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<remiliascarlet> That's nice.
<remiliascarlet> Earth is so flat, we can literally dig kilometers deep tunnels without eventually ending up floating in a void. I wonder how flat earthers will explain that if we're living on a coin rather than a ball.
<remiliascarlet> "Earth is flat, because the bible says so." So if the bible would suddenly say "humans are designed to eat zi bugz", is Klaus Analschwab the current re-incarnation of Jesus Chist?
<SiFuh_> Bible doesn't say it is flat
<remiliascarlet> They say it does, so it proves even further that flat earthers lie.
<SiFuh_> Ecclesiastes 1:5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.
<SiFuh_> The translate circle as being flat like a coin and ignore the sun rise and sun set
<remiliascarlet> "The bible says you must pay me taxes." "On what page?" "Page 666 of my personal copy."
<SiFuh_> Fortunately the bible doesn't approve of tax
<SiFuh_> Now I can go out scarying vegans. Vegetables that fight back.
<SiFuh_> scaring*
<remiliascarlet> They'll probably just default to calling me a conspiracy theorist, like they always do.
<SiFuh_> Dixville Notch, New Hampshire Town Of 6 Voters, Opts For Nikki Haley As Primary Begins
<SiFuh_> Dixville Notch, a tiny town of six registered voters, unanimously chose former UN ambassador Nikki Haley as the state’s primary process began at the stroke of midnight on Tuesday. “How we vote really doesn’t matter in the scheme of things,” Tillotson, who has served as town moderator since 1976, told Politico. “The one message that we try to get out every cycle is that we have 100% [voter
<SiFuh_> turnout] and wish that everybody else would do the same.”
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<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Beef, 48 hours 75 Celsius in duck fat
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<lavaball> SiFuh, you know sound stuff. why do i have a sound quality drop on bitchute all of a sudden? i upload the same video. sounds great on odysee, horrible on bitchute.
<lavaball> all previous videos are fine.
<SiFuh> Not sure about bitchute. Maybe they do a recompression?
<lavaball> must be something new then. never had any issues. tried mp3. same problem. now i turned it down from 256 bit rate to 96 like the wikipedia page says.
<SiFuh> Not much out there but this one came up
<lavaball> the weird thing is, my other videos sound okay.
<lavaball> just the new one.
<lavaball> well, it is how it is.
<lavaball> no separate music video for bitchute then.
<SiFuh> ç'est la Bitchute
<remiliascarlet> Did Bitchute ever work correctly though?
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "" Nice handjob there.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: He really needs to learn to dress appropriately
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Did it make your Sticker Peck Out? Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> What kind of sticker is that?
<SiFuh> It's a play on words
<remiliascarlet> I don't get it.
<SiFuh> Translates as Pecker Stick Out.
<SiFuh> The lyrics has a lot of double meaning in it to sound polite. But basically he is saying, that her love makes him get an errection
<remiliascarlet> "Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue"
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That's funny since it is a youtube video embedded in a page of text
<remiliascarlet> The page itself is misconfigured to go over Clownflare.
<SiFuh> Another song that follows this type of double meaning would be "A beer is better than a woman" I think by Rodney Carrington
<remiliascarlet> Like so many websites these days, but then again, 95% of the webdevs these days don't even know how to program or even make a website.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I've noticed. I wrote them in VI/VIM back in the day as you know.
<remiliascarlet> I do it in XHTML and CSS.
<SiFuh> Same but I also used PHP
<remiliascarlet> If I need something more advanced, I just use Go with only the standard libraries.
<remiliascarlet> I used to use PHP, but the whole OOP stuff they stuffed into it really destroyed the fun of building anything in PHP.
<SiFuh> I think the last time I wrote anything in PHP or webbased was back around 2005/2006
<remiliascarlet> 99% of the "PHP developers" today don't even write any PHP code.
<remiliascarlet> They write Laravel, Symfony, or CakePHP code.
<SiFuh> No idea what any of that shit is
<SiFuh> PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language for web development. Learn about the latest features, updates and downloads of PHP 8.3, 8.2, 8.1 and 8.0.
<SiFuh> 8? Damn! I was on 5
<remiliascarlet> Basically like what .NET is to C#, or Qt to C++, those 3 are like that to PHP.
<remiliascarlet> They skipped PHP 6.
<remiliascarlet> Went from 5.6 straight to 7.0.
<SiFuh> No idea. I went from PHP4 to PHP5
<remiliascarlet> I used classic PHP up to version 8.2.
<SiFuh> I think PHP3 was before my time, but I could be wrong
<remiliascarlet> But then I got tired of it, and fell in love with the simplicity of Go.
<remiliascarlet> Go is what PHP used to be, but far less buggy, and compiled.
<SiFuh> On 22 May 2000, PHP 4, powered by the Zend Engine 1.0, was released
<SiFuh> Yeah so I would probably have never done anything in PHP3 then
<remiliascarlet> And now that I figured out how to disable auto formatting in Zig, I've been looking more into Zig as a replacement for C again.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I see so PHP6 was to go to Unicode 16 but they didn't know how to. So they moved PHP6 mods backwards to PHP5 and then they just jumped to PHP7 not to confuse anyone with PHP6 failures
<remiliascarlet> And yes, OpenBSD's repository has the latest stable release of the Zig compiled now, which is quite an improvement from OpenBSD 7.3 where they were 2 years or so behind on updating it..
<SiFuh> OpenBSD 7.2 GENERIC.MP#5 amd64
<SiFuh> OpenBSD 7.4 GENERIC.MP#1380 amd64
<remiliascarlet> Oh fuck, UTF-16.
<SiFuh> OpenBSD 7.4 GENERIC.MP#2 amd64
<SiFuh> Hmm my NFS serever is still on 7.2
<SiFuh> I have all these stickers given to me when I purchase car parts. Wonder if I should stick them on the laptop to look like a geek
<remiliascarlet> I have upgraded all my OpenBSD machines to 7.4 as soon as it came out.
<SiFuh> Came out as officially or unofficially?
<remiliascarlet> You mean Zig on OpenBSD? I guess unofficially, like most software for it.
<SiFuh> No I mean OpenBSD 7.4
<remiliascarlet> Ah, in that case, officially.
<remiliascarlet> But the only computer that had issues at first was my ancient 32-bit only ThinkPad T43 laptop, but the fix ended up being very easy.
<SiFuh> I always waited officially but due to port breakages I was always 2 months ahead. Unoffically for 7.4 and 7.3 and 7.2. I am hoping nothing breaks in 7.4 so I can officially go to 7.5
<remiliascarlet> I don't even know how to update to the "current" branch apart from compiling OpenBSD from source.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have a download script I wrote using aria2c to get the updates when it comes. I download everything for amd64 in case of the Pox-Eclipse :-P
<remiliascarlet> But then again, I don't need to.
<SiFuh> sysupgrade -s
<SiFuh> But don't do it unless you are practicing on another machien
<remiliascarlet> I actually prefer OS releases to be installed manually, so in case something goes wrong, I can fix it as soon as it happens.
<SiFuh> -s Upgrade to a snapshot This is the default if the system is currently running a snapshot.
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<SiFuh> I do syspatch, fw_update and ports -u regulary
<SiFuh> WAIT
<SiFuh> pkg_add -u
<remiliascarlet> `ports -u` is CRUX.
<SiFuh> fucking ports -u
<SiFuh> Oh and pkg_delete -a
<remiliascarlet> I do `pkg_add -ui`.
<SiFuh> pkg_delete -a <-- I wish CRUX had this feature
<remiliascarlet> Ah, thanks for reminding me to the fact I have to do some aliasing to the pkg_* tools.
<SiFuh> If I install let's say firefox and firefox needs 79 dependencies installed. All the auto install dependencies are flagged "a" as in 'auto' so if I do 'pkg_delete firefox' it removes firefox and 'pkg_delete -a' will remove every dependency firefox needed that was automatically installed
<remiliascarlet> So pkg_add would become pkgadd, pkg_delete becomes pkgdelete, and so on.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I do mine reverse. I make CRUX follow OpenBSD
<remiliascarlet> Because on a Japanese keyboard, the underbar is by far the most annoying key to press.
