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<SiFuh> A Canadian man who touted conspiracy theories claiming forest fires were deliberately set by the government has been convicted of starting 14 fires himself. “As his main motivation, [he] claimed he was doing tests to find out whether the forest was really dry or not,” said prosecutor Marie-Philippe Charron, according to The Independent.
<SiFuh> That's pretty funny even though it is very serious
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Just wondering, why do westerners like to move to and stay in Asia from your perspective?
<ppetrov^> they have a fetish for asian women?
<SiFuh> I don't think fetish is a word I'd use
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Many reasons. Better value for money, (In fact a lot of former UN guys move to Laos because their money can go a long way). Women who are not ashamed to be women, you can be what you want, the government is sticking its nose into every aspect of your life, it is quite laid back. If you don't speak the language it is a bonus because you don't need to listen to the shit people talk about.
<SiFuh> Haha
<remiliascarlet> "the government is sticking its nose into every aspect of your life" To me that would be something to stay away.
<SiFuh> For me my goal was to live in Japan because of my martial arts training. Ended up choosing from a list of countries I had no interest in at all. Mostly because people do what they want so I chose to do what I didn't want. Ended up being a lecturer for a few years in Thailand and I enjoyed the freedom
<SiFuh> is/isn't*
<SiFuh> I can drive down the road at 180 KPH and never need to keep looking at my speedo and for cops.
<SiFuh> In fact, I can overtake the cops and they don't give a flying fsck
<remiliascarlet> Even though Japan is home to quite a few martial arts sports, I don't think so many people here are into it.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am aware
<remiliascarlet> You'd be much more at home over here if you're into baseball though.
<SiFuh> Same with China. I was the only one that knew Kung Fu in the area.. and I'm WHITE!
<remiliascarlet> Baseball in Japan is what soccer is in Europe.
<remiliascarlet> And politics in the United States.
<SiFuh> I like Ice Hockey and Rally
<SiFuh> Super Bowl in the United States
<SiFuh> Yankees and their addiction to sports is obsessively insane.
<remiliascarlet> Americans do everything to the biggest extreme.
<SiFuh> Nothing wrong with that. But Obsessively extreme becomes more like idolatry
<SiFuh> One thing I really never understood is why Americans think they are in the freest country in the world yet there are probably more laws in the US than any country on Earth. Also don't know why freest is spelled with only two "E"s should be three.
<remiliascarlet> I think it is wrong, since I've seen that among the side effects is that they create labels filled with checkboxes which you have to tick off in order to belong, and you must belong to at least some labels. Which is why I'm glad I'm not an American.
<SiFuh> Thailand has checkboxes you should belong to to fit in
<remiliascarlet> "Asian skin color? Check. Splanted eyes? Check. Small penis (if male)? Check. Use chopsticks? Check. Has decent English language skills? Failed at that. Therefore, you're not an Asian."
<SiFuh> Reminds me of Thai's wanting to have a foreign friend but spend all their time trying to change the foreigner into be a Thai. What's the point of being a foreigner if you want me to be a Thai?
<remiliascarlet> s/Has decent English language skills?/Can't speak English well?
<SiFuh> When I worked at Uni and the newbies were brought in. They would divide them by which province they were from and then compete in stupid sports.
<remiliascarlet> It's ridiculous, because there's no 1 "Asian skin color", not all Asians have splanted eyes, and not all Asian cultures use chopsticks.
<SiFuh> When I looked into it deeper, you started to see division instead of unity. Thai -> Province -> Town/City -> Village -> Street. University -> Faculty -> class
<SiFuh> Always fighting if one of those things didn't match
<SiFuh> Yeah like Angkor Wat being called Buddhist when it is freaking Hindu
<SiFuh> The empire from India spanned accross South East Asia and pretty much everything was Hindu
<remiliascarlet> Yes, saw this over here even. Government tries so hard to make everyone equal, and then they make entire TV shows about how different foreigners are from Japanese in the most extreme possible ways.
<remiliascarlet> And then they wonder why Japanese and foreigners are always living in isolation from one other.
<SiFuh> We use to tease the Japanese in Comparrison to the Americans. Americans beat everyone up and Japanese beat themselves up
<SiFuh> Takeshi's Castle <-- For example. haha That show was awesome when I was a kid
<SiFuh> I think Chinese are the most isolated by choice
<SiFuh> Most anti-social unfriendly racist pricks I ever met in my life
<SiFuh> Although I wasn't a fan of Kyrgyz peoples attitude either.
