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<lavaball> fuck.
<lavaball> it's 4.
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<SiFuh> fuck.
<SiFuh> it's not 4.
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<SiFuh> lavaball: I am told these three ladies in France were about to be raped
<SiFuh> But there is no evidence of that as they left the 9 guys on the floor
<lavaball> seems faked.
<SiFuh> Could be
<lavaball> you are the sound guy. listen to the punches.
<lavaball> definitely had some foley happening.
<lavaball> also why should there be sound in a subway recording anyway?
<lavaball> and color for that matter.
<lavaball> also you don't just lie down after getting hit once either.
<lavaball> yeah. this isn't real.
<SiFuh> Don't worry, I found out who made it
<SiFuh> thedvrko
<SiFuh> He does choreographed fights and stunts
<remiliascarlet> Healthy people are straightforward, mentally ill people are homobackward.
<SiFuh> Haha
<SiFuh> It doesn't work like that
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My father sent me some weird video of a collection of shorts of cryptoid/paranormal shit. Many videos are fake some I don't know and others are from movies
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<SiFuh> Woman arrested following stabbing spree in Tokyo
<farkuhar> Harvard president resigns after a Congressional hearing where she couldn't give a straight answer on the issue of genocide. Just as the remiliascarlet meme "Islam is right about women" makes some people's brainchips crash big time, so did the questions posed to the former Harvard president at the Congressional hearing.
<remiliascarlet> I'm not the one who came up with this meme, I only found the reactions to it hillarious.
<lavaball> keeps getting paid though:
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: Huh? I thought resigned because of Plagiarism
<SiFuh> lavaball: fscking hell
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, you got a minute? i've started a 4 hours japanese learning video. tlak me out of it.
<SiFuh> lavaball: You could learn Welsh
<lavaball> meh.
<lavaball> i prefer tomlinson these days.
<SiFuh> Rhod Gilbert is the best
<SiFuh> <-- this one was very well done
<SiFuh> Got a Tomlinson link?
<lavaball> didn't laugh once.
<lavaball> first thing i found:
<SiFuh> Oh it
<SiFuh> is a women
<SiFuh> Never liked women comedians. Always about men and stupid shit.
<SiFuh> Yuck done, I closed it after her chocking on the dick scene
<lavaball> oh! that's the one with the wifi password!
<lavaball> i did that! i was called for the wifi password!!!
<SiFuh> Can;t beleive how expensive a Racoon Baculum is on Ebay
<SiFuh> lavaball: is that scene funny?
<lavaball> oh, you didn't get that far.
<lavaball> i find almost all her bits funny.
<lavaball> the 80year old wasn't for me.
<lavaball> but the rest, can recommend.
<SiFuh> I've seen no humor just gossip
<SiFuh> I will re-open it and try again
<lavaball> no need. you like it or you don't.
<lavaball> i'm not the comedy enforcer.
<SiFuh> Sure you are not laughing because you are attracted to her?
<lavaball> not really. she has that sattelite dish face.
<lavaball> so no attraction there.
<lavaball> also she isn't fresh and now that i had two mega rangers already ...
<lavaball> there is no going back.
<SiFuh> We called it "Frying pan face" when I was in school
<lavaball> i don't think i find anyone attractive anymore.
<SiFuh> She moves funny at speed 2
<lavaball> i only watch 2.0x.
<SiFuh> I am at 2.0x
<lavaball> but here moves are pretty good actually. she did some jesus comedy workshop or something when she was a kid. paid off.
<lavaball> the horny at the busstop move isn't in this one though. that one was also very good.
<lavaball> here is just the getting off at the end.
<lavaball> also very good.
<lavaball> i don't think remiliascarlet is still up.
<SiFuh> Not funny,
<SiFuh> Oh well
<SiFuh> I have only ever liked George Carlin and Rhod Gilbert's comedy
<lavaball> carlin is good. dead though.
<lavaball> he shows up in my next video.
<SiFuh> Danny Bhoy is acceptable
<lavaball> subtitles though.
<lavaball> heard, not familiar.
<SiFuh> I like Rhod Gilbert's work because he is an angry person that turns it into humor
<lavaball> wasn't amused.
<lavaball> the handle bit especially.
<SiFuh> The baseball bat reference to great northern railway was worse
<lavaball> the irish thing could have worked i guess. the trolly twist too. neither did for me though.
<SiFuh> He even went off about a potato
<lavaball> in other news, i'm already excited that dd works now ... becauase the power supply is functional.
