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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: What terminal do you use? I can't get Thai font to display correctly.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I use Suckless st.
<remiliascarlet> Make sure you have Thai fonts installed as well, just changing terminals isn't enough.
<remiliascarlet> And the terminal you choose needs to support UTF-8, since that one will display all language's characters, given that no new writing system got introduced since the first launch of UTF-8.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I use st for irssi. I tried st this morning for cmus and it still displays Thai incorrectly
<remiliascarlet> Can you copy/paste a Thai word?
<SiFuh> กเคยสญญา
<remiliascarlet> Or type in.
<SiFuh> อสน วสนต-เปนยกษเปนมาร.mp3
<remiliascarlet> Any image hoster you can recommend?
<SiFuh> Hold on, I will show you another song
<remiliascarlet> "OK, I found an image hoster that doesn't su... Wait, where the fuck is the submit button!?"
<SiFuh> The top one is how it is written. The bottom one is how terminals and st print it.
<SiFuh> จินตนาการ
<remiliascarlet> I verified your first text by copy/pasting it to IceCat, and it seems like st indeed displays incorrectly.
<SiFuh> So the first vowel that is above the first character vanishes
<SiFuh> And Thai has multi stacked characters
<remiliascarlet> I believe the issue is with the fonts your terminal is using.
<remiliascarlet> Try to change the system font, maybe that'll fix it.
<remiliascarlet> Because it fixed the problem for me, because the font CRUX comes with by default displays Kanji incorrectly.
<SiFuh> I changed the fonts to Thai, in fact I ran a script to try every single Thai font.
<remiliascarlet> Not every single font gets used at the same time, try to swap between them.
<SiFuh> I did
<remiliascarlet> Did you do so in .config/fontconfig/fonts.conf?
<SiFuh> Yes
<remiliascarlet> And then run `fc-cache -fv`, close st, and open it again?
<SiFuh> This is what I was doing
<remiliascarlet> "Your IP address (TOR EXIT NODE IP) has been blocked for violating the Terms of Service. IP will be unblocked after not connecting for 15 days. To file a support ticket please visit"
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> But if this is all what you've been doing, then I don't know.
<SiFuh> Me too, in Linux it usually works well
<SiFuh> I actually taught a class on how to set up Thai font for terminal, console and X11 back in 2002. Thais would come to me for help. Now I can't get it to multi stack in OpenBSD.
<remiliascarlet> Might be better to ask a Thai Linux user, because I never need to read Thai text myself.
<SiFuh> I have a feeling that OpenBSD doesn't support stacking
<SiFuh> Thai vowels go around the letters like this (In red) but there are also tones that go above the letters as well.
<SiFuh> So in st and xterm I can see the vowels on the left and the right, but I can't see the vowels above or below or the tones above
<remiliascarlet> That looks like Korean (Hangul) on stereoids.
<SiFuh> Took me 20 hours to learn to read Thai.
<SiFuh> Then, when I went to Thailand, I would read the signs and if I made a mistake my friends would correct me.
<SiFuh> Sometimes vowels are not even written because the consonants that pair together will hide the vowel.
<remiliascarlet> A little bit unfair to compare, because according to linguists, the Thai writing system is considered the hardest to learn in the world, whereas the Korean writing system is considered the easiest to learn.
<remiliascarlet> And they're both all about stacking.
<SiFuh> No offence to the king that took credit for creating the Thai writing system, but it was a pretty retarded thing to make.
<SiFuh> They pinched the design of it from Sanskrit and because it was limited it had to be modified a few times. One that pisses me off is a tone above one consonant can be pronounced completely different when over another consonant
<remiliascarlet> I can see some patterns, like the 2 "wind blow" characters on the right side indicates the "?" tone for example.
<remiliascarlet> Looks a lot like Thai only has 1 vowel, and the other 4 vowels are just considered variations of that 1 vowel.
<remiliascarlet> Same as with the color green over here before WWII. Back then green was considered to be just a shade of blue.
<SiFuh> So these are the consonants and they are divided into classes
<remiliascarlet> So constants for the peasants, the elites, and the salary earners? I see.
<SiFuh> Now the tone mark (on the left side of the image) will change pronunciation over certain classes (right side of the image)
<SiFuh> I just sent a message to my boss from 2002 asking him if he knows how to get stacking to work in OpenBSD
<SiFuh> It works in Audacious though
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<SiFuh> Atmosphere contains 0.04% carbon dioxide. Humans create 11% of that. So that means 0.0044% of the carbon is created by humans. Hahahah, climate change morons are just that.
