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<kmf> hello, is copying CUPS firmware to the printer device node safe? the cups tutorial says to run "cat /lib/firmware/<cupsfirmware>.dl > /dev/usb/lp0", will that make any permanent changes to the printer? will I be able to use it on windows afterwards?
<alphacentauri> hello all
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<alphacentauri> anyone using lxc ?
<kmf> what is that?
<alphacentauri> I wanted to start over
<alphacentauri> when I created lxd init I choose btrfs as storage backend
<alphacentauri> I want to change the storage backend to lvm
<alphacentauri> or start over
<alphacentauri> lxc is a linux container
<kmf> >container
<kmf> nope, I am out
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<asimovsh> yo
<asimovsh> anyone have builded hyprland in kiss?
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<vova> I did
<vova> drunking in progress
<vova> I'll send you the build film tomorrow
<asimovsh> are you searious?
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<asimovsh> if u have the build van you send me?
<asimovsh> vova:
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