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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I heard that there's some kebab shop in Moscow that banned all American customers from entry, but made an exception for Tucker Carlson.
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<SiFuh> What a distemperate day. F'r i has't done nothing but deliv'r wage and drinketh beest'r
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<SiFuh> Morning deltahotel
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<zorz_> bonjour
<SiFuh> zorz_: did you unplug your fan?
<zorz_> no man quite straight forward and quite easy.
<zorz_> i disable everything in bios HAHAHAHA
<zorz_> MAN is fast.
<SiFuh> By the way zorz_ I should warn you something
<zorz_> ?
<SiFuh> Do not use the secret menu in BIOS to change to Legacy boot mode
<zorz_> no i did not...
<SiFuh> Your laptop will not boot. You will need to open it up, remove the main board and unplug the CMOS battery
<SiFuh> I know you didn't, but I am telling you, if you come across the advanced mode key code. Don't switch from UEFI to Legacy
<zorz_> only the ones you see... as i had disabled secure boot. another page had som staff like fast boot etc etc. i disable everything
<SiFuh> Anything you see, do what you want
<SiFuh> But don't use the cheat codes to access the advanced hidden secret menu
<zorz_> what i wan to see now, before setting up openbsd shall i stay with the snapshot... or reformat it and go with 7.4
<zorz_> what do you say ?
<SiFuh> Do what you want
<SiFuh> If it works, then good
<zorz_> no need to mess with bios, sinsce is working perfectly fine.
<SiFuh> I know how to reactivate the secure boot ;-)
<zorz_> its ok.
<SiFuh> Unfortunately it is a pain in the butt each time you update the system because you need to disable it then reconfigure the keys and then re-enable it
<zorz_> but actually it runs like linux.
<zorz_> it is not slow...
<SiFuh> I hope so. I would like to see that in March when 7.5 is expected to be released
<zorz_> yes the snapshot seems to be faster than 7.4
<zorz_> on my machine. and updates the amggpu driver too.
<SiFuh> Good
<SiFuh> Running on snapshots is not recommended unless you actually know what you are doing
<zorz_> question... i should stay as iam ? or go back to 7.4
<SiFuh> If it works, then stay
<SiFuh> But that can change on your next update
<zorz_> the point is later how do i update it ?
<SiFuh> Maybe your browser breaks or something else
<zorz_> exactly....
<zorz_> so i will go back
<SiFuh> Well if you remove -s because you don't need anymore to use -s
<zorz_> 10 min work it is.
<zorz_> do just a sysupgrade ?
<SiFuh> When 7.5 is released you will automatically be upgraded to 7.5 and be on current
<SiFuh> current?
<SiFuh> And be on stable
<SiFuh> Yes. sysupgrade -s is for first time. sysupgrade is for every time until you get to 7.5
<zorz_> SiFuh: i will reformat it man, and stay in 7.4 anyway soon we will have 7.5
<SiFuh> Then once you want to pass 7.5 and go back to current use sysupgrade -s
<SiFuh> Why?
<SiFuh> Don't bother. It works.
<zorz_> correct why? i stay in current
<SiFuh> Stay in current until 7.5 then you will be switched back to stable
<zorz_> but how do i know when i do the next sysupgrade ?
<SiFuh> That's what I'd do
<SiFuh> What does your partitions look like?
<zorz_> the auto option.
<SiFuh> I want to see how you configured the slices and partitions
<zorz_> [a]
<SiFuh> Never used auto
<SiFuh> How about full disk encryption? You plan to try that eventually?
<zorz_> no need for encryption maybe later
<SiFuh> Holy shit
<zorz_> i need to get to know how to mount usbs is quite different in this one
<SiFuh> 33.6GB for /var ??
<zorz_> auto
<SiFuh> Auto?
<SiFuh> You mean auto mount USBs?
<zorz_> anyway... live it as it is... because on linux now i use poutana maria.
<zorz_> auto partition schemem
<SiFuh> I'd get rid of /usr/src and /usr/obj and set /var to 4G
<zorz_> 300 gb of 1 tb nvme... 700 allocated to crux.
<zorz_> when i will learn how to use it, i will get rid of crux and stay on this with autopartitions.
<SiFuh> For USB you can use automounting but it mounts like /mnt/sd1a /mnt/sd1i and so on
<zorz_> that ok
<SiFuh> I prefer no automounting
<zorz_> i like udevil
<zorz_> i do not know if bsd has.
<SiFuh> I format a flashdrive and give it a name. Then I make an executable script to mount it.
<zorz_> for example, my .Xresources i upload them to cloud... and download them to openbsd.
<zorz_> the X feels higher quality than linux
<zorz_> and the drivers, seem to be better made.
<zorz_> the left fun now is working very silently as it is supposed to work.
<zorz_> in linux not at all till it kicks
<SiFuh> This one was a USB flashdrive with NTFS on it. It was named CHICKENPOX. When I plug it in, I run to mount it
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<SiFuh> -m for mount and -u to unmount it
<zorz_> so you plug a vfat usb and you use ?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> I have one script each for every USB flashdrive or harddrive each
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<SiFuh> So here is
<SiFuh> It is an FFS partition and is encrypted
<zorz_> and this thing spectrwm looks good, i need to change the bindings.
<SiFuh> So... every folder that is here has a shell script of the same name. The only folders that do not is. NFS and OTHER.
<SiFuh> BACKUP has two scripts. for mount and for actually backing up data
<SiFuh> OTHER is what I use to mount foreign or new USB drives that I have no scripts for
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<zorz_> i see
<zorz_> SiFuh: first, i need to fix... in vi especially root the delete does not work.. and staff like that. during installation it was a mess to edit files.
<SiFuh> Use VIM then
<zorz_> and i need to fix again the xyz user
<zorz_> vise, it is ok. i need to make it EDITOR in profile
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<zorz_> SiFuh: you should try vis in openbsd works out of the box.
<zorz_> executable vise.
<SiFuh> I don't
<SiFuh> I use emacs
<SiFuh> zorz_:
<SiFuh> ~/.profile
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<SiFuh> Add the line alias vi="vim "
<SiFuh> Don't forget the space after vim
<SiFuh> Not "vim" must be "vim "
<zorz_> alias vi="vise " :)
<SiFuh> Up to you
<SiFuh> The space is important because if you want to vim <filename>.txt it won't open the <filename>.txt
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<SiFuh> You also need that space for flags
<zorz_> ok
<SiFuh> ksh: vise: not found
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<zorz_> first thing i learned was the halt -p lol
<SiFuh> That's old school
<SiFuh> Certain Linux distros changed that
<zorz_> shutdown now does not seem to work on this... makes weird things.
