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<SiFuh> "Why airplanes crashes are now safer than ever"
<SiFuh> Crashing airplanes are safer today?
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<remiliascarlet> Paying attention to propaganda outlets in 2024?
<remiliascarlet> "Why killing someone with a bazooka is healing that person more than ever"
<SiFuh> The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.
<remiliascarlet> Or some fiction novel, at least that one doesn't pretend to be the truth.
<SiFuh> I hate fiction books
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: One of the mechanics (Kenny) I tried contacting, according to his work colleagues has been missing for four months. Maybe the Injection?
<SiFuh> OMG, they killed Kenny! Those bastards!
<remiliascarlet> Kenny took the Jew jab.
<SiFuh> Joo Joo Juice
<SiFuh> No wheezin' the Ju-uice
<SiFuh> My friend uses Joo Joo instead of Jew to bypass the filtering on the internet
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Actually a reasonable explanation, I didn't even know that.
<SiFuh> About Kenny? Or Joo Joos?
<remiliascarlet> Neither, about the video I just linked to, obviously.
<SiFuh> Weirdly not obvious
<remiliascarlet> The only thing wrong about that video is that he's mixing veganists with vegetarians, which as I explained earlier, are different.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am more interested in Scurvy
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Due to past intolerance of a commercially available ketogenic formula, the patient’s sole source of nutrition was an invariant blenderized 2:1 ketogenic diet consisting of chicken breast, avocado, heavy cream, and coconut oil supplemented with iodized salt, multi-vitamin/mineral supplement (Phlexy-vits, Nutricia), baking soda, fish oil and calcium carbonate.
<SiFuh> What a horrible diet
<SiFuh> No wonder she got Scurvy
<remiliascarlet> Why the fuck would you want to get a ketogenic formula?
<remiliascarlet> What you need is the following: food!
<SiFuh> Yes, I am trying to see if there is a link between excess Sodium Chloride consumption and a deficiency in Ascorbic Acid.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Try switching between "BOTH", "MALE", and "FEMALE", results tend to be very different between them.
<SiFuh> I did, thanks for teaching me how stupid I am
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am busy trying to remove my email from spam list
<remiliascarlet> Back in the 1980s I made an entire career out of teching people how stupid they are. Even though I wasn't even born yet in the 1980s, but whatever.
<SiFuh> I was being sarcastic
<SiFuh> I can fscking read and click shit too
<remiliascarlet> Looks like the prostate cancer rate in females is 0% worldwide.
<SiFuh> For males Ovarian Cancer was 0% too
<remiliascarlet> Alcohol is 0.24 in Japan, which is surprising considering how much alcohol is going through salarymen's throats every night.
<SiFuh> Alcohol is extremely healthy
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Marinating beef in Bhut Jolkia (Ghost Pepper) for several days, then turning it into Beef Jerky
<remiliascarlet> Sexy.
<SiFuh> No, 12 hours after it will be 'shitty'
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<SiFuh> ppetrov^: has returned because he heard we are talking abou Chilli ;-)
<ppetrov^> nope, just changed location
<SiFuh> :-P
<SiFuh> A new pub?
<ppetrov^> work place
<ppetrov^> close enough :P
<SiFuh> That's pretty much what I do
<SiFuh> They took me to KL for a dinner. I walked into the restaurant and asked if they sell beer, they said no. I said "Goodbye!" and walked to the pub. Came back around 21:30 and noticed some people had beer.
<ppetrov^> magic
<SiFuh> Yeah, and it was 4 times the price of the pubs beer
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> There is a rule amongst the family, colleagues, friends and boss. If the restaurant has no beer, SiFuh will not attend.
<ppetrov^> i've had a 10 eur pint at Helsinki airport...
<ppetrov^> good rule
<SiFuh> I loved Kyrgyzstan
<SiFuh> 3 litres of beer for like 0.62 Euros
<ppetrov^> you will like Bulgaria, as well
<SiFuh> Hungary?
<SiFuh> I like the warrior blood of the Hungarians
<SiFuh> I'd prefer there
<ppetrov^> ah, are you one of them people that confuse Bulgaria with Hungary
<SiFuh> Did I? Or did you misread?
