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<farkuhar> SiFuh: yeast breads take too long to proof, in the winter conditions that my area is experiencing (unless I want to incur an enormous heating bill). Sodium bicarbonate is the only leavening agent I've used in my recent baking projects.
<farkuhar> not to mention that my new job entails a longer commute and a longer workday, so I don't have time to wait around for dough to rise before firing up the oven.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Do you have time to warm up the water?
<farkuhar> And this new job came with a MacBook Air, because all the projectors in the workplace are set up to do screen mirroring via AirPlay. Like remiliascarlet I haven't acquired Apple devices for personal use, but for a new job I suppose I can get used to it.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: you can speed up yeast fermentation if you store your flour in a warm spot before mixing and use warm water instead of room temperature water.
<SiFuh> I found out why mine was slow because the milk I used was frozen. I had forgotten about that.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: thanks, I'll give that a try.
<SiFuh> Grabbing at numbers, I think higher than 48 Celsius is the point yeast starts to die.
<SiFuh> Quick search 48 C (120 F) is where they start to die and 60 is where they all die (140 F)
<SiFuh> I only knew that it was 48 C because I make beer and I need to make sure the wort isn't too hot before pitching the yeast
<farkuhar> What if the house thermostat is set to 14 C during winter? I'm sure there are pockets of the house that are warmer, but not by much. Even if I warm up the water beforehand, I suspect the mixed dough won't stay warm very long in a 14 C environment.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: That's brewing temperature so that the yeast grows slower and doesn't sour the beer ;-)
<SiFuh> You have a refrigerator right? The back of the refrigerator will warm. You use a PC? The PC will push out warm air.
<SiFuh> Reminds me when I was a kid and I'd work on a Macadamia Nut farm. Use to drive 25 minutes to work. Park the car. Pop the hood. Stick a Pizza on the engine and close the bonnet and at lunchtime my pizza was cooked fromt he heat of the engine.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet set a good example, redoing cable management for the new year. Maybe if I hook up my fridge and PC in a new arrangement, I'll be able to maneuver behind them more easily and place some dough next to the warm air outflow.
<SiFuh> Cool
<SiFuh> Well, I won't be able to change the springs on my truck today by myself since I can't jack up the truck high enough without doing something stupin
<SiFuh> stupid
<SiFuh> I do have a high-lift jack, but that thing is insanely dangerous and I dare not use it when no one else is around
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This cat walks down the road, stops and starts playing(?) then I thought, is it trying to dig a hole in bitumen? Then it looks around, it doesn't even move to the pretend hole it was digging, then just poops on the road. I shout out the window "WTF are you doing you dumb fuck?". Then it attempts to bury it and I shout "Oh yeah, there is high IQ society there, you trying to bury shit in
<SiFuh> bitumen, good luck!" This cat looks up at me, then tries 4 or 5 times more, then gives up and walks away. What a clown
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<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> Why?
<ppetrov^> zorz, собър ден
<ppetrov^> добър ден
<ppetrov^> damn, can't write even in my own language...
<zorz> ppetrov^: sober morning :)
<ppetrov^> actually yes
<ppetrov^> i am having a dry january
<SiFuh> My dinner is already three hours late and I think it isn't arriving
<zorz> ppetrov^: i am having 3 dry months so far.
<SiFuh> She has cooked dinner and fed all to the kids and herself and still nothing for me. So I go to check why she is feeding the kids. Since the kid's, parents pay their parents (The grandparents) to cook for them but not pay us. Then I see there is alcohol on the table.
<SiFuh> I ask her "Do their parents know they are drinking alcohol?" She says "No" I ask "Don't you think you should get the parents permission first?" Now she is angry at me! Guess I will be fasting tonight
<zorz> SiFuh: PG 18 :) unless in us PG 21.
<SiFuh> She might be trying to kill me
<SiFuh> Land of the not free?
<zorz> SiFuh: give alcohol to a minor PG18 and he becomes RPG :)
<SiFuh> I don't understand why USA is the land of the free yet there are more laws and rules in that country than the entire globe
<zorz> SiFuh: citizens in us are not known to be from the smartest in the globe.
<SiFuh> And don't forget, more people in US prisons than the entire planet combined
<SiFuh> Might have exageratted there
<zorz> SiFuh: dont put so much sauce :)
<SiFuh> USA is still top of the list
<zorz> SiFuh: dont actually should be a ratio according with the population ? for example ecuador?