<remiliascarlet> Some Swiss guy I know is always seen as an American, so everyone expects him to be loud, rude, and disrespectful. He's actually very silent and polite.
<SiFuh> I am a super social anti-social person. Hehe. Wife always says that I can turn a room full of strangers into best friends in minutes
<remiliascarlet> This is because on TV, whenever they show white people, they always tend to show Americans.
<SiFuh> Oh that is a thing? I always thought Americans always talk to loud like they want the entire block to hear what they are saying.
<remiliascarlet> So you get everyone to believe that every white person is automatically an American.
<SiFuh> I'd be talking to Omar (American) in Kyrgyzstan and he was like shouting his sentences and I told him you are bit loud dude and he said he doesn't care
<SiFuh> We rented two tables at a Chiense restaurant in KL. Not only did I rotate between the two tables, I ended up rotating between ALL the tables in both rooms and I didn't know anyone from any of the other tables in the restaurant but by the end of the night the entire restaurant was minggling with each other..
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It all started when Neungh and I use to go drinking in Thailand. He would often complain he has not enough money and one day I said "Dude! You want to drink all night? All we do is buy one beer and I will show you how to get free beer all night". So we'd buy a beer sit down, start drinking and I'd start moving between tables and 'cheers' with glasses and then I'd call him over. Before
<SiFuh> you know it we are drinking with strangers
<SiFuh> He ended up telling everyone he is Korean studying in Thailand because it was not as easy being a Thai trying to drink with Thai's you don't know.
<SiFuh> The more he get better at it, the more he stopped using the Korean card
<remiliascarlet> Makes very sense.
<remiliascarlet> If you keep reminding everybody around you that you're an outsider, then don't be shocked that you'll never be considered part of the family.
<SiFuh> Most foreigners are too shy to break the ice and are always waiting for someone else to do it first. You won't get many friends and you will be to shy and alone most of the time.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have told people in Australia that you just can't move to Asia and expect to live a good life. You move to Asia, you move into a community. You NEED to fit in. If you don't you will be rejected and have a horrible time in the community
<SiFuh> It's like "You don't marry the Asian girl. You marry her mother, father, grand parents, the uncles, nephews, nieces, the pet dog, the goldfish'
<remiliascarlet> This is correct.
<SiFuh> One thing that I see quite common in Thailand is Thai people think foreigners like women with dark skin because the foreigner is usually dating a dark skinned woman. This isn't entirely true. Usually the foreigner is too shy. The most active girls are the dark skinned. So they are no so shy. They will assist the foreigner with he needs like shopping and eventually they become a thing. He relies on her.
<remiliascarlet> It's not as much the case in very urban places, because you're a burden to everybody else anyway.
<SiFuh> What is interesting is what happens when he realises he can't live in Thailand and decides to bring her back to the Western Country. She now relies on him and he can't handle that change and they usually end up breaking up.
<remiliascarlet> But in anything smaller than that, you're not in "your home", you're in your community.
<SiFuh> Not sure about the Urban places. I have lived in a few and apart from China, I end up owning the place.
<SiFuh> In China they were super anti-social
<SiFuh> But where I lived in Kyrgyzstan and Kuala Lumpur everyone knew me and I was treated exactly like a local
<remiliascarlet> Anywhere within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, you're basically in your own 1 person echo chamber at all times, but outside of it, you're not.
<SiFuh> I use to whistle as I passed Rajan's door, he'd whistle back. Before you knew it. Everyone would whistle outside my window from the parking lot if they wanted to hang out with me
<remiliascarlet> In the Keihanshin (京阪神, standing for "Kyoto" 京都, "Osaka" 大阪, and Kobe 神戸), people tend to be more social, but you're still pretty much in single player mode.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Remember that chick from Japan in that video you sent that uses foreigners for money because she is seeking revenge?
<remiliascarlet> I've sent so many videos...
