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<remiliascarlet> Some main road in Malaysia that I found which one lane is in Melaka, and everything around it is in a different town.
<remiliascarlet> Either that, or somebody fucked up drawing borders.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Looks like Cần Thơ in Vietnam is written as カントー (Kantoo) in Japanese, almost the same pronunciation as 関東 (Kantou) the region where Tokyo is, and exactly the same as カントー the first region in the Pokemon games, which in turn is based off the real life 関東.
<remiliascarlet> South East Asia in general looks a lot more interesting than I thought. 1st world-like cities with 2nd or 3rd world-like places surrounding them.
<remiliascarlet> And very colorful in many places.
<SiFuh> Huh?
<SiFuh> The don't sound anything alike
<SiFuh> I use to live in Bukit Segar and there the water is super cheap but if you cross the road the water is super expensive because the other side of the road is another state
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Vietnamese has 6 or 5 tones depending which part of the country you are in.
<SiFuh> :-P
<remiliascarlet> You can get a 100% discount on water by just going to a lake or sea.
<SiFuh> And it is good for your death
<SiFuh> They have a huge problem here with littering. I had mentioned it before a few days back when ppetrov^ was here and you and I were all cussing the global warming scam
<SiFuh> Every time they go out and clean it up, it returns. It is a sisyphean task
<SiFuh> I am against traffic infringement notices and fines for stupid things. However, I think Malaysia needs to be super strict on littering like Singapore is
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: It doesn't mean it's a good idea.
<remiliascarlet> Every time I visit anywhere in Europe, Russia, India, or some other place, I really appreciate the cleanliness of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan even more.
<SiFuh> The public genuinely don't care
<SiFuh> Best way to stop littering. Punishment if caught, have your right hand cut off
<SiFuh> Have their name officially changed on their ID card to "Babi <Their name goes here>"
<remiliascarlet> In principle, over here you're supposed to take your trash all the way back home, because there are no trash cans anywhere. But a simple hack around that is by going into a convenience store, and trowing away trash there, because they almost always have trash cans available. And if not, you can simply ask them to throw it away for you, and they will gladly do so.
<remiliascarlet> I believe "babi" means "pig" in Indonesian, right?
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> And being Muslim that would be a huge insult
<SiFuh> I want to buy two Bump Stops. So I messaged the guy to measure it for me. He sends me the product number. I messaged him back and said "I know the product number. I am asking for the measurements to see if it is what I want." They are pretty lazy at times. He writes back and says to check online if it fits my truck. I said "It doesn't fit my truck. I know that. I just want you to measure it, because my
<SiFuh> truck is modified and I want to know if I can use this one". So he _finally_ sends the measurements. 6x9x13. I messaged him back and said "Thanks, this will be perfect as mine are 6x9x6 and I want the height to around 13"
<SiFuh> Wasted several days just to get info on a product before purchase. Such a joke
<SiFuh> You know in Malaysia they still have whipping and the death penalty?
<SiFuh> There is even a movie about the two Aussies that were given the death penalty here. Dadah Is Death (1988)
<SiFuh> This is good too Paradise War: The Story of Bruno Manser (2019) He vanished in Borneo. But we know his jungle skills were state of the art as he lived with the locals for years. Guaranteed he was murdered
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<remiliascarlet> I think the death penalty still applies in all of Asia.
<remiliascarlet> It's just the Europeans who got rid of it.
<SiFuh> Philippines and Cambodia don't have the death penalty
<SiFuh> And East Timor
<SiFuh> Venezuela was the first to abolish in 1863
<SiFuh> The first 7 countries are all in South America
<SiFuh> Maybe the saw what the Mayan's got up to in Central America and said "Hell no"
<SiFuh> Hmmm
<SiFuh> It's not the first time they joked about this
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<SiFuh> I remember this book
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Trying to make bread without water. Using milk instead. It rises so slowly
<remiliascarlet> I saw a video before of someone who made bread with minced chicken meat and butter, and put in a blender. I didn't try it myself, but according to them it was just as fluffy as actual bread.
