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<Guest33> sewn: Alpine has been really difficult to use for me
<Guest33> With kiss, the system was so bare-bones that I could follow any wiki. I could tackle every single issue I'd face step-by-step because I knew exactly what I downloaded and installed. I knew where everything was because it was all up to me. I could keep everything simple. Alpine wiki is lacking and looking at other wikis doesn't help as Alpine has its own shenanigans.
<Guest33> I don't understand Alpine, that's probably why
<Guest33> Kiss was very easy to learn
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<sad_plan> hi
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<farkuhar> sad_plan: I might have to follow your example and supplement sndio with tinyalsa. The two apps for which I haven't found ready-made sndio output plugins are deadbeef and gstreamer. With deadbeef I have the option of native ALSA output, but gstreamer prefers a sound server, and the only supported ones are pulseaudio,pipewire,tinyalsa.
<sad_plan> gstreamer has a patch. look at openbsd ports tree. I also had it in mine, but it was for an older version
<sad_plan> I recently removed it, as I started using gstreamer again, and didnt wanna bother with sndio at the moment
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<farkuhar> thanks for the hint about the openbsd ports tree. I've actually gotten used to not having streaming audio in Epiphany and Nyxt, I find it less distracting to use those browsers productively. Then for any multimedia streaming I just launch Firefox, which is compiled with sndio support.
<sewn> Hi sad_plan
<sewn> sad_plan: what are you using gstreamer for?
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<sad_plan> hi sewn
<sad_plan> I use it for webkit. so that I can have sound and video in my browser
<sad_plan> farkuhar: Ive just used mpv instead, and I often still do, but it was atleast nice to be able to play audio in the browser
<sad_plan> why not just use firefox though?
<sad_plan> also, theres a patch for firefox to enable sndio there aswell
<sad_plan> the patch is found oasis linux's pkgsrc repo
<farkuhar> sad_plan: I mentioned above that firefox is my go-to browser for streaming multimedia. It would be nice to have support in Epiphany and Nyxt too, but I'm okay with those browsers being less featureful on my system.
<sad_plan> but why not just use firefox instead? as opposed to using.. 3 browsers?
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<farkuhar> sad_plan: rotating among 3 browsers is just doing my part to promote competition, lest we repeat the mistakes of the 1990s (Netscape vs. Internet Explorer) and let one rendering engine become the de facto standard. If something renders badly in webkit and too few people report it to the web developer, then sloppy practices are allowed to persist.
<sad_plan> just by using something else than chromium based or firefox based youre doing that. but I see your point
<sad_plan> diversity is important
<sad_plan> or at the very least, have different options to choose from
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<kiss33> sewn: as far as I know, you have nvidia. what drivers are you using on alpine?
<kiss33> also hi
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