SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
<remiliascarlet> "no my english are better" ARE BETTER?? Oh, the irony!
<remiliascarlet> "ciao my firend." Almost misread it as "ciao my fuhrer".
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: He was talking about his English slaves ;-)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: So it is true. I said yesterday that I remember why I didn't upgrade to 7.3 on the NFS because torrenting appears slow on 7.3. Well the server is now running 7.5 and the torrents are excruciatingly slow.........
<SiFuh> I use to get about 4 to 30 MiB/s now I get around 6 to 100 KiB/s mostly and it randomnly jumps around
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<remiliascarlet> So basically, Theo hates torrents?
<SiFuh> No idea, the only thing I can think of is buffer cache
<SiFuh> Because libtorrent-rasterbar and qbittorrent hasn't changed.
<SiFuh> And I know other torrent programs like rtorrent and download clients like aria2c are slow as well.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Hmm aria2c is downloading at 9 MiB
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I'll ask in OpenBSD
<lavaball> torrents not working on openbsd? or what's the issue?
<lavaball> if, lftp does them pretty well. also rtorrent seems to be there as well.
<SiFuh> [17 41 33] [sibiria> check out transmission
<SiFuh> [17 41 40] [sibiria> rtorrent is bugged on anything non-linux
<SiFuh> lavaball: I am now configuring aria2c to work as an rpc daemon and for Sonarr to monitor
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Last time I reported that Johnny Somali got a slap on the wrist from Japanese authorities, got deported and banned from the country, and also outright lied to authorities about his work.
<remiliascarlet> And I've got an update, he went to Israel to be an even bigger nucance there, literally grabbing policewomen by their pussies, and ended up getting arrested in Istael now.
<SiFuh> What a twat
<SiFuh> Haha
<lavaball> i'm surprised you even know about that guy.
<remiliascarlet> Given that guy caused chaos all over this country recently, he's been all over the news. And he's the one who caused Japanese government to crack down on live streamers in public too. So of course I know that nigger.
<remiliascarlet> It's the one guy to which the entire world unites together to hate him.
<farkuhar> Why is beerman making us compile rust again? According to the ChangeLog, the latest point release simply fixes a CVE affecting Windows platforms. If there are more changes under the hood, wouldn't you expect to see them mentioned in the release announcement?
<remiliascarlet> You can install rust-bin for a 1000% or more compilation increase.
<remiliascarlet> And then in `/etc/prt-get.aliases`, simply add `rust-bin: rust` so that other packages will use `rust-bin` as the dependency instead of `rust`.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: I know, I'm the maintainer for rust-bin. But I hesitate to bump the version number if the only meaningful change is a fix for a platform that CRUX hasn't been ported to (yet).
<remiliascarlet> Ah, isee.
<remiliascarlet> Ah, I see.
<zorz> farkuhar: i was fed up with that, every now and then update rust
<zorz> farkuhar: but, who cares now :)
<remiliascarlet> Rust changes too much and too quick.
<remiliascarlet> Go changes quick too, but at least they provide pre-compiled binaries.
<remiliascarlet> Zig does the same thing; they provide pre-compiled binaries too, although if you're using OpenBSD or NetBSD, you'll have to compile by yourself. And if you use FreeBSD, you'll only need to compile the pre-release builds yourself.
<remiliascarlet> Or just stick to C, which only changes standards every now and then, but the language itself remains the same forever.
<remiliascarlet> The only downside of C is that projects that use external dependencies can be a pain in the ass if you don't update the code at least once in a while.
<farkuhar> zorz: so you've abandoned Linux completely (not booting into it even for gaming)? How do you fill up all the hours in the day, if you don't have a Linux installation that continually demands your attention with one problem or another?
<zorz> farkuhar: I am an adult, I do not play games :) and As I said, I like tranqiuile..... no adventures anymore :)
<zorz> tranquille*
<zorz> farkuhar: as a matter of fact I never understand why linux distro(especially source based ) have to make rust packages. Users should do git clone, cargo build and throw the executable in path. Likewise with go.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: "I am an adult, I do not play games"
<remiliascarlet> Because Rust is gay, and Linux has been more and more taken over by gays.