<SiFuh> I reckon, I could break her and she'd end up hanging out with me often. I wouldn't date her though. People like that are just fscking stupid and full of unnessarry vengeance
<remiliascarlet> s/the Keihanshin/the Keihanshin Metropolitan Area
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Reckon or I could break that too ;-)
<SiFuh> Your item departed a transfer airport in KUALA LUMPUR INT'L, MALAYSIA on January 22, 2024 at 10:47 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
<SiFuh> Cool, I should get my Ghillie suit soon then if it passes customs
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I just found out that China built a "utopic paradise" in Malaysia, only for nobody to inhebit it:
<SiFuh> The Smart City
<SiFuh> It will be very difficult to confine Malays to a small area
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: HAHAHAHAHA he says "It's a bit dark". The reason the lights didn't turn on is he needs to clap his hands
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: China's Belt and Road is DEAD <-- That is a lie. It is still going. Wife works in construction and there are regions here where 100% Chinese from China, are employed to work on the train lines which are still on going. No locals are allowed to assist. Everything comes from China, installed by China. The food is brought in from China and the workers must stay only in 100% Chinese owned
<SiFuh> and operated areas.
<remiliascarlet> Well, the mainstream media has been dead for at least 10 years, and yet it's still being broadcasted.
<SiFuh> Heh
<remiliascarlet> Likewise, the E3 has died back in 2007, and only a few months ago they finally admitted to it.
<SiFuh> I think the South China Sea should be renamed to The South Eastern Asian Sea.
<remiliascarlet> Even simpler: "The Lake Between Mainland Asia And Asian Islands".
<remiliascarlet> And Australia if they share a border with "South China Sea".
<SiFuh> 7 Nation's Sea that is not China
<SiFuh> South NOT China Sea
<SiFuh> Sea of Phillinam
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<SiFuh> lavaball: No. I did not see China vs British piano player
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: June 5th 2023. Read line 4
<lavaball> short verison. the chinese were in the shot kinda. then they came over and made a fuzz.
<lavaball> piano player didn't back down though.
<SiFuh> Ohhh yeah I know this. This a Chiense tourist angry at the piano player filming
<SiFuh> China vs British piano player sounds more like to piano players competing
<SiFuh> to/two*
<SiFuh> lavaball: Yeah it is quite arrogant and bossy of them that they think that they can come to the UK waving a foreign flag and telling a British citizen he can't film their faces after they stepped in front of the cameras.
<SiFuh> How dare that female officer ask him to step away from them. They came to him
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: From the movie BMX Bandits (1983) "She doesn't want to go into there, it is full of dead people!" "Well it is illegal to bury them alive."
<SiFuh> It reminds me of the humour that guy who is teasing that African guy you keep bringing up
<remiliascarlet> Dangote always rages at jokes.
<remiliascarlet> China to the Taiwanese: "If you motherfuckers even dare to elect William Lai, you guys will be invaded for real this time!"
<remiliascarlet> The Taiwanese (knowing that China doesn't have the resources to invade Taiwan): *votes William Lai in a landslide*
<SiFuh> I think China has the resources, they just don't have the skills to do an all out invasion. They really sucked at it so bad in all of their history that the only good Chinese battles are on Chinese TV
<remiliascarlet> They never had neither the skills nor the resources. And now that their rather laughable rockets turned out to be a joke, and on top of that the whole Chinese economy being in a spectacular collapse, this whole invasion thing is more of a fantasy than it already has been.
<SiFuh> Don't jump to conclusions
<SiFuh> You are probably right though but still
<remiliascarlet> Explanation from this China ANAL-ist:
<SiFuh> You sending more anti china left wing shit?
<remiliascarlet> China = left wing as fuck.
<SiFuh> I didn't say that
<remiliascarlet> I know.
<SiFuh> I said anti china left wing
<SiFuh> Oh it's him
<remiliascarlet> Which is why I said that China itself is left wing.
<SiFuh> Yeah, he is full shit
<SiFuh> Nothing he says has any value.
<SiFuh> I watched that one you sent earlier. I was hoping for something good but this guy just pressed anti china shit out of a can and didn't provide any evidence
<remiliascarlet> Even if he's full of shit, China's collapsing economy should be pretty obvious by now.
<SiFuh> And the topic is he was talking about is actually in my life, so he was just talking douche shit
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Is it though?
<SiFuh> A US friend of mine once said that Communism rarely makes it over 70 years.
<SiFuh> I thought that was funny since owning a house in China is exactly 70 years.
<remiliascarlet> Especially if you consider the fact that companies have been moving manufacturing from China to places like Vietnam, Cambodia, and other South East Asian countries, and manufacturing is what greatly enriched China.
<SiFuh> Alex Jones, Harrison Smith, Owen Shroyer all say Communism needs to grow and grow and grow. It is as finite as the Earth itself. Once it reaches maximum growth, it collapses.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: 100% disagree with that
<SiFuh> China is still the go to place for manufacturing
<remiliascarlet> This is what happened with the Soviet Union, and then it collapsed. Although the European Union is collapsing at a far slower rate, if at all.