<SiFuh> Can't beleive North Korea is near the bottom
<SiFuh> Maybe they shoot everyone
<zorz> SiFuh: haha Kim... haha
<SiFuh> zorz: READ!
<zorz> SiFuh: in mexico half of population should be in prison.
<SiFuh> That image is per 100,000 population percentage
<zorz> SiFuh: ok i will read.
<SiFuh> No one should be in prison
<SiFuh> Unless they act like a rabid animal
<SiFuh> USA made a business out of it
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I would actually like to see globalists in prison.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: a prison for the elites
<zorz> elite hotel.
<SiFuh> I don't unless it is on Bouvet Isalnd
<zorz> sweden is nice prisons are actual hotels, you even go out during the day.
<SiFuh> That's normal
<zorz> private room, tv, internet, food, heating, aircoditioning, all the amenities :)
<SiFuh> I had a nice time in prison in Thailand
<SiFuh> Fortunately I wasn't in the Bangkok one
<SiFuh> My fingerprints are file in a drawer, locked away, in North East Thailand...
<SiFuh> Fucking fantastic
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: remiliascarlet: It's very bad dude
<zorz> speaking of sweden, fucking americans, they want sweden in nato. because of climate change ice in antartica got thiner. so from china no need to take the traditional sea route, they will go from top... this is what china and russia wants. this is what us dont want. this is how germany gets fucked once again. they only pay the bill.
<SiFuh> I don't know what to do with that
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, what's bad?
<SiFuh> You don't know what that green part is right?
<zorz> SiFuh: the green part is salad in greek restaurants.
<zorz> anyway, guys iam going to work. later. have a nice day.
<SiFuh> Take your restaraunt with you
<zorz> restaurant ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> i dont get it... anyway... i have to finish, this bloody databases... 10 days iam fed up.
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> ciao
<SiFuh> That's disgusting dude
<SiFuh> That's as bad as Japanese diet after religion stepped in
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My Hindu friend says cows are sacred and they can't eat them. I said the royal families, the soldiers and the priest class did. Pretty obvious why they banned you peasants from eating it.
<SiFuh> I have told this to him several times. He says "Yes, ahhhh" then goes about his shitty diety
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: It's a well known fact that royalties and elites in general are fucking hypocrites. At least, well known to the 5% of the people who can actually see it.
<remiliascarlet> Don't rely on the "newly awakened" people, those who eventually realized that the covid was a scam all along are still falling for every next psyop anyway.
<lavaball> still saying the cpp virus didn't exist? or have moved on to just denying its deadliness?
<remiliascarlet> What's deadly is the jabs.
<SiFuh> I am biting my tongue
<ppetrov^> go on, man, go on... :)
<SiFuh> In 2019, I had the worst respiratory attack ever in my life. It started in Thailand, and I went to the Muslim part and stopped off for a week. No vodka. Went home and I was wearing a face mask before it was considered cool. Because I was coughing all the way. Got home, felt good and that night the coughing returned. Felt like a huge sticky, spikey ball of mucus the size of a tennis ball inside my top
<SiFuh> right lung. Next day on the left. I ended up drinking shots of vodka and raw garlic. Fine after that except for that stupid cough that lasted until early March.
<SiFuh> I went to the Clinic in November I think. The doctor said "unknown virus" and he wanted to send me home with a pile of fucking useless shit medicine. I said "Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide". He looked at me and said
<SiFuh> "Okay"
<SiFuh> Wife was shocked (Actually she wasn't my wife yet). She said "You go to a doctor and tell them what you want?" I replied "Of course, it is what i pay those fuckers for"
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<SiFuh> This was before it became NEWS and Wuhan being ground zero, and I still don't fucking beleive there was a real virus, or that hospitals will full of dead people.
<SiFuh> Most of our friends are nurses and they all had time off. Amazing. It's a fuckng pandemic
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<SiFuh> Wife's colleague was diagnosed with CV19 on Thursday. They came in to the office and taped up the building. Said everyone must go home for two weeks. This happened on the Friday. They then told the staff that they MUST go to test on Monday.
<SiFuh> I said to my wife she is not going to have a swab shoved up her nose like cattle. They can get fucked. So she can't sleep. She was scared the police will come and whatever. I said "Thursday test, Friday shut down, Monday everyone test? Fucking pandemic takes the weekend off. FUCK THEM"
<remiliascarlet> Over reaction.
