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<remiliascarlet> It's funny how the entire internet blows up when a white Japanese with no Japanese blood wins the miss contest, but turns a blind eye whenever a black, hispanic, or Asian woman wins the miss contest for any western country.
<remiliascarlet> Or a tranny for any country in the world.
<remiliascarlet> "The Japanese way of thinking is somewhat disturbing, if you ask me. A crazy society, where dying while sitting at your desk, working, is considered normal. Go figure. I wouldn't be surprised however, if this is somewhat politically motivated." Fun fact: Americans work way more overhours than Japanese these days do.
<remiliascarlet> And actually, dying at your desk is not considered normal at all. That guy is referring to the blackest companies there are, which are only a very few, and the amount of those keep shrinking all the time too.
<farkuhar> Heh, firefox built against the previous versions of nodejs and nss keeps working fine after updating those dependencies, but when I update the zlib dependency of texlive, I get lualatex complaining about a soversion mismatch.
<farkuhar> Good thing it doesn't take as long to recompile texlive. Less than five minutes on the affected machine (compare with: more than an hour for rebuilding firefox).
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I brew lots of beer, I really like drinking beer, I will brew some more
<zorz> good morning guys!
<SiFuh> Morning
<SiFuh> Afternoon
<zorz> morning morning my frien... how are you ?
<SiFuh> Hmmmm, this taking forever
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> ¿
<zorz> :-)
<SiFuh> (-:
<zorz> good mood
<SiFuh> C[//_o]D
<zorz> long time no see/speak SiFuh , all good ?
<SiFuh> <::::::::::::::[===D
<SiFuh> [====]++++++++[====]
<zorz> he is good!
<SiFuh> I no speaka foreigner
<zorz> SiFuh: comparing to israel, putin looks like a saint :Pp
<SiFuh> ♿
<zorz> u speak no english
<SiFuh> Forged by the Soviet Union
<zorz> he learned a lot in when young he was in berlin
<zorz> funny part is now that biden starts breaking eggs with netanyahou trump poped up :) lol
<zorz> there no redmption man.
<SiFuh> Finally
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<zorz> SiFuh: send me a few homemade beers.
<SiFuh> That was my haiku for lavaball
<zorz> lol
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<zorz> SiFuh: have you ever worked rocky linux ?
<SiFuh> zorz: No and I lost interest in Linux long time ago.
<zorz> SiFuh: what is this new one? gobolinux? yesterday i was setting hetzner cloud and i saw there the rocky linux did not know. anyway in debian we trust... i used debian.
<zorz> SiFuh: myself iam happy with crux.... :)
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<zorz> SiFuh: no space to park this one :(
<SiFuh> I'd love one. But 50 KPH per hour? I doubt that I can register it to drive on roads
<zorz> SiFuh: this for the jungle!
<SiFuh> I always wanted the LADA NIVA for offroad
<zorz> SiFuh: i totally aggree
<SiFuh> Very awesome to drive around in. Can go anywhere almost. Unfortunately too light so will float away in floods really easily
<zorz> SiFuh: in North Greece we use them a lot, but with the regular tires for snow/ice
<zorz> wide tires not good for snow.
<zorz> SiFuh: be back later... have a nice day.
<SiFuh> I'd lift it a few if they made portals to fit them. But I doub't they will ever have.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Just wondering, what made you lose interest in Linux more specifically?
<remiliascarlet> There's no wrong answer, just curious.
<remiliascarlet> "Russian SHERP ATV" -> ""
<SiFuh> It's just a mess of random code and idiot that don't know how to write clean code.
<SiFuh> idiots*
<SiFuh> It's a novelty now and no longer a serious OS
<SiFuh> Every man and hig dog has a flavour and they are still all so shit.
<SiFuh> hig/his
<SiFuh> They base their shit on other shit that is based on some more shit and that shit, and this shit and yet they think they invented an OS. It's just a mountain of shit
<remiliascarlet> I can agree with that, although I expected more reasons like Rust in the kernel, troons working on the kernel, kernel bloat, 99% of the distro's going in the wrong direction, and so on, which are among my reasons to not like Linux anymore.
<remiliascarlet> And the GNU userbase is full of communist troons these days.
<SiFuh> Here
<SiFuh> Bruce Lee says it better
<remiliascarlet> Yes, very true!