<SiFuh> My concern and my worry is Vietnam. How it will handle when it collapses
<SiFuh> Soviet Union DID NOT COLLAPSE
<SiFuh> It was dismantled
<remiliascarlet> I wonder, many products I bought that were marked "Made in China" have increasingly been replaced with "Made in Vietnam", "Made in Cambodia", "Made in the Phillipines", and so on.
<SiFuh> It was taken apart from within because it was destined to fail. It never collapsed. That is Western propaganda that it collapsed
<SiFuh> You know China has factories in Vietnam and Thailand and Malysia right?
<remiliascarlet> I don't need Alex Jones or some other CIA shill to tell me that China is still doing fine.
<SiFuh> He didn't
<SiFuh> And I never said he did
<SiFuh> And he ain't CIA
<SiFuh> That's CIA propaganda you are repeating there
<remiliascarlet> Yes, any disagreement with you is immediately "CIA propaganda"... Totally...
<SiFuh> That is the very first time I said that
<SiFuh> Q was also CIA
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<remiliascarlet> Qanonsence
<SiFuh> If you watched any of the Jones' court cases you will see they hate his guts
<SiFuh> Qanonsence <-- I like that
<remiliascarlet> The worst thing is how many people have fallen for it. "I will share the toppest secret deep state intel with patriots IN THE FUCKING OPEN!!".
<SiFuh> I listened to them for probably two months before I had enough of the bullshit
<SiFuh> There is a guy that comes on to the Jones show that I am sure is Qanon but Jones argues alot with him
<remiliascarlet> Most of the Qanonsence followers happen to be tech illiterate, anyone who's been on the internet from the early days should know to not just trust shit shared on meme boards as anything serious.
<SiFuh> Or a guy who was abducted by alien cats and fucked one and is the father of a half cat half human baby, and while on video has a cat walking around
<remiliascarlet> Sounds like one of these left wing extremists who will tell you their 100% human(oid) son is actually a cat, because his mother decided to identify him as such.
<SiFuh> Ahh Simon Parkes, people were sending me his shit and I was like "Are you fucking serious? Why are you sending me shit about a guy who fucks alien cats"
<SiFuh> Zarka?
<SiFuh> Fucking hell
<SiFuh> Why do Aliens use Z's in their name
<remiliascarlet> "mother-called-cat-queen" At least we know she was a pussy then.
<SiFuh> He's a fucking nut job
<SiFuh> That clown I mentioned above that appears on the Jones' show that Jones argues with a lot is named Steve Pieczenik
<SiFuh> Freaking takes me forever to remember his stupid name
<remiliascarlet> Back in early 2023 when people still believed in the covid bullshit, I was riding a train, and it got really cold because the windows were open on both sides, so I closed the windows, and 1 fat western woman got mad at me and demanded me to re-open them again. So I pretended to not know any English, and she very desperately started trying to open the windows, but she couldn't get them to open
<remiliascarlet> again.
<SiFuh> TikToker Reveals He Was Offered $50K To Make Pro-Biden Content
<remiliascarlet> First time I've seen an actual Karen in real life.
<SiFuh> Never new about Karen until recently
<SiFuh> We always called then Miss Ann
<SiFuh> Then during that Sir-Mix-Alot song Baby Got Back, it was Becky
<SiFuh> But I never used Becky since I dated two Beckys :-P
<SiFuh> So I always stuck with Miss Ann
<remiliascarlet> The fact we call such people "Karen" is actually brilliant, because those who get triggered by the word can't ban it, because it's a common female first name in a couple of languages.
<remiliascarlet> "If you even any question about if it's worth to become a gamedev, just fuck off, we don't need you in the industry" Only if we would say this in any type of programming jobs, software would have been so much better.
<remiliascarlet> "There are WAAAAY too many people in the game industry who shouldn't be there, and they mostly make mobile games." Also very true, and they are in all sorts of software development too.
<remiliascarlet> The only issue here is that he says "if you want to make money, just go to Wall Street instead", and yet he's the one whining about piracy...
<SiFuh> How to you get from Karen to gamedev?
<remiliascarlet> Like you do to go from Karen to anything else: just show your university or college degree.
<SiFuh> It's like you are talking one topic and suddenly without warning we are in another topic? Where is the defining line?
<SiFuh> I don't like the choice of Karen
<remiliascarlet> It has been 6 minutes between the 2 topics, if that's the line you're talking about.
