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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My Tamil friend said that the younger generation lack etiquette and that is why they don't open the gate for my wife. He said they are getting to many injections at birth so they are all selfish and retarded.
<remiliascarlet> So like I said, it's a worldwide problem.
<SiFuh> I don't think he was being serious about the injection part, he said it more as a joke.
<SiFuh> But we all know the truth
<remiliascarlet> Doesn't change the fact that the world population has gotten sicker and sicker the more injections get introduced at or near birth.
<remiliascarlet> Consider this, my parents grew up in a world where things like autism didn't even exist, then my generation came, and half of it has autism. Now the entirety of gen alpha has autism it seems.
<SiFuh> This one talks about the degredation of language
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of which, seems like the soyjak meme has extended to pets too:
<SiFuh> In case you need the lyrics
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Yeah, like going from "program"/"software"/"game"/"daemon"/"service"/"application"/"driver"/"operating system" to "app".
<remiliascarlet> Or from "2160p" to "4k" to "Retina Display".
<SiFuh> Hmm whomever wrote the 'lyrics' didn't transcribe it very well. Seems they had a lack of English
<SiFuh> 'Nary a strategy' became 'nay various strategy'
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Or a book to a Windows :-P
<remiliascarlet> "My game supports up to a 3840x2160 resolution." **APPLEFICATION BEAM** "My app downloads on a Retina Display."
<SiFuh> I have a stylus and I have an app, uhh stylus app!
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<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> You mean Bond, James?
<zorz> SiFuh: bonjour my friend, friend 007 :-)
<SiFuh> My name's Bon... Bon, Jour
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Jeff Berwick is using the Osmo Pocket 3 to record his talks. He was originally using the Osmo Pocket 2.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: is online too, all the good people :)
<zorz> SiFuh: tell me something, when i install a new kernel in crux, do i have to do any uninstall of the old one or i just delete the /usr/src/linux-version ?
<SiFuh> Usually remove the entry and files from /boot or whatever loader you use. Remove the /usr/src/linux-version and the /lib/modules/version
<SiFuh> Any modules you compile externally will be gone as well so you will need to rebuild them for the new kernel
<SiFuh> If you use DKMS like I do for your external drivers/modules, then you will need to remove /var/lib/dkms/<modules>-<version>/(kernel)version
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Simply delete the old vmlinuz file from your /boot folder, and edit the syslinux.conf file. If your new kernel is named the same as the old one, you can skip config editing.
<remiliascarlet> However, it's good practise to keep the previous kernel in case your new kernel got miscompiled.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: So he's like those Apple fanboys who change from iPhone x to iPhone x+1 every single year. Or Call of Duty or FIFA players doing the same thing with those games.
<zorz> thank you guys,,, i missed only the /lib modules... after trying 5.15 6.1 6.6 6.7 i think the most responsive is 6.1.75 i will stick with this one.
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, I never have problems compiling kernels on my ThinkPad and running the most shiniest kernel out there, but my high end gaming PC seemingly can't handle anything other than 6.1.62, because fuck logic.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: all the time i was with 6.1.62... now i changed to 6.1.75
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<zorz> remiliascarlet: i still kept the 6.1.62 just in case :)
<remiliascarlet> It's pretty painful that Linux kernel gets updated more than a girl changes her clothes.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, OpenBSD changes only once every 6 months, and FreeBSD changes even slower.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: More than a Westerner goes through toilet paper ;-)
<zorz> all this days i was busy with my scrapping, thing... seems does not wants to finish. i read a little bit about 6.7 they added many security features but it seems heavy... maybe to early to use it.
<SiFuh> scraping not scrapping
<zorz> SiFuh: ok
<SiFuh> Scraping and scrapping have two different meanings. Like hoping and hopping.
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> Scrape becomes scraping. Scrap becomes scrapping. Hope becomes hoping. Hop becomes hopping. Have an 'E' at the end then you remove the 'E' and add 'ING'
<zorz> SiFuh: thank you for teaching me, and I broader my knowledge.
<SiFuh> broaden*
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Thanks for the tip, I didn't even know this pattern.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: SiFuh does everything and is free :-)
<zorz> moment not to mess up the server.
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> zorz: Funny, because when I go to the mechanics down the road. I tell them to not touch my truck and just let me borrow their tools. :-P
<zorz> hahaha fuckin hell!