<remiliascarlet> And this used to be the attitude in Linux before Ubuntu became a thing.
<remiliascarlet> It used to be like "here's the base system, now we need to add things together to make it usable", and nowadays it's more like "here's the base system, now we need to throw things away to make it usable".
<SiFuh> Linux kernel is buried so deep under all the garbage that the average user will never even know what it is
<SiFuh> I have many so many people saying they use linux and I ask like an idiot "Linux?" and they reply "Yeah! Ubuntu"
<SiFuh> Or Debian or some other shit
<remiliascarlet> And OpenBSD proves that all this bloat is unnecessary. The FreeBSD kernel is faaaaaaaar bigger than the OpenBSD kernel (although still smaller than the Linux kernel), and yet OpenBSD runs on way more hardware than FreeBSD does.
<SiFuh> You don't use Linux, you are using bloatware tools that forgot the kernel even existed.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You will find most OpenBSD guys don't run servers. They run laptops
<remiliascarlet> It's only a matter of time before GNU/Linux turns into "The SystemD OS".
<SiFuh> I actually lost Interest in Linux when we were leaving the 3.X.X kernel
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Really? I expected them to run both laptops and servers, considering how nicely it supports laptops, and how many server specific tools OpenBSD comes with out of the box.
<SiFuh> Only reason I came back to Linux was NVIDIA sucks shit.
<remiliascarlet> Linus's middle finger to Nvidia helped?
<SiFuh> Personal use.
<SiFuh> No, NVIDIA doesn't give a fuck
<SiFuh> And that is what I hate about NVIDIA
<SiFuh> I reckon they don't want anyone to see how much shit they have stolen or how bad their code really is
<remiliascarlet> I run Linux because of the games. Although I could theoretically as well turn it into FreeBSD. Most of my laptops are OpenBSD though.
<remiliascarlet> One is CRUX, but all the others are OpenBSD.
<SiFuh> I use Linux for mining and Xplane 11
<remiliascarlet> The reason why I can't turn my gaming PC into OpenBSD is because no Steam. Steam requires 32-bit libraries, and no 32-bit libraries in 64-bit OpenBSD.
<SiFuh> Steam can go fuck itself
<remiliascarlet> And no Linux binary compatibility layer.
<SiFuh> I've no interest in it not even for a pico-second
<remiliascarlet> Although this guy shows that it is possible:
<SiFuh> I've no interest in it not even for a pico-second
<SiFuh> Why on earth would you want to use Steam? Sounds very much cloud, tracking shit
<remiliascarlet> It's not that I want to use it, it's that most devs make Windows-only games, and I've had games that refused to start using Wine, but had no problems starting using Proton on Steam, even though Proton is technically just Wine.
<remiliascarlet> All I play are indie games, I don't even play any of the AAA crap.
<remiliascarlet> Western indies sometimes release on Windows, Mac, and Linux, but Japanese indies only ever release on Windows, which is annoying.
<SiFuh> I've no interest in it not even for a pico-second
<remiliascarlet> What is a pico-second?
<remiliascarlet> PPAP measurement?
<remiliascarlet> I have a pen, I have an apple. UUHH!! PICOSECOND!
<SiFuh> I have a trillionth, I have a second. Uhh! Picosecond
<SiFuh> I have a trillion, I have a dollar. Uhh! US Debt ;-)
<remiliascarlet> I remember watching RT one day, they were people in New York how much debt America holds. When they said they don't know, the reporter said "just look at the wall over there, there's your answer".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: The coolest part of this is the right side
<remiliascarlet> Japan holds the 3rd biggest debt only after the US and China.
<SiFuh> The big yellow arrow pointing at Gold price
<remiliascarlet> Which is an improvement, because Japan used to be the 2nd biggest debt holder.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: How about that "Secret Window" part? That one looks nice too.
<SiFuh> I don't dare to click that
<remiliascarlet> It's fine.
<remiliascarlet> I clicked it, it's just a meme.
<SiFuh> FBI just uploaded to CP to your computer and black hawks are on the way
<SiFuh> to CP/CP
<remiliascarlet> CCP.
