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<sewn> hji
<sewn> hi
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<sad_plan> hi
<vova> hi
<vova> You are all using wayland, or someone went (or just didn't move from) X ?
<sad_plan> I use tinyx
<vova> Why don't use wayland ?
<vova> Not a critic
<vova> I like wayland, but like you need pipewire to do screenshot etc, it's fucking sad
<vova> X was simpler
<sad_plan> meh, ive not yet found a wm that I like
<sad_plan> im in no hurry in switching anyway so
<sad_plan> I know of spkp, but its broken beyond my ability to fix
<sad_plan> I also happen to like that tinyx doesnt require mesa. so initially, I just dont require that much stuff
<vova> Yeah understandable and I guess X won't die anyways, there's some active fork like the OpenBSD one
<vova> IIRC NetBSD also has its own X fork
<sad_plan> yeah, xenocara is cool. but ive never got it to work. it did build, but it never launched for me.
<sad_plan> do they?
<vova> Yeah NetBSD has it's own "modular" X fork
<vova> sad_plan: what repo do you use for X stuff
<sad_plan> but its already somewhat modular, so I dont get the deal
<sad_plan> my own, or kiss-xorg
<sad_plan> s/or/and
<vova> The X11 Server from the modularized source tree of
<vova> X11.
<vova> my bad it's not a fork it seems
<sad_plan> very well then
<sewn> vova: you need pipewire for screensharing not screenshotting
<vova> yeah my bad
<vova> But you see what I mean
<vova> pipewire for screensharing, for accessing webcam and so on, it's sad
<vova> X you need nothing
<sewn> in my eyes the difference between X and wayland is that wayland is core and all features are external (like screensharing, compositing, input, etc) while X is a big monolithic do-all
<vova> Yeah but that's the issue
<sewn> most applications want easier route for screensharing for wayland so they go with dbus, then the portal wlroots which itself needs pipewire
<vova> why the fuck do you need pipewire if you just want to screenshare
<sewn> because wayland doesn't provide it
<vova> like what if I want to use alsa for the sound, I'm still forced to use pipewire
<sewn> then dont screenshare
<vova> :(
<vova> pipewire is the new systemd
<vova> bloatware
<sewn> atleast pipewire gives you some form of freedom and control over all of its modules and such, can disable dbus if needed
<vova> Yeah but still too big
<sewn> i use pipewire to have the ability to easily switch audio devices
<sewn> and also most applications dont support bare ALSA
<sewn> atleast that i use
<sad_plan> tinyalsa and alsa-lib is all that I need. ive been trying to rid myself of alsa-lib though, and just use sndio/tinyalsa, but ive yet to get it to work
<sewn> sad_plan: doesnt sndio on linux simply run as compatibility layer for ALSA? or does linux support sndio natively
<sewn> ive used sndio on openbsd and i can say its better than alsa AND pipewire by miles
<sad_plan> im not sure actually tbh. I seem to recall I got it working once, but then I rebuilt my system, and Ive never gotten it to work after that
<sad_plan> sndio is supported on linux. no patches is afaik required
<sewn> that sounds cool
<sad_plan> sure
<sad_plan> on their website, it states its actually a server. and so is alsa-lib's aserver. so.. I would assume it would be possible. I dunno.
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