<SiFuh> Never understand how so many people can actually fall for this shit.
<ppetrov^> and yet 0.04% CO2 is capable to keep Earth's temperature some 30 degrees C higher than what it should be
<SiFuh> My green house sits at 50 Celsius
<SiFuh> When I make beer I direct the CO2 from the fermentation process into my greenhouse. The plants thrive
<ppetrov^> and everything is great inside, right
<SiFuh> Yep
<ppetrov^> good for you
<SiFuh> You know why CO2 is called Greenhouse gas right?
<ppetrov^> yes
<SiFuh> And now that Window's clown is chopping trees down and burying them to save the planet from CO2
<ppetrov^> it retains infrared rays
<SiFuh> When asked about trees in a video he said he cares not for them
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: You are the carbon they want to get rid of.
<SiFuh> Infrared rays are everywhere
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Exactly!
<remiliascarlet> Remember the times when CO2 was just a synonym to "the stuff trees create to help make life on earth possible"?
<SiFuh> Yep
<remiliascarlet> Now all of the sudden it's a synonym to "the stuff that makes the weather so bad, it'll kill us all".
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, during the dark phase of photosynthesis plants use CO2 and water to create carbohydrates, so they basically "fix" CO2
<SiFuh> Remember when flurocarbons more specifically Chlorofluorocarbons from refrigerators and aerosol cans were toxic?
<SiFuh> Then there was a hole in the ozone because of it?
<SiFuh> Then it was lead in petrol so they changed it to unleaded
<remiliascarlet> Remember when they said the ozone got holes from cows farting?
<SiFuh> Then complained about CO Carbon Monoxide
<remiliascarlet> I can't believe how stupid people have to be to believe in all this bullshit!
<SiFuh> Then it was Earth will freeze, then Earth will melt, then it was Carbon Dioxide, then it was shit, everything is failing let's change it to Climate Change?
<remiliascarlet> I think there was a South Park episode at some point where they made everybody fart, and that created holes in the ozone layer.
<remiliascarlet> Or something.
<SiFuh> I was in grade 9 when I was being programmed to beleive this shit about logging CRCs and CO. Then when they flipped to CO2. I realised these fuckers are morons or they have an agenda.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "And now that Window's clown is chopping trees down and burying them to save the planet from CO2" Once you read the articles by these lunatics, you'll notice how all these climate cultists hate trees.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yes, farting was bad but it was needed so the humans didn't spontaneously combust. So they had to work out a balance between farts
<SiFuh> That was a funny episode
<SiFuh> Yeah and anyone who thinks these people are genuine or sane, have to fucking question themselves when they see cows with fart bags attached to the bovine's stomach
<remiliascarlet> Those same people would put a face mask on dogs and cats, so I think you can rate their sanity levels based on that alone.
<SiFuh> Anyone who supports the idea of climate change and listens to the fucking morons selling it, are fucking idiots
<SiFuh> The stupidty of people is unfathomable
<remiliascarlet> Just let natural selection do its job, I'd say.
<SiFuh> Just give me a gun with unlimited ammo
<SiFuh> I can buy the CO, CRC and led shit. It actually is toxic but when they flipped to CO2 and Methane and Nitrogen that was the line they crossed.
<remiliascarlet> No need, because those same people are at least triple jabbed or more, many of them have already cut their genitilia off and went on drugs to change their bodies, and permanently sterillize themselves along the way, and who knows what else they do.
<remiliascarlet> Oh yeah, going full vegan.
<SiFuh> Don't say the jabbed word
<remiliascarlet> Eating all sorts of sugary sweets.
<SiFuh> There are people here who will abandon to conversation
<SiFuh> Haha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I told you about the wife and diabetes right?
<remiliascarlet> Not sure.
<SiFuh> I told her if we need to go jungle and you are a diabetic you are useless to me because you now rely on the system.
<SiFuh> I told her to stop eating sugar to the point I would yell at her. Because it was just an extreme obsession. One day she was at the doctors and the doctor said she has to stop eating sugar because she is borderline diabetic. So you know what she did? Rather than cut down on her sugar intake, she went out and bought a test kit so when her sugar level is low, she can eat junk food.
<SiFuh> My friends say that she is smart. I replied "This is not smart. her pancreas needs to heal. She is just prohibiting it from healing"
<SiFuh> My favorite reply was when I said to replace sugar with heroin, diabetes with addiction and the test kit with a drug test
<remiliascarlet> Half of the English speaking side of YouTube is Indian now.