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> Jew stuff
<SiFuh> Cheese Pizza
<remiliascarlet> Chinese Cheese Pizza
<SiFuh> Pizzagate code word
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<SiFuh> lavaball: I brew lots of beer, I really like drinking beer, I will brew some more <-- shit Haiku that popped into my head this morning
<SiFuh> the new laws aim to combat the black-market liquor trade.
<SiFuh> non-Muslim embassies have access to these products in specified quotas
<SiFuh> Get fscked. I will just brew at the embassy.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I made a comment about why people still use "The phrase Fossil Fuels" and one clown is fighting to say it is truth and he just got hammered by people who know he is full of shit.
<remiliascarlet> I don't even know what "fossil fuels" is supposed to mean.
<remiliascarlet> How do you turn million year old sculptures into gasoline?
<ppetrov^> fuels made of dead animals and vegatation
<SiFuh> What ppetrov^ says
<SiFuh> But it was an assumption that was sold as the truth but wasn't
<ppetrov^> so, oil is not made of dead dinosaurs and plants?
<SiFuh> It was later discovered that molten magma was the reason
<remiliascarlet> I know what it would mean in the literal sense, I just mean it doesn't make any sense.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yeah but they still try to sell it because it can be limited
<ppetrov^> aha
<ppetrov^> so what's the truth?
<SiFuh> But they know now the petroleum is not a finite resource, it keeps coming back.
<SiFuh> You ever use a soldering iron?
<ppetrov^> watched my dad use it when i was a kid
<remiliascarlet> I used one before, and destroyed the motherboard I was working with.
<SiFuh> You get a horrible sticky annoying residue which has almost identitcal properties.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: The concenpt was they found bacteria in it so it must have biological. But we find bacteria everywhere now
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I used one yesterday. I use them like very few weeks
<SiFuh> In Australia I use them like every two days
<ppetrov^> how about coal?
<SiFuh> Coal is carbon
<SiFuh> Carbon is life
<ppetrov^> and oil?
<ppetrov^> oil is not carbon?
<SiFuh> No oil is not
<ppetrov^> you seriously telling me this?
<ppetrov^> oil like the oil we use to make gasoline
<ppetrov^> you are saying it's not cyclic hydrocarbons?
<SiFuh> Farts are not dinosaurs
<ppetrov^> so coal is dinosaurs and it's carbon, while oil is what?
<SiFuh> No, coal is not dinosaurs, it is plant matter and it is carbon
<SiFuh> Hydrocarbons and not carbon
<SiFuh> Just like Carbon dioxide is not and Carbon Monoxide is not
<ppetrov^> k, coal has organic origin
<ppetrov^> how about oil?
<ppetrov^> you really do not need to send me the periodic table
<SiFuh> Find everything there and you will find only carbon
<SiFuh> Everything else is a mixture
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: In Stargate it was used as a translator. It was really a good idea
<ppetrov^> Find everything there and you will find only carbon <- what do you mean by this?
<SiFuh> Coal is carbon. Carbon monoxide is Carbon plus Oxogen. Carbon dioide is Carbon plus two Oxygen mollecules.
<SiFuh> By combinging two of somethind else it changes, it is now a gas
<ppetrov^> yes, and?
<SiFuh> You mentioned Hydro carbon. Which is Hydrogen mixed with carbon
<ppetrov^> yes
<SiFuh> You can get carbon from pretty much everything on earth. Alive or dead
<ppetrov^> cand carbohydrates is carbon, oxygen and hydrogen
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> The concept of dinosaurs being where oil came from could make sense but it doesn't
<ppetrov^> in petroleum you have relatively complex cyclic hydrocarbons
<ppetrov^> so, what's the truth in your opinion?
<SiFuh> My opinion would be breathing. CO2 out and plants breathing CO2 in and breathing out Oxygen.
<SiFuh> But I don't know if anyone ever did research on it.
<ppetrov^> what you described is the source of oxygen in our atmosphere
<SiFuh> But currently it is believed to be nothing to do with dinosaurs but to do with volvanoes and techtonic plate movements
<SiFuh> Oxygen corrodes that is why there is a very small amount in the atmosphere.
<SiFuh> Actually the freaking Bill Gates Climate guys should target oxygen and NOT CO2 because oxygen is more destructive.
<ppetrov^> if 20% is small amount...
