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<remiliascarlet> Oh.
<SiFuh> Doesn't make sense since the J is pronounced as a H in Jalapeno
<remiliascarlet> The Spanish "J".
<remiliascarlet> I think I can consider "FreeBSD never crashes" to be a meme at this point.
<remiliascarlet> It crashed 10 times over the past hour, and thought "fuck it, going to Linux now, and replace it with OpenBSD after work".
<remiliascarlet> The only reason why I picked FreeBSD over OpenBSD was because of Steam, but even that doesn't work. The program starts, but none of the games do, so I have no problems replacing it with OpenBSD.
<SiFuh> Plenty of games here. Why bother with steam
<remiliascarlet> Let's say, I have my reasons.
<SiFuh> Let's say, I have my beer
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<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> Bonfire
<zorz> :-)
<SiFuh> zorz: My RT addon for firefox has stopped updating stories
<SiFuh> Last one was 23rd of February
<SiFuh> US performs first Moon landing since 1972
<SiFuh> That's it. Nothing since
<zorz> SiFuh: in order to watch rt, i change in firefox the dns settings
<zorz> wait to check
<zorz> Enable DNS over HTTPS using: NextDNS
<zorz> i use nextdns with firefox.
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<remiliascarlet> zorz: Your name is Bon, Jour Bon.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: HAHAHA
<SiFuh> zorz: Why is that funny?
<zorz> next time that i will join: Bonjour to everybody. Jour Bon to remiliascarlet
<SiFuh> It's old though. I already did that on the 29th of January
<zorz> :)
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<zorz> .
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<SiFuh> ..
<zorz> ...
<SiFuh> ....
<zorz> ......+
<SiFuh> .∞
<zorz> ......+!
<SiFuh> I already used infinity silly
<remiliascarlet> ∞
<remiliascarlet> 無限
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> +555
<zorz> -666
<SiFuh> I was laughing in Thai
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Do you like fishsticks?
<SiFuh> I remember when they were made out of fish
<zorz> haha, no
<zorz> SiFuh: hahaha
<zorz> guys spending time lately with cwm, is amazing.
<SiFuh> Gross
<SiFuh> Oh you said cwm. Okay
<remiliascarlet> I tried CWM before, but couldn't understand how to configure, so I ended up running DWM on OpenBSD like everywhere else.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: wait i will paste you cwmrc is similar to dwm
<remiliascarlet> DWM doesn't have an rc file.
<zorz> mod4+shift+3 sends it to 3ws
<zorz> wait... i will send you and give it a try
<remiliascarlet> DWM has a config.h file.
<zorz> cwm rc
<remiliascarlet> Tomorrow is a special 肉の日.
<remiliascarlet> Normally 肉の日 (meat day) is every month except for February, but once every 4 years it happens on February too.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: so tomorrow you it meat?
<remiliascarlet> It's a nationwide thing.
<remiliascarlet> Because 2 in Japanese is に (ni), and 9 is く (ku), together they form にく (niku), which means "meat".
<remiliascarlet> So every 29th of the month, you can buy meat at a discount.
<zorz> its nice, wagyu ?? heh... wagyu i can it every day :)
<zorz> 2+9 = niku | 2 ni 9 ku = meat :Pp
<remiliascarlet> All meat.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: take this paste and plase it in .cwmrc
<zorz> its almost like dwm, but it runs bettter, especially in xenocara.
<zorz> mod4+t tiles the open windows
<zorz> md4+m maximizes,,, you will see the bind keys.
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<remiliascarlet> Every time I see "xenocara", I somehow misread it as "xenophobe".
* remiliascarlet is the cutest xenophobe.
<zorz> afraid of something from abroad
<zorz> cc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o test1 test1.c -lxcb
<SiFuh> All walls are done in her room now
<SiFuh> I used about 2.5 litres of green and 2.5 litres of violet white. Saved so much paint by painting everything by brush then roller over it all with one coat.
