phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unnofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
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<sewn> hi
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<vova_> hi
<midfavila> working through some materials on HTB Academy
<midfavila> impossibly dull
<midfavila> xwx
<midfavila> especially the sections about windows
<midfavila> i just can't get into windows like i can other systems
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<sewn> ioraff: ehawkvu: mpv now requires libplacebo
<sewn> I'll see if I can put it in repo
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<Guest59> hey guys i tried installing kiss on my old pc. it launches grub but it hangs when it says loading linux 6.5.7. can anyone help me?
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sad_plan has joined #kisslinux
<sad_plan> hi
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<Guest59> has anyone installed intel-vaapi-driver? it gives me an error that it couldn't find libdrm but its already installed
<sad_plan> no, but if it uses pkgconf, or you can set libdir when configuring, maybe itll help
<Guest59> how do you set libdir
<sad_plan> --libidr=/usr/lib if it uses a configure script. as an example
<Guest59> do i put that in the build file
<sad_plan> just look at the configure script if theres one, it will usually tell you about it
<sad_plan> ..yes
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<phoebos> ehawkvu: are you ehawk on codeberg?
<phoebos> sad_plan: thanks, applied :)
<sad_plan> awesome