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<remiliascarlet> C@, a modern superset of C without C++'s technical debt..
<remiliascarlet> There's actually a C--, which is C, but with bloat removed.
<remiliascarlet> And I always thought C itself is the least bloated language apart from Assembly.
<SiFuh> I was about to say
<remiliascarlet> I was considering to use C++ for games while preserving C for desktops and servers, but the more I looked into C++'s standard libraries, the more I realized how many layers of abstractions there, and ended up chosing C for games as well.
<remiliascarlet> s/there/there are
<SiFuh> The only thing I ever liked was the original C++ math libraries and now I don't like them
<remiliascarlet> If you just look into the added features, some can be replicated with simple "#define" like "bool" and "string", for other stuff it's a blessing they're not there.
<remiliascarlet> Every single C++ tutorial teaches you to use `std::endl` at the end of `std::cout` statements, and yet every single C++ veteran tells you to use `'\n'` instead for performance reasons.
<remiliascarlet> There's a similar one in C: every single tutorials will tell you to do `printf("some text\n")`, but every single C veteran tells you to use `puts("some text\n")` instead if you don't intend on printing out variables.
<SiFuh> Going jungle, mud and rain. Back whenever
<remiliascarlet> Say hello to some random elephant for me.
<SiFuh> Not easy to find here on the penisular
<remiliascarlet> Gorilla then.
<SiFuh> Zero
<SiFuh> This is the Congo
<SiFuh> This isn't the Congo*
<remiliascarlet> Then whatever random animal you spot there.
<SiFuh> A Malay
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Because of the rain, the monkeys will probably be silent
<SiFuh> I will try to video some random animal
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<SiFuh> Back
<SiFuh> No one got stuck, bogged, injured, or died. One 4WD's radiator fan blade snapped off.
<ppetrov^> good
<ppetrov^> (for the first part)
<SiFuh> We crossed a river and they all decided to park up on the bank and have lunch. I was the closest to the river. I said to the guy blocking the road to move his truck because I don't want the river to flood and take my truck away. So he did. Not even joking. As soon as I parked on higher ground and looked back at the river. It had risen like 2 metres. Exactly where I was originally parked. Haha
<SiFuh> On the way back home many of the roads were flooded. There was a rather large one though. The police closed the roads. When they saw us 6 heading towards the road block, they opened it up to let us through.On the way back home many of the roads were flooded. There was a rather large one though. The police closed the roads. When they saw us 6 heading towards the road block, they opened it up to let us
<SiFuh> through.
<SiFuh> How did I double that?
<SiFuh> Must have bumped the mouse
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> well, sounds adventurous
<ppetrov^> it's been -30 here all week
<SiFuh> Horrible.
<remiliascarlet> Remember the book on how transsexualism causes irreversal damage? There's a sequel to the story:
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Too much rain so no Congo Gorillas or Elephants. Just ants and spiders and mosquitoes
<ppetrov^> sounds lovely
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<SiFuh> Too many to upload.
<ppetrov^> cool
<ppetrov^> IMG_6741.MP4 that's impressive
<SiFuh> Compare the first crossing, with the second crossing and then the final video when the river flooded in less than 2 minutes
<SiFuh> There is a place where only 5 of our 6 cars can fit to do a u-turn. So I reversed up the mountain road to the very top. Unfortuantely the guy in the land cruiser decided to use his headlights to assist me to see in the dark. But actually he made it worse since the headlights were too bright and the shadow of my vehicle is now blocking my vision.
<SiFuh> Hmm
<SiFuh> I can't get it to play from browser. This video I need to download first then use mov
<SiFuh> Blinded by the lights
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<remiliascarlet> Monero crashed epically.
<remiliascarlet> Guess I'll hold off from buying a new WiFi module for a laptop that has one that OpenBSD doesn't like.
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<lavaball> remiliascarlet, we broke?
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<remiliascarlet> Broke what?
<lavaball> monero crash?
<remiliascarlet> Yes, I crashed it with your mom.
<lavaball> i guess you haven't seen my mom then.
<lavaball> but please, don't let me stop you. i bet she is in need of a good crashing.
<lavaball> then again, aren't you japanese?
<lavaball> should you not try and avoid the dick topic?