<SiFuh> This is the colour green we eventually settled with
<SiFuh> zorz: RAW isn't working for your paste
<SiFuh> mv zorz-cwm.config LSF/Documents/TXT/
<remiliascarlet> "Works on my machine, therefore not my problem", says your friendly Linux developer.
<zorz> LSF bin, carbidge bin ?
<remiliascarlet> Cabbage?
<zorz> cauliflower
<SiFuh> <Message>Request has expired</Message>
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> I must have to hit refresh
<SiFuh> Okay it works now
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Interesting riffs there
<remiliascarlet> That guy has lots of metal covers.
<zorz> SiFuh paste.suse has meningitis... let me check
<SiFuh> Cool, I remember when they were all vinyl wrapped in paper covers, then everything went plastic. At least with Metal, I can sell the shit if I don't like it ;-)
<SiFuh> zorz: Are you broken?
<SiFuh> [22 17 13] [SiFuh> <Message>Request has expired</Message>
<SiFuh> [22 17 17] [SiFuh> I must have to hit refresh
<zorz> not yet
<SiFuh> [22 17 29] [SiFuh> Okay it works now
<zorz> ok man
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Silly
<SiFuh> Thanks for the second copy hahaha
<zorz> and i found this status bar.. which is cool but i cannot load it from xsession or xinitrc i manually load it: calmstatus | lemonabr -p -d
<zorz> any ideas SiFuh ?
<zorz> calmstatus | lemonabr -p -d & does not work in .xsession.
<zorz> lemonabar.
<zorz> lemonbar.
<zorz> HAHA
<remiliascarlet> "lemonbar." What are you, gay?
<zorz> IS LEMONBAR gay stuff?
<zorz> HAHA
<remiliascarlet> Lemonparty.
<SiFuh> Lemonbar? Sounds gay
<remiliascarlet> Better not look it up.
<SiFuh> Okay, I won'
<SiFuh> Won't
<zorz> its not BLUE OYSTER SALAD BAR from police academy
<zorz> mouahahaha
<SiFuh> You mean "The Blue Oyster"
<zorz> YES
<SiFuh> Makes me wonder about "The Blue Oyster Cult" now...
<zorz> 1984
<remiliascarlet> Basically, lemon party used to be a shock site back in the day of 3 old men having gay sex with each other.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You said don't look it up! I said Okay I will not. Is that because you wanted the enjoyment of telling us?
<remiliascarlet> I know the internet, if you tell someone not to do something, they'll do it anyway.
<SiFuh> I won't
<SiFuh> I learned my lesson back in the 90's when was a thing
<remiliascarlet> It was still a thing in the 2000's, I remember that.
<SiFuh> Or back in the mid 90's
<remiliascarlet> First thing I saw when I opened /b/ on 4chan back in 2006.
<SiFuh> The receiver and then there was a link to The giver
<SiFuh> And The giver was pretty cool
<remiliascarlet> But anyway, telling somebody on the internet not to do something is like telling Adam and Eve not to eat a fruit.
<SiFuh> The giver
<remiliascarlet> Hot.
<zorz> goat sex
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I always admired how they managed to make it look flawless.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Do you sit and smile like that when you are hammering keys on Linux/*BSD?
<remiliascarlet> No.
<remiliascarlet> Because I don't have a guitar.
<SiFuh> " when you are hammering keys on Linux/*BSD?"
<SiFuh> Keys as in the keyboard
<remiliascarlet> But she's not using a keyboard, she's using a guitar.
<SiFuh> Freaking hell
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<SiFuh> zorz:
<zorz> ?
<zorz> hello
<SiFuh> Jello
<zorz> Xeλλο
<SiFuh> Хелло
<zorz> Αταρι
<SiFuh> Будем здоровы!
<zorz> haha
<zorz> SiFuh: today is one year of the mass murder in greece. the train thing. no one in prison yet
<SiFuh> Today is the same day I complain about my wife.
<zorz> omg...
