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<SiFuh> Damn it my notebook is full. Going to have to buy a new one.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Is he a robot?
<SiFuh> He has a time limit
<SiFuh> So he is saying everything he can as quickly and monotone as possible
<SiFuh> Interesting how the people who know what is actually going on, are the only people to turn up to these public board meetings. Yet the know-it-all, retarded, uneducated, foolish, main stream media watching, propaganda pushing, public that spew out lies and bullshit that have been spoon fed to them, whilst none have any actual intelligent thought rolling around in their head, just squawk away like
<remiliascarlet> It's not his speed of talking, it's the very monotone sounding voice.
<SiFuh> parrots, everything they have heard, like broken record players and believe that they themselves have an opinion of value yet just scream from the rafters, "You're a conspiracy theorist" "False!" "Fake!" and never show up to a single public board meeting.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You know Japanese is a monotone language right?
<remiliascarlet> Not entirely. It is compared to Chinese or Vietnamese.
<remiliascarlet> There is still pitch accent.
<SiFuh> You have lengths
<remiliascarlet> Each syllable is equal length, but they're still pronounced in either high pitch or low pitch to distinguish the multiple words that are written the same, but mean something completely different.
<SiFuh> I can say renpososakyoku in any tone or perfectly flat and as long as the vowel 'o' both times is longer, you should understand
<SiFuh> Not the third O
<remiliascarlet> This is because the actual spelling in Latin would be renpousousakyoku, but the "u"'s are often dropped from transliteration to make it easier to read.
<SiFuh> That is not how ou is pronounced
<remiliascarlet> Yes it is.
<SiFuh> Yeah right
<remiliascarlet> Just take an audio recording, and listen carefully.
<SiFuh> ou is pronounced as "oo" as in poo
<remiliascarlet> It isn't.
<SiFuh> Not It is
<remiliascarlet> Sounds similar, but it's different.
<SiFuh> Your's is an o sound but longer. Like the o in toe.
<remiliascarlet> Sounds more like a frequency issue in your ears.
<SiFuh> I speak tonal languages dude
<remiliascarlet> And?
<SiFuh> Means I can hear the diffrence between a Malay G, and English G, a Thai G, an English K and a Thai Kh
<SiFuh> Play the Thai side
<SiFuh> Play the English side
<remiliascarlet> I know the th is Thai and en is English, but what is la?
<SiFuh> Latin
<SiFuh> I had it opened to see if I can found an ou sound as you said but there was none.
<remiliascarlet> Thai is not quite the same language as Japanese though.
<SiFuh> You compared Japanese to Chinese
<SiFuh> And we all know Chinese is nothing like Korean or Japanese
<remiliascarlet> I don't understand why you use Thai to prove that "oo" and "ou" are the same in Japanese.
<SiFuh> In fact it is closer to South East Asian languages and most are tonal
<SiFuh> I didn't
<SiFuh> You did that
<remiliascarlet> I said they're different.
<SiFuh> [15 49 33] [remiliascarlet> Not entirely. It is compared to Chinese or Vietnamese.
<remiliascarlet> How the fuck?!
<remiliascarlet> I meant to write "Not entirely. It is monotonal compared to Chinese or Vietnamese.".
<SiFuh> Alright, ordered the coils (springs) for the suspension with 3" lift and two new rear bump stops
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: No worries, languages are something I like, and I hate getting it wrong.
<SiFuh> I like how I can get on a call with a Thai or a Chinese and they think I am a local.
<remiliascarlet> I didn't expect you to understand it differently from what I meant.
<SiFuh> I couldn't understand how Japanese could be anything like Vietnamese or Chinese.
<SiFuh> Japanese is so unique that no one knows where it came from
<remiliascarlet> There are grammatical similarities with Korean and Turkish apparently.
<SiFuh> It is one of the great mysteries in the linguistic world
<SiFuh> Yes, Kyrgyz as well
<remiliascarlet> There are speculations of Japanese, Koreans, and Turks influencing one other.
<SiFuh> I was actually suprised to see Kyrgyz was a SOV language.
<SiFuh> I've heard that, but Japanese is so uniquely different that to say that they influenced eachother is just, well "clutching at straws"
<SiFuh> It's in a league of it's own and I like that
<SiFuh> Just like the famous Katana
<SiFuh> or This
<remiliascarlet> There are tons of loanwords from Chinese, but they then get pronounced very differently to fit the parameters of the Japanese language. But somehow I can recognize a bit of them, like 上 is pronounced "jou" in Japanese's "Chinese reading", but "shang" in Mandarin. The latter is more of a guess based on the word 上海 (Shanghai).
<remiliascarlet> In purely Japanese "Chinese reading", it would be "Joukai".
<remiliascarlet> Same like how "Hanzi" became "Kanji".
<SiFuh> It is pronounced I can't type the tone here hmm
<SiFuh> But yes it is Shang
<SiFuh> The tone mark is like the tilde key
<SiFuh> It is above the letter a
<SiFuh> it means up or north, if I remember correctly.
<SiFuh> Cool
<remiliascarlet> 上 is up.
<remiliascarlet> 北 is north.
<SiFuh> 上帝 God
<SiFuh> Actually, I really disliked how Japan poached Chinese characters
<remiliascarlet> But everyone here knows that if you see the word 上海, we should read as "shanhai", and not "joukai".
<SiFuh> Katakana is actually nice
<remiliascarlet> The Ainu use Katakana only.
<SiFuh> Oh you reminded me of something I wanted to tell you. Last night when sleeping it popped into my head
<SiFuh> I take this like, almost daily.
