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<SiFuh> I'm sure I do to
<remiliascarlet> When you need a new keyboard, but every single option sucks:
<SiFuh> I don't use a keyboard
<SiFuh> I use a Ouija Board
<remiliascarlet> Then why do you use OpenBSD and CRUX?
<SiFuh> In Soviet Russia they use me
<SiFuh> Since I am a seasoned OpenBSD and CRUX guy, I am pretty sure you should be asking yourself that question
<remiliascarlet> Just can't imagine using any OS without a keyboard.
<remiliascarlet> Well, Android and iOS, both those are consumer toys, not computers.
<SiFuh> Most of my machines have no keyboard
<SiFuh> I have one monitor that I rotate between them all also
<SiFuh> But mostly, I never bother because SSH is god in this world
<SiFuh> Red Hot Chili Peppers has the most shittiest music ever
<remiliascarlet> Ah, now I get it!
<remiliascarlet> I didn't take servers into account.
<SiFuh> :-P
<SiFuh> I Zorz'd you
<remiliascarlet> Not sure if that's intentional, but "orz" looks like some guy kneeling.
<SiFuh> I don't get it
<SiFuh> Oooo
<SiFuh> I see
<SiFuh> Need a non-English speaker to see that
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: I'm surprised the Unicomp Mini-M keyboard didn't show up in Jonathan Blow's search results.
<farkuhar> Of course it wouldn't show up with the search query "Cherry Blue switches", but he later expanded his search and started considering other switches too.
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<remiliascarlet> Somebody mentioned Bitcoin in #openbsd-social, and then massive drama erupted.
<lavaball> hm?
<remiliascarlet> Basically, a hardcore leftist saying obvious bullshit just for the sake of hating crypto, and a realist who actually used it first hand proving him wrong.
<remiliascarlet> It's hillarious to see if you're looking from a safe distance.
<lavaball> who's the leftist?
<remiliascarlet> The anti-crypto guy. He doesn't explicitely admit it, but he says the exact same thing literally every single person who calls himself or herself a "leftist" says on this subject.
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<remiliascarlet> Even someone I know who changed from being a libertarian to being a liberal at the same time went from being extremely pro-crypto to extremely anti-crypto.
<remiliascarlet> And yes, he too repeats the exact same talking points as every other liberal/leftist. As if you can't have any different opinion just to align yourself to a certain political ideology.
<remiliascarlet> But at least he doesn't start a drama over it.
<lavaball> was it phy1729?
<remiliascarlet> epony.
<remiliascarlet> phy1729 is online, but doesn't say anything.
<remiliascarlet> Now of the sudden the drama shifted from crypto to torrenting.
<remiliascarlet> The same person who's anti-crypto (epony) is anti-torrent, and the same person who's pro-crypto (zyxer) is pro-torrent.
<lavaball> well, good to know there are more of them.
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<remiliascarlet> Well, it's official: #openbsd-social has been taken over by the woke virus. RIP #openbsd-social...
<SiFuh> So sad
<ppetrov^> what happened?
<ppetrov^> heh, SiFuh did you name crux-social analogously to openbsd-social?
<SiFuh> Let's change it to crux-antisocial
<remiliascarlet> Change it to crux-national-socialist.
<SiFuh> Heh
<zorz> remiliascarlet: they will be a time, that blackrock will go out to collect. first they gonna bet short on bitcoin, and they will sell everything.lifes of people that believe that the price cannot be manipulated will vanish. only the smart in the room that will anticipate the sell, will make money by shorting the thing.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: The way to succeed is to get in right when the bear market begins, where the price is at the lowest, and patiently wait for the next bull market (about 3 to 4 years later), and cash out when it's spiking up like crazy, because once you wait too long, it'll go down, and everyone will panic sell to the point that you'll be stuck in a queue for days, and end up losing everything you just
<remiliascarlet> gained.
<zorz> exactly...
<zorz> iam just saying add a bet on the way down.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: btw is nice for shorting. better than dydx.
<remiliascarlet> That's how I profitted back in 2021. I got out right before the market crashed, so it got converted back to fiat instantly, because the entire rest of the market was still pumping.
<SiFuh> The markets are rigged
<remiliascarlet> A few minutes later, the market crashed.