<SiFuh> Last time the actual boss was there. He picked up a spanner and I said "Put that down"
<zorz> what is spanner ?
<zorz> wrench ?
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> Spanner = a sexy girl. Because every time you see her your nuts tighten.
<zorz> i do not see anything :)
<SiFuh> I hate buying shit online in Asia. Always the same freaking reviews. 5 Star Good product quality, fast delivery and good service by seller.
<zorz> SiFuh: the reviewers i think are in small containers paid to review.
<SiFuh> zorz: Damn those cats!
<SiFuh> So they are reviewing?
<zorz> haha, i saw in tv the influecers in china renting this small boxes to run instagram tiktok etc.. omg.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: In Asia, if you write a negative review, they won't let you publish.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: ofcourse Asia is ahead of the rest of the world.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I write many
<remiliascarlet> I once got kicked out of a restaurant for not wearing a mask, the only restaurant out of the many I went to during the scamdemic. So I wrote a negative review, and it went on unpublished for a whole month, and then I got an email saying "please change it to a more positive review, we don't want to hurt the reputation of our partner".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Chinese are the funniest. I write a negative review after no assistance then they say they will assit just write a positive and review and I say "No! You didn't do anything positive yet"
<SiFuh> I ordered a 64 litre milk container for my distiller and it was 54 litres. I because they do the measurements from outside the container. I was fucking angry and the guy blocked me after I 1 starred him
<SiFuh> Hi, this label says 64 litres. This is not 64 litres. It is 54 litres. I measure and calculate and my answer was 53.9 littes. I measure with chemistry grade beaker and it is 54 litres. Do you have actual 64 litre or not? Because I need minimum 60 litre in size. Thank you.
<SiFuh> I messaged him this and he replied with this
<zorz> SiFuh: it was on purpose
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: So I replied with this
<SiFuh> Then he didn't respond so I 1 starred the fucker
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Sounds like China needs some Japanese workers.
<SiFuh> zorz: Yes, my friend say Chiense business never measure true inside, only measure outside to make it appear bigger.
<remiliascarlet> In Japan, if a package says "60 litres", it's EXACTLY 60 litres, no more and no less.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: ofcourse, thats why it is called Japan.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I agree! That is the way it should be. I needed to distill 60 litres so 64 litres is perfect. But I got a 54 litre with a 64 litre sticker
<SiFuh> He then said replied after blocking me in review about he helped customer and customer never understood
<zorz> SiFuh: it is on purpose.. looks cheap bargain... but nothing is actually cheap or free.
<SiFuh> Oops here is exactl reply. They block us before the reply
<SiFuh> I want to message him for keep the fake 64 litre and buy a 74 litre and that is how we discovered he blocked up.
<zorz> SiFuh: are you happy with amazon s3?
<SiFuh> WTF is that?
<SiFuh> Oh it is in the URL
<zorz> :)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I did about 1 hour of hard core work out until drop dead style. Mike Mentzer I think. Let me check.. Yeah his techniques. Not even 10 minutes after feeling like I did nothing. Wonder if it a meat diet thing.
<remiliascarlet> No idea what you mean, reads like each sentence is a completely different topic.
<SiFuh> Mike Mentzer has a specific style of weight lifting. He is the only person to ever win a perfect score. When you do this technique you basically run yourself into the ground where you can't stand up anymore or even lift a tea cup.
<SiFuh> Tomorrow for sure, and the next day I will feel the soreness. You then rest for as long as you can so anywhere between 3 to 10 days usually and then go at it again.
<zorz> guys iam checking the nginx logs, bots are searching for the ftp.vscode file vscode has a whole ? :Ppp
<zorz> most probable thats how they built the botnets.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Actually there was some controversy about Mentzer and the sudden re-appearance of Arnold Schwabbdigger.
<zorz> time, for siesta.. later.
<SiFuh> zorz: I did that at 5am ;-)
<SiFuh> Just after I turned by alarm off
<zorz> :-)
<zorz> ciao
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<farkuhar> did the CUPS daemon recently change the way it dequeues pending jobs? I'm in the habit of running `lpr $some_pdf` at the command-line, but lately that hasn't been working. Checking permissions of /var/spool/cups, I see that the lp user can write to /var/spool/cups/tmp, but the parent directory is read-only to user lp and eventually gets cluttered with stale print jobs.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Similar here from OpenBSD. I have been using her phone to print my documents. cups-2.4.7
<farkuhar> maybe the failure of `lpr $some_pdf` can be blamed on ghostscript rather than cups. At first I thought the problem was restricted to old PDFs with embedded fonts that my current system doesn't support, but yesterday even a newly-generated PDF failed to print using lpr.