<SiFuh> [SiFuh> Hungary? <-- What about Hungary?
<SiFuh> [SiFuh> I'd prefer there <---
<SiFuh> <-- My record is a little over 12 minutes but less than 13 minutes
<ppetrov^> [SiFuh> I'd prefer there <--- this i did not get
<SiFuh> I'd prefer to be in Hungary _over_ Bulgaria
<ppetrov^> i won't hold this against you
<SiFuh> :-P
<SiFuh> I would hold it against me if I find out their beer is shit
<ppetrov^> no idea
<ppetrov^> if you ever visit Finland, drop me aline, i'll send you a list of which beers to avoid
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: It is cheating
<SiFuh> It won't let me place New Zealand
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, you wanna find out by yourself
<SiFuh> I am talking about the map not the beer
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Hmm, I see no beer in Finland that is worthy
<SiFuh> I'd probably try Lapin Kulta because they use their own species of yeast
<ppetrov^> lapin Kulta is terrible
<ppetrov^> finns call it reindeer piss
<SiFuh> Hehe
<ppetrov^> best is Sandels, followed by karhu (means bear)
<SiFuh> Like VB in Australia I call Victorian Bathwater
<ppetrov^> i really liked VB
<SiFuh> I though Karhu was garbage
<ppetrov^> see what finnish beer did to me
<SiFuh> Oh no
<ppetrov^> Karhu is fine
<SiFuh> Oh no
<ppetrov^> :D
<SiFuh> Früh Kölsch ?
<ppetrov^> never heard of
<SiFuh> Says Finnish but I think it is German
<SiFuh> You drinking from tin or bottle primarily?
<SiFuh> Früh Kölsch <-- Yeah it is German
<ppetrov^> i prefer bottle
<SiFuh> Agree
<SiFuh> Only one beer ever tasted better from a tin and that was XXXX Draught. But they no longer make that. They replaced it with XXXX Bitter which is shit.
<SiFuh> Makes me shit too
<SiFuh> I want to see "The Beekeeper (2024)" but the cinema near has no results and only has results for today and tomorrow
<SiFuh> Hahaha Wife: "I feel like I am useless for the last two weeks". Me: "Two weeks? What about the other three years?"
<SiFuh> She looks at me like she is trying to be angry at me and just bursts into laughter.
<SiFuh> Wife: "Stop it! I am trying to be serious, stop making me laugh"
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I could never drink a beer called 'Fat Lizard'
<SiFuh> Sounds like a craft beer
<ppetrov^> :D
<SiFuh> I myself don't like craft beer due to the lack of consistancy
<ppetrov^> hmmm... am i hallucinating... seemed that them computer's clock went 3 hours behind for a minute and then came back to normal
<SiFuh> Reminds of that Alexa thing
<SiFuh> Me: Alexa, what historical events happened on this date in history? <-- can search for that line
<SiFuh> This URL was sent to me yesterday by another CRUX user.
<SiFuh> I can't beleive the gaul to name Vanilla OS or Linux Lite after it is based on Debian and Ubuntu
<SiFuh> Must be gall*
<ppetrov^> i read it as ghoul
<SiFuh> Heh, kind of different but understandable
<SiFuh> It's like the US spells it Jail, but it is spelled Gaol
<SiFuh> I have learned many ways to mispell a word since changing to a US dictionary
<ppetrov^> i still prefer British spelling
<SiFuh> All because those tight ass fuckers can't afford an extra key to print some ink
<ppetrov^> aluminum, color
<ppetrov^> :p
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: There is some things I hate though. When I change the Android phone to UK or AU english it is called a Torch. The US language calls it a Flashlight.
<SiFuh> I stand with US on that one
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: recognise/recognize the ise to ize is a pisser to follow
<SiFuh> Then they try to debate it makes sense. Well then so does dogs/dogz then
<SiFuh> Guess they couldn't change that as it would fsck up their "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogz" Oh shit? Where is the S?
