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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: So the OpenBSD team forked rsync to make it less sucky?
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> The inconciderate bastards at OpenBSD have a habit of doing things like that. ;-)
<SiFuh> I'd like a coat similar to what lavaball had but as a Ghillie
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Will have to watch out for Vegans if I wear that
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<remiliascarlet> OK, I will no longer mess with the WAN settings.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "Look, a walking Christmas tree!"
<SiFuh> You think Vegans get hungry when they watch Swamp Thing?
<remiliascarlet> I have no idea to be honest.
<SiFuh> I enjoyed that series. Was pissed off when it was cancelled before it was released. But at-the-least they were kind enough to finish and then release the entire first season
<remiliascarlet> Also, I think I found a good way to get off unhealthy additions: eat meat only for a couple weeks, then eat what you used to love to eat a lot, and you'll stop craving that particular unhealthy food from then on.
<remiliascarlet> Because yesterday I cheated by going to a Chinese restaurant, ordered my most favorite meal, and it just didn't taste good, my stomache hurt, I had pains in my chest, and now I don't feel the need to eat Chinese food ever again.
<remiliascarlet> s/yesterday/day before yesterday
<SiFuh> That's what you discovered?
<SiFuh> Dude, when you change the flora and fauna in your digestive tract then your cravings change. This is because you are not actually craving what you want, the chemicals that the flora and fauna are releasing are tricking you to crave it. That's old and I thought quite common knowledge
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Here, this explains one particular species.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Is that from AfterSkool?
<remiliascarlet> Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to discredit it, I just mean the style of the video looks familiar.
<remiliascarlet> "Turn off your cellphone." That thing is already technically turned off almost all the time anyway.
<remiliascarlet> 8 minutes in (because I have to pause to dry clothes for a bit), but so far it really shows how humans love to force reality to be in line with their beliefs rather than the other way around, even back then.
<SiFuh> Sorry was picking up my truck from the cleaners.
<SiFuh> The video was good. However, it does go on a bit rather than getting to the point. But to be fair, it is good in a way he doesn't since some people I share this video with actually suddenly see the corruption
<SiFuh> I usually pre-wash the truck before going to the jungle and then bringing it in to the detailers who clean it inside and outside and underneath. Underneath is priority for me. Expensive, but they do a good job
<remiliascarlet> "However, it does go on a bit rather than getting to the point." Which is very common for Americans.
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> This bloody woman is angry with me because I yelled at her for telling me how to drive.
<SiFuh> I am at the intersection waiting for a motorbike to pass. She shouts at me there is a motorbike. I said "I know, I can see it. Why do you think I am stopped waiting?" Then she shouts "No there is another" I asked "What other?" She says "There was but not anymore"......
<SiFuh> I then get the traffic lights and I in the lane to turn right and I have my indicator on to turn right. Suddenly she shouts at me "Why have you got your indicator on?"
<SiFuh> So I shout back. "Do you want me to give you a steering wheel and you can sit in the back and pretend to drive? I am turning right! You want me to turn off the indicator and drive straight ahead, over the bloody gutter and take out the traffic light?"
<SiFuh> So when I am about 30 metres away from the next intersection I sarcastically ask. "I am turning left here, can i use my indicator?"
<SiFuh> She shouts at me "STOP SHOUTING. You always complain when I drive". I said "Well of course, this is because you never follow the road rules. And right now you are complaining because I _am_ following the road rules"
<remiliascarlet> I know something better: you're on the highway with literally no other way than straight, and navigation suddenly says "if possible, turn right".
<remiliascarlet> Well, doesn't seem possible to me, so I won't turn.
<remiliascarlet> I mean from the perspective of my mom who was driving at the time.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Got 20 minutes into the video, and finally gets to the point.
<remiliascarlet> And I'd say he's correct.
<remiliascarlet> Before carnivore, I used to go over the sweets and chips isle multiple times a day at the nearby convenience store, as if it was literally impossible to skip it. Today, I only get water bottles there, and I completely ignore that sweets and chips isle as if it was an instinct.