<lavaball> last time it stopped at a few gs and i was like what? what's happening?
<lavaball> also i got tools today!
<lavaball> now i can fix my handle bar my own self.
<SiFuh> Handlebar for what?
<lavaball> bicycle.
<SiFuh> Hmm
<SiFuh> It's a bit strange to have a bicycle and not have the tools
<SiFuh> Unless you got a neighbour ;-)
<SiFuh> Mine uses a lot of alen keys (Hex Keys) but what annoys me is some are in metric and others are in imperial
<SiFuh> allen*
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<lavaball> how's your blender?
<SiFuh> Blender?
<lavaball> use your lady brain.
<SiFuh> Don't have one
<lavaball> we all start with the same lady brain. the boys are the mutation.
<lavaball> you have a uterus as well.
<SiFuh> That has to be the stupidest shortminded thing I have ever heard
<SiFuh> You can't just pick out one phase of our life and say we are all ladies.
<SiFuh> Y comes from man not from woman. Therefore during the time of conception the Y existed from the beginning
<SiFuh> So a male is still a male even if has as you say a womb which clearly isn't since it doesn't peform as such
<SiFuh> Just because it looks like a car doesn't make it a car.
<lavaball> it's just not developed. it's still there though. girls have balls as well, also not developed.
<SiFuh> So if what you are saying is real then all girls were once males since they all had penis' in the womb
<lavaball> you are the one with the inbred theories. do you think there is any difference when it comes to the individual.
<lavaball> it's all soup.
<SiFuh> You see? Shortminded
<ppetrov^> lavaball, dude...
<SiFuh> I am a fucking lady because I had what appeared to be a womb when I had a Y chromosone and a woman appears to be a man because it had balls and penis'
<SiFuh> Fucking ridiculous
<lavaball> i never said you were any of these things. i said you should use your lady brain.
<SiFuh> Fuck you
<SiFuh> I ain;t a fucking queer
<lavaball> well, you are the one acting like a bitch.
<SiFuh> Faggot
<lavaball> also how fast you jump to the queer thing. it's the second time now.
<SiFuh> You are imbred
<lavaball> i'm starting to think you are suppressing sometihng.
<SiFuh> Where do you think you came from?
<lavaball> what?
<SiFuh> Tribe of morons that think they are special so they breed in amongst themselve because everyone is different so they are dirty
<lavaball> what does that have to do with anything?
<SiFuh> Not sure, probaly because you are
<lavaball> i don't even see why you went on your period all of a sudden.
<lavaball> tell me where the bad man hurt you.
<SiFuh> Aunt Irma?
<lavaball> more stuff that isn't funny?
<SiFuh> Aunt Irma
<SiFuh> Isn't The I.T. crowd considered the funniest series every made?
<lavaball> never heard of it until now.
<ppetrov^> it's pretty nice
<ppetrov^> you may like Black Books
<ppetrov^> same creator, but earlier
<SiFuh> I have all of that
<lavaball> i'll allow it.
<SiFuh> The episode with the secure door and the clown is trapped inside
<SiFuh> So he is surviving on raosted bees
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: You know what is bad? I can still remember the number for the fire department
<ppetrov^> whole of it?
<SiFuh> 0118999881999119725......3
<SiFuh> The tune is quite catchy
<ppetrov^> :D
<SiFuh> No joke, that is actually how I remember it
<ppetrov^> how many times did you sing it
<SiFuh> A couple, but I watched the episode a few times.
<SiFuh> "This Jen is the Internet" HAHAHA
<SiFuh> Can't beleive lavaball never heard of it. It's not a new series
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Each time I buy a fire extinguisher, I automatically check to make sure it isn't made in Britain/UK
<SiFuh> Haha
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: UK vs British comedy series, which would you prefer?
<SiFuh> Err... US vs British*
<ppetrov^> depends
<ppetrov^> I like the American "The office" more than the original
<SiFuh> People keep saying it is good
<SiFuh> Maybe I need to check it out
<ppetrov^> the original is by ricky gervais
<ppetrov^> but the us is more dynamic and more developed
<ppetrov^> have you seen Extras'+
<ppetrov^> ?
<SiFuh> How about Silicon Valley (2014)?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> Looks like a slim version of Smash Mouth
<ppetrov^> haven't seen SV
<ppetrov^> Extras is about stunts, every episode features a celebrity and they portray a caricature version of themselves
<lavaball> is there a xmodmap for not x?
<lavaball> on linux though. on openbsd i used some other way and there i have half the functionality.