<ppetrov^> The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogS :)
<SiFuh> The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's poop
<ppetrov^> btw, me being non-native speaker, i tend to assume other words have alternate spelling... once i had some data, where I wrote "chromoZome"
<SiFuh> The quickest brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
<ppetrov^> showed it to some collaborators from the Roslin institute in Scotland...
<ppetrov^> oh, the shame...
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: you'd be better off here in Malaysia
<SiFuh> They spell here like it is pronounced 'almost' tol, zon, farmasi, klinik,
<ppetrov^> gee, i'm gonna fit right in, thanks
<SiFuh> I don't hahaha
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yesterday was the same meal and the day before yesterday and the day before that
<SiFuh> Today is the same thing but she threw in some chilli slices
<ppetrov^> you mean, the... thing with the meat?
<SiFuh> Yeah
<SiFuh> And I attempted to munch on that chilli and it ain't chilli.
<SiFuh> It's capsicum or some shit
<SiFuh> An unspicy chilli is an insult
<SiFuh> Hold on, I said that wrong. Monday's meal, was the same as Saturday and Friday and today. Sunday was that rice thing
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Speaking of Vanilla OS, what do you think about the whole immutable distro fad? I personally don't like that.
<SiFuh> I don't know what that is
<remiliascarlet> As it says, an OS you can basically not change.
<SiFuh> Well Linux sucks already
<remiliascarlet> And if you do try to change it, it'll revert right back to its original state on reboot.
<SiFuh> So until they make it better, I care not
<remiliascarlet> Just like with all software, it's going to get worse unfortunately.
<remiliascarlet> Rust in the kernel, Flatpaks/Snaps, cope containers, kernel bloat that keeps on growing, woke Linus, immutable distro's...........
<SiFuh> And you complaining about it. Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> If there was Steam on OpenBSD, I wouldn't have to run Linux. It's the only proprietary spyware I'm willing to run.
<remiliascarlet> FreeBSD can run it, but the way that OS is structured is just retarded.
<SiFuh> Never got into online gaming. Theya re all soy-boys and cucks
<remiliascarlet> I only do single player.
<remiliascarlet> Online mode is just annoying.
<SiFuh> I tried playing chess online. Everytime my friend would move a piece incorrectly, he'd cancel the game. Even if it was the first fscking move
<remiliascarlet> Online gaming was more fine 20 years ago when running dedicated servers was still normal.
<SiFuh> Well, I bet most of them can't change a tyre on a car
<SiFuh> Probably because they can't pick it up
<remiliascarlet> Now with match making you're always playing with either soyboys or cheaters, you get ads showed down your throat, and on top of all that the devs can just ban you or outright end the service for everybody.
<SiFuh> No idea, I have no interest in associated with retards
<remiliascarlet> To give the perspective, you can still play Unreal Tournament 2004 online with your friends, because the server side software is available, and there's nothing EPIC can do about it.
<remiliascarlet> With the newer Unreal Tournament games, that's not possible. EPIC will eventually end the online services for those, and there's nothing you can do about it.
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<SiFuh> I ain't buying it
<SiFuh> Still a place where retards hang out
<lavaball> wrote my own tf fork. only play with the people i allow on the server. your issues are completely foreign to me, especially since newer games are all spyware anyway.
<SiFuh> TF is a supermarket
<lavaball> you doing a q again?
<SiFuh> I always call it "The Fuck"
<SiFuh> Gamers are retards with no actual life. Wanna be fuckwits who think they are cool when actually they are not
<lavaball> so a q it is.
<SiFuh> I think you are the queer
<lavaball> that's diffrent, I wasn't referring to your lady brain.
<SiFuh> I don't have one
<lavaball> why are you acting like a bitch then?
<SiFuh> Have to when talking to a queer
<lavaball> is that why you are so quick to jump to conclusions and then start denying that you aren't one?
<lavaball> do you have a beard?
<SiFuh> Define yourself or fuck off with your idiot slang that means nothing then
<SiFuh> Kind of..
<lavaball> that's what i thought.
<SiFuh> It's like 3 mm I think but the moustache is much longer
<lavaball> not what i was talking about, but sure.
