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<remiliascarlet> Sony is a bunch of scammers. That's all.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
SiFuh has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
SiFuh has joined #crux-social
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: FreeBSD is discussing whether they will put Rust in base or not, this got announced on their mailing list, and it exploded so much, one person started to question FreeBSD's ability to govern the community.
<remiliascarlet> The responses are mixed, but in general it's either C++ devs who absolutely don't want Rust, or C devs who absolutely don't want Rust, or Rust devs who absolutely want to have Rust, or devs of other languages who question how many more languages are going to be added in the future to the point the entire codebase becomes unsustainable.
<remiliascarlet> Guess OpenBSD is going to be the only major OS (both desktop and mobile included) left that's not rewritten in Rust.
<SiFuh> I think the moment any OS moves from a single language to introduce more then your system is now fucked
<SiFuh> more, then*
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, I can easily see them adding in Zig, Mojo, Carbon, Jai, and some other lower level systems language, OS's already are fucked up, but this will make them even more so.
<remiliascarlet> Just consider the whole point of making an OS back in the 1970s was to make it easier to run programs. Nowadays they do way too many things.
<SiFuh> Yep, let's all move to DOS
<remiliascarlet> DOS commands are weird, but it had really nice games.
<remiliascarlet> If you move to DOS, it's fitting to become a QBASIC nerd.
<SiFuh> You antisemetic tube link doesn't work
<SiFuh> 502 Bad Gateway
<SiFuh> Which is good news because I didn't want to watch it haha
lavaball has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> It works now it seems.
<SiFuh> I reckon Weird Al did a great job of that
<SiFuh> Never understood the line "If I ever meet you I'll control-alt-delete you". Sounds like he rebooted his own computer and not the guy he met online's computer
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, still want the audio book?
<remiliascarlet> Got it ready this time?
<lavaball> don't this time me. i asked you for place to upload and you got nothing either.\
<lavaball> anyway, i need your ip range.
<remiliascarlet> Didn't notice you asking me for a place to upload to.
<lavaball> check the logs. i said i had no idea how to give it to you.
<lavaball> anyway, ip range i need.
<remiliascarlet> Best to just set up a VPS, make me download it, and nuke it.
<lavaball> a what what?
<lavaball> how about you give me your ip range?
<remiliascarlet> How about no?
<lavaball> well, i can't add you to the tables if i don't have your ip and i'm not just opening it up to everyone.
<remiliascarlet> Fine, I'll set up a temporary VPS then.
<lavaball> i have no idea what that is, but sure.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I can vouche for lavaball, he did ask
<remiliascarlet> Virtual Private Server. So I can give you the IP address of that one, as it's no longer going to exist after I'm done with it anyway.
<lavaball> doesn't that require payment?
<SiFuh> How large is this audio book?
<lavaball> 408mb
<SiFuh> Oh shit, okay no chance of email
<remiliascarlet> Yes, but I already charged my account to until September 2025 anyway, so I don't bother.
<lavaball> then what did i set up an vsftpd for?
<lavaball> well, you do your thing. tell me what to do.
<remiliascarlet> Hang on sheila.
<lavaball> murphy.
<lavaball> yeah.
<lavaball> that sounds about right.
<lavaball> yeah, same filename.
<lavaball> good job.
<remiliascarlet> So no lavafile needed anymore?
<SiFuh> I plan to run the 50 litre distiller tomorrow, I might listen to it then
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Speaking of running a distiller, now that my HDD (not SSD) got corrupted, I got more incentivised to run OpenBSD on my main workstations as well, since that HDD was the one containing all the game data.
<SiFuh> Speaking of running a distiller, (Similar topic goes here) hahaha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Cool, OpenBSD on everything! Except the miners and the gaming machine
<remiliascarlet> My primary gaming machine runs some OS made by Nintendo in the early 1990s.
<SiFuh> Mine runs a flight simulator X-Plane 11 that is all
<remiliascarlet> Mine runs anything from cartridges, as it won't boot up without one.
