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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I just use the st terminal to scp and sftp some files, but I guess everybody has their own way.
<SiFuh> (S)urvailance, (M)onitoring, (A)nalyze. (R)eport. (T)echnology
<SiFuh> (S)urveillance*
<SiFuh> When the word 'smart' is used within terms such as smartphone, smart cities or smart homes, it comes from the acronym S.M.A.R.T., which initially stood for 'Self-monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technologies', in reference to a device that can learn from the way we use it.
<remiliascarlet> The other irony is that every "smart" product is specifically designed to make its users (or "useds" like how Richard Stallman would put it) dumber.
<SiFuh> You've probably seen it already, but going out in public reminds me of this video.
<SiFuh> Last night after I had baked the bread. I reset the oven. There are 4 dials vertically. I set the first to 70 Celsius, the second to fan on, the third to 70 Celsius and the fourth to stay on. I double checked to make sure it is set exactly at 70 Celsius. I have a blue pen mark on the two dials. All good. Put the meat into the oven. Went upstairs, got ready for shower, came back downstairs and I see
<SiFuh> bubbling fat! The bloody third dial was at 230 Celsius! Lucky I caught it. It could haven ruined three days worth of work.
<SiFuh> I was concentrating so much on getting it exact, I can replay it back like a VHS exactly in my mind.
<SiFuh> I asked her if she had touched the oven and she said she hadn't. So I wonder how it was changed
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: The guy who does Beavis and Butthead is a good friend of Alex Jones. He even made King of the Hill with Alex Jones in mind.
<SiFuh> Check that shit out
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This is the Pemmican I have been working on for 3 days. It's now ready to go into the survival kit. Doesn't need a refrigerator and if you did it properly at low heat and didn't destroy the cell structure it can last for many decades.
<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> Greetings and salutations
<zorz> long, time no see, no speak, all ok guys ?
<SiFuh> 'Long time no see' is bad grammar and a direct rip off of a Chinese saying
<SiFuh> I changed my sleep ours to avoid talking to you. Hahahahaha just kidding.
<SiFuh> ours/hours
<zorz> haha, you crazy man!
zorz has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.1.2]
<SiFuh> He's gone, every body can return to talking again
<SiFuh> Hahaha
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I am guessing it is her time of the month. hahaha
<ppetrov^> is this the same?
<SiFuh> Pretty much but with the stock
<SiFuh> Fortunately for her, I am more of a scavenger than a carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, detritivore.
<SiFuh> So I can let her get away with that :-P
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I find it interesting that remiliascarlet and I have been discussing dietary habbits and one of my favorite researchers had a conversation with another guy about diet today (yesterday)
<SiFuh> Some of the stuff I have just learned about and looked into, they are bringing it all up.
lavaball has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Today I met a guy who used to be a NetBSD developer in the past, and he absolutely didn't like it when I said I use OpenBSD.
<remiliascarlet> And when I asked what he thinks of FreeBSD, he said "it's OK I guess".
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> I've never had a problem with Theo.
<remiliascarlet> I never talked to Theo before.
<SiFuh> That's alright. Not everyone is perfect. Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> The guy worked with Theo, because it was in the early 1990s, and he called him an asshole, lol.
<remiliascarlet> He's not an asshole, he just speaks his mind.
<SiFuh> I am aware, it is like sandpaper instead of toilet paper.
<remiliascarlet> He also tried to roast me when I said I don't believe in the fairy tale called "covid".
<remiliascarlet> So you call Theo an asshole, only to act like an asshole? OK...
<remiliascarlet> Rewording: So you call Theo an asshole, and then you act like an asshole? OK...
<remiliascarlet> His line of reasoning was "China shut its entire economy down". The Chinese bubble popped, it was bound to happen anyway.
<remiliascarlet> I think I saw a photo of an American news paper from the 1980s or something where they speculated that Japan will soon take over world hegemony from the United States. Sure, that totally happened...
<SiFuh> They are not very smart people them programmers
<SiFuh> Actually those who make packages and then think they are god's gift to programming are even more stupid.
<SiFuh> But I am actually surprised at the amount of Unix/Linux guys that waste their life, are very pedantic about shit and are as dumb as a plank of wood with an opinion they think is meaningful. Just go out and live your fucking retards.
<SiFuh> Go out an dlive, then join crux-social and talk shit with us. Live it up.
<remiliascarlet> Everyone who calls themselves a programmer should as least try to build an OS in pure machine code with no software at all. Just like how Unix was born.