<SiFuh> I wasn't even exaggerating
<zorz> what to do? ce la vie!
<SiFuh> After I closed the container, she sat and stared at if for about 12 minutes, on the security camera before leaving it alone
<zorz> hahaha
<serpente> oi
<zorz> hi
<serpente> ciao
<zorz> bye
<SiFuh> You leaving us zorz ?
<zorz> SiFuh: ofcourse not
<zorz> ofcourse and are healthier.
<SiFuh> I broke AI again
<SiFuh> We had a huge argument about how Sultans exist and have power in Malaysia and are above the law
<SiFuh> AI was saying the are same as normal civilians
<zorz> you have Sultan in Malaysia?
<SiFuh> I told it to shut the fuck up and stop reading wiki because it knows dick shit about anything
<SiFuh> zorz: Stop reading wiki because you know dick shit about anything
<SiFuh> Yes we have sultans here
<zorz> you live in a country which has Sultan?
<SiFuh> Fucking argued about 7 rulers and it was saying I must live in Vatican. Beause of 1 pope and 6 fucking cardinals. I said no and it argues with me that I am wrong about where I LIVE
<zorz> that is why you like the jungle.
<SiFuh> Malaysia has 7 main sultans
<SiFuh> But AI can't figure it out
<SiFuh> AI = stupid
<SiFuh> It is fake
<zorz> fuck AI
<zorz> AI is a trick for nvidia to make money
<SiFuh> When I told it that is was just a glorified copy and paste program it actually agreed with me for the first time.
<zorz> when ethereum mining stopped, AI poped up
<SiFuh> zorz: Shut up
<zorz> SiFuh: AI know nothing for openbsd.
<zorz> linux is ok... they did not scrap the man.
<SiFuh> zorz:
<SiFuh> If I ever go jungle. You ain't ever invited
<SiFuh> I'd invite remiliascarlet as long as she brings her shewee
<SiFuh> zorz: We have manuals for a reason and my trucks dashboard is full of them
<SiFuh> zorz: Bring a Lancia Delta Integrale and you can drive my truck and I will drive your Lancia
<SiFuh> You can keep my wife and remiliascarlet as well. I will be happy with the Lancia
<zorz> SiFuh: you must be joking..... live me in piece brother :)
<SiFuh> Leave me in peace brother. <--
<SiFuh> I don't joke about Lancia Delta Integrale
<SiFuh> Since I am not doing much tomorrow, I might make a new brew of beer
<zorz> i so in my city one parked in a not so good...
<SiFuh> I might sand the new (old) wood
<SiFuh> I don't know what you said
<SiFuh> Wait
<SiFuh> I saw one in my city and it was not parked so good <-- ?
<zorz> how you call it in english... not so good
<zorz> lets say maintence
<zorz> it did not look well maintened
<zorz> not so good
<SiFuh> I will build a temporary stand for my wife's clothing.
<zorz> ...
<SiFuh> So I will use old 2x4's and sand them down
<zorz> go to the neighboors to paint a room over there. :Pp
<SiFuh> I hate painting
<zorz> HAHAAHA
<SiFuh> I hate laying bricks and I hate painting
<SiFuh> Since living in Malaysia, I am painting and laying bricks. I fucking hate it
<SiFuh> Then I have a wife you can't even cook a steak for me
<SiFuh> Imagine God saying, you will go to hell. "Are you serious? There is worse shit than this?"
<SiFuh> I bet god says "No, there is not really anything worse than this, unless.... it happens again and again and again forever! Hahahahaha"
<SiFuh> I think gods evil now
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> where is he?
<SiFuh> Doing my residency paperwork for a reoccuring hell scene
<zorz> nice song
<zorz> what if god was one of us
<SiFuh> Fucking
<zorz> forget canabbis only Hasis
<SiFuh> ciao
<zorz> ciao bello
<zorz> SiFuh: i found job
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<remiliascarlet> You found Jobs?