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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Hahahaha, I am boiling the kettle at the hotel to make her a coffee and she says "Don't want. Chinese people use hotel kettles to boil their socks and underwear."
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: It looks like all Proxytok instances are broken.
<remiliascarlet> I like how some instances prefer to call Proxitok "cringe".
<remiliascarlet> For JewTube you have either "youtube.(DOMAIN)" or "invidious.(DOMAIN)", for Elon's porn site you have either "twitter.(DOMAIN)" or "nitter.(DOMAIN)", for Reddit you have either "reddit.(DOMAIN)" or "libreddit.(DOMAIN)", and for TikTok you have either "proxitok.(DOMAIN)" or "cringe.(DOMAIN)".
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Spot on!
<remiliascarlet> I always found the "anti-racist" left to be the most racist motherfuckers to have ever existed.
<remiliascarlet> To them, if you don't care about race, you're the racist. Funny how that works, right?
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Last night I met Eugene. The boss' son. What a weird dude. I said that he is vaccine injured and the wife said "No, he refused it" I said "Not that vaccine. He has serious medical side effects." She says that she feels sorry for him. I said "Can you imagine that guy in the jungle having to hunt his own food? He makes Forrest Gump look normal"
<SiFuh> He's really messed up. Actually I was annoyed because he wanted to drink beer and the boss refused and said you drink Whiskey. Yet no one else drinks Whiskey and I was chugging beer down.
<SiFuh> I asked why he can't drink beer and they said because they don't want him to get too drunk. ....... WTF?
<remiliascarlet> It's hard to follow.
<remiliascarlet> Does your wife know that the jabs cause injuries or not?
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Looks like the FreeBSD team is considering to rewrite some components in the base system to Rust, and it immediately became the biggest topic on their mailing list since the FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE fiasco.
<ppetrov^> yey, my r4-modules repo has been added to portdb
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I speak English. WTF is a jab? We are talking about Autistic like behavior from the childhood injections.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: FreeBSD needs to meet Alec Baldwin
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "jab" is a more accurate description of it. You just hit it in somebody's arm, and either they get poisoned, or they won't.
<remiliascarlet> Melania Trump's mother died, and judges told him that he has to choose between spending his time with his loved ones, or wasting his time in a bullshit court case against him. I guess everyone can guess which of the 2 options he chose.
<SiFuh> Jab is not a hit.
<remiliascarlet> With a sharp object.
<SiFuh> Israel approves sale of world’s first lab-grown beef
<SiFuh> No, that is a fscking lie. Singapore already sells it
<remiliascarlet> Also, DailyMail seems to have a "leaked secret 9 step plan of Putin starting WW3". How much would you bet that it isn't Putin who's starting the war, but NATO forcing Putin to start it? Because this all really rhymes with WW2, which wasn't started by Hitler, but the Jews forced him into starting it.
<SiFuh> Jews jabbed Putin in to a war?
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<SiFuh> Isn't that retarded monkey Zelensky an Ashkenazi?
<remiliascarlet> If they did, he'd not be alive by now.
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<remiliascarlet> Just learned that AIPAC is a thing.
<SiFuh> AIPAC? That Asia Pacific thing?
<SiFuh> If so, that's just so fucking twats for companies can fly around without visa issues
<remiliascarlet> America Israel something something something.
<remiliascarlet> Basically, the Jews controlling American politics.
<SiFuh> AIPAC is a national movement of pro-Israel Americans who lobby for policies that support Israel and its security.
<SiFuh> American Politicians are mostly Jews
<remiliascarlet> The Jews control everything.
<SiFuh> No they don't
<remiliascarlet> Last year some LGBT-related "initiative" was launched in Japan, and proudly putting "funded by the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo" right beneath the logo.
<SiFuh> They are Ahskenazi, they are NOT Jews
<SiFuh> Even the bible says that they are fake
<remiliascarlet> AshkeNAZI
<SiFuh> Nazi is actually a derogtory termn used to insult the Nasionalist
<SiFuh> I need to spell
<remiliascarlet> I'm not a Christian, so to me the Bible has always been the same as what the Quran or the Code of Conduct are; just books.
<SiFuh> derogatory* National Socialist German Workers' Party*
<remiliascarlet> "Nazi is actually a derogtory termn used to insult the Nasionalist" I know, which is why I pointed that out.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: So what? Just read what it says. Written over 2,000 years ago
<remiliascarlet> And then modified through a series of translation and some manipulations by certain "special" people.
<SiFuh> You sound like a Muslim now
<remiliascarlet> I'm not a Muslim either.
<SiFuh> That's their excuse ignoring the fact the Quran is modified as well
<remiliascarlet> It's well known that translations especially between 2 very different languages result in the loss of meaning
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You know we still have many of the original writtings and fragments of it right? And they all follow a specific template.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: 100% aware, that is why I use multiple languages and multple translations
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This one is my favorite
<remiliascarlet> Sometimes stuff get mistranslated on purpose. Like anime in the original Japanese versions saying "that's my wife's job", and American localizers somehow translating that into "but that's misogenic!".
<SiFuh> yes I am aware, that is why I don't hold the bible for every bloody word like a Christian extremist.
<remiliascarlet> Or just about any Dragonball episode, Funimation is notorious of changing the scripts so heavily, the English dubs contain way too much bullshit that doesn't exist in either the Japanese version nor the manga (which is the source material).
<SiFuh> There is a guy that takes Alex Jones' rants and puts them to heavy metal music
<remiliascarlet> Not going to give the entire show for comparison, so just a 3 minute clip of both versions to tell the difference: and
<remiliascarlet> The JP version feels like an actual fight, whereas the US version feels more like a tea time conversation.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: In Japanese culture, frogs are considered good creatures that will bring back luck when they return.
<remiliascarlet> Alex really seems to care about frogs.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Both links seem to not be working.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This soy-boy girly wannabe mechanic cousin just made a big mistake. He was offered a training course as a forklift + heavy machinary technician (That means, cranes and bobcats and bulldozers and trucks). Full training 12 months training and 3 years guaranteed employment and his idiot parents say there is no money in it, better you concentrate of being a mechanic for cars.
<SiFuh> At least I managed to get him to drink half a glass of beer.
<SiFuh> I drove him to the restaurant and back home. In a true pussy Chinese way he says to my wife "He was teaching me his experience with cars". I was not. I was telling him what bloody changed because the moron who modifed this truck didn't do a proper job. Haha
<SiFuh> Funniest is my parking. He almost shit his pants. He even yelled like a girl. I had to show him that the bonnet(hood) lines up with the space between the tiles.
<SiFuh> He thought I was going to drive through the wall into the house
<SiFuh> <-- space between the tiles lines up perfectly with the bonnet (hood)
<SiFuh> <-- stops about 20mm from the wall
<SiFuh> They are all literally soy-boys here. They actually eat so much soy. Today this man stood up. Gave me the dirtiest look. Then walked away like he was some boss. I burst into laughter because he was wearing a pink shirt.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My Hungarian friend said George Soros died but I can't find anything in the news yet
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Both work for me.
<remiliascarlet> I mean the links I sent.
<SiFuh> They did eventually. I didn't watch them though
<remiliascarlet> If you try to trick me into sending links to the original JewTube frontend, not gonna happen. Giving in and using the original frontend when privacy frontends "don't work" is what soyboy cucks do.
<SiFuh> I am not sure why you sent me that
<SiFuh> Maybe in line with the Original Samurai Pizza Cats comment a few days back where I said the US version was more comedy and the Japanese version was more serious
<SiFuh> Even though it is the exact same cartoon
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of soyboys, it looks like it's time to look closely at video durations, because shorts now try to pretend to be regular videos.
<SiFuh> I am really tired of these Soy-Boys. There are way too many, especially Chinese, these days. The world is turning into a planet of ninnies and sissies
<SiFuh> Should move to the Middle East like Iran or something
<remiliascarlet> Easier to spot for being in portrait rotation instead of the correct rotation, but harder if they add a custom thumbnail over that.
<remiliascarlet> Middle East is perhaps the last to fall for wokeness, but the first to get attacked in times of war, because they're the least able to defend themselves, and Israel wants them all dead.
<SiFuh> You are not serious? Iran would freaking wipe most of the places off the map
<remiliascarlet> They want everyone dead, but the Middle East the most for being so "antisemetic" (which is funny, because Arabs are considered "semetic".)