<SiFuh> Depends. Shutdown can drop to single user mode
<zorz_> yes yes something like that
<SiFuh> I am and always prefer halt -p
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<zorz_> myself i log out of wm and then halt -p
<SiFuh> zorz_: cool trick. If you need to reboot but don't want to reboot. You can use shutdown to get into single user mode and then exit back to user mode and you have technically rebooted without destroying your uptime.
<zorz_> openbsd seems to work more consistent.
<SiFuh> It doesn't work for Kernel updates. You really need to reboot then
<zorz_> man is a laptop i shut it down when i do not work on it.
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]> cat .fluxbox/menu |grep shutdown [exec] (Shutdown) {~/.bin/}
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]>
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]> cat .bin/
<SiFuh> #!/bin/sh
<SiFuh> doas /sbin/halt -p
<zorz_> sifuh is a list of the ports ?
<SiFuh> zorz_: My laptop runs my CCTV so it stays up until I get a CCTV box
<SiFuh> This year I plan
<SiFuh> I don't know what that is
<zorz_> is a list of packges.
<SiFuh> Still don't know what it is
<SiFuh> I just log into the server NFS and it has the entire ports tree and I have a script to search it
<zorz_> what is this now gbox$ doas usermod -G staff xyz
<zorz_> usermod: can't get primary group for user `xyz'
<zorz_> doas ( password:
<zorz_> gbox$
<zorz_> usermod: can't append `xyz' to new groups
<zorz_> ?
<SiFuh> I explained that to you the other day
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<SiFuh> Staff has NOTHING to do with groups
<zorz_> usermod: can't append `xyz' to new groups
<zorz_> usermod: can't get primary group for user `xyz'
<zorz_> gbox$ doas usermod -G wheel xyz
<zorz_> what is this ?
<SiFuh> You can't
<zorz_> ?
<zorz_> how i set primary group for user xyz ?
<SiFuh> Only root can be wheel
<SiFuh> You can add yourself to wheel but you can't own wheel
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<SiFuh> vi /etc/group and add your name
<SiFuh> wheel:*:0:root,sifuh
<SiFuh> Does xyz already exist? Then it probably has its own primary group
<zorz_> iam with xyz
<SiFuh> So do this doas chsh xyz then look at your GID
<SiFuh> Then take that number and replace 'GID' with it and do grep 'GID' /etc/group
<SiFuh> Or you can do ls -l /home/
<SiFuh> And see what group your primary is
<SiFuh> I am guessing 1001 = xyz group
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<zorz__> sorry i kill the wm by mistake
<zorz__> shall i go to root and delete xyz.. and start again.
<SiFuh> In Soviet Russia the WM kills you by mistake
<SiFuh> zorz__: Are you of sane mind?
<zorz__> hahaha
<SiFuh> Why the hell would you delete xyz?
<SiFuh> A PRIMARY group of wheel is never going to be yours. It belongs to root
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<SiFuh> You can join wheel but you CAN'T OWN wheel
<SiFuh> Just doas vi /etc/group and add your username after root,<user>
<zorz__> ofcourse i am in wheel how do i work doas.
<zorz__> i did that
<SiFuh> Then why the fuck are you trying to own wheel as a primary group?
<SiFuh> I want to cry sometimes trying to figure out what the heck you are actually doing. Hahaha
<zorz__> hahaha
<zorz__> discovery
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<SiFuh> Stop killing your WM
<zorz_> i need to change the key bindings :)
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<SiFuh> In fluxbox, I just hit refresh
<zorz_> actually i liked the red color of spectrwm on active windows border. and looks and feels good. i stick with it
<zorz_> sound is better quality than linux.
<SiFuh> I don't know what you are talking about
<SiFuh> sndiod?
<zorz_> yes the default
<SiFuh> sndiod_flags=-s default -m play,mon -s mon -f rsnd/0 -F rsnd/1 -r 43200 -b 2160
<SiFuh> Mine :-P
<SiFuh> But that is because I want my audio at a less angry audio level
<SiFuh> 44100 sucks, I like 43200
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<zorz_> ooo i forgot to tell you,,, this thing on boot is fucking amazing that tells you hw.smt 0 -> 1 hw.perfpolicy auto -> auto so no need to add hw.perfpolicy=auto :0
<SiFuh> sysctl.conf
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<zorz_> yes
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<SiFuh> Almost all is commented out because it does pretty much nothing noticeable
<zorz_> sifuh... one moment for the beggining i will stick with this hotplud iam reading hotplugd_flags=""
<zorz_> hotplugd_enable="YES"
<zorz_> # Add hotplugd rules here
<zorz_> # Example rule to mount USB drives to /mnt/usb
<zorz_> USBDEV_MOUNT="/mnt/usb"
<SiFuh> you can
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<SiFuh> I use hotplugd for extra security
<zorz_> yes but where do i add this rules
<SiFuh> You want to use it to auto mount USB drives you insert. I want to use it to lock up the computer when you insert any USB device
<zorz_> there is no file in /etc/examples
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<SiFuh> Your scripts go here /etc/hotplug/
<zorz_> in this empty folder
<zorz_> what name ?
<SiFuh> zorz_: RTFM!
<SiFuh> It actually names the script names!
<SiFuh> zorz_: OpenBSD has the best manual pages ever written. Use them dude!
<zorz_> ok man... i am not a superman
<zorz_> slowly slowly
<SiFuh> The reason we push the man pages is because if you sit down and read, you will probably never forget
<SiFuh> If you ask someone to do it for you, you won't remember next time how THEY had done it.
<SiFuh> Also, #OpenBSD will slaughter you for not reading them before asking.
<SiFuh> You'd end up on many ignore lists like remiliascarlet
<zorz_> hahahaha
<zorz_> ffplay starts faster than linux... nice no need for mpv
<zorz_> SiFuh: something important.... in linux i open programs with run-mailcap... ok what is the equilavent of .mailcap in openbas?
<zorz_> bsd?