<SiFuh> There was no reaction
<SiFuh> They never turned up
<SiFuh> It was a scam
<remiliascarlet> I mean from the cattle.
<SiFuh> Her Uncles went to get the injection and asked us to come. I said "NO!" and I was very firm. "Okay... no worries"
<remiliascarlet> My mom almost got the injection, but me, my siblings, and her best friend who happens to be a nurse at a large hospital all told her to not get it, and she listened.
<SiFuh> Then the neighbours found out. Wife comes running in. "What do I tell them? They keep asking why". I said "say no, and if they ask again. You look them in the eyes, seriously and say loud and firm and stern NO!" So she did and she has never been asked since.
<SiFuh> Her Metal Uncle (I like him. He and I and metal work is cool) he got stage 4 cancer in his neck 2 weeks after injection
<remiliascarlet> And now she's so happy she listened, because all our family members who we were unable to prevent from getting it are now either extremely sick, or are suffering from cancer, or already died of cancer.
<SiFuh> Her wood Uncle has had a stroke
<SiFuh> Now her father is constantly vomiting. No one can tell me if there is blood. Guess he doesn't show the results to anyone.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, the only people in the family who are doing fine are those of us who never got any injections.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yes, it is happening, everyone is sick, losing weight, no energy, one has no immune system anymore.
<SiFuh> She and her mother are constantly attending funerals
<remiliascarlet> It's not even a coincidence, it's a fucking pattern!
<SiFuh> Her boss can't even jog anymore because his heart has pain. Her school friend who is an exercise freak, can't exercise anymore. In 12 months his hair went gray and he can't walk very well. He's 1 year old than me!
<remiliascarlet> Japan is 90% jabbed, so an American who's living in Nagoya even calls this country "Jaban" now.
<SiFuh> When I first read about mRNA, this is before 2019 I was thinking how stupid it was for them to keep on testing it, like they wanted it to have a different result but couldn't get it. Now I think, they were testing it because they like that result and wanted it.
<remiliascarlet> And I hear constant streams of sirens since May 2021, when they first started jabbing.
<remiliascarlet> And yet, according to the ignorant covidiots, we are the "nutcases".
<SiFuh> I told my friend when I heard mRNA is the go to poison that it was banned because it was causing Auto Immune Diseases. The cells were creating the issue because of the mRNA and the body learned that it was the cells and instead turned against the cells. Creating AIDs
<SiFuh> He said "What ever you say Doctor SiFuh"
<SiFuh> I was fucking fuming because he didn't read jack shit, and I had been reading it since 2015.
<SiFuh> Reminds me of that Chad thing I posted above
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My mother isn't a nutcase. If she said to take it, I'd probably take it. But she didn't even want it
<remiliascarlet> Can I disclose you something? Most doctors in the world are sponsored by one or more big brands, which is exactly why so many vets recommend kibble over raw meat, nutristians recommend veganism over keto, carnivore, or even omnivore in many cases, and general doctors recommend the lethal injections.
<SiFuh> It is interesting because most of my friends never took it. My parents, brother, sister, My sisters husband and kids, none of us took it.
<SiFuh> Yet my Aunt has had covid like 11 times and 17 injections (Exageratting)
<remiliascarlet> I wouldn't take it even if I were forced or pressured into taking it.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I knew that because in 1992 to 1996 I worked for the emergency serives.
<remiliascarlet> In the worse case I'd just fake it, and tell them I got it even though I didn't.
<SiFuh> Services*
<lavaball> i'd be careful with the meat consumption then. they to are getting mrna vaccines now.
<lavaball> too
<SiFuh> Pharmacuetical companies spend like nothing on the public to advertise, but spend billions on advertising to doctors
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not me, I will not pretend. I will just say "NO!" I am not playing their games
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Not sure if that's even true. I've seen so much shit on BITCHute back in the day "proving" that they did, including even putting magnets on meat in the supermarkets, then I tried it out for myself, and nothing.
<SiFuh> lavaball: I am concerned about that actually myself because I know places that are actually doing it in Australia
<remiliascarlet> Or chicken meat that was shaking after getting jabbed, all this time I bought any type of meat, no shaking unless I physically shake it.