<remiliascarlet> Because current year programmers have way too much estrogen from their StarRust shakes and their Soyscipt milk.
<SiFuh> Back in 2019 and very early 2020, I remember having a conversation about how the virus is a scam to introduce an injection and then many clade X's will be the reason to scare everyone to get more and more. The fucking slackware channel just went full fucking rabid dog on me.
<SiFuh> It was insane. Then AlienBob out of nowhere pops up and says "I will put you on my ignore list"
<SiFuh> Not long ago, I was in slackware informing them that I was right, and they are wrong and AlienBob out of nowhere pops up and says "I will put you
<SiFuh> on my ignore list"
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Did you watch that link I sent you about food today?
<SiFuh> It was pretty good. Pro-meat eating and anti grain/vegetarian/bugs
<remiliascarlet> Not yet, I was gone all day, and will be again tomorrow.
<SiFuh> And it was J.Dyer
<SiFuh> I don't always listen to Jay when he comes on for his our each week but he to me is the most learned of them all
<SiFuh> our/hour
<SiFuh> The title is called The Elite Plan To Destroy Everyone Through Diet And Depopulation
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: There is something that popped up about fermented grains to make them edible, and then I remember that humans made beer before bread. So if they were fermenting grains, what stops them from drinking it?
<remiliascarlet> He seems more to be talking about Obama making a film than about food so far.
<SiFuh> In the beer documentary it mentioned that maybe humans harvested wheat and left it in a pot and it rained and fermented and they drank it and discovered beer by accident. Well it seems more plausible that they fermented the grains to eat and then discovered the grain tea had a nice effect ;-)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Oh yeah, just hold on, he talks very deep
<SiFuh> But it all intertwines together
<remiliascarlet> By the way, are North Americans always so loud? The meeting had North Americans, Europeans, 2 Chinks, and me. Every single American and Canadian was yelling every time they were talking, whereas everybody else was much quieter, and the North Americans had trouble understand any of the Europeans, Chinese, and me.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, AlienBob likes "putting people on his ignore list". Same thing on LQ
<SiFuh> So for example they bring up the deer in the movie and the zombie deer shit that magically appeared after Mark Fuck-a-turd had millions of deer accross the US vaccinated. He then compares it to the zero meat diet.
<ppetrov^> I may not agree with someone, but i won't put them on ignore
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yeah, it is quite a childish response
<ppetrov^> same on LQ
<ppetrov^> i've had harsh comments from the guy, simply becasuse I did not agree with him bashing SlackOnly, a repo that makes binary packages from SBo
<ppetrov^> had a lecture on haw respect must be earned in the community over the years, before anyone would take my projects seriously, or sth like this crap
<ppetrov^> apparently being a long time maintainer at Sbo was not nearly enough
<SiFuh> I ahve a friend in his 70's does that too me. He talks like shit, I can't fuckign understand him. So I say to speak English then he insults my IQ and shit then erases the entire conversation and blocks me for a day or two. Like a fuckign 15 year old child
<SiFuh> SlackOnly <-- I remember that conversation with you in slackware
<ppetrov^> ah and once he brought up a guy's nationality as an argument against them
<ppetrov^> sure the guy was annoying at times, but i don't see how being a Romainan correlates to his personality
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, hmm... when? i donät
<ppetrov^> don't
<SiFuh> <-- This is today from my friend he is on the left and right is me of course. He blocked me again after deleting the entire conversation again
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Freenode
<ppetrov^> i was very enthusiastic about the project even sent some 60 eru to panagiotis, the guy behind the site to renew his domain (which coincided exactly when the Greek banks went south)
<ppetrov^> later this week her returned the money and thanked me
<SiFuh> Nice
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, could be. I was quite pissed back then
<SiFuh> I don't blame you
<SiFuh> The guys sitting on their high chair looking down at us are all fucking retarded
<ppetrov^> and as a whole he did not get much love from SBo, although he would frequently report problems
<ppetrov^> what's funny for me is that such people fail to realise they other person is not necessarily an admin or sth
<ppetrov^> i, for example, back then was still mainly working in the wet lab
<ppetrov^> had a few bioinformatics side projects, but didn't even use bash for scripting
<ppetrov^> anyway
<SiFuh> One of the cunts in that channel was telling me to go hug a Chinese because of this C-19 thing and some Itallian politician's crap. I am like 'why should I?' they said you are racist for saying C-19 is from China and the Chinese are assaulting and banning foreigners, so go hug a Chinese. "Dude, my wife is Chinese"
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yup! Assumptions kill
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: by the way, did you see the ivermectim link above?