<farkuhar> zorz: the trackpad becoming unresponsive, you don't regard as an adventure?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: ofcourse devil's advocate is here :)
<zorz> farkuhar: once every 3 days so far... no problem i can survive :)
<zorz> hahahahaha
<zorz> remiliascarlet: hahahahahaha
<remiliascarlet> Also, `cargo build` in Rust isn't the same as `go build` in Go. In the Go community, you're incentivised to only make use of the standard libraries, and if necessary, as few dependencies as possible. In the Rust community, you're rather encourage to go full NodeJS with your projects, and import billions of dependencies just to display "Hello World" in the terminal.
<zorz> she plays call on duty!
<zorz> i think go build not anymore is go install.... but i do not use go. my only go package is this which uses this
<remiliascarlet> No, it's `go build`.
<zorz> ok
<remiliascarlet> I make web backends in Go.
<zorz> i do not remember what i used.
<zorz> ooo i found this when fixing vim.... probably you know it.
<remiliascarlet> `go install` is to compile + install binaries.
<remiliascarlet> `go build` is to compile only.
<zorz> okay.... :)
<remiliascarlet> And the compiler is Go's biggest strength. You just run `go build`, and it's done a few nano seconds later.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile with C++, can take between a few seconds and 2 weeks to compile.
<zorz> for its purpose, go is better than rust. everybody say so.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile with Rust, can take between 1 minute and 2 months to compile.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: do you use the revive lsp ?
<remiliascarlet> No.
<remiliascarlet> Oops, misread it as "do you know how to revive lsp".
<remiliascarlet> But the answer is still no.
<zorz> check out... when fixing vim ale for python and shell... i found out.. and bookmarked it to show you.
<remiliascarlet> To be honest, didn't even know it existed.
<zorz> lunch time... later guys.
<remiliascarlet> While this article is not wrong, it doesn't seem to take into account the fact that Japan got introduced to plants a lot more recently than the western world, and that Japanese doctors nowadays go through the exact same brainwashing as western doctors do, so there's lots of bias towards seed oils, refined sugars, and unsaturated fats.
<remiliascarlet> The one difference that there's also lot fo bias towards soy and rice products.
<zorz> farkuhar: how can i see when a package was initial commited in the date ?
<zorz> farkuhar: nevermind i found out. so <<--- this is the day that beerman start learning bash. ::PPppppp SiFuh is right!!!
<zorz> at least put the shellcheck in crux ports and shfmt :PPPPppp
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Want to know how you can troll Linux users?
<remiliascarlet> Or well, Linux fans.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: I proposed to rename #crux-social to #crux-TURISTEN but SiFuh proposed to ban zorz :)
<remiliascarlet> Just temm them their systemd is misconfigured.
<zorz> hahhaaha
<remiliascarlet> s/temm/tell
<zorz> got it.
<zorz> because of systemd... I hate red hat/ fedora
<zorz> all this blob for nothing.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: An interesting article for you:
<zorz> let me READ!
<zorz> remiliascarlet: Doug McIlroy's entire description of the Unix philosophy: "Do one thing and do it well." this applies to crux aswell :PPp
<remiliascarlet> I don't agree as much about his XDG take, because even with the added police state on top of it, at least it somewhat standardizes the structure of your home directory, so you as the developer can target ~/.local/share to put personal data in, instead of guessing wherever the fuck the user decided to put it in.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: when i tried freebsd i installed it with ufs
<zorz> last paragraph.
<remiliascarlet> I just found the right license for SiFuh's software:
<zorz> + pay as you go :Ppp
<remiliascarlet> I installed FreeBSD with ZFS, after having my backup HDD die on my, and shortly after that having accidentally lost a large portion of my backup SSD by accidentally doing `rsync -vaHz --delete` to my NAS, and forgetting to change the backup script running once every 6 hours in cron to exclude those files.