<SiFuh> No idea
<SiFuh> Clearly, I don't know everything
<zorz_> i will find out.
<SiFuh> Is that what you are doing?
<SiFuh> Hahahaha
<zorz_> man i need to know something like open
<zorz_> default programs.
<SiFuh> You know how I learned OpenBSD?
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<SiFuh> I was in a place called Ban Kokfanbong with not internet, no phone connections, a Toshiba Tecra 510CDT laptop and man pages ;-) That was in the 3.x days
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<SiFuh> 3.4
<deltahotel> Need help to configure wifi on crux please
<zorz_> SiFuh: do i need this net inet forwarding ?
<SiFuh> net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
<SiFuh> net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
<SiFuh> This?
<SiFuh> Are you copying and pasting other peoples configurations? HAHAHAHA That's dumb
<SiFuh> No that is if you want to route traffic through your laptop from another connected machine
<zorz_> why you did not mark it out?
<zorz_> hahaha
<zorz_> wait now i how do i enable ipv6
<SiFuh> So for example if you have a router connected to one machine and it is an OpenBSD machine and all computers are connected to that machine. Then you'd need it and modify pf.conf to route all traffic in and out.
<SiFuh> Because I use it
<zorz_> join COSMOTE-1E19F0 wpakey GtuFyhKeKXSansSU
<zorz_> inet autoconf
<zorz_> inet6 ?
<SiFuh> autoconf is dhcpd
<SiFuh> inet6 is dhcpd6
<SiFuh> inet NONE
<SiFuh> Static IP
<SiFuh> inet autoconf
<SiFuh> Dynamic IP
<zorz_> i do not have any dhcpd running only dhcpleased
<SiFuh> man hostname.if explains that dude
<zorz_> ok
<SiFuh> Who cares? Still dhcp
<zorz_> enouph for today,
<SiFuh> I know, I am getting annoyed now. Hahah
<zorz_> now lets see emacs...
<zorz_> python lsp
<SiFuh> Reminds me of a child asking why
<zorz_> or vim jedi pythonlsp
<zorz_> vim
<zorz_> vim better.
<SiFuh> Why do people eat meat? Because they are hungry. Why are they hungry? Because they need food. Why do they need food? Because they need nutrition to sustain their cells. Why do they need to sustain their cells? Because they will die if they dont. Why do people die?
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<SiFuh> Fucking hell
<SiFuh> WTF is a scrap and why the fuck do you keep private messaging me your bullshit. I don't fucking care.
<SiFuh> Oh he is not here
<SiFuh> Hmm
<SiFuh> I am a tough man when he is not here. Hahaha
<lavaball> you choice of color and font offends me.
<SiFuh> Well, stop drinking soy and becoming easily offended
<lavaball> start using your lady brain and start understanding jokes.
<SiFuh> I don't have a lady brain so I guess I will never understand your lady jokes
<SiFuh> I'd like to see if only dead people voted results
<lavaball> ladies don't make jokes. you'd know that if you had even met a female.
<SiFuh> You know Conan isn't a lady right?
<lavaball> well, the jury is still out on that one.
<SiFuh> I have the same about how you were acting in front of him
<lavaball> is there a missing a word or something?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> It was your giggly, i am weaker and not as important as you action you were doing that was what I was not impressed by.
<lavaball> you have the same about ... you have? i don't get it.
<lavaball> i think there is missing something between same and about.
<SiFuh> In English we don't need to repeat the previous sentence.
<SiFuh> The previous was yours
<lavaball> but the previous was "the jusry is still out on that one".
<lavaball> i have the same? what same?!
<SiFuh> You know Conan isn't a lady right?
<lavaball> the same jury? you have a jury?
<SiFuh> I have the same about how you were acting in front of him
<lavaball> the same feeling? the same impression?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> You was sucking up to him and shaking. What was that?
<SiFuh> You are better than that cunt
<lavaball> and you pride yourself on not falling for the narrative, yet a deceptively edited late night talk show interview flies right by you.
<lavaball> of course they cut all my jokes. why do you think they made conan look like an ass?
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<SiFuh> I have met many in my life
<SiFuh> No, they made you look like an ass
<lavaball> not really. i looke like the underdog as you said yourself.
<SiFuh> You look like a slobberign begging puppy that is excited to meet his master
<lavaball> that is up to your interpretation.
<SiFuh> I guess it is the first Western media/entertainment guy you met?
<lavaball> i was nervous though. not because of conan though. i know how the internet works. if i had fucked up, i would never have lived it down.
<SiFuh> They are not special. You are heaps superior to them
<lavaball> my greatness never came into question. what are you going on about?
<SiFuh> They need you (the public's attention) or they become nothing
<lavaball> well, same could be said for what i'm doing.
<lavaball> i'm not holding it against them.
<SiFuh> You'll allow it
<SiFuh> When are you going to release a new video?
<lavaball> of course. i'm nice like that.
<lavaball> i already have.
<lavaball> no movie stuff though.
<lavaball> the song itself has a dislike. even the bring dislikes back addon doesn't show it.
<lavaball> the whole video has none though.
<SiFuh> What is a Thommie?
<SiFuh> You know the invention of the WW2 holocaust was invented in the 50's right?
<lavaball> openbsd song, you gotta do the best with what you have.
<lavaball> you might like the guy who went through all this under the odysee version.
<SiFuh> Can you use yellow subtitles from now on? White sucks
<SiFuh> lavaball: You ever read the PDF Psychology of Mohammad?
<lavaball> i don't think i have.
<lavaball> you dont like my white?
<lavaball> it's always something with you, isn't it?
<lavaball> what's the issue with white though? you can't see it?
<SiFuh> White is a natural colour so it blends into what ever you made
<SiFuh> Yellow is a rare colour and stands out
<SiFuh> We had a TV station in Australia called SBS broadcasting. They always used yellow subtitles. Easy to see, easy to read, didn't blend into the picture and become unreadable.
<SiFuh> Yet the common stations always used white and it was painful to watch because you spent so much time trying to read letters you missed out on the action
<SiFuh> I am enjoying your video Hass und Heuchler (subtitles included)
<lavaball> you mentioned the the holocaust, so i'm aware you are watching that one.