<remiliascarlet> This is something none of the crypto influencers will tell you, because they themselves want to profit.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: blackrock has a huge whole in the books,, from past year... needs to find the money to fill the whole
<zorz> naive and stupid people are the so called crypto guys... they will pump btc... and then ... god bless them.
<remiliascarlet> I still remember when Jeff Berwick was still urging people to keep pumping more crypto as the market was already crashing, and only started to admit the bull market is over long after it got all the way down already.
<zorz> unbelievable.
<remiliascarlet> Jeff: "come on guys, line must go up!" Me: "fuck you, I'm happy with the gains I've made."
<SiFuh> Heh
<zorz> it reminds me,, of the cbdc... u will never see a crypto dollar by the us goeverment. reason simple.. they print money as they wish. if they post everything... they cannnot print that easily.
<SiFuh> Geralde Celente is the only guy I listen too
<zorz> i quite sure that even us goverment does not know how many dollars has out in the wild. hahaha the lost count of the prints.
<SiFuh> IT is not their job
<remiliascarlet> If we one day get a government backed crypto, then they better make it available for desktop, because I'm not going to pay with a phone.
<remiliascarlet> But really, we already have CBDCs, and it's called a credit/debit card.
<zorz> never realize why... at the end.. u will have monero, and dark banks.
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of banks, from July 3rd, all yen banknotes will get redesigned.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Of course the UK cops are going to probe a 16 year old girl, fucking degenerates!
<lavaball> probe?
<lavaball> what?
<lavaball> what
<lavaball> ?
<remiliascarlet> Oh wait, that's a Tor instance.
<lavaball> yeah, but how do you come to that conclusion?
<lavaball> why would they probe her?
<remiliascarlet> It literally says that in the title.
<remiliascarlet> "Cops Begin Probe"
<lavaball> oh
<lavaball> i didn't even see that.
<lavaball> still, it's weird that ou think of that kind of probing.
<lavaball> i mean it's matrix rape.
<lavaball> not one inside the real world.
<lavaball> if anything they should give her one of those little offswitches you find on those extension court multi plug things.
<remiliascarlet> In case you didn't notice it yet, I was joking.
<remiliascarlet> Still, the title did accidentally get funny.
<remiliascarlet> "Police, I need your help, I get gang raped in a video literally nobody else in the world is playing!" "Hang on my lady, we will come gang rape you in real life in about 20 minutes."
<lavaball> yeah, didn't work for me.
<remiliascarlet> s/video/video game
<lavaball> the joke here is that the many young girls raped by muslims are ignored, yet this shit gets attention by the cops.
<lavaball> from the cops.
<remiliascarlet> Well of course, you're less likely to get wounded if you go after fictional characters.
<lavaball> this isn't about injury. it's about cancellation.
<lavaball> they openly admitted it's because they didn't want people to think they were nazis.
<remiliascarlet> Those people will allow actual real children to get trafficked and turned into living sex dolls, but they will absolutely crack down on drawings, because "that's a bridge too far!".
<lavaball> culture norms.
<lavaball> that's how it works.
<remiliascarlet> That too, but even if that wasn't the case, how likely do you think it is for a Muslim man to stab you with a knife compared to a virtual 3D model?
<remiliascarlet> Oh yeah, it's the UK, so they don't have knives.
<remiliascarlet> Then how likely is it for a Muslim man to smash your head into pieces with a hammer?
<lavaball> there still aren't enough of them for the police to worry about that.
<lavaball> i see your point though.
<lavaball> you forgot acid.
<remiliascarlet> That's what Brittons will use after they ban hammers.
<lavaball> again i see the joke, but it's not working for me. acid can't be banned, since it's house hold chemicals.
<lavaball> household. one word.
<lavaball> oh, and they are using it already.
<remiliascarlet> "acid can't be banned, since it's house hold chemicals." And so are knives.
<lavaball> and hammers. i know.
<lavaball> the whole premise isn't working for me.
<remiliascarlet> The UK has been going so terribly dystopian since Brexit, I believe they can ban just about anything at this point, even the right to be alive.
<lavaball> i live here. don't find this funny at all.
<lavaball> europe is done.
<remiliascarlet> Not that they can actually enforce a life ban, but I wouldn't be surprised if they'd at least give it a try.
<lavaball> they forbid making bdsm porn.
<lavaball> no idea how that's going.
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<lavaball> i hate it when i have to go over to gentoo and ask things.
<lavaball> does crux have vi at least?
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