<SiFuh> loadkeys?
<SiFuh> When I worked at Khon Kaen University, I wrote thai mapping files and they were saved as archives eg: We'd use them to load the keyboard map, but you needed to introduce a console font as well.
<SiFuh> This was back in 2002 so I am not sure if Liux uses anything different these days
<zorz> xmodmap or setxkbmap
<zorz> xmodmap or setxkbmap, xkb, xcape and udev rules.
<zorz> plenty of options :)
<lavaball> for not x?
<lavaball> and no need for smileys.
<lavaball> i already don't have the highest opinon of you because of you religious affiliation.
<zorz> :)
<lavaball> i see we understand each other.
<zorz> not x u mean wayland?
<zorz> setxkbmap works in x and sway
<zorz> udev works everywhere.
<zorz> SiFuh: after prtwash, this is the best thing prt-get dependent.
<lavaball> i mean in the console.
<lavaball> wayland, what is this? faggot country?
<zorz> lavaball: haha wayland
<zorz> lavaball: sudo loadkeys us
<zorz> /usr/share/keymaps/i386/ in crux /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/whatever keymap
<lavaball> kbd. seen that around.
<lavaball> may god reward you.
<zorz> you r welcome :)
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<lavaball> oh no... you did the 'r' instead of "are" or "'re". you are killing me here, you know that?!
<lavaball> i'm dead! you see this? dead!
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> zorz: You can configure prtwash so that it doesn't remove anything you need
<zorz> man when i start i do prtwash -a
<zorz> and the all the folders -p and -b
<zorz> its ok
<SiFuh> Total $154.83
<zorz> u need again ports -u afterwards for patches etc etc
<SiFuh> Postage is half that price..
<zorz> SiFuh: did not sleep yet?
<lavaball> starcraft or stretching?
<SiFuh> zorz: Yes 60 minutes
<zorz> SiFuh: not good or not bad?
<SiFuh> Good because it was
<SiFuh> zorz: what are you using this prtwash for?
<SiFuh> I am looking to buy a Ghillie suit but the postage is very high
<zorz> i just liked to clean from my ports the build packages, sources... no need
<SiFuh> Well then, I don't know. I only use pkg-clean but that is to remove all installed ports
<SiFuh> If I want to clean ports I do rm -rf /usr/ports && ports -u :-P
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> ghillie suit, never heard.. let me search them
<zorz> SiFuh: hunting season?
<SiFuh> Yep
<zorz> in Greece we say Carnival season :)
<SiFuh> Might have to make my own
<zorz> haha
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<zorz> SiFuh: iam waiting to see when i will hear the word palestinian genocide in media.
<SiFuh> That wasn't a joke
<zorz> SiFuh: if you make your own, will be better.
<SiFuh> Yes but takes a lot of time
<SiFuh> I use to make out of burlap and wool over the military BDU's
<SiFuh> When buying the wool I need to use an ifrared camera to make sure the wool didn't reflect light.
<SiFuh> Nothing worse than a Ghillie suit at night time that lights up bright white ;-)
<zorz> thats truth
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<SiFuh> zorz: it is why synthetics are very bad
<SiFuh> Maybe I can make a Ghillie blanket or a Ghillie Poncho
<SiFuh> Actually that brown hooded cloak thing lavaball was wearing would be awesome
<zorz> u need paint
<SiFuh> Paint?
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> It's a suit not a wall
<lavaball> which one? the main or the bad guy cloak?
<lavaball> those are different. the main is cheap shit from china. the other is star wars merch.
<SiFuh> Anything I can put the mesh and bush over
<SiFuh> You need a base and that cloak from the video of yours would be a pretty good base
<zorz> i tried to find the camel show paint... they disappear
<SiFuh> Dude
<SiFuh> That is amaateur shit
<SiFuh> Amateur*
<zorz> they are good for camouflage
<SiFuh> So is mud, dirt and charcoal
<zorz> yes
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<SiFuh> lavaball: You have two?
<SiFuh> The Star Wars version is okay? Or still shit quality?
<SiFuh> I just discussed with the wife, I might have to make our own.
<SiFuh> Good thing I am a wizz with a sewing machine
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<lavaball> yes 2. pay attention during the movie.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> Wife was like "Why would I wear that?" I said "It is thick and you can fish without mosquitoes biting you. You can also shit in peace if it is a poncho" She is sold on the idea now
<SiFuh> My original Ghillie suit was made mostly from Hessian sacks
<lavaball> i'm sure you know what you are doing.
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