<SiFuh> The light and the white subtitles are starting to mix
<SiFuh> White looks good on black but, white needs more focus to read. If you did yellow, then you won't need anything else. Easy on the eyes, easy to read and can read fast
<SiFuh> Wow, seems there is a big debate about Yellow vs White online
<lavaball> you haven't sold me on it either. the screenshot didn't help.
<SiFuh> White is such a common tone is causes a blending so that subtitles end up unreadable
<SiFuh> Yellow is heaps easier on the eyes and stands out more
<lavaball> you said that.
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<lavaball> captain query has arrived.
<SiFuh> Write that in Yellow and I bet it is as clear as sunshine
<lavaball> i'll ask the group when i get around to it.
<SiFuh> And no need for that dark transparent overlay behind the subtitles
<lavaball> all 5 of my regulars.
<SiFuh> Not perfect but close enough
<zorz_> SiFuh: is a way in irssi to grab http links for opening ? :P
<SiFuh> zorz_: Don't Private message me again or I will put you on the ignore list
<SiFuh> WTF is a scrap and why the fuck do you keep private messaging me your bullshit. I don't fucking care.
<zorz_> ok
<SiFuh> I don't have a way to grab links
<SiFuh> I just copy and paste myself
<SiFuh> zorz_: I know that some terminals have a feature to make them clickable like allcritty? I don't know how to spell it.
<zorz_> ok thx
<SiFuh> lavaball: this is my MPV subtitle setup
<SiFuh> When I watch the Chinese movies with white subtitles it is bloodly difficult to read. Sometimes the background is white so you can't read anything.
<SiFuh> zorz_: You in CRUX or OpenBSD now?
<zorz_> openbsd
<SiFuh> Cool
<zorz_> just created .kshrc
<SiFuh> lavaball: A lady doctor from Ghana said the CCP virus was a Trojan horse to introduce the injection. The injection is a Trojan horse to put you a step closer to Transhumanism .
<SiFuh> zorz_: Why?
<zorz_> the delete works as backspace... i need to change the promt staff like that
<lavaball> i like that used the term lady doctor.
<lavaball> the rest i don't buy though.
<lavaball> always think stupid before evil.
<SiFuh> Oh, I agree with her, but I think she missed one important part.
<zorz_> SiFuh: in only put this line in .kshrc . /etc/ksh.kshrc
<SiFuh> CCP virus was a Trojan horse for the injection. The injection is a Trojan horse to obliterate your immune system. That way they can release a not so deadly virus to kill you all.
<SiFuh> zorz_: Why?
<zorz_> because in xinitc i have this export ENV=$HOME/.kshrc
<SiFuh> lavaball: vaccines are a snake oil fake medicine lied into existence. How to protect against againt a virus you plan to release? Why not make everyone weaker and release a weak virus?
<SiFuh> zorz_: Why?
<SiFuh> zorz_: You are putting in shit you don't need dod
<SiFuh> dude
<SiFuh> /etc/kshrc is always loaded
<zorz_> not always... it changed my promt
<zorz_> now it says the number of line and keeps history with arrows.
<SiFuh> .......
<lavaball> you coming at me with the nano bots next?
<SiFuh> Dude is loading a custom .kshrc
<lavaball> you know i don't buy any of that.
<lavaball> it's like the jew thing.
<zorz_> ok
<lavaball> you keep believing there is some intelligent cabal after you, when in fact everyone is fucking retarded!
<lavaball> except for you of course
<SiFuh> zorz_: Put your prompt in .profile
<lavaball> you are also fucking gay.
<SiFuh> lavaball: There is no intelligent cabal dude, they are fucking morons
<SiFuh> The people that work for them are people like us
<lavaball> then what's with the weak virus and the psy op an the conspiracy?
<lavaball> or the vaccine transhuman stuff.
<SiFuh> You think the Cabal made the vaccine?
<SiFuh> You think Cabal made the virus?
<SiFuh> You think the Cabal locked us down?
<lavaball> no. i think there is no cabal.
<SiFuh> No, it was everyday people like you and me who work for a living
<lavaball> especially since you can go onto the wef site and watch their talks.
<lavaball> there is nothing hidden about this.
<SiFuh> Yeah, WEF emails me like daily
<lavaball> you take that back! i don't work for a living!
<SiFuh> You work for a dying
<SiFuh> Shutup! I want to finish watching your video
<SiFuh> lavaball: Also push your letters closer and make the characters thicker. I don't like reading from the entire left to the entire right side of the screen
<SiFuh> Your current setup is comfortables from 4.7 metres away
<lavaball> you really are into those subtitles.
<SiFuh> This is wrong
<lavaball> what is?
<SiFuh> The translation of what you are saying
<SiFuh> 27:31 in the prison constume is fucking awesome
<SiFuh> Who is playing the piano?
<lavaball> me?
<lavaball> do you think i can afford a piano player?
<SiFuh> I can play too
<SiFuh> Was wondering if you asked a friend or a neighbour or your mother
<SiFuh> what is? <-- it says don't marry with the unbelievers and that you should stay away from their unholy/unclean things. Nothing to do with stay away from the unbelievers.
<SiFuh> There is another section that says not to associate with them but that is a little more about hanging around with them. An example is 1 Cor. 15:33
<SiFuh> I liked that video, that was very cool.
<SiFuh> I was smiling towards the end because it was quite logical in many ways and kind of fun
<SiFuh> I was laughing at the vegan PETA shit. Hahaha
<SiFuh> That audio from Bitchute I sent you yesterday talks about many of the topics you mentioned
<SiFuh> Even says Christianity is a religion and it is Satanic
<SiFuh> lavaball: For my wife, I told her you will remove everything I don't care if it is a Chinese doll idol thing or the Christian cross. You will remove EVERYTHING from this house. It is illogical and you will not take part in anything unless it is logical and makes sense.
<SiFuh> Her father had an altar in my house and it didn't take long for it to be ripped up and moved into his home. Fucking pissed off that he put it in my house originally.
<SiFuh> An old man with a doll house in my house is how I saw it. Everyday he brings it food and water and every evening he removes it.
<lavaball> oh, there are contradictions about marrynig.
<SiFuh> Where is the fucking logic in that shit?
<lavaball> if you are jesus freak and your husband isn't, he will go to heaven anyway.
<SiFuh> lavaball: There are
<lavaball> or you can have a christian slave girl.
<SiFuh> No
<lavaball> that's how i did it.