<SiFuh> Mine is a Toyota Land Cruiser and it only starts when I am off-road. Hahaha
<SiFuh> Actually I am pissed off because I discovered the radio is running Windows CE
<remiliascarlet> The purpose of a radio is to have telemetry anyway, so.
<SiFuh> Telemetry?
<SiFuh> I just play Thai music or Country music on it.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, you mean music radio?
<SiFuh> yes
<SiFuh> It has all these fancy things like bluetooth and phone links and whatever. I just want a radio that plays music and does nothing else
<remiliascarlet> I stopped listening to the radio when every single station got way too overboard with their pro-covid propaganda.
<SiFuh> Something like this but less fancy
<SiFuh> I don't listen to stations
<SiFuh> I play off of an SD card
<remiliascarlet> It was literally like *music* SHINGATA CORONA VIRUS *music*
<remiliascarlet> Very annoying.
<SiFuh> No idea, I don't listen to stations or watch television stations
<remiliascarlet> 新型コロナウィルス (shingata corona virus) is how COVID-19 was and still is called over here.
<remiliascarlet> Literally "new type corona virus".
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Holy shit.
<lavaball> by the way, remiliascarlet, you know if i had one of those vps i could see your exact ip when you download something from it, right?
<remiliascarlet> I was intending to download from that VPS, so the most you should be getting is the IP address of that VPS.
<lavaball> haha, then why didn't you give me its ip range?
<lavaball> ...
<remiliascarlet> Because it's not necessary anymore anyway.
<SiFuh> And if you log IRC like I do, it isn't too hard to get his IP range
<remiliascarlet> So I nuked the VPS after you confirmed the link SiFuh provided was the exact file.
<lavaball> also interesting that you trust the corporations more than another anti woke person.
<lavaball> does /dns not work anymore?
<SiFuh> They have masking if you request it. Eg. user/remiliascarlet)
<SiFuh> But it doesn't always work so logging can capture before the masking and also any mistakes with masking
<remiliascarlet> And my IP has probably long changed too, in the meantime.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: IP range
<SiFuh> lavaball: They even changed the title. Haha
<remiliascarlet> Even that.
<lavaball> someone /dns me.
<lavaball> i want to see if this works.
<lavaball> go!
<remiliascarlet> weechat =!= | Unknown command "dns" (type /help for help), commands with similar name: n, dcc, die, sys
<remiliascarlet> So I can't DNS you, but I can die you apparently.
<SiFuh> Unknown command: dns me
<lavaball> okay, die me!
<lavaball> not me.
<lavaball> lavaball!
<lavaball> /dns lavaball
<lavaball> for the script kiddies.
* remiliascarlet kills lavaball
<lavaball> amazing.
<remiliascarlet> Shut up, you're supposed to be dead!
<lavaball> i'll dns you then. you better hold on to your ip ranges!
<lavaball> oh, says not found.
<lavaball> 3:18:47 PM * Looking up IP number for remiliascarlet... 3:18:47 PM Looking up user/remiliascarlet... 3:18:47 PM Not found
<lavaball> on myself it works.
<lavaball> sitting in the netherlands as usual.
<remiliascarlet> A Deutscher in Netherlands?
<SiFuh> Comes up as Netherlands
<remiliascarlet> SomeOrdinaryGamers recently pointed something out I've been saying for all these years: 1) How is it possible that humans are capable of recording literally everything in 16k resolution, but any alien footage can only be recorded in 20p resolution at most? 2) How comes that aliens always tend to only ever land in the USA as if they've permanently programmed their GPS to always land in that one
<remiliascarlet> country?
<SiFuh> Pfff
<SiFuh> I wanted to go to Shaitan Mazar and that isn't in the US
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Americans have the best asses to probe ;-) because they use toilet paper and smear that crap like peanut butter everywhere
<remiliascarlet> Perhaps the widest asses too.
<SiFuh> The story of the Japanese Katana is of extraterrestrial origins
<SiFuh> Same with the Chinese dragons
<SiFuh> The Cambodian Khmer Kingdom of Angkor Wat and the flaming sword and a woman in a lake
<SiFuh> The English story of King Arthur and Excaliber
<SiFuh> The Pyramids of Egypt, the Pyramids of Australia
<SiFuh> Byrd's fleet to Antarctica
<SiFuh> UFOs and USOs are everywhere in every culture, time and every place
<remiliascarlet> "uso" in Japanese (嘘) means "lie".