<SiFuh> Cool, most of my friends are Indian
<SiFuh> Unusual symptoms. You need to cut your foreskin off so you don't get Gangrene in your dick
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Good video
<remiliascarlet> He pronounces it as "die bidiis".
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Global Freezing, Global Warming and Climate Change (Which was produced in that order) are all bullshit. However, it is not to be mistaken with man-made pollution. They are not the same thing but often considered they are by climate activists
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I was laughing at how he pronounced groin. He said "Grow In"
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, whatever man
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I am 100% against pollution
<ppetrov^> me too
<ppetrov^> let's agree on that
<SiFuh> I am also 100% against the Climate change agenda
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: When I go jungle they like to take all the garbage and burn it.
<SiFuh> I refuse to allow that to happen. I will take all their garbage and pack it into garbage bags and take it home. I live near a garbage facility
<remiliascarlet> I don't like pollution, but neither do I like outright scams like "climate change", "global freezing/warming/cooling", and other means regarding the weather to make you pay more and more and more taxes.
<SiFuh> Malaysians are notorious for throwing shit on the ground and out the window. My anger is very high. My friends have seen it and won't do it around me no more
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This is it. Climate Change is a load of crap. But pollution is a real thing. Yet, the politics behind it wants to charge you for exhaling air because it has the gas of life?
<SiFuh> Dude, fucking take boats out into the Pacific and clean up that plastic rubbish dump the size of Texas! I'd be happy to assist in paying for that
<remiliascarlet> At one point I even saw an advertisement at the local AEON Mall where it said "no, the 5 yen for a plastic bag isn't a tax, it's really to save the earth". Yeah sure, just like how a train ticket isn't to pay for train rides, but to join a baseball match.
<SiFuh> What is worse is they are changing the weather on purpose
<SiFuh> Then blaming you for breathing
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: So Malaysians are basically Europeans? Good to know.
<SiFuh> Worse
<SiFuh> A lot worse
<SiFuh> We have plastic bags in Australia made from corn starch. They last only a few months. But they came up with the brilliant idea. Charge you for the corn starch bag a phenomenal or you can buy a real heavy duty plastic bag that last 10 billion years.
<SiFuh> phenomenal fee*
<SiFuh> There is no logic at all, just a political agenda to charge the average citizen a new form of tax
<remiliascarlet> Just take your back pack to the supermarket, that's a lot more durable, they last more or less forever.
<SiFuh> If they were so serious why do they send all production and manufacturing to China and it isn't governed by this Carbon Tax?
<remiliascarlet> And you can repurpose those for all sorts of other things too.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I know people who bought plastic containers the same size as the inside of a shopping trolley.
<SiFuh> What is interesting is that after Australia banned plastic bags Sudan was the next. HAHA
<remiliascarlet> McDonald's recently replaced plastic straws for "paper" straws, which have plastic inside of them to prevent leaking.
<remiliascarlet> Same as the cups, which contain plastic.
<remiliascarlet> And the caps are still pure plastic.
<remiliascarlet> Clearly they didn't replace straws because they care about the environment, they did so to virtue signal, and their low IQ consoomers will still consoom.
<SiFuh> Back in mid 2000's they tried to impose the carbon tax. But when the nations (Mostly third world) saw how it would affect their economy they rejected it. In 2015 when they IMF and UN came up with it again, they offered countries billions in IMF loans and 198 countries approved it.
<SiFuh> Yeah they think all of us are stupid
<remiliascarlet> Loans are going to affect their economies even harder.
<SiFuh> But fortunately for the stupid there are people out there that aren't and can see the agenda
<remiliascarlet> Too bad nobody cares about long term consequences anymore.
<SiFuh> Problem is educatining the stupid to become wise. They are too set in their ways, too stubborn
<SiFuh> I have broken a few to see the truth but it is a super hard game
<remiliascarlet> But I don't think any smart person would go to a McDonald's unless they're with friends who want to go there.
<SiFuh> Most people are short minded anyway
<SiFuh> I never accepted free food from McDonald's when I was a taxi driver
<SiFuh> I did like subway but I know how bad it is as well
<remiliascarlet> Because you can't tell people the truth, they will have to experience it first hand.
<SiFuh> I am sure you can
<remiliascarlet> Some people you can, but the vast majority you can't.