<SiFuh> Nitrogen is like 78%
<SiFuh> Netherlands wants to ban it
<ppetrov^> yes, so, where does oil come from?
<remiliascarlet> And good luck banning nature essentially.
<SiFuh> recycled heated and cooled soil and gases moving upwards into pockets and settling as thick residue
<ppetrov^> first time i hear tyhat about netherlands
<ppetrov^> you sure it's nitrogen and not nitrates?
<SiFuh> The hotter you make anything the more it breaks down at the molecular level
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: WHAT?????????
<ppetrov^> is soil mainly carbon?
<remiliascarlet> ppetrov^: You are the carbon they want to get rid of.
<SiFuh> Earth and life is carbon based
<remiliascarlet> And me, and SiFuh, and however else.
<ppetrov^> well, i am eastern european, they have never been to keen on us
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: You know that the farmers rally in Netherlands the last few years was because of Nitrogen?
<remiliascarlet> If you want to become net zero on carbon, I'd suggest just get sucked up by a black hole.
<ppetrov^> earth is carbon based?
<ppetrov^> you seriously telling me this?
<SiFuh> Nitrogen is used in fertilizers and they WEF wants to ban fertiliser because of the dangers of nitrogen emissions?
<ppetrov^> nitrogen as a form of chemical molecule is one thing, N2 is another
<ppetrov^> same as sodium and sodium chloride have slightly diff properties
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: It is NOT a fossil fuel because it was never made from fossils. It was made from all life on this planet and everything the planet is made of.
<ppetrov^> over millions of years, great heat and pressure
<lavaball> i was talking the the haiku os.
<SiFuh> Remove the millions of years part
<SiFuh> lavaball: Nise OS. I used it a bit. Boots insanely fast
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Haiku OS is in fact not UNIX.
<SiFuh> N2? NO2
<ppetrov^> yes, N2
<SiFuh> So basically anything that uses oxygen is dangerous now?
<ppetrov^> the nitrogen in air
<SiFuh> No N2 it is NO2
<ppetrov^> nitrogen in the air is N2
<remiliascarlet> Haiku OS installs insanely fast too. The problem is that it crashes only 4 minutes after booting, and package management goes through a GUI.
<SiFuh> Why would Nitrogen bind to Nitrogen?
<SiFuh> Why we don't have NBillions then?
<ppetrov^> jeez man, i see how well you know chemistry
<ppetrov^> nitrogen in air is not bound to oxygen
<ppetrov^> NO2 is a different thing
<SiFuh> Then it is N1 or N
<ppetrov^> no, it is N2, so the atomic orbitals are satisfied
<ppetrov^> i have no further questions
<SiFuh> If Nitrogent binds to Nitrogen, then where it the huge clumb of nitrogen?
<ppetrov^> go check it out
<ppetrov^> clumb?
<SiFuh> Clump
<ppetrov^> it forms molecules of 2 nitrogen atoms each
<ppetrov^> same as oxygen
<ppetrov^> O2
<ppetrov^> N2 is nitrogen gas
<ppetrov^> it is mixed with O2, oxygen gas
<ppetrov^> but they are a mixture not a molecule, the two gases
<ppetrov^> i told you i was very boring: i believe most of that shite they teach us
<ppetrov^> and surprisingly or not, working in the lab i got convinced it's mostly true
<SiFuh> Free nitrogen atoms easily react with most elements to form nitrides, and even when two free nitrogen atoms collide to produce an excited N2 molecule, they may release so much energy on collision with even such stable molecules as carbon dioxide and water to cause homolytic fission into radicals such as CO and O or OH and H.
<ppetrov^> where are you copying this from?
<ppetrov^> excited N2?
<SiFuh> Evil Wiki
<SiFuh> I didn't read all yet
<SiFuh> I was about to eat my shit food
<ppetrov^> k
<ppetrov^> At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bond to form N2, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas. N2 forms about 78% of Earth's atmosphere, making it the most abundant uncombined element in air.
<ppetrov^> in the beginning
<ppetrov^> this is what i was telling you
<ppetrov^> that's what we have in the atmosphere
<SiFuh> And if it is so bad then why had it been part of this planet for so many million years?
<ppetrov^> who the fuck says it's bad?
