phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unnofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
<ehawkvu> midfavila: fair
<ehawkvu> Also, minor announcement: kiss.el should have rough feature parity with kiss
<ehawkvu> (only thing really left to do is implement hooks)
<ehawkvu> Here's the link for anyone reading the logs:
<midfavila> hmm
<midfavila> gah i wish i had more time to dedicate to practicing programming
<midfavila> i'm really hoping that when my store unionizes i'll be able to get a four day work week
<midfavila> i still wanna finish my xaw notepad clone...
<midfavila> and xirc and stuff
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<illiliti> agree with midfavila that it should be a separate package. see firefox and firefox-privacy, for example
<illiliti> also nice work. reminds me of cem's systemE for some reason :)
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<ehawkvu> illiliti: sounds good, and Thank you! :)
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<sewn> Where's my bliss
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<sewn> should I give kiss another try? I think I've used alpine for too long
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<sad_plan> hi
<phoebos> ehawkvu: wow, nice!
<phoebos> how do I run it? emacs -l kiss.el then M-x kiss or something?
<phoebos> also, the emacs build fails if libexecinfo is installed. temacs segfaults
<phoebos> sewn: if I had more time I would work on bliss
<phoebos> although the temptation to ditch Lua for Tcl is high
<sad_plan> mate, write it in rc instead :D
<sewn> sad_plan: cmoooon
<sad_plan> yeah, ive been thinking about it for some time now. wouldve been really awesome. Ive also messed with having the buildscripts in rc, but ive actually encountered some issues
<sewn> plz
<sad_plan> ill look into it. atm im looking into building st with samurai instead of make.
<sewn> PLZZZZZ
<sewn> sad_plan: what's wrong with make file for such a simple program
<sad_plan> yes pls both thank you very much
<sad_plan> samurai is faster
<sewn> maybe samurai for busybox
<sewn> or a project that needs it
<sad_plan> sure. not that I use busybox, but im sure someone can write something for it
<sewn> You still use sbase?
<sewn> also I was saying plz as in 'please do not' :p
<sad_plan> I do
<sad_plan> why not? samurai is pretty decent if you ask me
<phoebos> sad_plan: do you know what fraction of the build time is taken up by make or samu?
<sad_plan> not alot :p
<sad_plan> it was mostly for fun, but I did test building samurai with make, then samurai, and it did take less time
<sad_plan> I only tested it once though, so my results might be somewhat scewed
<phoebos> fair enough
<sad_plan> it seems with ccache, its nothing, samurai actually seemed 0.01 slower. without ccache, it was somewhat faster. have a look
<sad_plan> in the grand scheme of things, using samurai probably wont revoutionize my buildtimes :p
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<ehawkvu> phoebos: You should be able to use it by just loading up kiss.el
<ehawkvu> You might get an error about failing to load 'subp'
<ehawkvu> It's a *much* nicer subprocess lib (that I may move to if it gets into
<ehawkvu> melpa*
<ehawkvu> but yeah, once you load up the file you'll have access to all the functions ive written
<ehawkvu> Also thank you for reporting that bug w/ libexecinfo
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<Guest12> hey if im installing kiss on a live usb like arch, could i use the live iso's kernel on my kiss build
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