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<sewn> hi
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<vova> sup
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<alphacentauri> hi all
<alphacentauri> can I ask a voidlinux question ?
<alphacentauri> it is related to wiregaurd
<alphacentauri> runit
<alphacentauri> ps aux |grep wireguard
<alphacentauri> it used to work
<alphacentauri> but not anymore
<rfaa> have you checked that the file exists..?
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<vova> any of you went full dbusless ?
<alphacentauri> progress
<alphacentauri> wireguard and ufw process running
<alphacentauri> my plex web is spinning maybe needs reboot
<alphacentauri> one question, is it possible to have state snapshot with kisslinux like nixos ?
<alphacentauri> I mean state snapshot from a working update so that if next update goes wrong we can come back
<vova> man
<vova> you asked this question already on the void-linux discord
<vova> please stop spamming
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<rfaa> looks like you scared him away
<rfaa> need dbus for bluez for me unfortunately :(
<rfaa> but i have to be honest, not sure why it's so disliked?
<vova> He already got banned on another liberal chat for spamming tons of questions...
<rfaa> hehe i believe you, don't really care.. :D
<vova> I don't really know why dbus is disliked but IIRC kiss repo doesn't provide it, when I was using kiss I had to package it, but I imagine if it's not in the repo, it should not be mandatory for anything (except bluez yeah)
<rfaa> that's true, had to package that stuff myself
<vova> gtk seems to have some dependencies on it too hmm
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<vova> wtf
<vova> rfaa: have you seen that
<vova> pushed yesterday lol
<rfaa> haha well well well, maybe i can delete it from my repo then
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<rfaa> it's missing the bluetoothd service though
<rfaa> for bluez
<vova> hmm isn't bluetoothd/bluetoothctl part of bluez ? like a compile flag or something
<vova> it's seems to be --enable-client flag, by default it must be enabled
<rfaa> yeah think so, but i include a runit service for it here:
<rfaa> maybe it's stupid to include it
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<phinxy> Is OpenSSH 8.8p1 supposed to work with serving sshfs clients? I get the error message "erver used untrusted RSA signature algorithm ssh-rsa for key 0, disregarding"
<phinxy> I'll try the community package of openssh 9.5
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<phinxy> Sending subsystem: sftp. subsystem request failed on channel 0.
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<phinxy> the host machine log says susystem not found. `/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server` IS there.
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<phinxy> That's weird. Fixed it by updating /etc/sv/sshd/run, to not have "-f /etc/ssh/ssh_config"
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