<SiFuh> Yes, when you eat specific foods, your flora and fauna change. Both good and bad secrete chemicals into your system to tell you to feed it more. So if you have 80% sugar eaters and 20% normal diet eaters. You are going to crave sugar. So the balance must be maintained
<SiFuh> I am not a sweet/chip/chocolate eater actually. In fact sugar, rice, pasta, bread, potatoes are quite rare in my diet. I have always liked vegetables, but not fruit.
<remiliascarlet> And last time when my mom was visiting me for a week, I actually forced her to not eat any sweets at all, and she was an extreme sweets addict before that all her life. She was mad at me all week long, but then she went back home, and told me over the phone how she's feeling better than ever, and sensirely thanked me for it, because now she realized that sugar was the thing that made her so
<remiliascarlet> miserable all her life long.
<SiFuh> There was a thing on TV I watched back in the late 90's(?) A particular member of the family was asked to cut down on sugar. So the entire family decided to do it together. So they went through all their pantry, kitchen cupboards and started looking for anything with sugar. By the time they finished, they had nothing left but a couple of rotten vegetables and some meat. So they decided to go shopping
<SiFuh> and were even more shocked at how much sugar was in everything.
<remiliascarlet> Better yet: sauces like ketchup is pure sugar.
<remiliascarlet> Just look at the ingredients, and what neutricional values it contains: literally none.
<SiFuh> Anyway, they decided natural foods, so fruit, vegetables, meat, spices and started cooking their own food. The plan was to live for a year without sugar. They said the first week was horrible bevause they were groggy and shitty and in bad moods. Then suddenly they got better, happier, more energy, they slept a few hours less, they felt good in the mornings. The mother's hair was getting bushier and so
<SiFuh> on.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I make my own sauces
<remiliascarlet> That video is from February 2014, and a lot has changed since then. So I wonder how an updated version of this same video would look like.
<SiFuh> So what happened was they had decided that on their birthdays they would have a cake. Unfortunately the first birthday was in June, so almost 6 months away. When they had the party and the cake, they had headaches, loss of energy, felt like shit the next day. Then realised how bad sugar was destroying them in the past. After the year ended, they stayed on the sugar free diet.
<SiFuh> I checked up on them two years ago and they were still on it.
<remiliascarlet> Dr. Michael F. Roizen looks a whole lot like a younger version of today's Bill Gates.
<remiliascarlet> Same hair style, same facial expression, same glasses, same hook nose, except in a white coat rather than grandpa clothing.
<remiliascarlet> The only thing I still drink is coffee, but that's because I still have coffee beans, and they're so expesive that just throwing it all away would be a waste of money.
<SiFuh> Like a pasty white dog shit?
<remiliascarlet> What does that mean?
<remiliascarlet> The video title is "The American Parasite 250 Millions Americans affec". Now imagine how the video title would look like if it were updated today: "The AMERICAN Parasite OVER 9000 Millions Americans AFFEC".
<remiliascarlet> Really hate this more recent additude of making titles appear like they're yelling random words while pronoucing every other words normally.
<SiFuh> Max Igan is a liar
<remiliascarlet> You finally realized it?
<SiFuh> I have corrected him many times. He never acknowledges it. He just told a story about how he was asked by his teacher in school what he wants to be when he grows up and he said "Outrageously Happy" and the teacher told him that he doesn't undertand the question. Big words for a kid. Especially since he is quoting a Peanut's comic.
<remiliascarlet> I don't even believe he moved from Australia to Mexico just to escape authorities. I think he simply chose to move away.
<SiFuh> He said he did choose to move to way
<SiFuh> In the very first video when he landed in Mexico and arrived at Jeff's home.
<SiFuh> to way/away*
<SiFuh> That cop shit was a week or two after
<SiFuh> But that actually happened.
<SiFuh> I just think he smokes too much pot and can't distinguish his life from anything else
<SiFuh> I know many Australian's like that. They see or hear something, then later it becomes something they had done or said. Not realising that it wasn't anything to do with them. They just take credit now.