<SiFuh> I mean the people in this room aren't stupid
<SiFuh> Given enough incentive to look deeper into the subject they will figure it out
<SiFuh> I kind of went a bit hard on farkuhar when he was doing some climate change stuff for Uni (???)
<remiliascarlet> My mom was absolutely against cats, then I bought a cat, got pissed off about it, then I invited here to my place for a week, got to know my cat, and now she loves cats.
<SiFuh> I know he reads what we talk about but I don't know if he has decided to research it independently
<remiliascarlet> s/here/her
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am 100% against cats
<SiFuh> Unless you own it then if you leave it in the same house with me and it will end up dead
<SiFuh> If you own it, then I will not kill it
<remiliascarlet> I used to love dogs more, but cats are quiet, they require very little maintenance, and if you trim their nails once in a while, they won't destroy anything. So that got me to prefer cats these days.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My friend her cat Mia died. She bought a new cat similar to it. I think Mia was in her 90's when she died. Here is the photo she sent for new years of her new cat Lunar.
<remiliascarlet> If they get dirty, they will clean themselves even.
<remiliascarlet> That's a cute one
<SiFuh> I am not 100% sure, but I think those spots in her ear are for vaccination status
<SiFuh> To be honest, I liked Mia. She was a runt and old. She hated my friend Ginger Ninja but never had an issue with me (The cat hater) hehe. I use to drink beer with them almsot every Wednesday and Thursday for years.
<remiliascarlet> I don't even know if vaccination is even all that necessary for cats. I always get told that you have to feed them some kind of proprietary dried cat food to keep them healthy, because "raw meat dangerous". I gave him raw ground beef since last month, not only is he healthier than ever, he likes it more too.
<SiFuh> Yeah fucking liars
<SiFuh> You feed them raw meat for everything
<SiFuh> Mia ate raw meat and lived to over 90
<SiFuh> Never saw a cat go out and find cat food in the wild
<remiliascarlet> Even if you think about it, stray cats catch wild animals, and eat them raw.
<SiFuh> Hate how corporations say this shit grows on trees litterally
<SiFuh> literally
<remiliascarlet> You won't see a cat or a dog catching their prey, and then throw them on a barbeque before eating.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: They die young though because of diseases
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Exactly
<remiliascarlet> By 90 you mean 90 years?
<SiFuh> I want a pet wolf. My mother and my wife said what will you feed it. I said there are plenty of people around
<SiFuh> 90 years cat years
<remiliascarlet> Pretty impressive, considering that most cats are said to live up to 20 yewars.
<remiliascarlet> Ah.
<SiFuh> I will email her
<remiliascarlet> Humans at the beginning of times would hunt down an animal, make a fire, and cook it first.
<SiFuh> Done, I will let you know the answer when it rolls in
<SiFuh> I know many people who only eat raw
<SiFuh> I can't do that. I am anti blood
<remiliascarlet> I can eat raw eggs just fine, some fish too, but raw beef really hurts my jaws.
<remiliascarlet> If I had the teeth of a lion, I would probably eat meat raw.
<SiFuh> No way will I eat any animal raw.
<SiFuh> But eggs are fine
<remiliascarlet> Eggs are technically animals, albeit not yet born.
<SiFuh> I don't agree
<SiFuh> They are enclosed in a case and contain the building blocks of life
<SiFuh> When they have a beating heart then sure they are now an animal
<SiFuh> Can't have a beating heart without blood
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, if they are not fertilized then for sure eggs can be counted as "not being" animals
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Good point. Then they are just a cell
<ppetrov^> haploid, mind that
<SiFuh> Learned a new word today. Haploid
<ppetrov^> half the genes
<ppetrov^> in this case, from the mother's side
<SiFuh> Yep, I read about it already
<SiFuh> Almost always unless they are reptiles
<SiFuh> Well more specifically a species of Lizard
<ppetrov^> what happens there?
<SiFuh> The female has two and the male has one
<remiliascarlet> 3 holes.
<SiFuh> Also Pathongenisis (I don't know if I spelled that correctly) happens a lot in reptiles.
<remiliascarlet> Urinal hole, ass hole, and fuck hole.
<SiFuh> The females can give birth to females without males
<ppetrov^> ah
<SiFuh> There is also a specied of lizard in the US that has zero males
<ppetrov^> that's the case with drones, too
<SiFuh> [remiliascarlet: that is bullshit
<remiliascarlet> It's not.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: She replied "My first alien lived until she was 19"
<SiFuh> 92 years
<SiFuh> A clocacca is 3 holes?