<SiFuh> USO is not uso
<SiFuh> Unidentified submerged object
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: By the way, did you notice how every time Max Igan always tends to walk around for 45 minutes, then suddenly says "just a short video today to let you know I'm still alive", and then goes on for another 30 minutes?
<lavaball> someordinarygamers? you watch the muslim?
<lavaball> i find his stance on the whole pedo business hypocritical.
<remiliascarlet> That sandnigger pops up on some instances sometimes.
<lavaball> for me as well.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yes, even though I don't watch most of his shit, I have noticed it
<SiFuh> Also a lot of videos are quite short
<SiFuh> It is when he goes home and dicks arond with the PC and adds shit does it become longer
<remiliascarlet> Most of his followers will only ever see the version after uploading to all the video platforms he's on.
<SiFuh> And for a sound engineer, he really fucking sucks at it. That idiot guitar jangling shit he does is always like 200% volume and his talking is at -5%
<SiFuh> That is actually the main reason I stopped listening to his shit. I ain't a volume knob jockey
<remiliascarlet> My reason to stop listening is because most of what he says is just lies. The few things he's right on is what thousands of others also say.
<SiFuh> I think he doesn't even know he is repeating lies
<SiFuh> Typical Australian twit. We call them Telegraphs. They just repeat everything heard as though it is gospel
<SiFuh> They don't usually mean to, it is just in their nature
<remiliascarlet> All these spiritual stuff is what only he seems to say.
<remiliascarlet> But the Tartaria stuff is definitely lies he's repeating from others, and refuses to even admit it's all lies.
<SiFuh> Yeah him and his weirdo shit and Berwick and his computer simulation is fucking annoying
<remiliascarlet> Sometimes I feel like the 2 are gay together.
<remiliascarlet> Ever since Max has migrated to Mexico.
<SiFuh> Tartaria is real, he just thinks it is some magical place of soffisticated people
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: HAHAHA my favorite is when he is telling everyone to get rid of your phones. Yet both video shots at the birthday party there was max glued to a fucking phone
<remiliascarlet> Tartaria itself is a geographical location in eastern Russia. I mean his whole fairy tale about it isn't real.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: And he uses a phone to record his walk and talks too.
<SiFuh> I know exactly what is Tartar and Tartaria. I even dated a Tartar girl. She was fucking nuts though.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Actually I think not
<SiFuh> There is a video he made and Berwick made and they both ran into each other in the Secret garden and from what I saw they both used Go Pros on a stick
<remiliascarlet> The whole "free energy" stuff which he uses as the biggest selling point of "Tartarians". Someone I know who fled the Soviet Union even told me that one of the very few good things about communism is free energy.
<remiliascarlet> How much would you bet that whoever put this whole idea in his head was someone who wants to make his followers accept the new communist order?
<remiliascarlet> The ex-Soviet told me how the people there would just turn on the tap, and just let the water run forever and eventually forget about it, because it didn't matter to them. But near the end of the empire, the commies suddenly charged people for utilities, and all of the sudden everyone got very careful with the usage.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> One of the things he does bring up is something I was curious about since high school.
<SiFuh> Who built the great wall of China?
<remiliascarlet> Your mom.
<SiFuh> It clearly was not the Chinese
<remiliascarlet> Your mom built the great wall.
<SiFuh> However it could be Chinese under the authority of a non-Chinese empire
<SiFuh> Why would my mother build a fucking wall?
<remiliascarlet> To keep the Mexicans out.
<SiFuh> She just lays the mortar and hands the Besa Blocks to my dad to lay
<SiFuh> I think the great wall of China is possible from Rome and it spanned massive distances
<SiFuh> But you can't ask a Chinese. Anyone who has lived in China knows they lie more than Biden
<remiliascarlet> Does Biden even know he's lying though?
<remiliascarlet> I mean, that fucker doesn't even know where he is all the time.