<SiFuh> WEF
<ppetrov^> about the netherlands: are they saying pure N2 or N-containing compounds
<SiFuh> Don't know of any fertilizer having that propety
<SiFuh> Why aren't vegans complaing about this?
<ppetrov^> yes, i find this idiotic and an unnecessary animal abuse
<SiFuh> This is cool
<SiFuh> Nitrogen gas is a diatomic molecule
<SiFuh> Nitrogen is one of 7 diatomic molecules: H, O, F, Br, I, N, Cl. These molecules are more stable as H2, O2, F2, Br2, I2, N2, and Cl2.
<lavaball> it's just called haiku. not haiku os. anwyay, unix or not, doesn't it have the same software stack?
<ppetrov^> mhm,... now you can ready why, although carbon is supposed to bind with 2 electrons (valence of 2), it actually prefers valence of 4. At least in organic chemistry
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Cheers
<ppetrov^> cheers man
<SiFuh> I will get cows when I get land
<SiFuh> lavaball: Based on Beos, BeOS was developed as an original product, with a proprietary kernel, symmetric multiprocessing, preemptive multitasking, and pervasive multithreading.
<lavaball> is there a use case?
<SiFuh> Can't say, I only tried it for the novelty
<SiFuh> lavaball: there was a faster OS from japan. Not lInux also. I think it started with J. It was insanely fast
<remiliascarlet> "I think it started with J." Can't be neither Javascript nor Java (even though they're not OS's), since these are slow as fuck.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: fscking hell
<SiFuh> OKAY! You asshole remiliascarlet I decided to mount the drive and look which I was lazy to do. lavaball it starts with K not J. So I get the last laugh remiliascarlet :-P
<remiliascarlet> Why "asshole"?
<SiFuh> Because I didn't want to dig out the encrypted drive and find it
<remiliascarlet> Like if I knew what you were up to.
<SiFuh> But you pushed me to do it so tada
<SiFuh> KolibriOS
<SiFuh> Super freaking fast
<SiFuh> Now I bet it isn't even Japanese
<remiliascarlet> The screenshot looks like Windows XP, Gnome, and Damn Small Linux having sex together.
<remiliascarlet> "can also boot from Coreboot and Windows (Windows will shut down)" "Windows will shut down" Oh really? Say it ain't so!
<SiFuh> Yeah
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Oh shit, I forgot to show you the meat at 75 C for 24 hours
<remiliascarlet> I'm tempted to install Haiku on a ThinkPad T43.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Go for it. It is pretty useless and cool
<remiliascarlet> I had OpenBSD on it for a while, but that thing has no meta keys.
<remiliascarlet> So DWM is mostly useless. on that thing.
<SiFuh> dwm - dynamic window manager
<remiliascarlet> I have no idea how to configure CWM, because no usable manuals. And yes, even "man cwm" is useless.
<SiFuh> I use to read the config files
<SiFuh> Fluxbox is the god WM
<remiliascarlet> My preference goes to tiling window managers.
<SiFuh> Mine tiles
<remiliascarlet> Mein Tiles!
<SiFuh> Imagine in the Jungle the tribes happen upon your camp site and you shout Mein Kampf!
<remiliascarlet> I believe "Kampf" means more like "battle". lavaball, could you verify?
<SiFuh> Got an email from my father. It was like HTML or some shit. Fuckign horrible. I replied and he then asked mum to message me a few days later if I received his email.
<lavaball> yes.
<lavaball> fight/battle/struggle also fits.
<lavaball> it's very contexty.
<remiliascarlet> I hate HTML emails.
<SiFuh> But I laready email him. So why ask? Then I looked into the source. Mailbird?
<remiliascarlet> If I need HTML, just give me an URL to open in a web browser.
<SiFuh> I said to my mother "Let me guess. He changed to Mailbird and that is why he wanted to know if I received his email and now he can't receive mine?"
<lavaball> the wonka movie isn't that bad.
<SiFuh> So gross
<remiliascarlet> "Why does it take forever to download Haiku?" "Oh right, because I'm downloading over Tor..."
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: If you used Telegram instead of being some conspiracy nut, you'd have it in seconds ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Or maybe via torrents.
<remiliascarlet> "Downloading a free and open source OS via torrents!? BUT THAT'S ILLIGOL!!"