<remiliascarlet> Because with ZFS I can simply make a snapshot before backing my files up, and then restore in case I fucked up.
<zorz> yes you did well... never had the need to backup files myself... a few MB in a usb stick is fine. look my pkg_info i should uninstall rust and go just used them one time rust to compile mailcap and go for the gpt-cli.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This is better
<SiFuh> Leake said that he has noticed many people around him experiencing some type of mental lethargy. For example, he feels that the quality of deep conversations among people has declined recently. While many people can keep up with trivial conversations, those that require more cognitive energy seem to be challenging these days.
<SiFuh> That explains zorz
<zorz> hahahahhahaahah
<zorz> remiliascarlet: did you tried sfeed ?
<zorz> try* :P
<farkuhar> speaking of choosing a filesystem when installing *BSD, I wonder what dlcusa used for his installation onto a USB stick. Would ffs2 be a good choice there?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yes
<zorz> SiFuh: i read a title in an article in newsboat HAHA
<zorz> Feed: News ≈ Packet Storm
<zorz> Title: Microsoft's Security Chickens Have Come Home To Roost
<zorz> Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 20:47:03 +0300
<zorz> HAHA
<zorz> cHICKENS
<SiFuh> Life's Gay
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: this page is incomplete without any mention of linux-PAM.
<SiFuh> Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday updates for April 2024 fix roughly 150 vulnerabilities, including two Windows flaws that appear to have been exploited in the wild.
<zorz> this movie 21 with kevin spacey, harvard.... winner winner chicken dinner :Ppp
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Fun fact: nobody younger than the boomer generation watches TV anymore, so once the boomers die out, TV dies out with them.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Have to think of a new name then. The boob tube will be long forgotten
<zorz> lgtube
<remiliascarlet> "For example, he feels that the quality of deep conversations among people has declined recently." Meanwhile, I've noticed that since forever, because most people are university and/or collleage graduates, so every single conversation is going to be identical among all of them.
<remiliascarlet> Only high school dropouts or earlier tend to have actually interesting thoughts to share.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: For OpenBSD, FFS2 is the right way. Even the installation image is FFS2!
<remiliascarlet> zorz: What is a sfeed?
<zorz> newsboat alternative
<SiFuh> pkg_delete zorz
<zorz> pkg_delete dav1d-1.2.1p3 small and fast AV1 decoder
<zorz> for your mother in law :-)
<SiFuh> pkg_delete iridium
<zorz> never used it
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I'm already using this:
<zorz> you told me... does it needs config file ?
<SiFuh> zorz: No it reads your mind
<zorz> SiFuh: would be nice....
<remiliascarlet> Yess, its does needs configs files.
<zorz> paste one if easy for you
<remiliascarlet> Although looking at sfeed, I can see it's better for the fact that it has far fewer dependencies.
<zorz> please
<zorz> then sfeed... i will try it tonight,,,, when SiFuh sleeps
<zorz> if i can make sfeed the shell script example without dmenu should be good.
<zorz> i will look at it later tonight.
<zorz> now i have sanilac, nutricia almiron, milupa, frisolac.... babys babys now :)
<zorz> basically is ready for me remilia...... instead of dmenu and run-mailcap. haha
<remiliascarlet> Is basically ready for you? Oh oh... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!
<zorz> SiFuh: :-) ok packetstorm i have. a few additions good additions. also have this
<SiFuh> zorz: What was wrong with newsboat?
<zorz> nothing actually... does not load sometimes from the first the packetstorm
<zorz> plus have a rust dependancy
<zorz> if sfeed can do what i want... why not i give it a try
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]> ldd /usr/local/bin/newsboat |grep rust
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]>
<zorz> build depends.
<zorz> also gmake.. if i can avoid with openbsd i think is better.
<zorz> sfeed is light... later when i finish the csv with baby food and upload the section in my site i will install sfeed and check it out.
<zorz> SiFuh: you rock.... very nice colors
<zorz> SiFuh: your colors go well with my lemon boy LG bar :)
<zorz> never had newsreader to much to READ:) newsreader in irssi? it is from 2004 does it work?