<remiliascarlet> The most damning was that he kept saying that they want us all dead for 3 years long, constantly saying "this is a genocide", and when I confronted him on the fact that the jabs were all just to enrich big pharma, and that genocide wouldn't make any sense if they at the same time want to enslave the population with CBDCs and other crap, and then he responded saying something like "nobody said
<remiliascarlet> anything about a genocide, I have no idea what you're even talking about".
<SiFuh> It's a genocide
<SiFuh> And it ain't about enriching big pharma
<SiFuh> That's pretty fucking obvoius
<SiFuh> They are shifting the assests from the people to corporations. They want a small, slave class of people they can control and manipulate easily.
<SiFuh> Unfortunately if they were to kill 7.5 billion people in a week, the small salve class, would realise what is going on.
<remiliascarlet> There are more deaths than usual, but I can't call it a genocide if in 2024 there are more or less as many people as there were in 2019, with raising births worldwide combined.
<SiFuh> So they made it so some die fast, some die slow, some get auto-immune diseases and everyone else get's cancer
<remiliascarlet> Not per country, the first world has uniformly a declining birth rate. I literally mean the entire world combined.
<SiFuh> I am watching. Did you ever see deagal?
<remiliascarlet> I'd rather say, some die, most get permanently damaged, and the remainder gets away consequence free.
<SiFuh> Nah, they are dropping
<SiFuh> But it appears mostly Western(ized) countries
<remiliascarlet> James Corbett has a video on Deagal, and debunked it a long time ago.
<SiFuh> My friend in Australia got a stroke after the second shot. Her uncle in Malaysia got stage 4 cancer in the neck in 14 days after the second shot. The other uncle has just had a stroke (Not sure how many shots). Her mother is constantly being driven to funerals.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: How can he fucking debunk something that hasn't happened yet?
<remiliascarlet> Everyone I know who got the shot(s) have suffered from a weak arm, 2 of which got cancer and died.
<SiFuh> The predicition is for 2025 and it was from a military website.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Watch and you'll see:
<SiFuh> My cousin got her shot, then got sick that very same day. 4 days in bed, then finially was able to go to a doctor. Then went home. The next day got a call that she is one of 400 women world wide in known human history to have this rare issue and must return to hospital now!
<SiFuh> She had a fibourous clot up the left side of her body and even though it was obvious it was from the injection. She accepts the rare 1 in 400 in known history story about how she wore a sports bra when sleeping that caused it
<SiFuh> Isn't that the Qanon guy that was laughed at for believing nonsense?
<SiFuh> I will watch after Harrisson Smith finishes in 5 minutes
<remiliascarlet> He never believed in Qanon.
<SiFuh> I will see
<SiFuh> cd ..
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Took the meat of the freezer to dry on the roof and then it started raining. So using the oven at 50 Celsius
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This is the deagle PDF I put together
<SiFuh> Ahh I recognise this guy. He's often on Alex Jones
<SiFuh> Or the other way around
<SiFuh> He says it is a random site yet it is for military research
<remiliascarlet> All Laboratory instances seem to be down, so can't view your Gitlab link until at least one of them get fixed.
<remiliascarlet> Probably at the same level as the Warthunder forums.
<SiFuh> Japan installing the great firewall of China?
<remiliascarlet> Like I said, can't view until any Laboratory instance gets back online again.
<SiFuh> Probably because you playing with the WAN
<remiliascarlet> It's not Japan blocking Gitlab, it's Gitlab being behind Cloudflare, and me browsing over Tor.
<remiliascarlet> Aka, me caring about my privacy, but Gitlab doesn't.
<SiFuh> Then why are you in Tokyo?
<remiliascarlet> I'm not in Tokyo.
<SiFuh> If you really cared about privacy you'd be in a hole at the bottom of the Marianna Trench
<SiFuh> This guy hasn't proven jack squat
<SiFuh> More than halfway in and he is talking so much shit.
<SiFuh> Basically he is saying, Clinton never went to Epstein's Island because he has a letter from Clinton saying he hadn't
<SiFuh> How can you miss that?
<remiliascarlet> BIGLOBE is a joke of an ISP.