<SiFuh> I think it should be a name that isn't commonly associated to white women. It should be associated with tranny male prostitutes like Candy. HAHAHA
<remiliascarlet> But really, I very often start different topics mid-topic, and then go back and forth between them. I thought you should have noticed that long ago already.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I started to watch that movie last night. The gay niggers from outerspace from the planet anus. I lasted like 1 minute. It was just so bad.
<SiFuh> I do too, but I do put in words that kick it into a new path.
<SiFuh> On a side note. Change of topic. Oh by the way. Did you notice? and there are many other examples on how to split topics
<SiFuh> I'd have used "By the way" with yours
<SiFuh> Do you do similar in Japanese or are you able to separate them?
<remiliascarlet> I sometimes use "by the way" if it goes way offtopic. For example: *discussion about whether NASA hires reptiles or not* "By the way, covid is a hoax."
<SiFuh> I'd say NASA hires reptiles. Oh and Covid was a hoax
<remiliascarlet> "Do you do similar in Japanese" Yes.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have been thinking about a really bad design since I was a kid. Pedals are designed wrong
<SiFuh> Bicycle pedals are just illogical
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Watching Tampopo (1985)
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Just found out that all this time, I confused Nostr for Blue Sky.
<lavaball> who with what?
<lavaball> blue sky? like the firfly company?
<lavaball> or isn't that a mercenary group from mass effect 2?
<lavaball> nostr?
<lavaball> no idea.
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<SiFuh> I feel remiliascarlet confuses many things with other things :-P
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Also, just found out that OpenBSD has a file system called "For Fuck Sake 2":
<SiFuh> And it works beautifully slow
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Pretty much every backup I ever owned is on FFS2
<remiliascarlet> So not worth it?
<SiFuh> It's freaking super stable
<remiliascarlet> So it is worth it after all.
<SiFuh> I don't lose data like on Linux ext2,3,4 reiserfs, xfs or btrfs
<lavaball> can't confirm.
<lavaball> when i had it running on an 8gig box, firefox froze so bad that i couldn't even reboot.
<lavaball> so whe ni reset, sometimes data was gone.
<lavaball> once i couldn't even boot and had to bsd.rd.
<lavaball> the firefox freezing happened many times by the way.
<lavaball> funnily enough though it was my hexchat server.conf that was gone.
<lavaball> like i had to replace it 3 or 4 times.
<SiFuh> My system crashes
<SiFuh> It can be firefox or mpv
<SiFuh> it is all video playback
<remiliascarlet> My OpenBSD boxes all say "4.2BSD" if I check what filesystem I'm using.
<SiFuh> ...........
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Do y ou have a purpuse or do you say shit like not thinking?
<SiFuh> Purpose*
<SiFuh> Check your mount command. Bet it is all ffs
<SiFuh> ffs and ffs2 are the file systems. 4.2BSD is when you do instalation
<remiliascarlet> /dev/sd0a (someshit) on / type ffs
<SiFuh> ffs = ffs2 because OpenBSD kept the same name
<remiliascarlet> Ah, makes sense.
<SiFuh> Which makes sense since OpenBSD mounts them both but... I'd prefer a flag that says this isn't ffs2
<remiliascarlet> It's exactly because they call it "4.2BSD" upon installation that made me not even know FFS and FFS2 existed until 10 minutes ago.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You know what I like the most? OpenBSD is superior in all inferior ways than Linux ever was
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Ahh well, you will become an OpenBSD guru soon. I am even awaiting it
<remiliascarlet> EXT4 on Loonix, ZFS on FreeBSD, FFS2 on OpenBSD, and FAT or NTFS for USB memory.
<SiFuh> I do like ZFS
<SiFuh> But ZFS I doubt will ever make it to OpenBSD
<remiliascarlet> I believe FreeBSD took ZFS from OpenSolaris, and continued its development or some shit.
<remiliascarlet> This is the article I discovered FFS2 on.
<SiFuh> It did
<SiFuh> OpenBSD and Windows suck when it comes to file system support
<SiFuh> However OpenBSD sucks because of obvious security reasons and Windows sucks because of corporate greed
<remiliascarlet> And the biggest irony is that Microsoft's proprietary filesystems happen to be the most universal ones.
