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<Guest59> how do you guys get audio on kiss? pipewire, pulseaudio? i found a repo for pulseaudio but it's 3 years old and i don't know if its update
<Guest59> *updated
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<sewn> Guest59: pipewire and pipewire-pulse
<sewn> Don't bother with pulseaudio
<Guest59> is pipewire in the community repos?
<sewn> Guest59: yes
<Guest59> ok thank you so much
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<sewn> check before you ask ^^
<sewn> pipewire-pulse is part of pipewire btw just a program
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<vova> hi
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<sewn> hi ovoba
<sewn> vova
<vova> how are you
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<sewn> Not good
<vova> Why
<sewn> physical body problems
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