<remiliascarlet> Yes, I'm Japanese, and I was only joking with "your mom".
<lavaball> i don't mind.
<lavaball> i was just giving out friendly advice.
<remiliascarlet> "I switched to Linux", then screencasts a Mac. At least not as bad as all those "Windows sucks, I have installed Linux and deleted Windows" folks, who will just use Windows again in their next video.
<lavaball> i have been taught to avoid the indians by 4chan.
<lavaball> also i didn't hear good stories at my university back in the day.
<remiliascarlet> I remember when Jeff Berwick said he "switched to Linux", and even specifically said it's Pop_OS. Some time later, he recorded something on his screen, and it was Windows 10.
<lavaball> and a buddy of mine confirmed the shit stories.
<lavaball> well, why are you invested in this?
<remiliascarlet> One thing Indians are good at is not insert spam in the middle of their videos.
<lavaball> it doesn't make a difference anyway. you all have cellphones. the social credit system will come either way eventually.
<lavaball> i never did spam in any of my videos.
<remiliascarlet> Another word for that is "sponsorship".
<lavaball> then again i wouldn't classify myself as a human being anymore.
<lavaball> i'm aware.
<remiliascarlet> And not everyone has a phone over here. The boomers living in the country side don't have one.
<lavaball> do you really think that makes a difference?
<lavaball> like in the slightest?
<remiliascarlet> Until they all die at least.
<remiliascarlet> But you're really not safe from it anywhere. Even in Niggeria where you'd not expect most people to have phones they have launched their CBDC shit.
<remiliascarlet> But Asians in general are mostly glued to their phones, some are even unable to walk without one anymore.
<lavaball> someone should like pull a reverse emperor's new clothes to make cellphones a sign of being a dog.
<remiliascarlet> I don't think that'll have much effect.
<remiliascarlet> It all comes down to "convenience".
<lavaball> the addiction is a strong adversary, i'm aware.
<remiliascarlet> That too, but what I meant is that most East Asians don't really share the same sense of independence most westerners have. Some very tiny percentage does, but that's more an exception than the norm.
<lavaball> sense of independence?
<lavaball> you sure about that?
<lavaball> have you been to a different west maybe?
<remiliascarlet> But most people if you say "if you have a phone, then it means you're a slave", and they'll go like "oh well, so be it".
<lavaball> that's universal.
<remiliascarlet> Westerners on the other hand go like "wait WHAT!?".
<lavaball> that's not accurate.
<lavaball> they'll give the same answer.
<lavaball> why do you think windows is still a thing?
<lavaball> to bring it back to your earlier complaint.
<lavaball> anyway, that's not what i'm doing. i'm not just calling them a slave, i prove that they are unable to make decisions for themselves.
<lavaball> actually, make decisions in general.
<lavaball> talking about decisions.
<lavaball> should i stuff my face with peanut butter?
<lavaball> or just chocolate?
<remiliascarlet> I think there are some reasons: 1) Gamers who still think Linux is stuck in 1991. 2) Normies who don't know alternatives exist. 3) "Linux or BSD scary...". 4) "I'm not a hacker, therefore I can't use it".
<lavaball> or should i go full oat meal?
<remiliascarlet> All 3 options are very unhealthy, so I guess it doesn't matter.
<lavaball> that doesn't contradict my statement. all four ... well, 3, since 3 and 4 are the same, know about the surveillance windows brings.
<lavaball> yet they still use it.
<remiliascarlet> I don't see a 4th.
<lavaball> 5:32:02 PM <remiliascarlet> I think there are some reasons: 1) Gamers who still think Linux is stuck in 1991. 2) Normies who don't know alternatives exist. 3) "Linux or BSD scary...". 4) "I'm not a hacker, therefore I can't use it".
<lavaball> 1) 2) 3) 4) ...
<remiliascarlet> Oh, you meant mine.
<lavaball> more of a rhetorical question. none of them are unhealthy though. how do you come to that conclusion?
<lavaball> it's a 100% chocolat.
<lavaball> i do'nt eat sugar.
<lavaball> peanut butter is organic. no added sugar.
<lavaball> oat meal also organic, no glyphosate glyphosat? .. the poison.