<remiliascarlet> No wait, that was pizza. The bread one was made with eggs and butter in a blender.
<SiFuh> Yep, I have done that with beef
<SiFuh> It's like a meat loaf but with more air
<SiFuh> Problem is it takes fucking forever to make. Right now I am making Pemmican and it has been 3 days already. I should be done tomorrow
<SiFuh> But while making it, I am craving beef jerky so I might start making that tomorrow
<SiFuh> You talking about that video I posted a week ago of the meat pizza base?
<remiliascarlet> Maybe, I saw so many different videos in the past few weeks, I sometimes mix them up.
<SiFuh> Well the fluffy bread meat loaf is great
<SiFuh> I'd like some lean beef or buffalo so I can make a meat loaf sausage that is like 50% fat
<SiFuh> I have plenty of lard to pix it with
<SiFuh> pix/mix
<SiFuh> HAHAHA remiliascarlet don't tell ppetrov^
<remiliascarlet> I think it would have worked better if the yes chad would have said "just look in the mirror, a lot better evidence than 1000 peer-reviewed articles and sources combined".
<remiliascarlet> Or just "just look in the mirror lol", yes chad memes always work best when his responses are kept short and to the point.
<remiliascarlet> And the soyjak one being much longer.
<SiFuh> Hehe
<SiFuh> I didn't know it even had a name
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Nice one for you
<remiliascarlet> As far as I know, there are 3 different chad memes. The virgin vs chad one, which is the OG chad meme, then we got the yes chad, and then the gigachad.
<SiFuh> You spend too much time online dude
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, pretty dumb comparison
<ppetrov^> :)
<SiFuh> Hehe
<SiFuh> Just teasing
<ppetrov^> np
<ppetrov^> been having fun generating R modules ports
<SiFuh> I had a very bad drean two nights ago. I was riding my BMX and the bike fell to pieces. I had to gather up all the pieces and carry it home. So I didn't go riding yesterday in case it actually happened for real.
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> i do not believe in dreams
<ppetrov^> and it's a choice I made long time ago, before that I did
<SiFuh> Well on of the screws turned out to be a maggot. So yeah, I understand what you mean.
<ppetrov^> i dream fucked up stuff all the time
<SiFuh> I am aware that I am dreaming and I have total authority when I want it. I have also noticed that most of my dreams have elements from the last couple of days in them. So I consider them entertainment which is honestly heaps better than any movie I have ever watched.
<SiFuh> However, apart from the weird kid dreams you have when you are a kid. I have had many dreams pre-1992 come true.
<ppetrov^> my mother firmly believes in the prophecy power of dreams
<ppetrov^> i do not (for myself)
<SiFuh> I beleive it has power but most people take the bullshit dreams to seriously
<ppetrov^> and i do not argue with anyone telling me different, because i really do not care
<ppetrov^> yep
<SiFuh> Like my brother, who is a Christian extremist. He is an extremist. He thinks the world is flat and he has the power to translate dreams.
<SiFuh> So I never bother to tell him anymore because he is always wrong
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> Actually he called me one day to ask me about a dream his friend had. I said sounds like she is dreaming about Su Kyi (Myanmar) being overthrown. He said that it is impossible because she is not Christian and God would never give her that message. So I asked him why bother asking me and why bother even investigating her dream. Anyway, not long after Su Kyi was overthrown for election theft by the
<SiFuh> Myanmar military.
<SiFuh> He is very sour about that. But he should know that in the bible dreams from God are not always given to God's people. Nor are Christians even mentioned. Haha
<SiFuh> I really can't understand that flat Earth thing
<ppetrov^> oh man... didn't know people of different religions use different wavelength frequencies when God communicates with them
<SiFuh> I lived in Tasmania and Kyrgyzstan. I have seen the sun moving from the South to the North. I have watched the days get shorter and longer. Yet, my brother screams at me "You have never been to Antarctica before!" Like that means something
<ppetrov^> hahahhaha
<SiFuh> I beleive in God, I don't know who he is, but I as sure as hell know who he is not.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, I live in a city where in Summer the sun sets at 00.00 and rises at 1.30
<ppetrov^> so yes
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: yeah it's amazing how that happens yet some dude thinks the Earth is a pizza yet the diameter of the southern hemisphere is massive compared to the northern hemisphere.
<remiliascarlet> And during winter you almost never have any daytime.
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, yep
<ppetrov^> people like to say "it's not the cold it's the darkness that gets to you", but I tend to disagree
<ppetrov^> when it's -30 I don't give a crap if it's dark or not
<remiliascarlet> Over here, sun goes up at 4:00 and down at 18:00 in summer, and up at 6:00 and down at 16:00 in winter.
<SiFuh> No joke, the only way I can see that a flat pizza Earth thing would work is if the sun moves a lot faster in the southern hemisphere and people, plants, animals, land and inanimate objects were larger in size.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: HAHAHA true
<ppetrov^> also, the air is fucking humid, so it feels like -40
<remiliascarlet> A flat pizza Earth? Sounds like we'd be floating in outerspace by now if the Italians would emerge at least a thousand years earlier.
<ppetrov^> but it's not that scary because happens for a week or two only
<SiFuh> I rember my brother saying that there are no direct flights accross the Pacific or the Atlantic in the southern hemispher because it is too far. I said "Well what about the flight from Melbourne to South Africa." he shouts "Have you ever flown it? No! Therefore you don't know!" I said "You ever seen a flat Earth. No! Then you don't know. Oh by the way, my friend just came back from South Africa and he
<SiFuh> took that flight twice. Guess he is in on the conspiracy too"
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> is your brother younger than you?
<SiFuh> Then my brother gave me a shitty video from the 50's or 60's from the military talking about Gyroscopes. Says this is proof. (Very long explanation) and I said "What about Gyroscopic shift?" He then says I am making it up.
<SiFuh> Yes he is
<ppetrov^> you know religion and science are not mutually exclusive
<SiFuh> He read the bible, took the homosexual, authoritarian King James' re-write as actual fact and his brain got kicked into some weird world where he even believed that everyone though the Earth was flat during Colombus' time. Which is not even true.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Actually they both are. However, people tend to denounce one and choose the other.
<ppetrov^> well, if someone who's religious wants to explain evolution, then just assume that god put it all in motion and there you go
<SiFuh> Look at Isaac Newton's work. He was convinced God existed but worked with science. He wrote many pages against the church
<ppetrov^> :P
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Actually that is what I believe. I beleive God created all then guided it through different stages.
<ppetrov^> 'guided', eh
<SiFuh> Yes, another loose word for evolution
<ppetrov^> like send a meteorite to earth to cause mass extinction
<SiFuh> Well I don't think the Earth is the centre of the universe myself
<SiFuh> And at certain stages of life, sometimes life needs a good old asswhoopin'
<SiFuh> I have mealworms in my room. I use them to do some of my composting. I keep them in my room so I can monitor if mould grows and if they need top ups of food, air flow and darkness. It's a pain but if they do die out, I ain't doin it anymore
<SiFuh> There are some pretty stupid mealworms in there. I have to wonder how they can be so dumb to die from lack of water when they are afraid to touch the water
<ppetrov^> you're playing god with them, muahahah
<SiFuh> No, I just keep the environment
<ppetrov^> i was kidding
<SiFuh> The stages are insane dude
<SiFuh> Eggs to larva, to worms, to pupae to beetle.
<SiFuh> They can just curl up and sleep and 24 hours later they are a pupae and then a few weeks later they are a pupae and then suddenly like not even 12 hours they are beetle
<SiFuh> The change is impressively fast.
<ppetrov^> you know there are studies with butterflies that showed they actually seem to remember stuff from the time before the transformation
<SiFuh> I often wonder, does it hurt? They go from skinny as a rake, tear through their skin and then they are short and fat and plumb like a pig. How the hell did you fit in that?
<ppetrov^> i do not remember what exactly they did, sth along the lines they taught the worms where source of food is or sth and then the butterflies found it right away
<SiFuh> Nature is amazing
<ppetrov^> yep
<ppetrov^> biology grows on you
<ppetrov^> huehuehue
<SiFuh> I was cleaning the house and found a tiny black lump in the cracks. It was like a million years old. I looked at it closely and I recgonized that it is a very old tomato seed. So I planted it for fun. A couple of days ago, it sprouted, popped its head up to say hell world
<SiFuh> hell/hello*
<SiFuh> Ignore the joker beside him. That's a Carolina reaper posted from Australia
<SiFuh> Haha
<SiFuh> I have a single day trip I think on the 20th. Then a 3 day trip on the 1st of March. Which I need to verify if it is March or February.
<SiFuh> I made a Victoria era British Empire beer, it has been sitting in bottles for 5 months. February will be the 6th month and the time it should be ready and ripe for drinking. Looking forward to it
<SiFuh> I can't beleive I made it over 5 months ago.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Wife is lazy today
<SiFuh> This is what she brought me for dinner
<SiFuh> I haven't touched any.
<ppetrov^> and I though Finnish peasoup looked bad
<SiFuh> It's just pressure cooked beef with boiled eggs
<SiFuh> I don't complain though because everything else she cooks is really shit
<SiFuh> She has no concept of portions either
<SiFuh> Actually, for the first 3 years, I was the one doing all the cooking. I hate cooking but I actually can cook.
<SiFuh> She's always full of excuses, so one day I said "Right, you are cooking from now on". So even though she wants to be a good cook, and watches hundreds of hours of cooking shows, she is still shit.
<SiFuh> There is though, one thing she always wanted to cook and that was pork stomach with crackling. She tried hundreds of times and never got it. I came downstairs one day and said "Do this.. do that.. and this.. put that in longer.." Then walked away. She brought to me the best crackling I have ever tasted. I never touched a single thing. I just told her where she was wrong.
<SiFuh> She has never replicated it since. :-(
<remiliascarlet> "" Only looks very dry. But other than that, looks delicious.
<SiFuh> Not dry
<SiFuh> Super moist but I know the flavour is gone because using a pressure cooker and throwing out the liquid at the bottom is where the flavour has gone.
<SiFuh> I love using pressure cookers. But you need to make sure you use as little liquid as possible so that you can add it to your meal
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I jus tested a tiny piece. Yeah, the flavour is gone.
<remiliascarlet> And perhaps, with it all the neutrients too.
<SiFuh> Not perhaps
<SiFuh> When I make Pemmican, I dry it at 50 celsius in the oven. If in the sun, maybe hits 70 celsius
<SiFuh> I do everything as low temp as possible to maintain cell structure. Even the fat is done at very low temperature
<SiFuh> Well below the USDA recommendations, but what the fuck do those idiots know.
<lavaball> openrsync via ssh is terribly slow all of a sudden.
<lavaball> it's not the network,i tried copy from sshfs mounted on the same box. that works.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It took over 2 hours for the bread to rise on the first proof. I then rolled it and kneaded if for the second proof. Checked on it on an hour later and realised it was not over proofed. Still fluffy but not mantaining the original shape. I didn't like it. Doesn't taste like bread. Tastes like Bovine Lactose.
<SiFuh> it was not over proofed/it was over proofed*
<lavaball> oh, files were already there. lalala.
<SiFuh> Should it not be faster then?
<SiFuh> I do know that when I use Midnight Commander to scp and sftp some files to another machine from OpenBSD for some dumb stupid reason it copies it to ~/.cache first then transfers it to Linux.
<SiFuh> I heard Linux does the same, but if it does, I don't see it in the front end.
<SiFuh> I use only 500 MB for my .cache in RAM for linux and never complains when I move large files.
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<lavaball> nah, it checks the files apparently and that takes a while.
<lavaball> and during that time therei is not much transfer. just the checksum, i'm guessing.
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<lavaball> you can access tiktok without a phone?!
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Actually, I don't use it. Just people share the links every now and then
<lavaball> yes yes. you do you.
<lavaball> i gotta go.