<SiFuh> I think he is a compulsive liar and he doesn't give a fuck
<SiFuh> Yesterday, I had a big argument with a Chinese moron about the 1947 reformation of China and the recreation of a simplified writing style and the complete erasure and rewrite of Chinese history
<SiFuh> I was surprised that several older Chinese stepped in and said everything I was saying is actually what happened and this fucking moron said that they must all be wrong because he was taught... and the entire room errupted against him
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: The two worst things that ever happened in Australia. They removed the constitution from schools and then they took our guns
<SiFuh> I was born in the 70's and I know very few people my age that know we even had a constitution
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: A lot of people in this region are very ignorant unfortunately. The teacher said it, therefore it's true. The news said it, therefore it's true. Even though thousands of people actually having knowledge in that field all debunking them at the same time.
<SiFuh> It is also the reason I am a very angry person and I cuss a lot these days
<remiliascarlet> Perhaps me being a dropout from high school really made me able to see through the matrix.
<SiFuh> Highly possible
<SiFuh> Mine was the realisation in 2nd and 5th grade the teachers are actually stupid.
<remiliascarlet> I know other people who are dropouts from high school, university, or even middle school in some cases, I noticed that the sooner they dropped out, the more intelligent and willing to learn new information they are.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, those with a university degree are the most ignorant people you can ever meet.
<remiliascarlet> Always.
<SiFuh> My dream was to become a Herpetologist. My twin sister in 5th grade was failed because of a dispute between two teachers that couldn't see eye to eye on a particular subject. My sister came to me and asked me because she knew that I would know 100% for certain that a Turtle is a reptile.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I was a lecturer at University for years. I was banned from teaching Thai history haha
<SiFuh> When I ran the KGB company in Australia back int the late 90's we only hired 1 person with a diploma. Everyone else without was self taught and peformed heaps better than the 'paper boy' (We teased him)
<SiFuh> Shit, I remember my co-boss. He and I were in shcool together. He was both short sighted and colour blind. He is a few grades younger and I use to protect him from the bullies in his grade. He wanted to hire someone and received a resume and asked me to review it. I glanced at it and dropped it in the bin.
<ppetrov^> Meanwhile, those with a university degree are the most ignorant people you can ever meet. <-- thanks :P
<SiFuh> He asked why I binned it so fast. I said anyone that uses r and ur instead of are and your is fucking imbecile
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I ain't carrying a diploma but I worked for a universities because they needed me ;-)
<remiliascarlet> I'm a tech lead at the company I work for, and I'm glad I got hired back when the company was still some small indie company, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get in. But I've been fighting with the management and HR departments for years to stop hiring those 'paper boys/girls', and instead just recruit people still in high school or middle school, because I got so tired of having to undo all
<SiFuh> a few*
<remiliascarlet> the useless information they learned in university, which by itself is a pain in the ass to do.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, I can get some high/middle school student that knows nothing yet, and train them to do whatever I want them to do.
<remiliascarlet> It's so much easier!
<SiFuh> My problem with graduates is they are spoon fed info
<remiliascarlet> And addicted to it too.
<SiFuh> I prefer the guys that have similar info because they got off their ass and actually looked into it
<SiFuh> That is why my company had a 1 to 9 ratio
<remiliascarlet> Ever tried to undo that info to make room for info they actually need? Noticed how hard that is?
<SiFuh> Every 9 guys we hired only 1 was a paper boy.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Pretty sure I was doing that she before you are born :-P
<SiFuh> she/shit
<remiliascarlet> The saddest thing is, those of us with no degree typically end up being "crazy conspiracy theorists". Not because we are, but because the paper boys and girls see us as such.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: it's funny how it went from a stupid Chinese kid who was taught some shit in school and then argues with me, then the elderly Chinese agreeing with me to the entire restaurant against this one little sap. He was programmed and no matter what he is still programmed
<SiFuh> His entire family stood against him except the little sister. The school programmed that kid and now that kid is a moron for life
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: It's very impressive what schools actually do to people
<SiFuh> You know he was shocked I have a UHF/VHF radio in the truck and no licence. Like I fucking care about a licence. I told him if you are in a serious emergency, will you use this? He said he can't because he has no licence.