<remiliascarlet> They're not entirely the same. The 3rd one is more like "I never saw or heared of it before, therefore I refuse to use", the 4th one is more like "Yeah, I heard of it before, but I heard it's only for hackers".
<remiliascarlet> Over here, all 3 of them will probably have tons of sugar added to them.
<lavaball> still would lump them together.
<lavaball> sugar is the devil.
<remiliascarlet> Correct.
<lavaball> i even avoid natural sugar occurances if i can.
<remiliascarlet> Sugar is an addictive drug.
<lavaball> yes yes, we're both aware. let's skip it.
<lavaball> rather give me the japanese now!
<lavaball> so far i've learned you don't have words, but syllables.
<lavaball> and of course the chinese signs.
<remiliascarlet> We do have words. I'd rather say we don't have letters, but syllables.
<lavaball> what i meant.
<remiliascarlet> Then in that case, that's correct.
<lavaball> then again the sprite is a boy for you too.
<lavaball> not just the americans.
<lavaball> only in german it's a girl.
<remiliascarlet> Sprite?
<remiliascarlet> Like those 2D pixels?
<lavaball> that's obviously a girl.
<lavaball> the only trans gender business i support.
<remiliascarlet> Chrono Trigger?
<lavaball> master kenobi, you disappoint me.
<lavaball> that's secret of mana.
<remiliascarlet> The 3rd one looks like Mario with long hair.
<remiliascarlet> Or a wig rather.
<lavaball> it's a girl!
<lavaball> and will hear nothing else about it!
<remiliascarlet> He has a mustage though.
<lavaball> that's not a mustache!
<lavaball> that's the end of her face.
<lavaball> look at the other too. their faces end with the same shadow.
<remiliascarlet> The one on the left has a bit of a shadow, the middle one has no shadow at all, just goes straight from her face to here boobs. But the one on the right is clearly a mustage.
<remiliascarlet> And a very round nose too, just like Mario.
<remiliascarlet> At least it's not a hook nose.
<lavaball> here the remake:
<lavaball> it's a gilr!
<remiliascarlet> At least I can agree on this one.
<lavaball> by the way. do you have he she it over there? how does work?
<lavaball> it
<remiliascarlet> No.
<lavaball> furthermore the sprite can wear some of the clothes of the girl.
<remiliascarlet> Technically there is a "he" and "she", but they actually mean "my boyfriend" and "my girlfriend" respectively.
<lavaball> i wish i had a she then.
<lavaball> it's a while! all the cooking annoys me.
<lavaball> that's chrono trigger:
<remiliascarlet> In Japan, you just address people by their names. And if you don't know their name, then something like "that idiot over there" works.
<lavaball> my esteemed colleague.
<lavaball> watched it twice. never played it myself. i don't do japanese round based.
<lavaball> big fan of dark sun shattered lands though. if you are old enough.
<remiliascarlet> I have Chrono Trigger on my Super Famicom, but it has been a while I last played it.
<lavaball> i have one of those.
<lavaball> still using the controllers even.
<lavaball> they are the perfect mix, colored like european version, but short, because you only have phone booth appartments.
<lavaball> while the americans are purpled with long cords.
<lavaball> i have those too.
<lavaball> and a snes mini.
<remiliascarlet> There are adapters that extends the cords.
<lavaball> i don't want that. i need it short.
<remiliascarlet> Same.
<lavaball> also another dick anology in there.
<lavaball> seriously, you can do the whole puritan bit.
<lavaball> really nice.
<remiliascarlet> Americans have different cartridges too I believe.
<lavaball> yeah.
<lavaball> but yours don't work in ours either.
<remiliascarlet> I mean in design.
<lavaball> i "edited" my conker's bad fur day.
<lavaball> i then fit into my n64, but didn't run.
<lavaball> i guess that diminshed its worth a bit.
<lavaball> i concurred about the design.
<lavaball> jap and eu look the same. but don't work in the other.
<lavaball> by the way, last night i played tiny toon.
<lavaball> it's the fucking bomb!
<lavaball> like both snes and gameboy.
<remiliascarlet> I understood that Americans got a completely different design Famicom after getting so bitter with their game industry crash, and Nintendo really wanted to bring games to a country that wanted to have nothing to do with games, and Europeans just copied the Americans. But no idea why Super Famicom was completely different in America, but not in Europe.
