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<Doomking> I was wondering how I can turn my compiled packages into a binary?
<Doomking> also can i build a package in a kiss vm, and then turn that into a binary package?
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<sad_plan> Doomking: kiss creates those for you. you prebuilt packages by default will be in $HOME/.cache/kiss/bin/
<sad_plan> those packages can be shared with other systems if you like. just remember to build them with generic flags. else others might not be able to run them
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<Doomking> sad_plan: can you give me an example of a generic flag? I have seen a github of some kiss binary, but unsure where they put the packages to download it. like do they put the packages on their own server or github? since github only allows a limited size
<Doomking> wouldn’t a normal kiss b have generic flag?
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<sad_plan> use those which came with kiss initially. CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -march=x86_64"
<sad_plan> kiss uses w/e flags youve put in your .profile, or shrc files
<sad_plan> or exported in that terminal
<sad_plan> so no, just doing kiss b wont give you any generic flags. infact, if youve set no flags, by default, youd have no flags at all set besides w/e the package youre building has already set themselfes
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<Doomking> Oh I see, my flag was export CFLAGS="-march=native -Os"
<Doomking> I’ll need to edit it to make it generic
<Doomking> btw is there any performance impact from having a generic flag?
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<sad_plan> you dont have to, unless you plan on sending your tarballs to other people. but sure. ive seen others having generic flags by default.
<sad_plan> performance, yeah probably, but would it be noticable? probably not
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<Doomking> oh, so the generic flag is for other people’s machine, but if the tarbell is for my own machine then i don’t need it
<Doomking> i’ll test it out with a vm and see if the binary package can be installed onto my laptop
<Doomking> hopefully there won’t be any errors, but who knows
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<sad_plan> generic flags is so that it works for everyone. if youve set -mtune=native -march=native, it might not work for others
<sad_plan> a vm or not, it should still work on the same machine, regardless if youve set native flags. because youre still running on same hardware
Doomking has joined #kisslinux
<Doomking> gotcha
<Doomking> i think it’s best to use a stronger machine to compile than to let my n3060 cpu do it 💀
<Doomking> it’s basically the same as a raspberry pi 4 model B cpu lol
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<sad_plan> well yeah, if you have a better performing one, youd probably be better off with using that to compile instead, and just copy everything over to the weakest one
Doomking has joined #kisslinux
<Doomking> And just wondering, you can also have a binary package in the depends file of a binary package as well right?
<Doomking> For example, installing a xorg-server with cmake and llvm binaries in the depends should work right?
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<sad_plan> youre overthinking this way too much
<sad_plan> if a package is already built. all you have to do is install it. now it works. aslong as it isnt built with hardware specific flags that just dont work with the hardware youre using it on. hence generic flags
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<Doomking> I understand now
<Doomking> Yeah, I need to stop worrying and overthinking
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<asimovsh> Hey guys
<asimovsh> Need help
<asimovsh> Get a new laptop and i don't remember how i can find my video cards firmwares