<SiFuh> I assume you can still get it there
<ppetrov^> no, and i really do not care to check it
<ppetrov^> i am going to have a 4th jab at some point and that's it
<SiFuh> Oh okay, short version, she is a doctor and her and other doctors are using it to help people with vaccine side effects. NOT myocarditis though.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: So sad
<ppetrov^> seriously, don't start a talk with me about covid vaccines
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I once said the word "nigger" in a very innocent context on some forum a long time ago, they said "ARE YOU RACIST!?", and I sarcastically said "Yes I am, let's settle this nonsense.", and the next day I saw I got permabanned.
<SiFuh> Hahahahahaha
<ppetrov^> i won't "put you on ignore", I am just not interested to discuss that topic with you any further
<remiliascarlet> Then you go to China where it's normal to be actually racist as fuck, and that's apparently OK.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I only brought it up in case you were interested in case you did get side effects. Being helpful and friendly you know?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Actually racism is big everywhere in Asia
<ppetrov^> i know. the only "side effects" i got was a little pain in my arm
<ppetrov^> as it should be
<ppetrov^> i appreciate you trying to do the right thing (from your point of view)
<SiFuh> Up to you dude. But a 4th? WTF for?
<ppetrov^> because my wife has multiple sclerosis and is on a immunosuppressant treatment
<ppetrov^> and although she got the vaccine when it got out, i am the person from out household who goes outside mostly so i need to be in shape
<SiFuh> They still do that? The immunosuppressant thing?
<ppetrov^> sure they do
<remiliascarlet> All it took for me to avoid the jabs was to simply remain calm, and take note of what's happening, and conclude whether it makes sense or not.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: For me it was the injection for Japanese Encephalitis to realise the entire thing was a scam.
<remiliascarlet> They woke quite a bit of people up in May 2020 after having seen how you can gain 100% immunity to the sickness by simply putting buildings in flames, looting businesses, and murdering innocent people while at the same time shouting "BLACK LIVES MATTER!!".
<ppetrov^> anyway, i need to go
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: No, that was peaceful
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: For me it was simply reminding myself to the swine flu of 2009, ISIS of 2013, and SARS of 2002, and noticing how similar each of these events were to covid.
<SiFuh> 24 Dec 2009 Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - 1x04-Big Brother
<SiFuh> Oops
<SiFuh> 1x05-Secret Societies
<SiFuh> That one
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Reminds me of:
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That reminds me of apple pen
<SiFuh> What a horrible noise
<remiliascarlet> People like this group more for their dances.
<SiFuh> I can't beleive people actually listen that
<remiliascarlet> There's a 2020 edition of PPAP too, which is what made me want to kill that motherfucker.
<SiFuh> He looks like a Pimp
<remiliascarlet> This is the 2020 edition by the way:
<SiFuh> Soap hand yes?
<remiliascarlet> Correct.
<SiFuh> Yeah I saw it
<SiFuh> Fucking C-19 shit
<SiFuh> He came to Malaysia
<SiFuh> Can you imagine that someone can make the dumbest shit ever and become famous?
<SiFuh> Oh wait, Microsoft Windows
<SiFuh> Even that Gangnam Style had more style
<SiFuh> Although his song was more sarcasm than anything
* SiFuh big MC Hammer fan ;-)
<SiFuh> Remember I had just left Tower of Records and walked into a McDonalds in Manhattan and a black man saw the CD's I had in my hand. Called me over and we was discussing MC Hammer for like a few minutes before I realised there is a 20 minute time limit to order and eat
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<remiliascarlet> I redid my cable management, because it was absolutely terribly.
<remiliascarlet> Now it's still terrible, but not as much.
lavaball has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "Can you imagine that someone can make the dumbest shit ever and become famous?" Happens literally all the time.
<remiliascarlet> Dumb fucks give all their fucks to dumb shit. The dumber the better.
<remiliascarlet> So yes, I can imagine that.
<remiliascarlet> Apple announces their M1 CPU's, and I get asked by everyone what I think about it, even though I don't even have any Apple products. ChatGPT gains attention, and I get asked by everyone what I think of it, even though I never even bothered to check it out. Please ask me about stuff I do have hands on experience on, dumb fucks!
<remiliascarlet> I think Jonathan Blow responded the most appropriately to the question "what do you think of the Apple M1?": "I think the M2 will be better.", followed by a rant on CPUs in general: