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<sewn> kiss33: no
<sewn> I'm using amd ofc
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<sad_plan> hi
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<kiss33> sewn: do proton games work? and what gpu you have?
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<sewn> hi
<sewn> kiss33: it took me a while to setup steam in flatpak
<sewn> Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but proton needs dbus on your system
<sewn> forced to use dbus
<sewn> Hi #
<sewn> -hs
<sewn> his
<sewn> sad0_0
<sewn> sad_p
Guest59 has joined #kisslinux
<Guest59> is there a package for base-devel in kiss? i wanted to build sowm from source, and i was wondering if it requires base-devel like in other distros
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<kmf> Guest59: headers are included with every package (it IS a source based distro after all), have you installed it yet?
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<Guest59> installed the headers, or sowm?
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<kmf> Guest59: installed kisslinux? because you have certainly compiled a kernel to be able to use it, have you done so? check the example build at, the c compiler and make utils are extracted from the tarball and you rebuild stuff at /var/db/kiss/installed to update them (at least for the first install)
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