<SiFuh> Vivek just bit his tongue. Hmm he was going to say systematic... then cut off short. I wonder why. US seems to use systemic and systematic a lot to bullshit like a new catch phrase.
<remiliascarlet> I often hear these 2 words used as if there were synonyms, and maybe they are.
<SiFuh> Words move like waves through time. I noticed it around Trump's presidency. The far left were using it a lot
<remiliascarlet> Chilly means something hot, but chilli means something cold. This is because different words have different meanings.
<remiliascarlet> And then he got replaced by Biden, and they kept using it.
<remiliascarlet> Weather update: I mistakenly swapped "chilly" and "chilli".
<SiFuh> Hot?
<remiliascarlet> Temperature.
<SiFuh> One means spicy and the other means cool
<SiFuh> Well technically it means a fruit from a spicy tree
<SiFuh> Errr, forget it. I am mincing words now
<remiliascarlet> I see what he did there!
<remiliascarlet> Dangote got so salty over Osvaldo's "mean tweets", his company launched their own salt product.
<SiFuh> I don't because I don't have tor open
<remiliascarlet> Making up for all those times you send links to sites that are behind Cloudflare.
<SiFuh> I will make sure every one has cloudfare, javascript, css popups and cookies
<remiliascarlet> Sounds very nigger-like.
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<SiFuh> That's like the funniest shit ever. A dude who prints worthless fiat so they can launder the publics assets is saying bitcoin is the same thing. ;-)
<remiliascarlet> That same dude probably just puts milk in his car, because he probably believes it's the same as gasoline.
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<SiFuh> Jewish friend sent me this
<SiFuh> I said "You sending me fake news again that supports the lies you hold dear?" and he replied with "Only you have access to the “true” news". But after reading the date on mine he went into silent mode
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Anything is possible. Like I said, it's all just left on left violence, so all the rest of us have to do is just sit back and laugh.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It is funny. In March 2021 he was saying the injection is bad and he and his mother will not take it because it is Bill Gates agenda to kill us all
<SiFuh> Now he calls me a Conspiracy Theorist like it is an insult and he is a Christian and has no care in the world for Christian deaths but only cares about Jews. Then has the cheek to say that only I am the one saying "Synagogue of Satan"... WHEN!!! I am reading it from the same book he is suppose to hold holy
<SiFuh> It's fucking funny
<SiFuh> Anyway, I am out as soon as the beer is finished and the vodka.
<remiliascarlet> The positive of a WWIII if it will actually materialize instead of being a speculation for decades is that it's perhaps the only thing that can throw wokeness completely out the window.
<SiFuh> I heard a good one today
<remiliascarlet> If your house is destroyed, your belongings are gone, your family has been killed, and all that good shit, the last thing you've got on your mind is getting your dick chopped off, call for climate action, and call everyone and everything a racist.
<SiFuh> There was no WW2, there was only WW1 with an intermission
<remiliascarlet> There was a WWII, but not in the way we're told it played out.
<SiFuh> If all that happened to me, I'd go get some knives a Ghillie suit and go jungle.
<remiliascarlet> It wasn't Hitler being drunk the other day and just starting a war for no reason, it's the Jews!
<SiFuh> I'd probably walk to to Myanmar or Vietnam
<SiFuh> Once I leave Malaysia I'd probably pick up some guns and ammo on the way
<remiliascarlet> Malaysia has this unique problem of having quite a bit of water and a city state between the 2 parts, so which way you can walk to depends on which side you are.
<remiliascarlet> Unless you can walk on water like Jesus Christ.
<SiFuh> What are you talking about?
<SiFuh> I have crossed into Thailand illegally before
<remiliascarlet> I mean if you're on the side of Kuching, then the only way you can go to are either Indonesia, or Brunei.
<remiliascarlet> Or Brunei 2.
<SiFuh> I would never live near any place called Kuching
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Unless they served Nasi Goreng Kuching
<SiFuh> Nasi Goreng Kucing
<remiliascarlet> Limbang seems pretty interesting. It's in Malaysia, but if you go east, you're in Brunei. And if you go west, you'd eventually also end up in Brunei.
<SiFuh> You can remove the H
<SiFuh> Dude, you are talking about the Soviet Republic of Sabah and Sarawak which are part of but not actually Malaysia
<remiliascarlet> Islamic Soviets?
<SiFuh> It ain't Muslim
<SiFuh> Muslim part is the Peninsular
<SiFuh> Borneo is unique on it's own
<SiFuh> Actually Borneo is so far away from us it should fuck off. Kind of like Chopper's weather
<remiliascarlet> Looking at the photos of that side, it looks more Chinese and Buddhish.
<SiFuh> Heavy Christians
<SiFuh> And pig eaters
<remiliascarlet> Actually sounds weird, considering that Indonesia is 70% Muslim. I don't know much about Brunei (pretty much nothing), but that country looks very Muslim to me too.
<SiFuh> Lots of Phillipino there
<SiFuh> I could say the same about Formosa being part of Japan and now it is called Taiwan and full of Ching Chongs
<remiliascarlet> Comparing the 2 parts of Malaysia, it really is like day and night difference.
<remiliascarlet> In Thailand, the best way to improve your night vision is to wait until it's daytime.
<remiliascarlet> Alright, can you explain to me what the fuck is going on with Jalan Tun Fatimah in Melaka?
<remiliascarlet> The city boundary there is weird as fuck.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Since you've lived in most places in South East Asia, which country to you like the most?
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I'd have to say North East Thailand "Esaan region" because of it's relaxed layed back way of living.
<SiFuh> What is this Jalan Tun Fatimah you talk about?
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