<SiFuh> Considered? They are semites
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: And the royals of Arabia are Jews ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Iran has the best chance to survive. Like I said before, the only reason why the US has never attacked Iran is because they actually have the means to defend themselves, unlike countries like Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
<SiFuh> Iranian tech is freaking awesome too
<remiliascarlet> Libya used to be able to defend themselves, but then they got tricked into giving up their nukes. The moment all their nukes were gone, the US immediately destroyed that country.
<remiliascarlet> I'm very sure Iran, Russia, and North Korea took note of this.
<SiFuh> I have true hatred for what Obama did to Libya.
<SiFuh> I don't blame North Korea at all. I'd keep my nukes and tell the west to go f something
<SiFuh> Who gave the west the authority to be judge and juror over other nations? Just fscking leave me the hell alone
<SiFuh> Iran for example is thousands and thousands of years older than the US. Yet US, the little child is telling the great grandparent want to do?
<SiFuh> I like what US was and what it stood for. But these days it is just a cesspool of immorality. Once morals are gone, you will fall
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, which is why Kim Jong Un was very weary of denuking his country.
<SiFuh> Weary?
<SiFuh> He had no intentions to denuke
<remiliascarlet> He probably knows full well that if he would have done what he promised to Trump, he'd be long dead.
* SiFuh is a huge DPRK fan
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I doubt at all nuclear ever came up between Trump and Kim
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: What is Malaysia in its 2 letter country name? Like in, JP = Japan, AU = Australia, RU = Russia, BZ = Brazil, and so on.
<SiFuh> From what I know Trump was working on economic deals that would bring peace but the banks don't want peace, they was a central bank they own in North Korea
<SiFuh> Oh... my...
<SiFuh> Hahaha it is MY
<remiliascarlet> Good, then you should be able to listen to this:
<remiliascarlet> North Korean music.
<SiFuh> Should?
<remiliascarlet> That specific video is banned from many countries.
<SiFuh> I remember hearing this in a Video made by South Koreans living in China as propaganda blowing up the US
<remiliascarlet> Ah, that video is mostly only banned in Africa and countries between Iran and China. And Greenland.
<SiFuh> Have you watched the documentary "A State of Mind" ?
<remiliascarlet> Probably not.
<SiFuh> Trailer
<SiFuh> On joo joo tube
<SiFuh> It's in my collection. I have pretty much watched everything to do with North Korea. From documentaries to NEWS
<remiliascarlet> Did you try out Red Star OS yet?
<SiFuh> Even when the New Zealanders asked permission to ride thir motorbikes from the Northern border of North Korea all the way to the southern part of the Korean Penisular in South Korea. The funniest thing was that the most difficult part of their Journey was through South Korea.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yes, and I have it and I have the instructions on how to remove the North Korean spyware
<remiliascarlet> Some guy on JewTube went to both Koreas, he even said how in order to go from SK to NK, you have to through China.
<SiFuh> The problem is they are not real distros. They are like Red Hat with a few mods.
<SiFuh> Like the Astra Linuz from Russia using FlyWM or something. I have it here as well
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Everyone I know says North easy. The moment you hit the south is is fscking insane.
<SiFuh> Even those idiots from Vice. They say you can stand at the border and look at South Korea and wave and point and say hello and whatever. But the South side they say you can't smile or wave, you will be shot, they are evil, too much pussy fear and security and SWAT type clothing
<remiliascarlet> I think the soldiers on both sides will probably not even bother to shoot, and they are both like "why the fuck am I even here?".
<SiFuh> Begins around 1:06
<remiliascarlet> Is that a film set, or did they actually go to the DMZ to film this?
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> They'd have been shot by the agressor South Korea if they tried.
<SiFuh> aggressor*
<remiliascarlet> So a film set.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Taiwan
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yes, they don't stand so close in real
<SiFuh> That is the original first attempt before the CIA taught them how to sing and play instruments.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I actually liked that video. Not because of the cinematography but nothing sounds better than a bass.
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<lavaball> remiliascarlet, how long are you available?
<lavaball> i guess you aren't.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Journalist Who Tried to Cancel Novak Djokovic for Being Unvaccinated Dies Suddenly at Australia Open
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