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<remiliascarlet> YouTube then: redirects all videos on the homepage to Rick Ashley - Never Gonna Give You Up to troll you on April Fools.
<remiliascarlet> YouTube now: lets deranged lunatics take away your entire source of income by filing false copyright strikes and getting away with it without consequences.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Just like swatting people
<SiFuh> Wouldn't it be ironic if those who didn't die from the injection will be immune to the new Clade X? And those who didn't take the injection will be in the 100% dead
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Fun fact: if you run a Fediverse instance, and want all the woke instances to ban you so you'll be left with only the cool kids instances, just say "JewTube" in a public post.
<SiFuh> I said on the 6th of April 2020 in ##slackware that the next virus will be a Clade X and many people blocked and ignored me ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Whatever the name of the next "virus" is, what's for sure is that it's going to be bullshit once again.
<remiliascarlet> But looking at history, I don't think we'll have another scamdemic event of a similar scale for another 96 years, the next on their TODO list is most likely a new world war.
<remiliascarlet> "17 million" almost 3 times the amount they claim about the Jews in WWII.
<SiFuh> I think the Jew story and holocaust is a load of shit
<remiliascarlet> Which is why I said "they claim".
<SiFuh> I was in high school when I came to that conclusion. I think around 1993
<SiFuh> I was studying Japanese history as a hobby on the side and I had a friend who is a fan of WW2
<remiliascarlet> So back when I was just a toddler.
<SiFuh> I was born in the 70's
<remiliascarlet> I'm in the 90's.
<remiliascarlet> Early enough to have witnessed the early internet before it became shit.
<remiliascarlet> But "disease X" sounds like something Elon Musk would come up with.
<SiFuh> I think the real holocaust was the Rheinwiesenlager camps
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Hahaha Clade = variant and X = unknown name
<remiliascarlet> I mean, Elon likes to slap an X in almost everything much like how the KDE team likes to slap a K in almost everything.
<SiFuh> Fact checks say "Cherry picked" Hahahah idiots..
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: doesn't he have a son named X?
<remiliascarlet> Not exactly X, but it's some very weird name with an X in it.
<remiliascarlet> Almost like a codename you would give to an artificial human.
<remiliascarlet> But one name where the added "X" is cool IMO is in "SpaceX".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Like the movie Uncanny (2015) although that reminds me of Mark Suck-a-turd
<SiFuh> X-Treme!
<remiliascarlet> I mean among the stuff Elon owns.
<remiliascarlet> "Do you use X?" "No, Wayland." "I mean, not"
<SiFuh> I use Xenocara
<remiliascarlet> "Do you have X Premium?" "You think I'm such a degenerate!?" "I mean Twitter, not some porn site."
<remiliascarlet> At one point, I had a dream where every time you linked to Wikipedia, the entire chat cringed out, because of how unreliable of a source it is.
<remiliascarlet> But if they would actually wipe out 900 million people, I would actually welcome that, since it seems like they're just wiping out all the highly obedient retards anyway.
<SiFuh> I have a dream where every time you linked to Wikipedia, I'd get a free carton of beer.
<remiliascarlet> Does it come with steak?
<remiliascarlet> Beer for you, steak for me.
<SiFuh> Steak is good cooked in beer
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of free steak:
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Free beef if you don't get caught by the government.
<remiliascarlet> Cow tow to your beefy bovine, your deliciousness is at steak.
<SiFuh> It has a hint of a vegemite flavour but mostly tastes like beef
<SiFuh> They are endangered
<SiFuh> The Gaur
<SiFuh> Reminds me I have some in refrigerator I scored for free. I will put it in the slow cooker
<SiFuh> Nothing added, just whatever fat came out of the meat
<SiFuh> All the liquid is melted fat that I will drain and bottle again tonight. Makes good tallow for cooking.
<SiFuh> By keeping it well under 120 Celsius you are keeping the cell structure and the nutrition
<SiFuh> My favorite is 60 Celsius or a few days.
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<SiFuh> Also because it is at a very low temperature, the electric bill is almost unchanged
<remiliascarlet> Me: "I'm sending through the contact form because the mic of my phone doesn't seem to work, please respond by email." A few hours later, the electricity company calls me and says "Oh, I heard that your mic doesn't work. Helloooo?? Are you there?? Can you hear me??"
<SiFuh> Reminds me of the PCI 56K Hardware Modem I bought back around 2000. It came with a manual and inside the manual it said that if you are unable to connect to the internet please go online to this website for assistance.
