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<SiFuh> Hahaha Chase Geiser made the mistake of allowing a flat earther to call in and talk about it. Now everytime he opens the phone lines he's flooded by people trying to sell him the flat earth theory
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Old news. It was even discussed on the American Journal at great length
<remiliascarlet> Some people just need to have this repeated, because clearly a lot of people still don't get it.
<remiliascarlet> "Yeah, I know EVs explode at high temperatures and go in flames at random, yeah I know Africans are being exploited the hell out of themselves to make these batteries for us, yeah I know EVs are fucking useless in the cold, but at least we fight climate change, right? ...riiiiight??"
<remiliascarlet> Forgot to add in "yeah I know the building of EVs are devestating to the planet".
<SiFuh> Don't even need to click that. The URL says it all
<remiliascarlet> One little detail it doesn't say is that Hertz is going back to gasoline-based cars because of that.
<SiFuh> They can't
<remiliascarlet> They can. Once it exists, you can't unexist it.
<SiFuh> They can't because of the contracts
<SiFuh> They have to keep up with the fake green agenda
<remiliascarlet> It's so impossible, there's not even a real word for undoing its existence.
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, and at one point the activist investors go away, and the whole green agenda is no longer a concern.
<remiliascarlet> We've already been seeing the beginnings of it in entertainment.
<SiFuh> In the bible it uses the word 'destroy'. Man kills but God destroys. Since God makes no mistake if he destroys you, then you will never exist again.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Maybe, but I think they are being forced into it
<remiliascarlet> The activitst investers pulled out, now companies that have relied so heavily on invester's debt money for years so much that they felt comfortable enough to tell their entire audiences to fuck off, now all of the sudden are desperate for making money again.
<remiliascarlet> Like how I just explained, simply wait for investors to pull out, and the whole agenda goes out of the window overnight.
<SiFuh> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA This idiots think Trump has Siphilis.
<remiliascarlet> This already happens in entertainment, and it will eventually happen everywhere else as well.
<SiFuh> That's golfer's rash!
<remiliascarlet> On that photo, he looks a lot more fatter than he does in his recent speeches.
<remiliascarlet> I so hope Trump wins the selections, not because he does a good job, but because it was hillarious to see so many people suddenly getting TDS for 4 years, and never heal from it ever again.
<remiliascarlet> "so many people" More specifically the libtards.
<SiFuh> When it was 2016. I was dissapointed at the two candidates. I turned to my friend and said "We'd better hope that clown Trump gets in. Hillary is pure evil and we'll be in a World War"
<remiliascarlet> I have to give Trump some real credit, because he's the first president that didn't start a new war, negociated peace deals in the Middle East (which then got undone by Biden), and he can speak freely without a teleprompter.
<remiliascarlet> Biden can't even speak with one.
<SiFuh> He has a teleprompter. He just rarely uses it which is cool
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: he did piss of Iran though
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Here is a rant for you
<SiFuh> It's uncensored so it might offend some
<SiFuh> How's his shirt?
<remiliascarlet> I'll watch later.
<SiFuh> He is insult all the liberal reporters
<SiFuh> UFC champ Sean Strickland rips reporter, Justin Trudeau in wild rant after question over past LGBT remarks
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: What the fuck is even a "COVID bank account"?
<SiFuh> Anyone who didn't abide by the COVID restrictions, anyone in the trucker rally, had their bank accounts suspended by the Turd-eau Dictatorship
<remiliascarlet> Ah, they mean that.
<remiliascarlet> The way they put this sentence together, it made me think of some bank that's called "The COVID Bank".
<SiFuh> His tongue trips over certain words. I think he has been punched in the head a few too many times.
<remiliascarlet> Could happen, the word "covid" even sounds Jewish as fuck.
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<SiFuh> Well, those mechanics were entertaining. I didn't leave my car there alone. I stayed and I am glad I did because I ended up helping. They've never worked on a jungle truck before so they were doing some strange things.
<remiliascarlet> Feminism in South Korea is so bad, Koreans are now more likely to take pets than babies:
<SiFuh> I had a beautiful Korean GF. She went to Korea and was planning on coming back to Australia to be with me. Suddenly out of the blue she says she can't because her money was stolen. I have not heard from her since. :-(
<SiFuh> The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has no plans to further study the effects of cellphone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on human health — even though the program’s own $30 million study that took about 10 years to complete in 2018 reported evidence of cancer and DNA damage.
