc when im on my laptop while at work. dont have too much time for it at home
<sewn> so any one of us could be yet another sad_plan
<sewn> did you see my question about mids site ? I want to see it again
<sad_plan> no, its only one sad_plan
<sad_plan> yes, I can give you the link. just a sec
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<sewn> I wanna have a https website like him
<sewn> sad_plan: do you have a website perhaps?
<sewn> maybe you do, but its associated with the physical identity of yours
<sad_plan> why dont you build one? I know you had one. dunno if you still have the server or not
<sad_plan> I actually dont have a website. ive contemplated creating one countless times, but I have no clue what I would put on it what so ever
<sad_plan> I also dont really know much html or css. however creating a website would for sure give me a reason for learning it
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<sewn> sad_plan: I mean I do have a website under codeberg but its as useless as you would expect
<sewn> i just wanna style it to look somewhat nice and maybe showcase some neat projects
<sewn> not knowing CSS or HTML is an advantage, you can design stupid simple websites
<sad_plan> right. sure. showcasing cool projects is nice. I was thinking maybe I could put together a blog, and write about stuff that interest me, but fuck man, I dont even know who would even like to write my off the charts opinions on stuff
<sad_plan> or, showcase some cool thing I found, or w/e really. things like kiss, oasis, rc w/e. I dunno
<sad_plan> I dont really feel like having to pay for a server, manage keys and all that jazz either actually
<rfaa> could always do a static page on github/whatever :)
<sad_plan> yeah, I was thinking I would use github, seeing as im already there, so it would be convinient
<sad_plan> wait, is it really this simple? no hosting, nothing? wth
<rfaa> pretty much yeah
<sad_plan> ill be damned
<sad_plan> do you have a website rfaa?
<rfaa> nah but i'm in the same boat, have had a domain for many years but haven't had the energy to actually do something with it
<sad_plan> I see. creating a decent website can take some effort. unless you create a stupid simple one, as sewn said
<sad_plan> seeing as I can create one for free, Im considering it. dont have to deal with all that bs with servers, keys and everything
<rfaa> yeah.. when it comes to css/html i'm more of a stick figure kind of guy
<rfaa> it's super convenient
<rfaa> friend of mine hosted his page on there, was really smooth with jekyll
<sad_plan> sure. it dont have to be super fancy, just a simple, clean looking website. like, or I really like z3bra's website, with his blog and everything
<sad_plan> cool
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<sewn> sad_plan: isn't zebra the fellow on nixers
<sewn> Why dont you tell him that his site is awesome
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<sad_plan> Thats right sewn. Z3bra is on nixers.
<sad_plan> But no, im not going to. I dont see the point. He also initially moved to his gopher site instead though, so the https site isnt updated anymore with new stuff. Only his gopher site
<sad_plan> Maybe if I ever make a post on unixporn, ill probably ping him, seeing as I use glazier and wmutils, which is both his creations
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<asimovsh> vova_: remember you about hyprland
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<phoebos> alphacentauri: I don't understand containers, but I made a KISS docker container
<phoebos> a few months ago
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<synimas> Hellu, i cant build broadcom-wl without a modules folder, can i just mkdir the shit out of that and be good?
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<synimas> Seems as if i cant
<synimas> Anyone have a makefile that runs without modules?
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<synimas> I swear to the lord its always the broadcom drivers
<synimas> apologies for the image of the error
<synimas> For i do not have wifi
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