SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "You got any ideas on how to start a MUSL build of prt-utils and pkgutils?" Same way as on glibc, really.
<remiliascarlet> If you mean how to build them to static binaries, compile to dynamic first, inspect all the required libraries with ldd, and then link them against all the libraries it shows with the "-static" flag. But all the .a files must be present on the system.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: emmett1 says he may be in #crux-social later tonight. "Crux-musl rootfs is done. All ports in core build fine, after some patches and fixes. Now i'm on my way building xorg. Maybe i'm gonna use it daily driver." He forgot to remove sudo and linux-pam ;-)
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<remiliascarlet> He probably wanted to make it a 1:1 copy of CRUX, but with musl instead of gaylibc.
<remiliascarlet> When I installed CRUX for the first time, I installed OpenDoas, and deleted sudo right after that.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: we don't need to ask emmett1 to do all the work for us. It's helpful enough that he's giving us a rootfs based on musl. Further revisions of the ports tree can be the responsibility of other volunteers.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He wants it for himself actually. That is why I asked him why he will do everything.
<farkuhar> stenur made a good point in the recent mailing list thread: our policy of not listing runtime dependencies from core, unless they're dynamically linked in, has unfortunate side-effects. It encourages ports like postfix to not declare openssl as a dependency, even though postfix will complain when running with an openssl that has been updated since postfix was compiled.
<farkuhar> so if we remove linux-pam from core, we have to think about all the ports that will eagerly use it, even without explicitly declaring linux-pam as a dependency.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: All the ports in our systems that I am away that use linux-pam don't compile it in as a dependency if it is not around.
<farkuhar> Take a look at beerman's port contrib/greetd. It installs a configuration file under /etc/pam.d, without even bothering to check that the target system has linux-pam. beerman just assumes that everyone will blindly follow the advice "install every package in core".
<SiFuh> I don't think that port means much for most CRUX users
<farkuhar> greetd was just the first example that came to mind. If you search the footprints for /etc/pam.d, you'll find others like postgresql, fcron, and pure-ftpd.
<SiFuh> But do they assume pam exists?
<farkuhar> if linux-pam is installed, those ports will be ready to use it. But in a forked distro with no linux-pam, we might want to regard /etc/pam.d as "junk" in the same way that /usr/share/info and /usr/libexec are currently regarded (by prtverify and the port guidelines).
<SiFuh> Yes, if the port maintainer doesn't take care of their port correctly
<farkuhar> Would the forked distro share the same port collections, though? In the existing CRUX, port maintainers are allowed to assume that linux-pam will be installed, and not bother to test for it in build(). Those ports will have footprint mismatches if used on a pam-free fork.
<SiFuh> That isn't our problem. As I said. I was core
<SiFuh> was/want
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Show this to zorz if he ever returns at all:
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Done! I sent it to the butt monkey
<remiliascarlet> As for the video, having seen so much bullshit being widely reported exclusively by people outside of Japan about how "based" Japan is when it comes to the lethal injections just based off 1 Japanese guy saying something in a YouTube video somewhere, I doubt it's true.
<remiliascarlet> Like 1 medical doctor recommending to consider taking Ivermectin in his personal video only, and everyone outside of Japan started talking about how the Japanese government was dumping the injections in favor for Ivermectin. No, they didn't!
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: How can you know anything about Japan, if you live there? The media won't tell you. :-P
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> Because I literally see what's going on with my own eyes.
<SiFuh> You must have a big window then for a recluse ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Same as how Americans often claim that "you will never be Japanese if you're a foreigner", "you will never be seen as Japanese even after multiple generations of being born in Japan", or "Japan doesn't take in foreigners at all", even though Japan is actually extremely similar to western Europe in all of these cases.
<remiliascarlet> "You will never be Japanese if you're non-Asian", and so you will never be European if you're non-white. "You will never be seen as Japanese even after multiple generations of being born in Japan", and the same thing applies in Europe, except you can replace "Japanese" with "European" and "Japan" with "Europe". "Japan doesn't take in foreigners at all", oh yes it does!
<remiliascarlet> Not like any of these are a good or bad thing, it's just the double standards I find to be ridiculous.
<SiFuh> I am SiFuh
<SiFuh> Everytime someone asks me where I come from I look at the weird like they are super stupid and say "My mother..." and shake my head
<remiliascarlet> I usually say "from my parents".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Where do you come from? My dick!
<remiliascarlet> "Mauro, shut the fuck up." ~ Linus Torvalds.
<remiliascarlet> "Richard, you're a hypocrite and a liar." ~ Theo de Raadt.
<SiFuh> Do you stalk them?
<remiliascarlet> Their statements are public domain, I mean on the internet.