<remiliascarlet> Or the classic "Keyboard not found. Press F2 to continue...".
<remiliascarlet> Or, interviewer: "What should I do in case my phone gets stolen?" CEO of a bank: "Very simple, just call the bank as soon as possible to report that your phone was stolen."
<remiliascarlet> How would one call a bank without a phone?
<SiFuh> Stick your head out the window and call them very loudly
<remiliascarlet> "HEY DIPSHIT, MY PHONE GOT STOLEN!" "Sorry, in order to report a stolen phone, please verify your identity using our smartphone-only app."
<remiliascarlet> Over at 2ch, people were discussing the possibility of Microsoft and Apple requiring 2FA via a smartphone in order to log into your PC.
<SiFuh> Mine is better. My bank uses a security key, but when the battery was flat I asked them to replace it and they said we don't use them anymore. You will need to use the app. But the app is region locked so I can't access it from outside of Australia.
<remiliascarlet> I just use a bank that doesn't require an app.
<SiFuh> I use Two factor authentication to access my OpenBSD laptop
<remiliascarlet> One they will require one, I'm just switching to another bank.
<remiliascarlet> I don't use 2FA to access any of my computers, because I already have a secure enough password.
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<remiliascarlet> 2FA exists because idiots refuse to have more secure passwords than "1234".
<SiFuh> PDNb<@\2pa+qt^5u_-r^Kx#dRBSM<f55
<SiFuh> One of my passwords
<SiFuh> And pretty much every account has a completely different password
<remiliascarlet> I won't doubt you on that.
<remiliascarlet> I have different passwords for everything too.
<SiFuh> I use password gorilla and to access that I use a hardware key
<remiliascarlet> I assume nobody here has bad password practises, you wouldn't probably know what CRUX, OpenBSD, or IRC are if you had.
<SiFuh> My wife uses excel but when she writes the password down she writes like the first 4 and the last 4 characters and uses ****** for everything else
<SiFuh> My password database is also on an encrypted drive ;-) So to access it you need to password for the drive, then the hardware key to open it.
<SiFuh> Get/Verify syspatch74-012_xserver... 100% |*****************************| 4519 KB 00:00
<SiFuh> Fix out of bounds memory accesses in XRandR and XKB X server extensions
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<SiFuh> He's like the luckiest-unlucky guy ever
<SiFuh> There isn't a season where he is not missing or breaking a body part, being arrested, shot at, blowing up a distiller, burning down a house or a catching his truck and trailer on fire whilst traveling down the highway. Even his dog was bitten by a snake and needed to get anti-venom.
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<SiFuh> John Tyler: Dead.
<SiFuh> You know his grandson is still alive right?
<remiliascarlet> I don't even know who that is.
<SiFuh> Harrison Ruffin Tyler, 91. The grandson of the 10th US president
<SiFuh> 95 not 91
<remiliascarlet> I'd only say that Joe Biden is more like undead.
<remiliascarlet> Or zombiefied.
<SiFuh> John tyler would have been like 8 or 9 years old when George Washington died
<SiFuh> Biden isn't a president
<SiFuh> He doesn't deserve to even belong on that list
<SiFuh> He's going to go down in history as the lying, deceiving, idiot, laughing stock he has ever been
<SiFuh> The joke of American History.
<SiFuh> A guy so useless he had to cheat to steal an election
<SiFuh> I said to my friend that Trump will be the last US president and if Biden ever gets in, it will be because he stole it.
<remiliascarlet> "He's going to go down in history as the lying, deceiving, idiot, laughing stock he has ever been" The eventual fate of every politician.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not really
<remiliascarlet> "A guy so useless he had to cheat to steal an election" Actually, I disagree. He's extremely useful, for the establishment elites.
<SiFuh> My favorite US politician was Davy Crockett and he didn't got down that way
<remiliascarlet> Because they can simply tell him in his earpiece what to say, and he'll say it. If he can at least.
<SiFuh> Yeah I was about to say "Try to say it"
<SiFuh> USA has so much disrespect in the world right now because of this party.
<SiFuh> Bill Clinton was a cool Democrat
<SiFuh> After him they all suck shit
<remiliascarlet> I actually find him pretty honest sometimes. "I got hairy legs, that turn bbbbbbblond, in the sun!" or "I think we have put up the most extensive, and inclusive, voter fraud the history of US politics. hehe" Can't get more honest than that!
<SiFuh> Two against everything else that ever fell out of his lying mouth ain't much to convince anyone
<remiliascarlet> Which is why I said sometimes.