<SiFuh> Actually I look like a cross between Mickey mouse and an 8 ball with a moustache
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Did you see in the news that the far left want to use the military to arrest Trump to stop him from doing a coup'de'tat when he wins the election?
<SiFuh> lavaball: What is wrong with a beard anyway?
<lavaball> nothing. never said there was. you are jumping to conclusions yet again.
<lavaball> also one of those female traits i observed by the way.
<SiFuh> traits?
<lavaball> traids? ... let me look it up.
<SiFuh> No you spelled it correctly
<lavaball> no, it's "traits".
<SiFuh> I am asking why a woman would have a beard?
<lavaball> the jumping to conclusions i mean.
<lavaball> comes from there insecurity.
<SiFuh> there?
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: About the Marxist lunatics arresting Trump though the military, I didn't see it, neither do I even care.
<lavaball> their.
<lavaball> and lesbians might have a beard to fool their parents into thinking they are straight.
<lavaball> it's usually more of a gay thing though.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Funny you mention that because my mother wanted my password for some shit today. I can't understand why she needed it. My idiot sister comes online to say why and because I can't give them the password then everything is my fault.
<SiFuh> My brother and I were discussing it and I told him that mum is useless with computers and my sister is the idiot queen of assumptions. I told him, I don't know my password because I can't test it from overseas as it is regional banned. Secondly they won't send me an email since 2020 because the DNS provider was hacked and my email MX box is on a blacklist that I can't remove it from.
<SiFuh> Lesbians with a beard? That's just stupid
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: it's interesting because everything is always the exact opposite with these clowns.
<remiliascarlet> Africans with beards are actually Africans without beards with beards.
<SiFuh> So if Trump is democratically elected, they will arrest him by a coup'de'tat to stop him from doing a coup'de'tat
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Hehehe close enough
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, the democrats are really against democracy.
<SiFuh> Democracy is actually a bad thing
<SiFuh> It's the step towards what they really want.
<remiliascarlet> It it might be America in general. Like how they forced democracy in Egypt, and they all elected for the Muslim Brotherhood, which America didn't like, and forced them to "elect better".
<SiFuh> USA is not a democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic
<remiliascarlet> A constitutional republic that doesn't even care about the constitution, I know.
<SiFuh> Anyone screaming 'democracy' is not supporting the constitution or the republic
<SiFuh> US has been a military dictatorship of sort for many many decades
<lavaball> for lesbians it's the same term from what i've read.
<remiliascarlet> "Free speech is guaranteed for all..." 250 years later: "...but we should not allow racism." There, free speech is no longer guaranteed!
<SiFuh> lavaball: Very shallow thinking
<SiFuh> Many marriages are not based on love or attraction but on things like power and wealth and arranged marriages
<SiFuh> Even things like religion or race
<remiliascarlet> I believe it's the only country in the world that puts race on government ID.
<SiFuh> Rolling all that into a "You are gay in a closet" package is quite shallow and just an agenda pusher
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Malaysia puts race and religion
<remiliascarlet> How long until they start putting sexual preference and pronouns on it as well?
<SiFuh> Australia puts skin colour
<remiliascarlet> Ah, didn't know.
<remiliascarlet> Japan doesn't do that.
<SiFuh> Actually Australia even has the option to inform them if you are aboriginal or Torres Straite Islander
<remiliascarlet> Japanese government ID doesn't even specify birth location.
<SiFuh> In Thailand foreign drivers licences are a different colour to Thai's licences
<remiliascarlet> It does specify a registered domicile, which can be changed.
<SiFuh> In Malaysia foreigners have different colour ID cards to locals
<lavaball> nah, it was just funny.
<SiFuh> In fact, it is very bad in Malaysia that if your parents convert to Islam, the childrens automatically convert even if they are over 18
<SiFuh> And you can't change it
<SiFuh> My friend who is Hindu found out they put Islam on his ID card and he has been fighting for 2 years to get it changed to Hindu. When he finally won, they changed it to Buddhist HAHAH
<remiliascarlet> The only difference in drivers license for locals and foreigners here AFAIK is that the ones for locals specify the full address of residence, whereas the ones for foreigners only specify the country of citizenship.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Mine has my passport number instead of a licence number. That is actually logical
<remiliascarlet> But then again, locals don't need to carry any ID, but foreigners must.