<SiFuh> Chicken is the worst meat on the planet
<SiFuh> Most unhealthiest hormone riddled crap that loves breeding bacteria
<remiliascarlet> I found that birds in general don't really fill you that well compared to beef, lam, or pork.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Don't worry, we love ya. I was talking to my wife today about the conversation between you and I and the Ivermectim link.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Good things duck and turkey aren't general
<remiliascarlet> Every time I get chicken, I have to use lots of butter, because the chicken meat barely has any fat.
<SiFuh> I don't eat Chicken. Can't stand it. Haven't eaten it since ... Well I remember the three times I tried it.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Ducks don't fill you up either, unless you eat the whole duck. Don't know about turkey, it's next to impossible to find one here.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, I am not worried
<SiFuh> First one, okay it was from KFC. Second was full of pus and was from KFC and third was from my sister that didn't cook it properly and it was bleeding on my plate
<remiliascarlet> Maybe you can get one at Costco, but I'm no member.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: KFC chicken got a period?
<lavaball> SiFuh, i heard about it being tested in australia too. only there though.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Never mind, it was more of an off topic discussion between her and me about it.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: We are talking KFC in the 80's
<remiliascarlet> KFC chicken got a period in the 80's?
<SiFuh> You mean the blood?
<remiliascarlet> Yes, just joking about that.
<SiFuh> That was in the 2K's I think
<SiFuh> That wasn't KFC
<SiFuh> That was my sister trying to cook it
<remiliascarlet> Oh, so she was the one who got a period while cooking chicken?
<SiFuh> I just threw it back in the pan and told her to learn to cook. I was pretty offended because everyone knows I don't eat Chicken
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Shut up dude
<remiliascarlet> Nobody shuts me up.
<SiFuh> lavaball: The other one is the aerosol spray but I don't think that is mRNA because you can't keep it cold enough
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, I'm in a crazy mood.
<SiFuh> Anyway, since 2015 I was reading the medical journals about cool things and mRNA was brought up a little, and banned from human trials. Yet they kept trying and trying. That alone was enough for me when I heard "NEW! State of the art! MRNA! It's efficient, it adapts, it is the bee's knees" and so on, to say "Hell no". All the side effects in the reports are not only listen by Pfiezer but also happening
<SiFuh> on a global scale.
<SiFuh> listen/listed
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<remiliascarlet> Confirmed! Linus is woke:
<SiFuh> That friend who called me "Doctor SiFuh" sarcastically, he never took the injection. He said "As much as I don't beleive you, I believe you"
<SiFuh> Linus is a fucking idiot
<SiFuh> We knew that in the 90's
<remiliascarlet> I sure miss the old pre-2010s Linus.
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, that's like really old.
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<remiliascarlet> And?
<SiFuh> Right! Put in the order for the Ghillie suit
<SiFuh> Watch them cancel the order for me
<remiliascarlet> Considering he's a WEF member, do you think he has changed his mind in those 7 months?
<SiFuh> Doesn't mean squat
<lavaball> no, i mean this isn't news, and it wasn't news when he said it either. it started in 2018.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: The WEF like to poach shit and put in their site so people will think they are all in.
<SiFuh> You cannot trust WEF or their site
<SiFuh> Don't forget Putin, Musk, Ramaswamy and Durov all showed up and rejected or flat out rejected
<SiFuh> Ramaswamy even threatened to sue WEF if they didn't remove his name from the 'Young Global Leaders'
<remiliascarlet> Good to know then.
<SiFuh> The WEF are arrogant and fucking liars
<remiliascarlet> I know they're liars, all the globalists are.
<SiFuh> I'd not be surprised if they win and you and I are hunted down like dogs
<SiFuh> Already told the wife, that I am not part nor will I ever be part of their system. I am going jungle when the shit hits the fan and if I can help it, I will avoid them all
<SiFuh> I do not
<SiFuh> I was listening to him since he was on GCN
<SiFuh> He hasn't changed much. He's still a twit. But his news is his. I hate how he has an opinion. I don't like hearing, reading news where the reporters have an opinion. I don't think it is their right to have one
<SiFuh> The news should be presented 100% without bias, exactly as it is, no assumptions, or postulations or opinions or thoughts.
<remiliascarlet> Everyone who reports on "the news" will blend it with their own bias/optinion, there's no exception.
<remiliascarlet> Humans are just biased beings.
<SiFuh> That's a modern thing
<remiliascarlet> It has always been like that.
<SiFuh> Nope
<remiliascarlet> Even AI are biased, they just say whatever their developers want them to say.