<SiFuh> There is no Heaven in the bible
<SiFuh> Heaven is a made up thing like hell was made up
<SiFuh> The translations were deliberate like you need a vaccine or you will suffer and die.
<SiFuh> If you don't do as god says you will suffer and die!
<SiFuh> King James was even a well known homosexual that believed he has authoritarian rule given to him to enslave mankind
<SiFuh> Yet he can govern the new translation of the bible?
<lavaball> heaven schmeaven: 12 To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13 And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your
<lavaball> children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
<lavaball> anyway, watch car van or garbage.
<SiFuh> You know what you just pasted right?
<lavaball> corinthians 7:12?
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<SiFuh> The unbeliever is now regardless of man or woman is now saved
<SiFuh> As long as you did not divorce the unbeliever the unbeliever is now saved through their partner
<SiFuh> lavaball: Can you play other songs on the piano?
<SiFuh> You could do full on satire with what you do
<SiFuh> Like what Tom Lehrer does
<SiFuh> One of my favorites
<lavaball> i only play my own stuff.
<lavaball> you might to linus torvalds: come back to us.
<lavaball> also shows that i don't practise.
<SiFuh> You make your own stuff
<SiFuh> Your video had enough satirical jokes
<SiFuh> You could make some great stuff
<lavaball> as i said, conan's editor cut all my jokes.
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<SiFuh> I guess because he insulted you and I'd have punched him the fucking face for what he had said
<SiFuh> He told your friend that you should take the 'date rape' drug
<SiFuh> Or atleast abused him publicly for what he said
<SiFuh> Letting him get away with it was bad on your part I guess
<SiFuh> If you listen carefully it isn't about your strength or muscles that he was talking about. He inconspicuously was targetting the amount of energy you had.
<SiFuh> Ritalin is the one they give women to calm them down so they can be raped
<lavaball> that would be rohypnol, not ritalin.
<lavaball> how ws it bad on my part if they cut my replies?
<lavaball> i have heard that stuff a million times before. i was more than prepared.
<lavaball> i didn't leave him room to breathe.
<SiFuh> I remember when my friend gave ritalin to his pitbull
<SiFuh> best fight ever. The dog went to sleep
<SiFuh> Ritalin calms you down. It is uses in ADHD
<SiFuh> Conan is a dick and I thought he was very rude to you from the clipped video
<lavaball> he was actually quite nice.
<lavaball> he only started coming at me once he knew i could handle myself.
<lavaball> and that i did.
<lavaball> i even had his crew lauhging.
<SiFuh> Cool
<lavaball> when he tabbed on my shoulder sayign maybe i hsoudl work out.
<SiFuh> So the team cut it to make you look like an ass and him like a god?
<lavaball> i made a fist and knocked on my obliges saying: work out? i'm from hard body heaven.
<lavaball> that's the name of the game. don't outshine the master.
<SiFuh> You seem to carry those muscles though
<SiFuh> In that video I just watched you still had them
<lavaball> when he mentioned the ritalin i gave him the story how i went to a psychiatrist becuase everybody kept saying the same thing and he told me that he can't find anythign wrong with me. it's his professional opinion that i'm just liek that. and he can only give me this advice: enjoy it.
<lavaball> then conan sasid: and then he kept billing you anyways.
<lavaball> to witchi did a call bac kto my earlier joke: poverty!
<lavaball> as i said, he didn't see a light against me.
<lavaball> he is used to interacting with americans. they aren't all that witty to begin with.
<lavaball> while i'm on fire.
<lavaball> you hear me?!
<lavaball> ON FIRE!
<SiFuh> Or he was afraid you'd beat his ass and security to a pulp :-P
<lavaball> actually i'm really skinny right now. i went down to almost nothing during the pandemic.
<lavaball> needed that look for when they find me in the pirson.
<SiFuh> Spanish Flu?
<lavaball> ha, the picture you saw in the video you just watched.
<lavaball> no.
<lavaball> i just didn't eat.
<SiFuh> YOu are looking good for that age
<lavaball> lateral epicondylitis. so i couldn't work out.
<lavaball> slimmed down.
<lavaball> well, i don't drink, don't smoke, i don't do anything.
<SiFuh> I do this
<SiFuh> But not to the extreme. I just want to maintain the strength
<SiFuh> I don't want to look like Michael Obama hahaha
<lavaball> is tat hiit? that's what i do.
<lavaball> chest and triceps takes 14 minutes.
<lavaball> even my longer shit didn't go over 20 minutes.
<lavaball> warrior class, what can i say.
<SiFuh> No he does everything same day until you die. Then you take a rest that can be between 4 to 8 days.
<SiFuh> Then do it again.
<lavaball> right now it takes a little longer though. maybe 25. not having a stacked gym makes it a bit more tedious.
<lavaball> i see.
<SiFuh> You should do no more than 45 minutes a week
<lavaball> haha, past year i rarely did.
<lavaball> nervous system is fried without my audience.
<SiFuh> You push and push and push and push and push until you drop and can do no more.
<SiFuh> You come back when you feel ready
<SiFuh> I like this because I can remove a 2,500 kg-cm nut with one hand.
<SiFuh> 245 NM I think
<SiFuh> My brother is a weight lifter. Actually so was my mother until she was chewed up by dogs.
<SiFuh> I've liked but never agreed with their style of training
<lavaball> dogs ate her?
<lavaball> what?
<SiFuh> My father is from the US Navy during the Vietnam war. I remember trying to install a fan belt and I couldn't get it to fit. My father walked out, asked me what I was doing and 4 fingers he slid it on.
<SiFuh> lavaball: She screamed when she was attacked by a dog. (STUPIDEST THING EVER) The moment she screamed all dogs join into a pack and went for her throat. My brother was laughing but when he saw how serious it had become he threw his mountain bikes and the dog and my mother was sent to hospital.
<SiFuh> I am actually annoyed by this because my mother and I were in the same class. (We were both in emergency service) She and I were taught how to handle dogs and screaming was a big 'no, no'
<SiFuh> For example. You are walking and a dog runs over without making a noise and grabs your ankle. You stop. You stand still and then you punch that prick in the fucking nose or the head. As long as you don't scream or don't try to move your leg away the dog will back off
<lavaball> no screaming. got it.
<SiFuh> You stand your ground and you punch that cunt in the nose. If he comes back you take him down
<lavaball> okay. understood.
<lavaball> and with that, food is ready!
<SiFuh> Dogs are really easy, even pitbulls
<SiFuh> Cool!
<lavaball> you wouldn't like it.
<lavaball> vegan shit.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> I use to train pitbulls
<SiFuh> They are the most loyal dogs ever
<SiFuh> Actually Pitbull dog fights are not based on whether or not they win, they are based on whether or not the listen to their owners
<SiFuh> Not sure about Western dog fights but in S.E.A. if you call your dog back and it doesn't return to you and continues killing the other dog, you lose a lot of points
<lavaball> what?
<lavaball> what waht waht?
<lavaball> you a pokemon trainer?
<SiFuh> You tell the dog what to do, how to do it and when to back off
<SiFuh> It's a relationship between owner and dog
<lavaball> no, i mean the animal fights.
<lavaball> like? seriously?
<SiFuh> You tell the dog what to do, how to do it and when to back off
<SiFuh> That is how the dog fights are
<lavaball> how about not doing dog fights?
<SiFuh> If your dog goes nuts and kills the other dog and ignores you, you will possibly lose the fight
<SiFuh> We do scorpion, frogs, roosters, dogs, human fights...
<SiFuh> It's how it is and I won't say no
<lavaball> yeah, i can't condone that.
<SiFuh> Better you become a Vegan
<lavaball> i don't mind them getting eaten, but the fighting is too much animal cruelty.
<lavaball> become? i am.
<SiFuh> PETA is you friend
<lavaball> you doing a brainwashed argumentation?
<lavaball> especially after you watched the video?
<lavaball> ...
<SiFuh> I allow species to species
<SiFuh> But humans beating animals I don't allow
<lavaball> well, i think you shouldn't do animal fighting.
<lavaball> what you do with that is up to you.
<SiFuh> You know I use to fight 6 dogs every morning. Me and them when I lived in Thailand.
<SiFuh> Only one injured was me. But it was great fun
<SiFuh> They loved it
<lavaball> sure. either way, nothing i can do about it. i told you i'm against it. that's it for me.
<SiFuh> We also have a real pit bull. Not mixed breed. He is loved very much but I hate how he must always be roped/chained
<SiFuh> When I wake up at 9am I unleash him
<SiFuh> he is leashed when I go out though.
<lavaball> love schmove. you can stop with your coping. i don't like the fighting. nothign you can do about it.
<lavaball> and all your we are nice to the animals otherwise doesn't help.
<SiFuh> I love fighting, it is natures way of becoming stronger
<lavaball> i bet you do.
<SiFuh> Gorillas fight
<lavaball> not for entertainment of other species.
<lavaball> they handle their own shit.
<SiFuh> Then when they win they kill all the new born monkeys to make sure it is only his DNA
<lavaball> and even they don't want to fight. they rather chase the intruder away.
<SiFuh> I think you need to come to Australia and watch the battles
<SiFuh> Kangaroos and Dingoes, Tasmanian devils. They fight until the death most of the time
<lavaball> so i would be excited for it? or what is your thinking here?
<SiFuh> No, it is horrifying
<lavaball> so why do it?
<SiFuh> It is nature and how nature does it
<SiFuh> nature is the law
<lavaball> nature does nothing for entertainment.
<lavaball> your fights are pointless.
<SiFuh> Just because some lalala vegan group says killing animals is bad, doesn't mean squat
<SiFuh> Nature does it daily and moreso around breeding season
<SiFuh> Strongest to survive
<lavaball> the brainwashed route doesn'twork with me. i thought you had noticed by now.
<SiFuh> Pointless?
<lavaball> again, they do it for breeding and resources.
<SiFuh> My sperm has the right and I have to fight to make sure it happens
<lavaball> you make them do it for sport.
<lavaball> that's the difference.
<lavaball> it's unnecessary cruelty.
<SiFuh> You could have said that at the start
<SiFuh> How is it cruel?
<lavaball> that's not nature. that's your ego.
<lavaball> you said so yourself, they fight till the death.
<SiFuh> No
<lavaball> that's what you said.
<SiFuh> I said they must listen to the owner
<SiFuh> If they fight untill death they usually lose
<lavaball> yeah, as i said in my video, i don't like the whole slavery business either.
<lavaball> but what you are doing is frankly disgusting.
<SiFuh> So don't ride a horse then
<lavaball> i'm not.
<SiFuh> Or harvest a feild with buffalo
<lavaball> that is again for resources. not sport.
<SiFuh> Where do you think your Thai Jasmine rice came from?
<lavaball> like eating them. resources, not sport.
<SiFuh> You created a slave
<lavaball> i don't eat rice.
<SiFuh> You think you don't eat slave food?
<lavaball> also this "what-about-ism" stuff doesn't work, and it especially doesn't when YOUR SIDE IS DOING ANIMAL FIGHTS!
<lavaball> i'm sure i do. again, the what aboutism doesn't work.
<SiFuh> More than 80 % of what you eat is from human or animal slaves
<SiFuh> More than 90% of your clothing is from human slaves
<lavaball> you really don't know much about me, do you?
<lavaball> but sure.
<lavaball> let's go with that.
<SiFuh> Your computer was built by slaves
<lavaball> more what about what about.
<lavaball> animal fighting is shit. if you do it, you should be put in the arena instead.
<SiFuh> The rubber soles of your shoes, the plastic buttons, the SKK zippers were all built by slaves
<SiFuh> Hmm oh wait, the packaging and the labeling and pretty much everything from China was made by slaves.
<lavaball> yeah, the others are bad people too, so it's okay if i do something far worse.
<lavaball> could you stop with the copium?
<SiFuh> Who cares
<lavaball> you apparently, since you try to justify your position.
<SiFuh> You are so fucking fantastic you are perfect, I got that
<lavaball> i said pretty early on i'm against it and that was it. you kept coming with your excuses and then accusations.
<lavaball> also that doesn't work with me.
<lavaball> you are acting like a bitch again.
<SiFuh> You don't know shit about animal fighting exvept what the left teaches you
<lavaball> the left? i didn't even know animal fighting was still a thing!
<SiFuh> Deaths are a big no no and always have been except with cock fighting.
<lavaball> but yeah, another one of those bitch tactics. first you put words in my mouth, then you try and make a connection with me and the nazis.
<SiFuh> And Scorpion fighting
<lavaball> oh, i mean, the left.
<lavaball> the whole thing is a big no no.
<lavaball> but as i said half an hour ago, i can't stop you. you know i'm against it.
<SiFuh> You are trying to leftist me
<SiFuh> And I am not a fucking leftist
<lavaball> you act the same way.
<lavaball> i thought you watched the video.
<lavaball> it's literally the same only the direction differs.
<SiFuh> If your dog rips my dogs head off, you are going to lose
<lavaball> same bitch argumentation tactics.
<lavaball> i don't have a dog!
<SiFuh> The entire dog fighting is based on how well YOU teach YOUR dog
<lavaball> you just can't accept that i find it disgusting, can you?
<lavaball> you have two living creatures fight for sport.
<lavaball> anything else around it doesn't matter. it's digusting.
<SiFuh> You talking about Holywood movies?
<lavaball> stop distracting and trying to point at others doing ... not even vaguely similiar stuff.
<SiFuh> I want to use a bible reference but I can't because you are anti bible
<SiFuh> Genesis 1:26-28
<lavaball> you say won't then you do it anyway.
<SiFuh> All life on this earth is is subject to us and we dominate them
<lavaball> so you are saying you follow the bible now?
<lavaball> well, good for you. as i said in the video, some indoctrination always finds its way.
<SiFuh> So as much as you dislike some shit about animal fighting and honestly me too, we have no authority to say no because they are ours to deal with
<SiFuh> Of course I follow the bible
<lavaball> well, that is your business.
<SiFuh> Hey! There is heaps more to it than what you spouted
<SiFuh> I am 100% anti religion
<SiFuh> For exampl they can shove your stupid religion up your ass.
<SiFuh> I care not, because not once was Religion or churches ever mention in the bible
<lavaball> yes yes, i'm starting to notice that there isn't much consistency when it comes to your statements.
<SiFuh> Except modified version
<SiFuh> lavaball: I beleive in God. I don't know who God is, but I sure as hell know who he is not!
<SiFuh> Does that explain it?
<lavaball> i honestly don't care.
<lavaball> you do you.
<SiFuh> Jesus never created a religion and was never a christian
<lavaball> oh, and the bitch tactic of changing the subject away from the animal fighting doesn't work with me either.
<lavaball> i don't forget.
<SiFuh> Basically he said "This is how to do it, if you don't do it this way you will die"
<SiFuh> I did not
<lavaball> then what is it with that jesus shit now?
<SiFuh> I said they belong to us
<lavaball> nigger, plese.
<lavaball> a
<SiFuh> I think you are way off path now
<SiFuh> The Bible is not Christian
<SiFuh> There are 66 books and the first, largest section describe the history
<lavaball> what does that matter? even if it said dominate them, that doesn't mean we should let them fight against each other for our entertainment.
<SiFuh> The last books explain how to do it properly
<lavaball> how retarded is that thinking even?
<SiFuh> Yet the Romans fucked us all and used it for political gain
<SiFuh> You are given 100% dominion over them all
<lavaball> yes yes. let me know when you are done with the bible history.
<SiFuh> Do what ever you want to them. But people like you and me may disagree with your mishandling of them
<SiFuh> Why do you think Halal and Kosher were created?
<lavaball> i don't fucking care. you said yourself i don't have anything to do with that shit, yet you keep bringing it up.
<SiFuh> God gave you dominion over all but he told the Hebrews to make sure all is Kosher
<SiFuh> Because God didn't like the maltreatment of animals
<SiFuh> It's like giving a Nuke to Japan
<lavaball> that's between you and your god. could you stop now?
<SiFuh> I have nothing to do with it
<SiFuh> Because MAN has dominion over that
<SiFuh> I don't have dominion over man. That was never mentioned
<SiFuh> So if you do it, you do it. I can comment but I have no authority to overrule you.
<SiFuh> You eat Vegan?
<SiFuh> How are you feeling?
<lavaball> that's what's being vegan means.
<lavaball> the subtitles really were hard to read for you.
<SiFuh> Yeah
<lavaball> you said yourself i look good for my age.
<SiFuh> Please use yellow
<lavaball> so what are you trying to get at?
<SiFuh> I did?
<SiFuh> Your muscle mass is good
<lavaball> 4:22:03 PM <lavaball> you really don't know much about me, do you?
<lavaball> 4:22:08 PM <lavaball> but sure.
<lavaball> 4:22:10 PM <lavaball> let's go with that.
<lavaball> 4:22:30 PM <SiFuh> Your computer was built by slaves
<lavaball> oh.
<lavaball> that didn't work.
<SiFuh> Heh
<lavaball> 3:47:45 PM <SiFuh> YOu are looking good for that age
<lavaball> there you go. i told you i don't forget.
<SiFuh> Copy and paste
<SiFuh> Hahaha
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<SiFuh> 18384 22:47:49 [lavaball> lateral epicondylitis. so i couldn't work out.
<lavaball> that is correct. what about it?
<SiFuh> I can copy and paste also
<lavaball> never doubted that.
<SiFuh> Anyway that video you recently posted on youtube was good and you did look healthier
<lavaball> healthier? than on conan?
<lavaball> that's funny, because i wasn't a vegan back then.
<SiFuh> Slightly darker patches under eyes but that is a German thing right?
<lavaball> i started around 2017.
<SiFuh> Conan looks like a retard
<lavaball> no, it's a warrior class thing. comes with the bone structure.
<SiFuh> So you are not a warrior class?
<lavaball> i am, that's why i have the prominent bone structure.
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<SiFuh> I thought your eyes are afraid to be near your nose so they pushed themselves backwards.
<SiFuh> Warrior nose!
<SiFuh> Almost like you are viking
<lavaball> i wouldn't know.
<SiFuh> How are your thumbs?
<SiFuh> Are they fully felxible or do you have crab claw?
<lavaball> what claw?
<SiFuh> Hmm wait
<SiFuh> Can you move this joint?
<SiFuh> Suprisingly my brother cannot
<SiFuh> This is a common trait for viking DNA
<SiFuh> Maragrette Thatcher had this issue
<lavaball> i can.
<SiFuh> Mine locks up if I move to tightly
<SiFuh> It's the thing I hate the most about my hands
<SiFuh> I guess he and I are same but I have some movement
<lavaball> now you made it snow you asshole!
<lavaball> then again, that works for me.
<lavaball> good job.
<SiFuh> That is funny
<SiFuh> Because I took a shower and after she cleaned her bed I said "Watch this" I made a water angel. Like a snow angel on her bed.
<SiFuh> She says "I know what you love!" I asked what and she said "Your BMX" so I said I will activate cameras to monitor it
<lavaball> i thought you were gonna made it fight other BMXes.
<SiFuh> Can't
<SiFuh> Apparently competition is offensive to you
<SiFuh> I also doubt anyone in 100KM has a real BMX here anyway
<lavaball> haha, you really are good practice.
<SiFuh> I am glad you enjoy your training
<lavaball> anyway, that doesn't work, becuase i didn't let my self clumb together with the leftists earlier, so why try it again, and secondly animal fighting is offensive to me and you don't plan on stopping that either.
<lavaball> i don't think offensive is the right word here.
<SiFuh> I don't animal fight
<lavaball> yes yes, semantics.
<SiFuh> I also think offensive is the wrong word. It belongs to soy-boy cucks from the left
<SiFuh> You are no Leftist I feel
<lavaball> stop with the soy stuff. that isn't based in reality either.
<lavaball> i don't know. i wouldn't say i'm not a leftist either. if anything i'm the leftist green messiah they think they wish for.
<lavaball> exxcept that i don't make water into wine but golden showers.
<lavaball> actually, i think i should translate that video.
<lavaball> that upset the crowd way more.
<lavaball> it's weird, telling everyone that they are retarded didn't get me anything, but telling them i don't have to work had everyone screaming.
<SiFuh> lavaball: If you lived in Asia you will see it is based on reality
<SiFuh> I think you are 'Independant'
<lavaball> maybe. but that sounds more like a catch all.
<SiFuh> Actually these days, I don't work really.
<lavaball> the default) case at the bottom of the swtich.
<SiFuh> It means neutral
<lavaball> i'm aware.
<SiFuh> For example. I did give money in a red envelope to two of the guys who work at the mechanics to thank them for helping me. A Chinese new year thing.
<SiFuh> But I usually borrow the work shop and work alone borroing their tools and pay with home made vodka.
<SiFuh> 1 to 4 bottles of Vodka can pay for pretty much anything here.
<SiFuh> I did a wheel alighnment for a 750 ml bottle of my vodka
<SiFuh> I have one 5 star hotel to pay for with a 640ml bottle vodka on the 24th
<SiFuh> I don't think it is 5 star though. I think it is 2.5 star
<SiFuh> But I don't care, it is near the pub and the pub will take a 640ml bottle for beer on tap all night.
<SiFuh> I have found Governments and night clubs won't accept my for of payment
<SiFuh> And public transport
<lavaball> you know shit. do you know gym 80
<lavaball> ?
<lavaball> the dumbbells?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> No
<lavaball> okay, continue your wodka tale.
<SiFuh> This?
<SiFuh> I wanted but can't afford the INSPIRE FT1 FUNCTIONAL TRAINER
<lavaball> yes.
<lavaball> that seems to be them.
<lavaball> youtube isn't giving me anything.
<SiFuh> They won't accept vodka but they will accept Fiat money
<lavaball> i need a "do they stink" review.
<lavaball> like literally.
<SiFuh> What kind of gym set are you really looking at?
<SiFuh> I want a corner stand and train like the F1
<lavaball> gay.
<SiFuh> Can fold out when you want to bench
<lavaball> i need 50kg.
<SiFuh> 50KG?
<lavaball> the powerblocks only go to 41. with my bands 45.
<SiFuh> F1 is not 50 KG
<lavaball> whatas f1?
<lavaball> that's not for me.
<lavaball> i like what i do. it works for me.
<SiFuh> It fits in the corner and can become a full bench
<SiFuh> I think it is 75KG
<SiFuh> But comes with disk weights as well
<SiFuh> My brother used this but now it collects dust
<SiFuh> He rides an e-bike now
<SiFuh> Ignore the woman, she is dumb as stupid
<SiFuh> If I had it, I'd use it every Sunday
<SiFuh> My wife is stealing the 16th Century beer I made. It took half a year to make!
<SiFuh> She should learn to share
<lavaball> what does one of thse things cost?
<lavaball> not that i have room for it.
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<remiliascarlet> Seems like GNU hates the BSD's, and made it so thst Pinentry can't run on those. And yet they make absolutely sure that Emacs works on Windows.
<remiliascarlet> The OpenBSD guys already called him out on it back when OpenBSD 4.3 came out:
<lavaball> so in the i.s.s. movie they have windows on the space station, even though everybody knows they run debian.
<lavaball> fuck, the song is horrible.
<remiliascarlet> My favorite OpenBSD song is "Hacker People" from OpenBSD 6.8.
<lavaball> sorry, also shit.
<lavaball> wish you were secure is the best.
<remiliascarlet> Didn't listen to this one yet.
<lavaball> back in time is okay, 40 vendors is okay because of the goes penguin line.
<lavaball> ah, wrap in time.
<lavaball> source fish is also okay.
<lavaball> most of them are just copies of popular songs.
<lavaball> nothing to write home about.
<remiliascarlet> OK, "Wish you were secure" sounds too boring to finish listening.
<remiliascarlet> "Warp in Time" sounds nice.
<lavaball> wrap in time is just the back to the future one song.
<remiliascarlet> "Source Fish" sounds like a Michael Jackson song.
<lavaball> how old are you?
<lavaball> that's from blues brothers.
<remiliascarlet> Except no yells.
<lavaball> even the picture is blues brother.
<lavaball> s
<remiliascarlet> I don't know, maybe I'm over a billion years old if you include each time I died and was born and reincarnated as yet another random person.
<lavaball> back in time.
<lavaball> or your are just gay.
<lavaball> that could also be the issue at hand.
<remiliascarlet> As I said earlier, I'm straight as fuck.
<lavaball> then act like it.
<remiliascarlet> So straight, it makes your dick blow up.
<lavaball> the i.s.s. move is shit.
<remiliascarlet> Somehow, I just realized I was talking to lavaball, not SiFuh.
<lavaball> yeah, i'm not part of any animal fighting ring.