<SiFuh> He compares deagel against deagel then reads what deagel says about deagel from deagel. This is your debunking?
<remiliascarlet> They claim to be the fastest in the country, and yet their connection is racing at turtle speed.
<remiliascarlet> Not my debunking.
<SiFuh> You said he debunked it
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> I am waiting for the 'smoking gun' but nothing. He even lied outright saying deagel is a nothing site, yet it has been under Military RND for decades
<SiFuh> And he knows it is fake because the website told him it was
<SiFuh> Does he not even know the meaning of a 'forecast'?
<remiliascarlet> Seems like everything on is a lie at this point.
<remiliascarlet> Max Igan is a liar, Jeff Berwick is a liar, and now James Corbett is a liar too.
<SiFuh> I like Jeff Berwick
<SiFuh> I hate his laugh though
<SiFuh> And he just has his own opinions. Nothing is fact from him. He even says so. They are just how he sees things
<SiFuh> He doesn't push his crap onto us. He just tells you what he experiences. Although I laugh a lot
<remiliascarlet> OK, I figured out that Laboratory is working just fine, is just doesn't seem to be able to open files.
<SiFuh> But Max says he researches and verifies then when I prove him wrong he then appears on channel saying he can't verify everything, because he is too busy, then appears on channel saying he can't read all his emails because he is too busy... and always excuses.
<remiliascarlet> "researches and verifies" and then gets called out on spreading fake information every single time.
<SiFuh> Everything I have told him that he got wrong he has instantly stopped pushing it publicly and has never said he was wrong
<remiliascarlet> Sometimes he admits it, other times he ignores the fact he was wrong.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: He's lazy
<remiliascarlet> Seems like Laboratory is made in Python, so of course it's going to suck.
<SiFuh> An example. He was telling everyone that UN vehicles are seen in the city of Brisbane. I just shook my head. But he kept on pushing it every episode for over a month. I had enough. I emailed and told him to stop telling people UN trucks are seen in Brisbane. The factory that kits those trucks are in Brisbane.
<SiFuh> After that email, he has never mentioned UN trucks again even though dumb-arse Aussies kept sending him new footage on Telegram of the trucks.
<SiFuh> Those dumb-arse Aussies are either complete fucking morons, or they are deliberately lying to him because they even took videos of the factory that kits out the trucks. Even managed to enter the parking lot which you can't do without permission
<SiFuh> Logo for
<SiFuh> Angry guy for having his face stolen
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Well, it ended. That was the shittiest debunking video I have ever seen. He has used deagel to debunk itself.
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<SiFuh_> RouterOS just updated to 7.13.1
<remiliascarlet> So some unknown company nobody cares about has just DMCA'd Mental Outlaw's latest almost 4 hour long podcast down. Classic YouTube!
<SiFuh_> Hooked nose?
<remiliascarlet> JewTube doing the happy merchant sign.
<SiFuh_> Never understood that scene from Crcodile Dumdee where there is a buffalo in the way
<lavaball> does openbsd use the cpu random generator?
<SiFuh_> No, it only uses the CPU the computer has ;-)
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Yes, if you use OpenBSD, then today you'll have an Intel Core i7, and tomorrow it'll automatically turn into an AMD Ryzen 3.
<SiFuh_> Mine was a Ryzen 9 today but kept crashing like a Pentium 3
<SiFuh_> RDRAND I assume you are talking about has been in OpenBSD for certain CPUs since around the early 5.x days
<lavaball> i thought they were all not trusting.
<SiFuh_> Well if OpenBSD was as paranoid as remiliascarlet then they'd probably not use computers at all
<lavaball> he has phone.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Who was phone?
<SiFuh_> Isekai wa Sumātofon to Tomo ni
<lavaball> you have one. one of those smart phone thingies.
<remiliascarlet> I have a PinePhone, although not like it makes any difference, because I barely even use that thing anyway.
<remiliascarlet> Would much rather had an actual landline instead, but then everyone around me gets butthurt over me "being reachable while I'm not home", even though I barely even leave my house.