<SiFuh> This doesn't include the last 3 years
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Can you even follow this one?
<SiFuh> There is no javascript or advertisements and trackers. Why you always send me these links?
<remiliascarlet> Because it just works.
<SiFuh> You fscking dinosaur. Hahahaha
<remiliascarlet> You fdisking robot.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Do you know if a program exists to download the latest episode from a youtube site when it becomes available?
<SiFuh> You chkdsk child
<remiliascarlet> What exactly do you mean?
<SiFuh> Well today three of the 4 youtube sites I watch (Not follow digitally) have released an episode each and I don't want to have to go to Youtube to see manually. I'd rather a program do that for me and download to a folder where I can watch and delete
<remiliascarlet> What is a YouTube site?
<SiFuh> Magic!
<remiliascarlet> Oh, channels! In theory, you might be able to put a shell script together that makes use of RSS feeds or CURL (YouTube API).
<SiFuh> Liberal's have no linear logic. We want to stop ecoside. So we need to stop farming.... Really? Have you ever considered what you are actually going to eat?
<remiliascarlet> Or a scraper, like how all these privacy frontends work.
<SiFuh> I found a way. I will create a shell script in cron to email you to inform you to check for me and you can email me back.
<SiFuh> The first script to access a foreign non-artifical intelligence to peform a task ;-)
<remiliascarlet> "Really? Have you ever considered what you are actually going to eat?" They don't realize that they will need to start learning to hunt, and they won't because those same people are against guns.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I saw a raditional pig hunter from Japan video a while ago
<remiliascarlet> So I guess Darvin will just take care of them.
<SiFuh> As cruel as it was, it was freaking awesome
<SiFuh> I think it was this one
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> It was this one
<remiliascarlet> It would also starve the British, since the UK is slowiy banning any item that can be used to kill someone one by one.
<SiFuh> There are more humane ways of doing that. But taping the eyes is a pretty good thing. Animals don't know what is going on then and generally have no fear.
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<SiFuh> Or so I am told.. because when we catch animals like crocodiles, we'd always cover their eyes first, even if it was with only our hands.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: That's for remiliascarlet so don't read it
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, that's the most efficient way to make someone pay attention at sth
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Don't, you are not interested it
<SiFuh> You made it clear already
<ppetrov^> yep
<SiFuh> So each time I say, you will know to stay back
<SiFuh> Actually today I wanted to tell you something, but you went offline before I could and now I can't remember
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> I think the shock of realising there is no vegemite in my house made me forget
<ppetrov^> as you have probably noticed, i try to not interfere in your and remiliascarlet's talks on the topic
<SiFuh> You are welcome to.
<SiFuh> No matter how much I abuse lavaball or dislike certain words remiliascarlet uses. Freedom of speech here
<SiFuh> I want to buy SKYWAY II TUFFS for my Haro BMX. Can't beleive the price here
<SiFuh> 175 EUR
<ppetrov^> ah, bmx...
<SiFuh> Yeah, I am a racist. BMX only since the 80's
<ppetrov^> there was some australian show BMX Bandits or sth with young Nicole Kidnam
<SiFuh> HAHAHAHA I remember that!
<ppetrov^> was a bit before my time, though. My brother (older) have told me about it
<SiFuh> Sucked because no one was riding a REDLINE
<SiFuh> I think Mongoose was the ride there
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Which words?
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yep, no REDLINE. They had 1982 Diamondback Senior Pro, 1981 Team Mongoose, 1982 Malvern Star SuperMax
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Doesn't matter
<remiliascarlet> So you hate none of the words I use. OK.
<SiFuh> Dude, dislike does not mean hate and say what you want. That is freedom of speech
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yellow is the SuperMax and if I remember correctly Diamondback is now under REDLINE but wasn't in those days
<remiliascarlet> "say what you want." I HATE NIGGERS AND KIKES!!
<remiliascarlet> Here, just did it!
<SiFuh> Kaffas, boongs and coons?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Water spinklers are racist. They go 'Chink, spic, chink, spic, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger.'
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I can't find the image I want
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That NetBSD guy I was talking to the other day tried to convince me that OpenBSD's "secure by default" is a lie, because SSH is enabled by default. Didn't he know it's literally one of the questions during the installation of the OS, whether you want to enable SSH or not?
<remiliascarlet> But I didn't feel like arguing with him, because he's Canadian, so he has a very loud voice, and pretends to know everything better than everybody else.
<ppetrov^> guys, where can I suggest, emm... suggestions(?) about the handbook?