<SiFuh> ghostscript-10.02.1
<farkuhar> these documents eventually print, if I load them in firefox and go through the File...Print dialog, but I'd prefer being able to enqueue the print job from the command-line.
<SiFuh> I can't test with firefox because it has zero permission to access anything pretty much. I tried with XPDF, Libreoffice, GIMP and commandline. I usually commandline it as well.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I walk to a nearby 7-11 if I need a printer. And to use the printer, I need coins and an NTFS formatted USB memory.
<remiliascarlet> And yes, it needs to be NTFS, because once their printer crashed, and the staff had to reboot the printer, and it showed a Windows 7 for Embedded Systems (or something like that) on the screen.
<SiFuh> 7/11 has a printer? Cool!
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: Yes, with the exception for those tiny-ass ultra-urban ones, every convenience store has a printer/scanner/copy/fax machine.
<remiliascarlet> And depending on the size of the store, between 0 and 2 ATMs.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: I just remember the most retarded discussion I had with an NPC. "We should replace cash with cashless to limit the spread of covid." "So you can't spread covid by any of the cashless ways?" "Well yes, because cash requires you to hand over to the cashier, which can have covid on their hands." "How about the covid that can exist on the POS devices?" "Yeah, but you're supposed to shop
<remiliascarlet> with plastic gloves." "Then how does cash even affect you then if you're shopping with gloves on anyway?" "..........dunno, the experts said that that's the case."
<SiFuh_> I don't talk to them to be honest. I just say Covid is a lie and you're a moron if you fell for it.
<SiFuh_> That usually stops them from speaking any more to me
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: aren't the experts now claiming that fomite transmission of covid is insignificant? They have long been saying that aerosols are the primary transmission mechanism.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: experts are morons. There was one 'expert' who was saying that _LONG_ Covid is the reason why many people are getting AIDS
<remiliascarlet> Back then I was hoping I could at the very least get them to think at least for a bit, but instead I ended up being called a nutcase, conspiracy theorist, Qanon supporter, Trump supporter, and the rest of the "how to call someone who doesn't fall for the propaganda" cheatsheet.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: That because these "experts" just say whatever their gloablist overlords want them to say.
<remiliascarlet> They never said anything of value from the get go.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Tell them they are a Biden and Gates supporter
<remiliascarlet> So to me the word "expert" was just a rebranding of "anonymous sources" which they used all the time during the whole Russian collusion hoax, which after 4 years they were forced to admit it was a hoax all along.
<SiFuh_> Same bloody logic
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I was thinking about how to word that. Yes "expert" was just a rebranding of "anonymous sources" prefectly said
<SiFuh_> This one made me want to punch the two liars in the face
<remiliascarlet> Looks like Elon is rate limiting Nitter again.
<SiFuh_> It was playing in the back ground and I overheard "My 95 year old grandmother hasn't had it at all because she is in a particulary vulnerable age group". I stopped and started the entire interview again. It was just vomit of random words and not one part of that interview was intelligent. It was just an alphabet soup for the non-thinking public to absorb key words but not acutal complete sentences
<remiliascarlet> Alright, I can't view that link at all now.
<SiFuh_> yt-dlp
<SiFuh_> mpv
<remiliascarlet> That whole interview sounds like something ChatGPT would vomit out.
<SiFuh_> I know, how can it make any sentence?
<SiFuh_> sence*
<SiFuh_> sense*
<SiFuh_> They didn't get it because they were vulnerable?
<SiFuh_> HIV was a good thing because we learned so much
<SiFuh_> Long covid is the same as HIV because both don't show any symptoms for years and years
<SiFuh_> It's like they found an old lady, gave her a script, told her to read it and just before she did, they clubbed her over the head
<remiliascarlet> They "got it" because the PCR (which according to the creator himself can't test on anything) said so.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Did you end up seeing the Sean Strickland video I sent you a while back. The boxer cursing the woke reporters ain Canada?
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