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "What was wrong with newsboat?" Rust.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: By the way, is there a way to index Manpages in 1 overview apart from `ls /usr/share/man/man(whichever number)`?
<remiliascarlet> In Linux it's normal to search online to find solutions to problems, because GNU/Manpages suck. But OpenBSD's Manpages are God-like.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: you mean like this. apropos hostname
<SiFuh> Or something else
<SiFuh> apropos -s 1 hostname
<SiFuh> whatis hostname
<SiFuh> whatis apropos apropos whatis
<zorz> look .....
<zorz> 65,nan gala nipiako skoni optipro no3 1 eton,62
<zorz> 66,nestle nan bio+ 3 gala 2is vrefikis ilikias apo ton 10o mina se skoni viologiko,65
<zorz> why nestle, has food for babies n02 or n03 and then n02 bio n03 bio.... the first one not good ?
<zorz> HAHA
<zorz> all young people have diabetes because of companies like nestle.
<SiFuh> HEK293
<farkuhar> SiFuh: speaking of young people versus adults ... "silly childish script for ports with kiddie faces" <- is it the script that has kiddie faces, or the upstream ports that have kiddie faces?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Heh, that was in reference to beerman's script that he was or is using to upload ports to the repo. He was showing it off a couple of years ago and it was just aweful.
<farkuhar> you mean he doesn't manually run "git add -A" and "git commit -m" every time? I can see why he might look for shortcuts, considering how many ports he maintains.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I use a script to. But it doesn't spit out ascii faces after each function.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I was laughing at this
<SiFuh> 'be as minimal as possible'
<farkuhar> if you're going to code extra features into a script, ascii faces are much less useful than a consistency check between the commit message and the port name. Otherwise you get silly typos like "pythpn3-xapian-haystack: initial commit, version 3.1.0"
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Mine is dumb one, but it doesn't have funny faces.
<SiFuh> I mean this is just stupid NAME=`cat Pkgfile | grep name= | cut -d "=" -f 2`
<SiFuh> When I could just do source ./Pkgfile and use $name instead of all that fancy and poorly written command. .
<farkuhar> I prefer eval and grep, in order to avoid side-effects from sourcing the entire Pkgfile. Or at least run a subshell so that the side-effects don't contaminate the main process.
<SiFuh> NAME=$(grep 'name' Pkgfile | head -n 1)
<dlcusa> Farkuhar, remeliascarlet, SiFuh: Yhe installer didn't give a choice, mount only reports ffs, while fdisk and disklabel -v don't mention it. I've got two, an MBR named port and and a GPT named part.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: by issuing the git commands manually every time, you get to show some variety in your commit messages. Hard-coding every commit message as "${NAME} ${VERSION}" makes for a very boring log of your repo's history.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: If you look there is a commented out section where I can type a custom comment
<dlcusa> Well, technically disklabel -v says "4.2BSD".
<farkuhar> The "git push" at the end of main() in would tend to discourage a subsequent git rebase -i, if you did decide to insert extra notes into the git log (mentioning a changed port configuration, or the CVE that prompted a version bump, for example). "Force push" is the only way to add those details after the fact.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I could do it manually. :-P
<farkuhar> SiFuh: that's my point. Why not do it manually every time, since we're only talking about a handful of ports? (Not the hundreds that beerman maintains)
<SiFuh> I use to have a very large repo
<SiFuh> The US Constitution and the First Ammendment applies to non-US citizens?
<SiFuh> How can he be charged with treason when he isn't a US citizen?
<dlcusa> SiFuh, you're holding onto the quaint concept the USA is a nation of fairly adjudicated laws; i.e., not a banana republic.
<SiFuh> :-P
<dlcusa> The current administration has caused the coinage of "lawfare".
<dlcusa> For some strange reason big businesses are leaving New York ASAP.
<SiFuh> Didn't they spitefully shut down the Ice Skating Rink in Central Park?