<SiFuh> What a fucking idiot. Licences do not apply in any emergency situation and he has never been told that
<remiliascarlet> Just imagine that scenario. You're in the middle of a rain forest, and the entire forest goes on fire. But you refuse to escape, because the truck that will most likely save your life has no license plate.
<SiFuh> He asked me what I'd do in an emergency sistuation. I said "Pull out the satellite phone. Call it in, tell them I have UHF/VHF and switch to it. Hang up, send GPS coordinates and wait for a radio response" He though the satellite phone was a funny thing and burst out laughing.
<remiliascarlet> But those are the same types of people who genuinely believe that food just magically spawns in grossery stores just like in a video game.
<remiliascarlet> So of course these people won't care about things like farming or hunting.
<SiFuh> In China we asked a kid where milk comes from and he said the shop. And he yelled so loudly that he was right because he saw his mother buy it from there many times
<SiFuh> He's not wrong though
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: If that kid were in the UK, I think the most British response would be "do you have a loycense for that satelite phone, mate?".
<SiFuh> Satellite phones don't require a licence
<SiFuh> But they are illegal in India
<SiFuh> Oh I should check my balance
<remiliascarlet> Like how I once asked a kid "how big is your hard drive?", and showed me with his hands roughly the physical size of it.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: It's a meme about how dystopian the UK has become that everything requires a license there.
<SiFuh> I have to pay $30 a year US to keep it online
<SiFuh> I have paid nothing in over three years
<SiFuh> And it is still online and active
<SiFuh> Still got $168 USD on it. Which is enough to scream "SNAKE MUNCHED MY LEG" before credit runs out
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am the only one out of the entire team of drivers that has all emergency measures covered. I don't tell them. You know phone addicts. They will be snatching at my satellite phone like it is was a smart phone
<SiFuh> Hope my Ghillie suit arrives before March
<SiFuh> Hope it passes customs
<remiliascarlet> Reminds me to that wokie running #openbsd-social. Piracy bad and crypto bad, because "that's illegal".
<SiFuh> idiots use the word illegal
<SiFuh> Since 1988 I saw the world from the eyes of a child in 5th grade. Who makes the rules? Why can they tell me what to do, how to live, need a licence, register a car, but have ID, evaluate what foods I can eat, liquids to drink, drugs even if natural can't take, are they school bullies? Seems they want to take over my life
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, does your modular kernel config provide an EFI stub?
<SiFuh> Yes bro
<ppetrov^> thanks, mate
<ppetrov^> you're a life-saver, providing this
<ppetrov^> i mean, the modular kernel config
<SiFuh> I get a lot of help from Intel guys
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, may I suggest another addition to the Handbook? tell users they can copy the kernel config to /mnt/usr/src _before_ doing setup-chroot?
<ppetrov^> at least for stupid users like myself, that makes things easier
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: /media//kernel/contrib/*modular ?
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I am watching BMX bandits. I won't finish it before sleep but I already started
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, heh, i triggered a blast from the past
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Maybe but still funny to watch
<ppetrov^> for me it would be Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince
<ppetrov^> i am reluctant to watch this, because I am afraid it woould seem too stupid
<ppetrov^> as with the mutant ninja turtles
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Oh yeah. Huge Ninja Turtle fan the 70/80 series was what I grew up on and I tried watching it again and it sucked
<ppetrov^> however, as a kid i loved Uchūsen Sagittarius. I was 30 something when decided to give it a try and it was surprisingly watchable and interesting
<SiFuh> I prefer the 2003 series. That was freaking awesome
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Did you ever see the Turtles Forever Movie?
<ppetrov^> hmm... i watched a non-cartoon movie in the 90s
<ppetrov^> was stupid even when iw as a kid
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: That movie from the 90's I can repeat it word for word.
<ppetrov^> no, i have not seen Turtles Forever
<ppetrov^> early 90s the Bulgarian national TV was on strike, so they played cartoons non-stop
<ppetrov^> it was awesome
<SiFuh> I am so jelaous
<ppetrov^> don't be... 1992 was horrible
<ppetrov^> no food in stores
<SiFuh> I was a foremer cartoonist and I still love good cartoons
<ppetrov^> 2 h electricity 2h none
<SiFuh> You don't have a pen and paper?