<remiliascarlet> "ESG is DESTROYING the construction industry - 5 Reasons Why" What? Only the construction industry? It's destroying everything!
<ppetrov^> here or in #crux
<ppetrov^> I dare not go to #crux-devel
<SiFuh> Why do Hindu women have a red spot on their forehead? Because they don't listen to their husbands. (Imagine a man using his index finger poking her in the head. Why 'poke' don't 'poke' you 'poke' listen 'poke')
<remiliascarlet> ppetrov^: You can make an account on and modify yourself.
<remiliascarlet> That website is a wiki.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: suggestions about modifications? --> farkuhar
<ppetrov^> i can't modify the Handbook, i think. Also, I wouldn't dare
<ppetrov^> yes, farkuhar is whom i had in mind
<SiFuh> farkuhar: is here also
<ppetrov^> so, farkuhar -> my great suggestion is to write in the beginning of the handbook how to load your keyboard scheme if necessary, e.g. "loadkeys fi"
<ppetrov^> that was it
<remiliascarlet> is a website where even though there's no harmful JS, I still disable JS, because when I click to select something, it directs me to the login page if I keep it enabled.
<remiliascarlet> Which is just frustrating.
<ppetrov^> yes, it is frustrating
<ppetrov^> it always makes me feel almost guilty, as if i was trying to mess with it
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Speaking of niggers, we have an update on Johnny Solami. 1) He has to pay a 200,000 yen fine (way too low to be honest) for only causing trouble in a gyudon restaurant, and everything else was a slap on the wrist. 2) He got deported and banned from the country indefinitely (good!).
<SiFuh> Solami. That skinny clown in the construction zone?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I am going to download BMX bandits hahaha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I'd have sent him to hospital in an ambulance because he's just dumb and Darwin just kicks ass
<SiFuh> Can you imagine in a court case? "Why did you break his skull?" "Darwinism!"
<SiFuh> Back in like 2003. It was Thai Songkran Festival so lots of water being thrown around. I was carrying a bag of like 150 kilos of rice on a tiny Japanese moped. My friend was on the back of the bike. A Thai took a bucket of water and was about to throw at us. Both her and I put up our hand to inform him to stop because of the rice. This is the way. But he stopped looked and then threw the bucket at us.
<SiFuh> The water hit us and the bucket went under the front wheel of the bike and we fell and rice sprayed across the road. My friend was pissed but I was more pissed. She shouts "Why did you do that?" He says "It is my right" and I punched him so hard in the face he was knocked out. When the police came and asked why I had punched him I said "It is my right"
<SiFuh> I had the support of the locals. We all together were cleaning up the rice. Because rice is respected here
<SiFuh> The guy I punched mother heard the story and took him and punished him as well.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: BMX Bandits (released as Short Wave in the United States)
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<lavaball> how about a song?
<SiFuh> We've all seen this like months ago
<SiFuh> The guy who makes it regulary posts them to Infowars
<lavaball> you never told me.
<lavaball> how am i supposed to knwo?
<remiliascarlet> The advantage of a world war is that it will instantly end wokeness overnight, and not make a return for at least another 70 or so years.
<lavaball> yeah, that worked great in the 60s too ...
<lavaball> seriously, where are you getting your intel from?
<remiliascarlet> Combination of history, common sense, observation of the world, and Mein Kam...the most banned book in the world.
<lavaball> i have the audio book.
<remiliascarlet> I don't.
<remiliascarlet> I have the PDF versions though.
<lavaball> want it?
<remiliascarlet> Is it in English or German?
<lavaball> it's read pretty well too. with the accent and all.
<lavaball> anglais obviously.
<remiliascarlet> In that case, go ahead.
<lavaball> the german wouldn't buy you mutch, now would it?
<lavaball> patience. first i have to dig it out and then i have to figure out how to bring it you.
<lavaball> i'm not one of those internet shary kind of people. but i figured out the paste sites by now.
<remiliascarlet> Maybe a selection of Japanese would, but the only options for publishing are either one of the strictly regulated publishers that will be prevented from publishing by either the government, or the woke outrage mob, or SDGs/ESG scores, or self publish it at Comiket, where I will probably have way bigger chance of getting it avaiable.
<remiliascarlet> Onionket will guaranteed allow it, since the organizer himself is anti-Jew, but it's a Tor-only event, so very few participants.
<lavaball> so it really is more complicated than i thought.
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<lavaball> anyway, i have it on my key. so i jsut have to pulled it of the stick.
<lavaball> pulled? .. pull it.
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