<dlcusa> I'm not familiar with that.
<SiFuh> In January 2021, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the city government would be severing all contracts with the Trump Organization. The cancellation of the Trump Organization's contracts to operate Wollman Rink, Lasker Rink, and the Central Park Carousel was supposed to go into effect on February 26. The city later allowed the rinks to stay open until the scheduled end of the skating
<SiFuh> season.[29][30] The Trump concession expired in April 2021.
<dlcusa> The outlook wasn't brilliant for the USA that year...
<dlcusa> Maybe "Biden at the Bat" should be produced.
<zorz> SiFuh: have you seen Chicago ?
<zorz> 96 bullets in seconds
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<dlcusa> I guess you're not talking about the musical.
<SiFuh> Or Peter Cetera
<zorz> civilized America.
<dlcusa> "Civilization is a thin veneer."
<zorz> Actually is sad.
<dlcusa> Indeed. The "good 'ole days" may make a comeback.
<dlcusa> Recent thread in re: USB-sticks -- "newfs fast, but newfs_msdos and newfs_ext2fs very slow"
<dlcusa> My concern is ffs2 may make a USB-stick old before its time.
<dlcusa> Of course, you want atime off on USB-stick filesystems.
<SiFuh> noatime
<SiFuh> Incompetence very high over there
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<zorz> moment
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: just finished.
<SiFuh> Ewwww, I don't want to know
<zorz> ofcourse you dont.... now i will try sfeed....
<zorz> SiFuh: the thing is fast
<zorz> sfeed is very good
<zorz> bye bye newsboat...... thank you for everything
<SiFuh> Don't you need to know how to read to use a newsreader?
<zorz> eee slowly slowly
<zorz> SiFuh: give a try sfeed
<zorz> i just try to figure out how to delete
<zorz> 1 feed.
<zorz> sfeed is extremely fast... very well done
<SiFuh> With gold still holding near its historic all-time highs, central banks led by China are
<SiFuh> buying the top to fortify themselves against a global monetary and financial blow-up.
<zorz> i do not remember... the cycles... now we are at the top... or moving towards top... correction will take place.. but when ?
<SiFuh> If a correction took place, a true correction then gold will be worth more than what they say it is.
<SiFuh> Real value should be worth more than 60K USD by now
<zorz> gold... no way to fall
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<zorz> silver the same... all metal
<zorz> even cacao is fucking expensives
<zorz> something will happen and then metals... will heat high
<zorz> heat=hit
<SiFuh> The price is manipulated. They've been fixing it since the 70's
<zorz> the price of what gold ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> I wish I had actual land. I would make a furnace for smelting metals
<zorz> come to greece we find you cheap land
<SiFuh> No way
<zorz> hahah
<SiFuh> I could always buy a furnace but it is cheaper to make out of the ground
<zorz> yes price is manipulated,,, but when dollar will start loosing strengh... it will be swiss... gold silver btc
<SiFuh> Starts loosing strength?
<zorz> this is nothing... more to come
<SiFuh> Starts loosing strength?
<zorz> its still strong
<zorz> 30 years ago a family used to go to mcdonalds and spent like 12 dollars
<zorz> now its 12 dollars per person
<zorz> yes yes
<SiFuh> $1 in 2023 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $0.03 in 1913
<zorz> god bless america
<dlcusa> I tell kids Motel 6 started in 1962 offering rooms for $USD 6 per night--no TV, no pool. Super 8 came along not much later offering the same with TV and pool for $8 per night. Most don't believe me.
<SiFuh> Herbie the Love Bug was A-merry-car
<dlcusa> SiFuh, remember "sound as the dollar"?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> My mother bought a Mitsubishi L300 Van for $7,800 brand new.
<SiFuh> AUD not USD
<dlcusa> A family car still roughly the same as a year of college.
<SiFuh> When I first started driving in Australia in the 90's it was 53 cents a litre for fuel. Now Australia wants $2.27
<zorz> dlcusa: when in orlando in 2000 1 gallon gas was somthing like 1 dollar if i rememeber correct
<zorz> how much now ?