<lavaball> listen to this:
<lavaball> because it was marketed for boys, not for the family.
<remiliascarlet> The only difference in the designs of Japanese SFC vs European SNES is the console name written on that thing.
<lavaball> famicom sounds a bit gay though.
<lavaball> listen to the link.
<remiliascarlet> It's just short for "Family Computer.
<lavaball> i'm aware.
<lavaball> also the song was so good, i played it on the piano in theater club at school.
<remiliascarlet> And SFC got shortened even further to "Sufami".
<lavaball> sufami?
<lavaball> that i can work with.
<remiliascarlet> SUper FAMIcom
<lavaball> you like to spell it out, don't you?
<remiliascarlet> We just like to shorten very long Katakana words to fit into just a few syllables.
<remiliascarlet> Mario Kart = Marika, Smartphone = Smaho, Mario Maker = Marime, and so on.
<lavaball> nice.
<lavaball> as i said, that i can work with.
<lavaball> i'm already praticing saying metroido
<lavaball> either way, the sprite is a girl.
<lavaball> which makes the german version of secret of mana the best one.
<lavaball> it's also way funnier that the us.
<lavaball> like in pandora you meet kids who are all sad that their parents don't talk.
<lavaball> when you defeat the ruins ghost thingies, and go back there, they say: please make them shut up!
<lavaball> meanwhile in amercan: honor, pround, thanks for your help.
<lavaball> german translation, man, i can recommend!
<remiliascarlet> There was (maybe still is, I don't know) a company that fixes roads, stuff around your house, all that blue colar stuff, which was called "Handjob".
<remiliascarlet> This is the level of English most people here are at.
<lavaball> hahaha
<lavaball> hired!
<lavaball> actually, with all that localizer drama, maybe i should make a video about german superiority.
<lavaball> but i would need the persuaders clip.
<lavaball> and they took it from youtube.
<lavaball> fOUND IT!!!!!!!!
<lavaball> i'm so downloading it.
<lavaball> here, watch this:
<remiliascarlet> Simply learn Japanese, and you won't have to worry about those lolcowlizers anymore. Or perhaps Germans can still provide accurate translations.
<lavaball> don't be scared. the first one is the american version, and the second the german one. he says (in german) "to the hair dresser straight ahead and then to the right"
<remiliascarlet> But the only German I know is based off early 1940s Germany.
<lavaball> i'm not depending on the localizers anyway. i'm not that deep in jap culture.
<lavaball> i just stole the hokage funeral song for the jew day at school. tthat's about it.
<lavaball> oh, and the "hai" all day ever day for a year or two.
<lavaball> watch the clip!
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<remiliascarlet> Why should I watch it? It's a song, so I can only listen to it.
<lavaball> did i give you the wron link?
<remiliascarlet> Seems like it.
<lavaball> i did! happened again. the youtube edit link issue.
<lavaball> it doesn't change once i edited. have to escape it.
<lavaball> anyway, there. watch!
<remiliascarlet> Some more German:
<lavaball> and for contextagain: don't be scared. the first one is the american version, and the second the german one. he says (in german) "to the hair dresser straight ahead and then to the right"
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<lavaball> that would be funny if he didn't speak like a goblin on purpose.
<remiliascarlet> So the American version is just "scuse me", and the German version is an entire sentence?
<lavaball> yeah.
<lavaball> they do that all the time with everything.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: He does that on purpose.
<remiliascarlet> That guy is actually German.
<lavaball> again, youlike to spell things out, don't you?
<lavaball> i'm aware.
<lavaball> they even made conan the destroyer funny.
<lavaball> they step into the boat. nobody says anything. in german: duck or i can't stear!
<lavaball> like ... why?!
<lavaball> but yeah. i never noticed.
<lavaball> or snake in eagle's shadow. i even have it in one of my videos. they added a whole sub plot.
<lavaball> in the original: school vs school.
<lavaball> in german: rebels vs the government.
<lavaball> and it makes perfect sense too. like you wouldn't notice if you didn't know the original.
<lavaball> peanut butter and chocolate it is!
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I saw that about the Monero when I got back last night
<SiFuh> Dero too
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