<ppetrov^> for what?
<SiFuh> I spent years in a room alone in early morning and evenings.
<SiFuh> I use to draw my own fun
<ppetrov^> when I was a child my dream was to be able to draw. Well, i really cannot, unfortunatelly
<ppetrov^> i mean, it's a disaster
<SiFuh> I bet I can teach you in less than a week
<ppetrov^> i have a thing for figures though, but I am unable to draw bby hand
<ppetrov^> no
<ppetrov^> my niece can paint and once i showed her some of my "drawings"
<SiFuh> I have taught Down Syndrome people to draw
<SiFuh> They have no ine motor skills
<SiFuh> ine/fine
<ppetrov^> you can teach me, that does not mean i can learn. It's OK, i am aware of my limitations :)
<SiFuh> Your only limitation is thinking you have them
<ppetrov^> yes, yes... :)
<ppetrov^> thanks for believeing in me, though
<SiFuh> I grew up in a family that was always proud of me doing stupid useless shit
<SiFuh> Always insulting me and putting me down for stuff I wanted to actually do
<SiFuh> When I started becoming good at something, I was banned from it because it wasn't what they wanted
<ppetrov^> you know "Working class hero"'s lyrics, right?
<SiFuh> Yes
<ppetrov^> i prefer Green Day's version
<SiFuh> Just like I prefer Limp Biskits version of behind blue eyes?
<SiFuh> Green Day - Working Class Hero sounds like Bob Dylan's Masters of War
<ppetrov^> i guess
<ppetrov^> i had forgotten that was a cover
<SiFuh> WHO did a fantastic job though of Behind Blue Eyes
<ppetrov^> it's a nice song
<SiFuh> The vocals are just perfect
<SiFuh> When I was a locksmith, Adam was a huge Limp Bizkit fan. Always talking about them like they were his god
<SiFuh> Adam was my senior and more qualified
<ppetrov^> who's Adam?
<SiFuh> Dude I told off at my work for his fantastic story about how he met a woman and banged her doggy style in the bathroom and I told him off because he was married and has a beautiful wife and a just recently born baby.
<ppetrov^> amazing
<SiFuh> Then he walked around like a fucking dick saying how guilty he feels and I just didn't give a shit because it was all show
<SiFuh> What is that band named park something
<SiFuh> Ling kin park?
<SiFuh> Linkin Park
<SiFuh> Never heard about them until I went to Thailand
<SiFuh> There was a joke about their name because Ling = monkey, Kin = eat and Puk = vegetables
<SiFuh> When you say Linkin Park normaly, it sounds like you are saying Monkey eats vegetables in Thai
<ppetrov^> i like LP, however they are quite teen-oriented
<ppetrov^> well, i was a teen when i listened to them, so...
<SiFuh> LP?
<ppetrov^> linkin park
<SiFuh> Oh I saw
<SiFuh> Never could get into that
<SiFuh> Cool at a night club but not for anything else
<ppetrov^> i wasn't really into them
<ppetrov^> back then I fell in love with Shpongle
<ppetrov^> and other psychedelic music
<SiFuh> psychedelic music?
<ppetrov^> yep
<SiFuh> This is like Death metal without the noise
<ppetrov^> no, psychedelic techno
<ppetrov^> sorry. Not like jefferson airplane
<SiFuh> I am expecting a white robbed clothed child with a knife dripping with blood to come out and stab me in a haunted house
<ppetrov^> nothing like that
<ppetrov^> :)
<SiFuh> Are you sure?
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, yes I am
<ppetrov^> Shpongle is "shpongle", you canät really classify it
<ppetrov^> ok, have to go now
<SiFuh> I am fucking scared some Japanese ghost girl is going to gut me tonight when I sleep
<SiFuh> And I will find out some Asian kid drowned in my water tank in the roof and is comming to seek revenge
<lavaball> did you see china vs brittish piano player?
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]