<SiFuh> However, it stupid because when I renew my passport and get a new number that old number is still on my licence. Hahaha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That's racist
<SiFuh> lavaball: I didn't see the humour in it actually.
<remiliascarlet> Foreigners aren't part of a Japanese family tree, even if they marry a Japanese.
<SiFuh> Discrimination
<SiFuh> I saw that Blue-Eyed Samurai cartoon. That is exactly what you are saying
<SiFuh> To be fair, I don't think a foreigner is part of any family tree unless a child pops out
<remiliascarlet> Family trees is what locals use to prove citizenship status, passports are just for travelling to other countries.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have noticed. It is very sick
<SiFuh> Here in Malaysia is far more extreme
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That would mean that only women can become part then, because no child can pop out of a penis.
<SiFuh> You can be born in Malaysia and live in a Malaysian jungle tribe. Then the loggers come in and find your tribe. The government is notified and they hunt you down and move you to a 'long house' but you have no rights because only a Muslim Malaysian can be a real Malay.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not my meaning
<SiFuh> If I have a child with my wife, then I must be bound to the family tree
<remiliascarlet> Ah, like that.
<remiliascarlet> Yes, I heard about the whole Muslim thing. I even heard a few days ago that you must convert yourself to Islam in order to marry in Malaysia. Is that true?
<SiFuh> Under actual Malay law. Only Muslim Malay can be citizen. That means that all the Chinese who have lived here since 14th century, the Indians, even if Muslim are not legally citizens.
<remiliascarlet> Now I see why Singapore separated from Malaysia then.
<remiliascarlet> Way too many Chinks.
<SiFuh> You can marry a Muslim Malay but not in Malaysia. Even though it is legal, it will be ignored by Malay government
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Also way too many suicides in Singapore
<remiliascarlet> On that website about cancers you should me earlier today, it looks like India and South Korea are the suicide capitals of Asia.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It's a long gruesome topic to get into but they seperated due to economic advantages
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: yes
<remiliascarlet> Belgium, Finland, Ukraine, and the entire balkans in the case of Europe.
<SiFuh> When I saw suicide in Thailand, I was thinking if they put David Carradine on that list
<remiliascarlet> I misread that as "when I did suicide in Thailand", so I thought "how the fuck are you still alive then?".
<SiFuh> When I was registering here the options were Islam, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Aethiest. I was pretty angry when they asked me to choose one of the 4. Then I noticed Other____ and they said they don't use that.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Most people who commit suicide usually suck at life. They suck so bad, they usually fail at suicide. Haha
<remiliascarlet> Cool, so no Jews allowed!
<SiFuh> Jews are banned here
<remiliascarlet> Based!
<SiFuh> If you got a Joo Joo stamp in your passport you will be banned from entry
<SiFuh> Many Islamic countries follow this rule
<remiliascarlet> Or get a yellow star on your coat.
<SiFuh> Yellow Triangle
<SiFuh> But I think the entire things was fake so I care not
<SiFuh> And since I don't live in Europe, I can say that without breaking the stupid law
<remiliascarlet> Europe has become such a legal shithole, even America seems anarchist in comparison.
<SiFuh> Yep, serves themselves right
<SiFuh> Fucking stealing German land and blaming Germany for WW1
<SiFuh> And now they are all pussies with words that have no meaning trying to be something are not
<SiFuh> I am just tied of listening to people with opinions that have no fucking balls and just parrot shit that was constantly repeated in their ears over and over and over again and they never used their brain once to think or question it
<SiFuh> tied/tired
<SiFuh> lavaball: Hmm, you got me thinking. I have always used a straight razor. My favorite is my Bismark Soligen razor. I only stopped using it when I was given a Wahl trimmer.
<SiFuh> Wahl SS2L trimmer. Damned hard to read at night time.
<SiFuh> I don't want to lose the straight razor skill.
<SiFuh> Sniper Rogue Mission (2022) is absolute shit
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<lavaball> did you guys know that boemerang was a sketch?
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