<remiliascarlet> I thought you meant female human.
<SiFuh> Pathongenis doesn't work with Jesus because he is suppose to be a male.
<ppetrov^> thanks SiFuh, that's interesting
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yes. actually more interesting than I knew and I was a herpotoligist in the 80's
<SiFuh> The eggs of the females start off with twice as many chromosomes as an individual that reproduces sexually
<SiFuh> Also, I have witnessed it with crocodiles. Females alone can suddenly get pregnant and lay eggs.
<ppetrov^> do the eggs hatch?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Pathenogenesis is common in reptiles. All of them are known to be able to do it
<SiFuh> Just most only give birth to females
<SiFuh> I think ZH is the chromosones of the species that can give birth to both male and female
<SiFuh> I think it is ZW, I would need more time to look into it.
<SiFuh> Pulling in memories from 1988 ;-)
<ppetrov^> in chickens (Gallus gallus), there's one sex chromozome, termed Z
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: ^
<SiFuh> I recommend it if you have the time
<SiFuh> Also I recommend Nguyen coffee :-P
<SiFuh> I do this but I don't use sugar or milk
<ppetrov^> ...and the other W
<SiFuh> You don't need the Vietnamese coffee filter. You can use any
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yeah I am pretty sure it is ZW
<ppetrov^> and there roosters are zz
<SiFuh> I always think of ZH or ZW
<remiliascarlet> I don't use sugar and milk by default.
<SiFuh> I think the ZH is from the human blood type that they never teach anyone because they only tell us 4 types
<SiFuh> I am 100% against blood transfusions because 1 in 9 chance of death and there is over 8 billion blood types today.
<ppetrov^> mapped_genes <- mappedkeys(x)
<ppetrov^> ups, sorry
<ppetrov^> wrong window
<SiFuh> They tried to narrow it down to 4 with + and - rh types
<ppetrov^> so, how many blood types there are?
<SiFuh> I remember in Uni doing research on HH, AH and other blood types
<SiFuh> Your blood type is unique to you. Because your blood type has other factors such as your immune system. Which is also what creates your unique smell.
<SiFuh> But old science tried to narrow it down to 4 and + and -
<ppetrov^> heh...
<SiFuh> But they missed a lot of because what they considered rare types are actually common in regions that they never tested
<remiliascarlet> Every time I tell someone from GenZ that there are only 2 genders, they always get pissed off. I don't understand why.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I have lots of friends that are dravidian and have this type of blood. Yet I can cross the border to Thailand and they laugh at me like I am an idiot.
<SiFuh> It isn't rare. It is just geographically located in a smaller region
<SiFuh> By the way Dravidian is like a race of people that live in the southern part of Indian and Sri Lanka
<SiFuh> Basically what the commoner is taught about blood and genetics is extremely limited and often misleading
<SiFuh> Back in 1991, I was super interested in Genetics. it was my second favorite subject. Art was first and Physics was third. But the more I realised that physics was a waste of time because facts don't exist, only theories but sold as facts and that genetics was deliberately hiding information to support some twats ideas. I stuck with art and herpetology.
<SiFuh> I really hated that facts support a scientist and not actual science
<ppetrov^> what did genetics hide?
<SiFuh> I figured that out in 1988 but when then 90's came, I was hoping it was different and it wasn't
<SiFuh> HH
<ppetrov^> it is not hidden, it is just extremely region-speciffic
<SiFuh> You go to any doctor or nurse and ask them about HH and AH blood types and I bet no one knows what you are asking about
<ppetrov^> i will next time
<SiFuh> I was abused and insulted publically when I asked the blood bank about in Thailand
<SiFuh> The doctor came out of the bus and told me to leave or he will call the police
<SiFuh> I just asked a question. "What do you do with HH and AH blood type?"
<SiFuh> The woman said in Thai "Foreigner doesn't beleive in A B O AB and thinks there are AH and HH. ditsy" Ditsy is like crazy. I don't know how to translate that correctly in English but ditsy will do.
<SiFuh> The word is dink donk in Thailand it is like a person who is stupid that lives in his own world. La la land...
<SiFuh> I am 100% against blood transfusions because it is a scam. You take it, you are not only in hospital longer but your body is now under more stress trying to remove the foreign blood. Same reason why an organ transplantee is on medication for life to stop their body from rejecting the foreign organ.
