phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unnofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
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<midfavila> sad_plan i live in the twilight zone
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<sewn> Hi
<sewn> what's a twilight zone
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<testuser[m]1> hi
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<sewn> two testusers
<sewn> testuser[m]: what happened to the 'testuser' name
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<Guest59> hey is the firefox-bin in the community repos
<rfaa> hey, trying to build mesa but it fails with 'dependency: "libdrm_intel" was not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake', anyone know why that's the case? i'm using the radeon driver so don't know why it's talking about intel
<rfaa> intel is disabled when building libdrm
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<sewn> rfaa: mesa builds for all platforms, including intel
<sewn> libdrm should have all platforms also enabled
<sewn> Guest59: no one has a beefy enough pc to build binary packages
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<rfaa> sewn: manually enabled intel in libdrm and now mesa seems to build, strange though
<rfaa> what could have caused it to be disabled on my system?
<sewn> good question
<sewn> rfaa: probably lacked libpciaccess
<sewn> according to the of libdrm you need that, x86, and compiler atomics
<rfaa> hm i have libpciaccess installed
<sewn> lacked it prior to libdrm
<rfaa> don't think so, if i try to build the libdrm in the repos right now it still configures it without intel
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<Guest59> hey guys i've been trying to install kiss on an old pc, but i cant get past the kiss update. it tells me to do 'kiss U' but it's taking forever
<phoebos> Guest59: you've run kiss U? `kiss u` == `kiss update` is not the same as `kiss U`
<Guest59> the thing was, i tried running kiss update, but then the prompts told me to run kiss U
<Guest59> i've installed kiss on this machine twice, i've never had this issue, except this time, i enabled the community repos instead of the main ones
<phoebos> yes, you should run both
<phoebos> u updates the repos, U builds new packages
<Guest59> yeah but it's taking an unnatural amount of time, it normally takes like two hours for the main packages to compile, but i started compiling at 12 and its currently almost 4
<phoebos> what package are you building?
<Guest59> i was just installing kiss onto my system and was running kiss update in the install guide
<phoebos> if you scroll up through the output you can work out which package it's on
<Guest59> i think its still on gcc
<Guest59> i expected gcc to take long but not this long
<phoebos> yeah
<phoebos> is it still producing log messages?
<Guest59> yeah there's still log messages
<Guest59> idk what to do
<Guest59> i feel like there
<Guest59> there's some program im missing
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