<SiFuh> You stalk the public domain statements on the internet, I mean?
<remiliascarlet> Anything you put on the internet is automatically public domain, even if your LICENSE.txt file says otherwise.
<SiFuh> I prefer to drink beer than stalk other people's words
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Dr. Brown is here
<emmett1> hey guys, its been a while i'm on irc
<SiFuh> emmett1: Really? Hey guys let's go join IRC. :-P
<SiFuh> haha
<emmett1> hahaa
<SiFuh> emmett1: "while since I'm"*
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: zorz replied to your comment "Debian is history, NetBSD."
<emmett1> SiFuh, yeah i know i'm bad with grammar
<emmett1> hey SiFuh, i'm on my way to build rust on crux-musl
<SiFuh> Ewwwwww
<emmett1> yeah i know its ewww
<SiFuh> Computers suck ever since they stopped using punch cards.
<emmett1> someone gotta port crux to punch card machine
<farkuhar> Can a punch card machine run NetBSD? Maybe that's why it weighed in at 30 million loc (according to the figures that remiliascarlet cited).
<SiFuh> Loc NetBSD Monster
<emmett1> hey farkuhar
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<farkuhar> hey emmett1, glad you could join us on IRC.
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<emmett1> yeah, i barely on IRC lately
<emmett1> i got a new (used) thinkpad few days ago, and setup crux on it
<emmett1> only crux the distro i can go with, if not build on my own
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<emmett1> btw heres the crux-musl rootfs
<emmett1> musl compat ports for core is in /usr/ports/musl
<farkuhar> emmett1: build your own distro if you don't go with crux? I thought you already scratched that itch (Venom Linux).
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<emmett1> i mean build everything from scratch again
<dlcusa> Quick note: my wife just tested + for COVID, I am - (score 1 for natural immunity). Now to take her for no testing. Hi, emmetti--thanks!. Bye all.
<dlcusa> s/no/more/
<SiFuh> Covid test kit doesn't work
<dlcusa> emmett1 ^
<SiFuh> dlcusa ^
<dlcusa> I used to be a great proofreader. :-|
<SiFuh> Haha
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<emmett1> dlcusa, ^
<emmett1> dlcusa, , ^
<SiFuh> emmett1: ^
<emmett1> SiFuh, oi
<SiFuh> emmett1, oi
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<SiFuh> emmett1: ukky is here ^
<farkuhar> SiFuh: because you told him to join :-)
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yes because he wants MUSL
<ukky> so, I'm not alone then
<SiFuh> ukky: Have been discussing it for a few days and emmett1 said he'd give it a go and then provided a URL to a rootfs of it.
<SiFuh> emmett1 did it in record speed
<SiFuh> ukky: I actually private messaged you the URL
<ukky> I am working on cross-crux-musl, as my targets are slow. So, I need a way to cross-build CRUX on x86_64 for Aarch64.
<SiFuh> Nice
<ukky> SiFuh: I have seen your URL, but for me crux-musl-rootfs is not required right now, as I need to build it from scratch on a foreign build system (x86_64-crux-gnu).
<SiFuh> ukky: emmett1's URL :-P
<SiFuh> ukky: I do have a question. But from your message in #crux.
<SiFuh> [00 45 18] [ukky> I think installing Linux headers as part of glibc is wrong. There should be two separate ports. Switching from glibc to musl would require a standalone linux-headers port.
<SiFuh> Is there a linux-headers port?
<ukky> There is none, for now.
<SiFuh> Isn't that because we compile our own kernel?
<ukky> That's not the reason why we do not have linux-headers, though I don't know who's decision was to hide linux-headers into core/glibc/Pkgfile.
<SiFuh> Hmm
<ukky> Ideally, we should make independent linux-headers port. And both glibc and musl would depend on it.
<farkuhar> ukky: I can only inspect the git log back to 2006, but even in those days the linux headers were part of our glibc port.
<ukky> farkuhar: I am pretty sure glibc was like this since the beginning
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I am looking at the port now. I think ukky is correct. It should be a separate port. Especially these days now since one doesn't need glibc
<ukky> though, I am using CRUX as primary OS only for a year, so maybe I am wrong.
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<emmett1> rootfs provided by me does having separate port for musl and linux-headers
<ukky> emmett1: yes, I have seen both in your musl-rootfs
<emmett1> ukky, i'm trying to build up to get working Xorg and programs
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<remiliascarlet> dlcusa SiFuh: "Covid test kit doesn't work" Because even according to the inventer of that "test kit" himself said years before covid that it can't test on anything, it can only amplify stuff.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "zorz replied to your comment "Debian is history, NetBSD."" So he even got turned off of Debian it seems?