<remiliascarlet> Maybe because if they did such a study, it would probably destroy their "force everyone and their mothers onto smartphones" agenda.
<SiFuh> Speaking of phones. They refused to post it because of a Lithium battery. I wrote on the package and told them that it HAS NO LITHIUM BATTERY
<SiFuh> The airport just got cancelled the package and returning it back because it has a Lithium battery even though it doesn't and the package says it has no lithium battery
<remiliascarlet> Costco now make you sign up from a mobile app by default, even though you're physically in front of them, and you have to explicitely tell them that you don't have a smartphone for them to give you a paper-based sign up form, it's insane!
<SiFuh> If you have time, there is a great game you can play. In Australia doctors clinics and dentists and such give you a tablet and ask you to fill it in. So you take it and sit on the chair for 30 minutes and when they call you to ask if you have finished you hand it back to them blank.
<SiFuh> After another go they give up and do it for you
<remiliascarlet> There are 2 generations of people: the smartphone generation, and the smart brain generation.
<SiFuh> SMART Stupid Motherfuckers Aren't Real Though
<remiliascarlet> By "smart brain" I mean as in "intelligent", not as in "stupid tech that only works when connected to the internet at all times".
<SiFuh> My Mechanics weren't very smart today, but they were damned fun to work with.
<remiliascarlet> You can technically use a smartphone or tablet without the internet, but all you can use are the alarm app, settings app, calculator app, and the home app (because on phones, everything is an "app", thanks to Steve Jobs).
<SiFuh> My phone has no internet
<SiFuh> It does everything I want it to. GPS, reading, camera, flashlight, stopwatch, and more
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Here they don't say app. They say apps
<remiliascarlet> I just use a laptop, at least I can use it for productivity alongside consumption.
<SiFuh> I never use either. I say application, program, script and so on
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: If I had a phone that I could install OpenBSD on it and run it like a laptop+phone. I would be fucking happy
<remiliascarlet> I say "program" for computer programs, "app" for mobile apps, "website" for web "applications" (which are still just websites), "script" for scripts, "driver" for drivers, and so on.
<SiFuh> It ain't an app though. It is an application
<SiFuh> "app" is a soy boy cuck word because they are too freaking lazy to speak properly
<remiliascarlet> You can technically install OpenBSD on a PinePhone, but you probably need to modify the kernel to have the drivers in it.
<SiFuh> I would prefer Librem5
<remiliascarlet> Only if they even ship that thing.
<remiliascarlet> There are people waiting 3 years for it to arrive, and they keep breaking their promise each time.
<SiFuh> I have been watching
<SiFuh> And the price is stupid
<SiFuh> Like 1K or something
<remiliascarlet> So they made it more expensive too?
<SiFuh> I can buy a black market rifle for cheaper than that
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of adding insult to injury!
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<SiFuh> The phone looks good, great features just ... everything you said as well
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I just spent 1 hour with vaccinated people and I am so bloody itchy now
<SiFuh> I reckon I will need to take Ivermectin
<remiliascarlet> True, but if I want to buy whatever, I do want to have it delivered within the promised timeframe.
<remiliascarlet> And if I don't, then it's just time to demand a refund.
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> It is why I never pay for this type of thing
<SiFuh> Nokia N900 had an opensource version that never made it
<remiliascarlet> I remember when the PinePhone and Librem 5 were announced, a lot of people said "but how about muh SIM card drivers on Linux?", a few people pointed out that "did you know that an entire decade ago, Nokia N900 was a thing though?".
<SiFuh> USIM drivers on Linux?
<SiFuh> USIM is just a PIC
<SiFuh> Linux has always fully supported PIC
<SiFuh> I made a PIC reader years ago. I'd clone the USIM with it then I'd use Linux to crack to KI code on the virtual version. Then clone USIM to have the same KI
<SiFuh> Only one SIM will receive a call though at a time. No preference either. Just whichever was first to recieve connection is the first
<SiFuh> It works nothing like in the movie Bourne where he left India and went to Naples Italy and he cloned a SIM card and while they recieved a call he could listen in at the same time. That's just bullshit.
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<remiliascarlet> "This guy is like FUCK YOU for solving this puzzle." ~ Jonathan Blow 2023
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