<ppetrov^> I won't start an argument
<ppetrov^> blood transfusion can save a life
<ppetrov^> it's as simple as than
<ppetrov^> and seriously, that's all i'll say
<ppetrov^> but you are correct that it can be a scam, just to get money from the patient
<SiFuh> Ahhhh this is a cool subject to look into. Actually, the Mayan's understood this and they even did organ transplants and they would use the chemical from pregnant women to stop the body from rejecting it.
<ppetrov^> in my country that's regularly done
<SiFuh> What is interesting is if you flood their system with Saline Solution they will not only be out of hospital faster, but the body will replenish the lost blood fast. Here is something realy interesing. This was researched in Canada and funded by Jehovah's Witnesses
<SiFuh> That chemical the Mayan's used is the chemical women produce to stop their body from rejecting the fetus
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: The thing is, what we are told is the way is very limited.
<SiFuh> So the plan is, tomorrow at 10am we go to KL. Then we go to some idiot dinner party for work. Don't understand why it needs to be in KL. Then stay at Mandarin Hotel until around 04:30 am. Then I drive to her brother's place and pick up the parents. Then drive back to Temerloh, dump the parents and the car. Change to the truck and drive to the petrol station at 08:30 and go on a jungle day trip with the
<SiFuh> 4X4 club in Jerang kang then drive back to Temerloh in the evening. I will pack stuff for a night trip though, just in case they turn it into a camping trip or we break down.
<SiFuh> Damn that was spam
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Id you have the time to look into what I said above, I would be very interested in your oppinions
<SiFuh> Id/If
<SiFuh> It isn't fact for me. it is information that has been given to me that I looked into and thought was very interesting.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, you don't care about my opinion :)
<ppetrov^> the blood types stuff is very interesting for sure
<SiFuh> I don't believe that for a second
<SiFuh> Yes it is
<SiFuh> AH is usually associated with horses if I remember
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I care and sometimes saddened, like "ah you are starting about the pandemic again"
<ppetrov^> yep
<ppetrov^> we had a conversation on the topic, i don't see a point to continue
<ppetrov^> i am actually very boring
<SiFuh> It's freedom of speech here and even if it offends it should be something
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: boring?
<ppetrov^> yep, it's freedom of speech
<SiFuh> Hahah you are not Asian
<SiFuh> Boring means you are a boring person
<ppetrov^> however, i don't like arguing and what is worse -- i lack the talent to argue
<SiFuh> You need to say bored
<ppetrov^> no, i meant boring
<SiFuh> [18 13 56] [ppetrov^> i am actually very boring
<SiFuh> No
<ppetrov^> my opinions on the pamdemic, vaccines, climate changes, etc are all very boring
<SiFuh> I am actually very bored
<SiFuh> If you say boring you are saying you are a boring person
<ppetrov^> i am a boring person
<SiFuh> Welcome to English
<SiFuh> I wish I knew the name of the video I had a hard core climate activist watch and then he realised it was a scam to tax common people
<SiFuh> arguing or debating?
<ppetrov^> man, i watched the "Global warming swindle"
<SiFuh> Let me check
<ppetrov^> i felt so enlightened and cool that after watching it i was convinced it was all a scam
<ppetrov^> however, my opinion has changed
<SiFuh> I don't know this one
<ppetrov^> and let me stress that: i have zero interest to argue or debate about it
<ppetrov^> oh you'll love it
<SiFuh> I don't know if I will watch it. Because I got a brain. But I didn't close it. I maybe will watch it on Monday
<ppetrov^> the video explains why the global warming is a scam
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I just think that global warming and man-made pollution are not the same thing but they try to make it the same thing
<ppetrov^> yes, i understand your point of vieqw
<SiFuh> In the 80's I remember the cold wet winters. The rivers were flowing and the frogs and leeches were everywhere
<ppetrov^> i just think they are connected, although i am aware that the Sun has major influense on climate
<ppetrov^> also variations in Earth's orbit
<SiFuh> Now it is dry and no frogs and no leeches and almost no water in the rivers
<SiFuh> But I know a secret
<SiFuh> The government in Australia wanted to privatise water. So they demanded that the only way to stop the water shortage was to have a private company control it. On a side note they also asked all the Australians to buy water tanks to store the water. The moment the water was privatised it rained and rained and rained. It flooded so bad Brisbane city was underwater.
<ppetrov^> man that sounds like Mad max Fury road
<SiFuh> Yeah, they fucking lied. Got it. But the one thing that triggered my curiosity was the tank water. Millions of people went out and bought tanks
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<ppetrov^> so it was a great scam to buy water tanks
<SiFuh> You know what happens when people use tank water? They take the water from nature and store it. That means less water in nature.