<remiliascarlet> If I leave my house, it's either to buy grosseries, which is only once a month, and the nearest by grosseries store is just a few minutes walking away (which is the norm anyway), or to go to a game center.
<remiliascarlet> Or some exceptions, but that's too much detail.
<remiliascarlet> s/"being reachable while I'm not home"/"being not reachable while I'm not home"
<lavaball> butthurt? i don't talk to people who have a phone on them.
<lavaball> they just have to wait until i have written it down so they can read it.
<lavaball> butthurt ... what is this? the addict accomodation program?
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: unreachable
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, Japan is the sort of culture where everyone expects immediate response.
<lavaball> and if you are reachable, as in carry your phone with you, you are constantly broadcasting your positino.
<lavaball> not a fan.
<lavaball> oh, my customers were like that too at first.
<lavaball> they quickly learned that that isn't gonna fly.
<remiliascarlet> If you respond only 1 minute late, it pisses the crap out of people.
<lavaball> only becuase everybody plays along.
<lavaball> also an easy way to distinguish yourself from the masses.
<lavaball> but then again you aren't into the bitches anyway.
<lavaball> though should start chasing skirt, trust me, that shit works.
<remiliascarlet> The advantage is that unless you're calling to SoftBank customer service, you never have to wait in line before you get anyone on the line.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I can send messages to my wife all day for two days and she is a phone addict and never reads a single one. Yet, she knows mine is on silent and I never carry it with me unless I moving over 100KM away. Yet she can message and call and whatever and when I don't reply, like a stalker she drives to the front of my home and waits. Then after maybe 5 to 10 minutes she will open the door
<SiFuh_> and scream abuse at me for ignoring her.
<lavaball> yeah, you do you.
<remiliascarlet> Literally like "THANK YOU FO...This is Tanaka Taro from Company Inc., thank you for calling, how can I help you today?"
<SiFuh_> It's fucking retarded
<SiFuh_> Back around 4am.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: You've got a soft wife then. The norm is to accuse you of rape and fashtag #MeToo you to bankrupcy if you don't do as she says.
<lavaball> that's because you don't record your interactions.
<SiFuh_> She wouldn't last a second of accusing me of that
<lavaball> metoo was the best thing that could have happened.
<SiFuh_> I ain't no soy boy cuck beta
<lavaball> now i don't even have to convince anyone. i just say, im' sorry, the risk is too great thaty ou metoo me. we either film it or we don't do anything.
<remiliascarlet> Have a bodycam on you 24/7, and a 24/7 Twitch stream of every single room (including bathroom).
<lavaball> you keep saying that for that some reason.
<lavaball> oh, i don't interact with girls in private unless i can bang them.
<lavaball> and if you have them on video once you are usually good.
<lavaball> but when i had interns, i was setting up motion.
<lavaball> though i never had a girl, so i never actually finished it.
<lavaball> just installed and checked for cort length for the camera.
<remiliascarlet> Make sure it's recording 24/7, the pro-fascist group called Antifa pulls this trick all the time; they'll hit you in the face all the time off-camera, and as soon as you're about to hit back, they get their camera's out and film you.
<lavaball> have you seen me?
<lavaball> do you think anyone is bold enough to hit me?
<remiliascarlet> I don't even know how you look like.
<lavaball> i gave all the links.
<lavaball> here, i'm the guy with the list.
<remiliascarlet> You look more normal than I thought.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I thought you meant the blonde guy in the black shirt.
<remiliascarlet> Honestly, your face is quite unattractive, so you won't need to worry about getting a girl anyway.
<lavaball> haha, that's what i thought too.
<lavaball> yet as i mentioned earlier, distinguish yourself from the masses.
<lavaball> works like a charm. wanna see my last female companion person?
<lavaball> so yeah, like i said. just be different.
<lavaball> fuck yeah, these bitches can sing:
<lavaball> have you heard about the jew tunnel under new york?
<lavaball> i just saw it on 4chan, but now pool is also reporting on it.
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, stop this:
<SiFuh_> Yep stop that for sure
<SiFuh_> Nooooo
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