<SiFuh> I have been aware of the conspiracies since 1988. I use Telegram
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Earlier today I killed a cow and cut her into 3 months worth of steaks. Am I considered a "crazy conspiracy theorist" now?
<remiliascarlet> According to the mainstream media, anyone who gets their food not from a supermarket is considered a "conspiracy theorist" right?
<remiliascarlet> I could get more steaks, but I wanted to share some with friends too.
<remiliascarlet> But the great thing about this is that it shows that I have nothing to fear during an apocalypse. 1 cow and a few chickens (for eggs) are enough to survive.
<SiFuh> I shot a possum and killed a few kangaroos.
<SiFuh> Then ate them all
<remiliascarlet> No kangeroos in Japan.
<remiliascarlet> We do have large crows though.
<SiFuh> I reckon I must be a big bad meany like you
<SiFuh> These days, I am thinking about killing monkeys without the monkeys killing me for slaughtering one of their own
<SiFuh> They don't like it and they will gang up on you without warning
<remiliascarlet> Make sure you kill animals with honor and respect.
<SiFuh> Can't, don't have a Katana yet
<SiFuh> You Japanese got it wrong dude
<SiFuh> You kill the animal with humility and respect.
<remiliascarlet> I love animals, not my fault they're so tasty!
<SiFuh> I love animals, and I don't consider them tasty without seasoning
<SiFuh> Although cat meat is pretty tasty
<remiliascarlet> I used to use salt when I started keto/carnivore diet, but I stopped using salt.
<SiFuh> I asked my wife's mother had she ever eaten dog. She said no then asked if I had. I said yes and she asked what it tasted like
<remiliascarlet> Not because salt is bad, I just don't see the reason to use it.
<SiFuh> Everyone else was like WTF???????????
<SiFuh> I rarely use salt.
<remiliascarlet> Jokes on you, but in some European countries they eat bunnies, which is unheard of over here.
<SiFuh> In fact. I reckon in 30 years, you can put the salt on my food using a 1/4 of a cup
<SiFuh> Bunnies?
<SiFuh> You mean Hair
<SiFuh> No one eats Bunnies
<SiFuh> Bunnies are dirty fucking imbred things
<remiliascarlet> Those small, long eared creatures.
<SiFuh> I think you mean Hairs
<remiliascarlet> Rabbit, bunny, although "hair" is a new one to me.
<SiFuh> And they don't taste that good. I also wonder why they eat them
<SiFuh> Hair is wild and large
<SiFuh> Maybe Hare
<remiliascarlet> I had one during my trip to Belgium. I'd say, it was OK.
<SiFuh> Let me check
<remiliascarlet> But when I told friends about it when I returned home, they all went like "WTF!?".
<remiliascarlet> So the one is bigger than the other.
<SiFuh> Rabbit is pretty much domesticated
<SiFuh> Bigger, faster, stronger, and wild
<SiFuh> We eat Wallbys and Kangaroos and people think that is weird
<remiliascarlet> I ate kangaroo before.
<SiFuh> You could say it is a rabbit but bigger. HAHAHAHA
<SiFuh> Hiromi Terao
<remiliascarlet> Reminds me, apparently a "rabbit" in Old English was a "cunny".
<SiFuh> What a fullshit retard
<SiFuh> He touched no part of the truth there
<SiFuh> He never said why cunny was impolite
<remiliascarlet> 😭️
<SiFuh> WHat about Coney Island?
<SiFuh> There is Rabbit on this page too
<remiliascarlet> A cunny rabbit.
<SiFuh> Do you think he didn't say all because it was offensive?
<remiliascarlet> Don't know.
<SiFuh> C word for women is like the N word for African-Americans
<SiFuh> I'll go to mechanic tomorrow and install the motor myself
<remiliascarlet> Here's cunny in modern internet slang:
<SiFuh> Johnny comes home from school and asks his father "What's a c*nt". The father takes his son upstairs. On the bed the wife is sleeping naked. He points to her vagina and says "See this part?" Johnny says "Yes!" The dather says "This is the best part. The rest is a c*nt"
<SiFuh> dather/father*
<remiliascarlet> Darth Father!
<SiFuh> I actually thought the same thing
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<zorz> ppetrov^: kalispera!
<ppetrov^> zdrasti
<zorz> :0
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