<SiFuh> Public and corporations are taking the water out of nature and storing it. So naturally you are going to end up with rivers that have less water, and dryer areas
<SiFuh> Nature recycles everything. You take from something and store it, nature can't recycle it.
<SiFuh> I want about 3 tonne of water here in storage but I am not selfish so I can't allow it
<SiFuh> I need it to run my distiller
<SiFuh> I did the maths, so for what I produce I need 3 tonnes. But I will recycle it. However, I love nature and I think it is disgusting for me to just take it and recycle it and never give it back.
<SiFuh> Tesla was the same when it came to natural electricty (aether)
<ppetrov^> ah, tesla
<ppetrov^> free energy and what-not?
<SiFuh> Tesla wanted to tap into the flow but never contain it
<SiFuh> Like a water wheel in a river
<ppetrov^> ye, and everything was hidden, so electricity can be charged for money
<SiFuh> Thank JP Morgan for that
<ppetrov^> i have heard all of these. However, I am not a physisist, so i'll refrain from opinion
<SiFuh> My father read to me Tesla books when was a kid in 1988
<ppetrov^> and so many years later, no one is capable to reproduce that
<ppetrov^> right+
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I simplifiy it for. The sun expels energy. It hits Earth's atmosphere. Earth act like a capacitor and stores the energy. Once the build up is enough it sends lightening to the Earth. If it rains (Night time) the lightening still strikes. The Earth absorbs the energy. Even if lightening comes from the ground first.
<SiFuh> He wanted to target the flow, by putting his appliance inbetween this event. Electricity chooses the shortest path. So his device being almost directly connected to the ground would be the path of least resistance.
<ppetrov^> yes, i know what you are talking about. If it were possible we'd die from electricution
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> It's not 240 volts 60 Hz
<SiFuh> You see those dudes getting electrocuted with millions of volts holding a wooden paddle? They don't die
<SiFuh> Tesla said not to use 60 cycles a second because it is too close to the human heart and the human nervous system
<SiFuh> If you get electrocuted your brain can't move your muscles fast enough so he wanted a lower frequency
<SiFuh> If you were electricuted with 240 volts and 1 second cycle, you can pull your arm/body away
<SiFuh> But 54(? I think it is) of higher you can't
<SiFuh> of/or
<SiFuh> Germany, me and Yoshiro Nakamatsu for example have recreated Tesla's experiment
<SiFuh> All succeeded
<SiFuh> I also did another using Americium which is similar to Iron Man's Polonium. I did mine before Iron Man and then after seeing it, I was angry and the realised NASA uses it in satellites. So I didn't invent anything new.
<SiFuh> But the polonium/americium concept is basically using Tesla's idea of targeting ionized particles from the atmosphere instead of from an Alpha emiting radioactive source.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: My father read to me a non-fiction in 1988 about people being shredded to pieces by Komodo Dragons. All true stories. I have see Komodo Dragons in real life and I had beleived those stories. Even until this very day after seeing Komod Dragons I wonder about that book. I think it was full of shit.
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<SiFuh> Two of the stories in super short form "A guy was sick, he was a camera man. He was let behind when the rest went for help. When returned they found no body or camera but a piece of camera strap"
<SiFuh> Other story "The guy was being chased by Komodo, was running, tangled in vines. The Komodo ran up to him and took a bite from his shoulder and ripped the skin off his back and he died while they ate him"
<SiFuh> You punch a Komodo in the face, you know what it does? It runs away.
<SiFuh> Locals slap them
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<ppetrov^> i believe you about the dragons
<SiFuh> Well I hope so, I was a herpetologist
<ppetrov^> they have bacterial cocktail in their saliva that causes blood poisoning, and recently it was discovered they are also venomous
<SiFuh> yes but it isn't toxic if you clean it. Water it actually quite fine. And only fat or sick or unhealthy people can't hadle it
<SiFuh> it/is*
<SiFuh> They are not venomous
<SiFuh> They are just dirty mouthed because they eat rotten meat. Which is a common trait for reptiles and me ;-)
<SiFuh> The poisonous lizards are the Mexican Beaded Lizard and the Gila (Pronounce Hila) Monster
<ppetrov^> :P
<ppetrov^> it's new
<SiFuh> Oh did you read about the poisonous birds of Papua New Guinea?