<SiFuh> I'd like to see a world where OpenBSD was the only system on the planet
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: And it still sucks. Hahah
<SiFuh> I only use it for my 'car' radio
<SiFuh> Everything here is FFS2 and some extFAT and some EXT2
<remiliascarlet> Don't think it'll happen, the OpenBSD guys make their OS's for themselves first and foremost, so I think having to listen to all these billions of people complaining about literally everything will be a massive burden for them.
<SiFuh> Same, my system is mine and for me, and pure and works and crashes when it really needs too.
<SiFuh> My desktop crashes like every few months. My servers never crash
<remiliascarlet> Actually, I prefer to keep OpenBSD small. The idiots can have their Debians and their CentOS's.
<SiFuh> Yep, and mine has what I need. if I don't use something for some time, I remove it
<SiFuh> However, I have a complete clone of every package for offline installation
<SiFuh> Source too
<SiFuh> I call it the apocalypse download
<SiFuh> It's updated daily
<remiliascarlet> Will you have electricity in an apocalypse though?
<SiFuh> When the system dies. I will have a complete copy of both sources, archives and packages
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Fuck yeah
<remiliascarlet> Sure, things like UPS exist, but that too has a certain limit.
<SiFuh> Although the chances are I will never care about it
<SiFuh> No, I can get electricity
* SiFuh is an electrical engineer
<SiFuh> But why would you want it? When you go spear fish and hunt monkeys?
<remiliascarlet> Hunt bears, like during childhood.
<SiFuh> Your PC will actually become irrelevant. Your survival will move up the ladder to be what is now important
<SiFuh> Well, I use to swim with crocodiles and cucks are afraid of them.
<SiFuh> I slept near trap door spiders, and snakes.
<SiFuh> But these fools fear shit
<remiliascarlet> PC skills are still valuable to rebuild what has lost in the new civilization.
<SiFuh> But don't ge me wrong. I am petrified of Monkeys because they will gang up and rip you to shreds
<remiliascarlet> Gang up harder then.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Why would you though?
<SiFuh> Why would I rebuild that shit?
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Because this is going to happen eventually anyway.
<SiFuh> I will keep what I have but I ain't ever going to rebuild it
<SiFuh> I don't want to see it again. If does return, it will be different and it will not be able to read what I have
<remiliascarlet> The Romans had a water pipe system, then the Roman Empire collapsed, and technical knowledge about it died with it. It took humans 1000 years to re-invent it.
<SiFuh> Cry me a river
<SiFuh> Your history is tainted
<SiFuh> You want to know the largest city on Earth with full plumbing?
<SiFuh> Cambodia
<SiFuh> India had plumbing when Abram came from there to settle in the promised land
<SiFuh> Pluming is ancient super ancient
<SiFuh> Electricty also
<SiFuh> Even Tesla knew it was old tech
<remiliascarlet> And then they killed him.
<SiFuh> And every civilised world with this shit is gone
<SiFuh> Who gives a fuck, do we really need it?
<SiFuh> I am sure you and I together can hung a pig in the bush and we'd never speak of computers or electrics or engineering
<SiFuh> hung? hunt
<SiFuh> No more gyms, no more vegans. Left tards will die off. We will be freaking happy man
<remiliascarlet> "Once we're done turning this pig into dinner, I'll setup that OpenBSD server for you."
<remiliascarlet> Said cavemen.
<SiFuh> You know I am an OpenBSD guy and I can turn that pig into your dinner right?
<SiFuh> You know OpenBSD will be long forgotten when we are living like this
<remiliascarlet> It would be so hillarious if we'd one day live in a world where cavemen know all about OpenBSD, but the "highly advanced civilizations" don't even know electrivity exists.
<SiFuh> Makes no sense
<remiliascarlet> I know.
<SiFuh> Oh wait
<SiFuh> I see what your saying
<SiFuh> Yeah that would be very funny
<SiFuh> Reminds me of Battle Star Galatica
<SiFuh> you ever watched that?
<remiliascarlet> Doesn't sound familiar to me.
<SiFuh> WTF?
<SiFuh> Okay rough and very simple version
<SiFuh> Humans create AI. AI hunts humans. Humans move to a new planet
<SiFuh> Everything is religious and prophecy
<SiFuh> 2003 until 2008
<SiFuh> That's enough to get the idea
<SiFuh> no joke and not being derogatory in anyway. Everytime I do a shit on the toilet I think about this series. Not sure why but freaking hell it was amazing.
<SiFuh> If you have never seen it, I recommend it 100%
<SiFuh> Kind of surprising you have never seen it. It was so good they tried remaking it many times
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