<zorz> 2.27 a liter ?
<dlcusa> I remember 4 cents at the pump in the '50s.
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> 4 cents!
<SiFuh> Check the fuel price graph out
<dlcusa> The Fed is not our friend.
<SiFuh> dlcusa: I remember an episode of Happy Days where Howard Cunningham was complaining that the fuel prices were up to 3 cents a gallon
<dlcusa> Outrageous gouging!
<SiFuh> Yeah it went up from 2 cents to 3 cents
<dlcusa> 50%--what were they thinking?
<SiFuh> Yeah and there was another episode I thought was funny when Howard came home with a plastic screen you put over the TV that was green on the bottom and blue on the top and when they asked what it was for he said it converts the TV to colour
<dlcusa> Aptly named series.
<SiFuh> Lot of famous actors were in there. Robin Willians as Mork. Tom hanks as the guy who wants to beat up Fonzie
<dlcusa> My first McDonald's hamburger in the early '60s with cheese was 19 cents and the fries were 12.
<dlcusa> Nickle phone calls became a dime.
<SiFuh> Damn cool and I bet the McDonald's was damned good too
<dlcusa> Much higher quality then.
<zorz> 180 gr a burger not 80
<SiFuh> I remember it being higher quality in the 80's than today
<zorz> now its not even 80
<SiFuh> Cheeseburger (burger only) $3,35
<SiFuh> Use to be 50 cents
<SiFuh> I remember we were drinking at Rocket Rod's home. He was in the Philippines during that time. Guy bought a heap of McDonald's for us to eat. I hadn't eaten McDonald's in more than 10 years. I tried one and one mouthful was enough. I fed it to Rocket Rod's dog while Guy wasn't watching. Haha
<dlcusa> My first year full-time in IT (computer operator) in 1973 I earned 3K USD and I was comfortable.
<dlcusa> I could even repay my trade school loans as scheduled.
<zorz> dlcusa: are you with openbsd now? did you like it ?
<dlcusa> I can't work on it primarily so the learning curve is taking a while, but it's living up to my expectations so far.
<zorz> good, hope everything will be good.
<dlcusa> But it has yet to hiccup doing up to 9 xz | tar tv pipelines, over half a terabyte compressed takes ~5 hours. Linux 4 and 5 kernels freeze usually within half an hour (this is an 8-core Sabertooth).
<dlcusa> Linux uses all 8 cores, though--it get hot!
<zorz> i really did not understand what you say :)
<dlcusa> Then don't worry about it.
<zorz> linux freeze.
<dlcusa> Oh, some call it "wedging"--does that help?
<zorz> not really... i will find out.
<zorz> i like the stability of openbsd.
<dlcusa> All activity stops, all keystrokes are ignored--reset is the only way forward. At some point I might build a test kernel that would support Alt-SysRq REISUB commands.
<zorz> i got it.
<dlcusa> But it would probably ignore them, too.
<dlcusa> So I think this is not OS-related. My son overclocked it a lot before he handed it down to me.
<zorz> so you wait.... and wait.... and maybe if unlucky reset.
<dlcusa> Displayed clocks stop updating every second--it's peretty easy to detect.
<zorz> ok clever... this on linux ?
<dlcusa> OpenBSD seems to think there are only 4 cores--well, top only reports 0,2,4,6--it may think hyperthreading is afoot.
<zorz> strange for openbsd usually does not make mistakes.
<dlcusa> Although once the fans got going and load jumped up to 9-10 for 10-15 minutes, then went back to 3-4.
<zorz> my laptop works better in openbsd than linux.
<zorz> the fans, latency, temperature everything more stable.
<dlcusa> If you have the power, you just want to use it.
<zorz> yes linux is faster... but for what i do is the same.
<zorz> i like they way how xterm, curses programs in xterm, ssh, vim, emacs are fuctioning in openbsd superior than any other os.
<zorz> i try to avoid programs compiled with gmake in openbsd.
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