<SiFuh> When I was a kid, there were no sides. It was reported as known and anything else would "update you when more information comes to light"
<SiFuh> AI is fake
<SiFuh> It's a leftist programmed plagiariser
<SiFuh> It cannot think for itself
<remiliascarlet> Nah, the difference is that people weren't able to fact check so easily yet back then, plus they still did their best to come over as neutral.
<SiFuh> It's just glorified copy and paste software with communist programming
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Fact checks are lies and are modern
<remiliascarlet> Now it's so obvious that they're biased, even someone so retarded that he proudly goes by the nickname "retard" can see it.
<SiFuh> I am telling you, when I was a kid, NEWS was unbiased. No one had an opinion
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I mean people checking the facts on their own, not bullshit like Snopes.
<SiFuh> It was only until the later years where it slowly begane to change
<remiliascarlet> As you want.
<SiFuh> Like I said. You tell me the events of the day then sut the fuck up. I don't care what you think. That was the way it was in Australia. It was probably early 2000 when reporters and anchors had opinions and then it was more about viewers than the real story
<remiliascarlet> By the way, know any OpenSolaris distro that's most in line with OpenBSD and CRUX? The only one I can find is Tribblix, because everything else is more in line with Ubuntu or Fedora.
<SiFuh> I don't want an OpenSolaris like OpenBSD
<SiFuh> I liked OpenSolaris as it was
<SiFuh> OpenIndiana sucks
<remiliascarlet> Sun's OpenSolaris is dead, there are a bunch of distro's/continuations though.
<SiFuh> I am aware
<SiFuh> I use to work for them
<remiliascarlet> And it's a shame, because Solaris was perhaps the closest to UNIX you could get.
<remiliascarlet> Sure, OpenBSD is very POSIX compliant, but they did turn it into its own thing.
<SiFuh> I loved Solaris/OpenSolaris
<SiFuh> I remember Ruby (Ex-gf) she came to my parents home and asked me if she can use the laptop of mine. (This one stays at my parents home). I said "Sure, but it is OpenSolaris" She asks what is that and I said never mind. Then she sat down and used it like it was Windows.
<remiliascarlet> I tried Solaris on a live CD before, but to me it felt more like Ubuntu that can't run most of the programs that came with the live CD itself. Not sure if that changed while Sun was still around?
<SiFuh> I can run anything if you had the repo for it
<SiFuh> I/It
<remiliascarlet> Or compile from source.
<SiFuh> i never did
<SiFuh> My job was to tell you what you need, log in remotely and set your system up
<SiFuh> adm ;-) pain in the ass that was
<remiliascarlet> I would once want to make my own C compiler, just for the sake of understanding how it exactly works other than just "it tak zi .c, it mak zi .o, it gif zi bin".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Did you ever miss around with Tron?
<SiFuh> miss/mess
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: This is a pain in the ass regardless. At one point I oversaw the tech support department of a company I worked for, a customer called because she sees a big ass screen with nothing but the button "CONNECT" on it, and they said "I don't get it, how do I connect?".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: When I worked in I.T. in Australia we had idiots like that yes
<SiFuh> When I worked the corporate side in Malaysia, never had anything like that
<SiFuh> When I worked in UNI in Thailand we did have some funny shit dumb ass moron stories but it was very rare
<SiFuh> My best stories are all from customer service I.T. in Australia
<remiliascarlet> Tech support really seems like the type of job that makes you dispice people in general.
<SiFuh> Try driving a Taxi
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, any service related job I guess.
<SiFuh> I had a lot of patience when I was in I.T. Australia. These days I will call you a fucking idiot cunt moron bitch and slam the phone down.
<remiliascarlet> So glad I've been a software engineer my entire career, so at least I don't have to be put up with dumb customers. But instead I have to be put up with dumb coworkers. Not sure what's worse now I think of it.
<SiFuh> Taxi, when started I wanted to punch ever dumb cunt in the face. Now-a-days I miss it because I learned to lay back and just let shit happen.
<SiFuh> I don't like coworkers
<SiFuh> I find them super stupid but only because of their role
<remiliascarlet> One IT teacher at a school plugged an ethernet port into a router, and put the other end in another port of that same router, and was mad that the network failed.
<remiliascarlet> And I mean, mad at us.
<SiFuh> Example, you and I know the customer is probably a moron so we try to help. If you come to me and ask a moron question, I wonder why the fuck are you in this job
<remiliascarlet> Or one contact at Fuji TV, perhaps the biggest bitch I've ever met.