<SiFuh> Understood
<SiFuh> Oh, that is what I was going to do. Give you my script for downloading OpenBSD
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet:
<remiliascarlet> <btdn> I never, for the life of me, understand why people like dynamic linking.
<remiliascarlet> <aiju> btdn: for the very same reason they believe in god
<SiFuh> aiju is correct. But dynamic linking is something pretty good if you keep your system tidy
<remiliascarlet> You're not really keeping your system tidy by dynamic linking, you're only creating a mess.
<remiliascarlet> Binaries are smaller, but at the cost of being unable to just transfer them to a different machine, even if it runs the same OS.
<SiFuh> Making a mess is having the thing that does a particular thing installed twenty times in twenty different locations when you can link to one. Libraries exist for that reason
<remiliascarlet> Just look at how much libraries there are in your /usr/lib (CRUX and OpenBSD) or /usr/local/lib (OpenBSD) folders.
<SiFuh> Static has it's uses and so does dynamic
<SiFuh> I am pretty sure aiju's reply was hoping you don't break the system like what happens in CRUX hence the reason revdep exists
<remiliascarlet> The static having larger binary sizes part is very true for Go (206 KiB dynamic vs 120 MiB static), but in the case of Zig, even static binaries are 17 KiB or some shit.
<remiliascarlet> C is 1 MiB minimum for static.
<remiliascarlet> I can bet that C++ would be at least 200 MiB if statically linked.
<SiFuh> So there you have it
<remiliascarlet> And Javascript would be 9000 ZiB if it were a compiled language.
<SiFuh> Dynamic linking has a reason to exist
<remiliascarlet> It's said that node_modules is at least 9000 times heavier than a black hole.
<SiFuh> The fact Unix and Linux systems are smart enough to dynamically link makes it way superior to anything Windows does
<remiliascarlet> Windows dynamically links too, except they call it .dll instead of .so.
<SiFuh> Not for everything that is usefull
<remiliascarlet> And macOS simply puts all the data into a single directory that only macOS sees as an executable, while every other OS sees it as a directory.
<remiliascarlet> And honestly, I think that's pretty clever.
<SiFuh> I think Plan9 is clever
<remiliascarlet> I tried Plan9, but couldn't get the cursor to move.
<SiFuh> Plan9 would be the ultimate phone operating system
<SiFuh> It makes the cloud look like nothing
<remiliascarlet> "The Cloud" is just another way of saying "some other idiot's computer".
<SiFuh> yes
<SiFuh> Except now that idiots computer is yours as well.
<remiliascarlet> Luckily, I don't use any cloud services.
<remiliascarlet> Got banned from just about all of them.
<SiFuh> Unfortunately the nefarious nature of a lot of people makes the perfect system fail from the beginning
<SiFuh> You banned from CloudUnFair?
<SiFuh> Or you wish to. Hahahaha
<remiliascarlet> It's easy to get banned from them, all of them come with a report system which the woke abuses the crap out of, and those who run those services listen to their reports.
<remiliascarlet> Or are run by bots in the case of Google.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I found that a lot of laptops here came with Realtek WiFi cards that don't work well with OpenBSD, and can't be recognized by FreeBSD at all, but then I replaced almost all of them with Intel WiFi cards, and WiFi works perfectly on both, plus Linux.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Normal
<SiFuh> Realtek moved to firmware that is so hard to keep up with
<SiFuh> It's why i was making realtek ports for CRUX
<remiliascarlet> I prefer hardware that works without having to install extra software.
<remiliascarlet> Same with Nvidia, I have an AMD Radeon for this very reason, because why would you want to use hardware from a company that hates you?
<remiliascarlet> Nvidia said "fuck you and your free and open source software", so I said "fuck you back".
<SiFuh> Victorian era United Kingdom of Great Britain style beer that spent 6 months maturing in bottles. I have just opened it! And damn, not a bad drink
<SiFuh> Made with Malaysian water ;-)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: BREAKING: Infowars Hit With MASSIVE Hack Attack <-- It's why I couldn't access them all day today
<lavaball> free health care my ass. they now want 230 bucks from me each months.