<SiFuh> That's horrible
<remiliascarlet> Nobody likes her, even the other people working at Fuji TV hate her.
<SiFuh> Ohhhhh, Samsung Smart TV installed at my friends home and the network just died. Can't be the smart TV. Found out that Samsung sends a "Who is alive" message every 2 seconds. Called the Tech and he called me a liar and I don't know what I am talking about. So I called Samsung
<remiliascarlet> Can't believe how smoothly we transitioned (so stunning and brave!) from talking about OpenSolaris to talking about service job related stories.
<SiFuh> I remember sitting at the Tax rank and some Asian dude came up and started shouting at me about how everytime he called for a Taxi Dominoes was trying to sell him a pizza
<SiFuh> Tax/Taxi
<SiFuh> I listened to his story then started pointing at the phone number on my door. There was a young girl cracking up laughing on the bench nearby
<remiliascarlet> Can't be me then, because even though I'm Asian, my experience with Domino's is that they're 1 hour late every single time. So I left a negative review, and stopped ordering there.
<SiFuh> He was dialing 131888 instead of 131008
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I hate dominoes
<remiliascarlet> And then Demae Can emailed me and kindly requested me to make my review more positive, because "they don't want to hurt the reputation of their partner".
<SiFuh> But here in Malaysia, well okay here in the town I live in, in Malaysia, I only order Dominoes because Pizza hut sucks here
<remiliascarlet> Motherfucker! If I get food way too late to the point the pizza is all the way cold, how the fuck would you expect me to be positive!?
<remiliascarlet> The best Pizza delivery chain in Japan is Pizza-La, a Japanese brand.
<remiliascarlet> I used to live in a place where Pizza Hut was literally across the street.
<SiFuh> Not even exageratting. Ordered 4 super supreme and got 4 something else. Called them, they picked up all 4 and left, came back with 4 more. 2 were super supreme. Told the driver it is wrong, he took 2 and left and came back with 2 other pizza not super supreme. Told him, he left and 1 hour later returned with 2 more pizza said to keep the last two old pizza and when I looked still no super supreme.
<SiFuh> Called them and they said you got 6 pizzas and hung up the phone
<SiFuh> I contacted the company to inform them over the course of 4 years it is rare to get what we ordered and they are always late. No reply
<remiliascarlet> So every time I ordered at Pizza Hut back then, they didn't even get their motorcycles, they simply walked to the other side of the street and delivered within 8 minutes or so.
<remiliascarlet> The pizza was always still piping hot too.
<SiFuh> So we switched to Dominoes. More expensive but never once fucked up
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: In KL I will order only Pizza Hut
<SiFuh> Best Pizza not from New York
<SiFuh> The branch near my home are fuckign crooks
<SiFuh> One pizza has only 2 slices of peperoni and thepizza was an 8 slicer
<SiFuh> It was bread with some cheese and looked like a bird farted on it
<remiliascarlet> But even back then, I would rarely order a pizza, because delivery pizza is always expensive as fuck.
<remiliascarlet> 3000 yen at the minimum.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, you can easily find a pizza at a supermarket for only 200 yen.
<SiFuh> Yuck
<SiFuh> I'd pay 3K Yen for a good pizza
<remiliascarlet> So I only ordered on special occasion.
<SiFuh> I agree the only special occasion though to order pizza is when you want pizza
<remiliascarlet> Or make one at home, it's not that hard, and you can make whatever you want.
<SiFuh> I have never found a pizza though better than my home made pizza
<SiFuh> That's the only two survives in my history
<SiFuh> I also make the base myself
<remiliascarlet> I just booted up Tribblix from a USB, because why not. The boot up screen is extremely similar to what you'd see when you boot up FreeBSD or Dragonfly BSD.
<SiFuh> Best part about home made pizza is I can use 'REAL' anchovies
<SiFuh> I use to cook 6 family sized pizza in 30 minutes.
<SiFuh> Then I went to Asia any my brother took over. He can make 6 family size pizza in 6 hours
<SiFuh> But he is the legend
<SiFuh> They all forgot that I was the king
<remiliascarlet> OK, I don't like Tribblix anymore after reading this:
<remiliascarlet> Want to install a single package? HAHA, FUCK YOU! You'll need to install a whole bunch of bloat just for 1 fucking package!
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