<lavaball> oh, and i have no taxable income. still i'm forced to pay their minimum rate. yes,that's minimum.
<SiFuh> Wife is running around in a Ghillie suit scaring everyone
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized
<SiFuh> Perfectly said
<dlcusa> SiFuh, remiliascarlet, re: discussion ~02:10:17 of The Bible on taxes, read Romans 1, especially verse 7: "7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor."
<dlcusa> s/Romans 1/Romans 13/
<dlcusa> Busy now, but I'll try to say more later.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> Giue to all men therefore their duetie: tribute, to whome yee owe tribute: custome, to whom custome: feare, to whome feare: honour, to whom ye owe honour.
<SiFuh> Fortunately the bible doesn't approve of tax
<remiliascarlet> Biblical tax.
<SiFuh> UK Environmental Lobbyist Says Having Children Is ‘Selfish’ & Presents A Moral Issue Due To Carbon Footprint
<SiFuh> The only 'real' form of tax mentioned apart from Jesus having an apostle taking it from a fishes mouth is the punishment for breaking the 10 commandments. Punishment should be death. So they had to sacrifice many livestock and food to coincide with the sin
<SiFuh> But it had to be the best of the best. You can't sacrifice anything
<SiFuh> And you got to watch it go up in smoke
<dlcusa> Doesn't approve of tax? Reread verse 6: "For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing."
<SiFuh> No it actually says pay your dues
<SiFuh> Tax is a modern modification
<dlcusa> The concept is fork over money (or goods) to the government to fund what the government does, n'est pas?
<SiFuh> I don't have time to look into it today
<SiFuh> But I will write it down for future investigation
<SiFuh> I actually read the entire chapter because I don't like verse spreaders
<dlcusa> It is a cohesive unit.
<SiFuh> It is kind of on par to what you said, but I need to read it in the original language which I don't have time for
<SiFuh> It's like the one the other day about the Earth being a circle and then flat fuckheads were saying the sun spins around the surface. So if that is the case then why does the sun set and not get smaller and smaller and vere off to the right?
<SiFuh> But then the same book, the bible says the sun rises and sets. Yet this is considered a mistake but the earth being a circle is not
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Lets apply forced medical experimentation and melding with robotic body parts. God allows that?
<SiFuh> This is the line where I think something is no longer melding. Will be a good topic to discuss about
<dlcusa> God allows much worse stuff than that! And He will hold perpetrators of such use of authority to account sooner or later.
<SiFuh> God created government and they can tax you. And they can rape you, and drink your childs blood and cut off your body parts.
<SiFuh> Yeah, but I care not, because anyone wants to lop off or out my wife's organs and rape my children, I am freaking ripping heads off
<dlcusa> Self-defense is not murder.
<SiFuh> One thing that always interests me is "You should not steal" in the 10 commandments.
<dlcusa> Property rights are foundational to God.
<SiFuh> The 10 commandments are the absolute laws. Breaking them is punishable by death. That was how great the sin was
<SiFuh> Tax is theft
<SiFuh> I actually don't believe that particular commandment is to do with theft of property
<SiFuh> I think it is to do with theft of humans
<dlcusa> "Legal" theft. Oppresive taxation is not God's Will.
<SiFuh> All tax is oppresive. It's very nature is exactly that
<dlcusa> It's more a concept of user fees. Politicians take it further than that for their own benefit.
<SiFuh> Due >--
<SiFuh> You pay what is due.
<SiFuh> Due = rightly, properly; adequately, sufficiently; in accordance with duty or moral obligation,
<SiFuh> Tax is none of that
<SiFuh> Hence my words "Fortunately the bible doesn't approve of tax"
<dlcusa> Got to run again--sorry.
<SiFuh> It does approve of duty what is due
<SiFuh> And the next verse even goes further saying you should not owe anyone anything but love. 'simplified' but youget my point.
<SiFuh> Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With ‘Hate Crime’
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Did you ever read the book of Jasher?
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