<ppetrov^> nope
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Hmm, thanks
<ppetrov^> i also knew it as you said: dirty saliva, but surprisingly it was found they also have venom
<SiFuh> I just read it and this is not what it is talking about
<SiFuh> "It's the most complex duct system described in reptiles to date," he said.
<SiFuh> Cool
<SiFuh> Rather than injecting venom directly via a forceful bite, the dragons use a specialized bite-and-pull motion to ooze the toxin into wounds during a sustained, frenzied attack.
<SiFuh> So no one has found thier venom gland yet?
<SiFuh> The giant lizard, which roamed Australia about 40,000 years ago, measured about 13 feet (4 meters) long. <-- this is a cool story
<SiFuh> I know of a guy who shot a 14 metre one and called the museum in the 70s
<SiFuh> Megalania I think it is called
<SiFuh> The museum took it and it is not on display for the public
<ppetrov^> Researchers have also documented a venom gland in the dragon's lower jaw. This venom prevents their prey’s blood from clotting, which causes massive blood loss and induces shock.
<SiFuh> I will send that first link to my father. It is cool. Thanks
<SiFuh> Komodo dragons have relatively weak bite strength. Yeah I know, I have kicked a few that thought my pants were food
<SiFuh> They are also very blind which I can't understand
<ppetrov^> maybe good sense of smell and hearing?
<SiFuh> Smell
<SiFuh> They taste the air
<SiFuh> If you stand upwind you will be fine
<SiFuh> Down wind they will try to munch on you
<SiFuh> Chomp a few human legs
<SiFuh> but the truth is they are not violent as media portrays. Just slap them in the head and they will be pissed off and back away
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I think I read about this vemous thing before
<SiFuh> Want to sleep but she give me rubber pig so I threw it into the pressure cooker
<SiFuh> Says she knows how to cook pork and has a sad look on her face now since I threw it in the pressure cooker
<SiFuh> How can I help Komodo dragons?
<SiFuh> I do love Komodo dragons?
<SiFuh> -?
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<SiFuh> ppetrov^: You ever watch the David Attenborough series?
<SiFuh> Evening emmett1
<emmett1> hey evening SiFuh
<SiFuh> emmett1: Our jungle trip was cancelled because of flooding
<emmett1> thats sad
<emmett1> where is that?
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, yes
<ppetrov^> Planet Earth, Life and the likes
<emmett1> hey ppetrov^
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I enjoy it but in the modern age so many errors
<ppetrov^> hey emmett1
<SiFuh> emmett1: No where, cancelled hahahaha
<SiFuh> emmett1: Actually I don't understand them. Flooding no camping, but when we camp they like to camp in a river bed.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I have all and I like to play it in the background. Very good series
<ppetrov^> yep, very good
<SiFuh> I remember when "The World Around Us" was on TV every Sunday night
<emmett1> SiFuh: so you dont mind camping in the middle of flooding?
<SiFuh> I lived in Australian jungle during monsoon, I know where to camp
<SiFuh> emmett1: That is why I thought it strange that these guys camp in a riverbed. Because even when the weather is dry for 6 months, I never camp there
<SiFuh> When I ask why they said "No mosquitoes"
<SiFuh> I prefer mosquitoes than drowing.
<SiFuh> You can watch a river go from nothing to tsunami in minutes from heavy rain in the mountains
<SiFuh> emmett1: A short story. I was in the jungle in Australia for almost 2 years. One day it rained and rained and rained. I was so bad even I was annoyed. I started to head out and the rivers were high but I still managed to cross. Finally I arrived home and then I saw the news. Only 2 KM from where I exited the jungle there was a couple in a van at a legal campsite. The water rose so fast the can was
<SiFuh> moving down stream. The husband climbed on to the roof then washed away. Never to be seen or found again.
<SiFuh> Hmm I was so bad/It was so bad*. The can/The van*
<SiFuh> farkuhar: not a keyboard issues, it is my spelling issue
<SiFuh> Got one for you ppetrov^. Did you ever hear in the news that if yoau re driving at 60 KPH and hit another vehicle heading towards you at 60 KPH the accident is equivalent to 120 KPH?
<ppetrov^> so, that's another lie, is it?
<SiFuh> Oh yeah. I wasn't even studying physics. I twas 8th grade science when I learned about this. Then like 5 years later they were saying this on TV
<SiFuh> In Kyrgyzstan I was actually asked about this in my class. I said that it is wrong and they didn't expect me to say that. The students always try to trick me.
<SiFuh> 60 + 60 actually zeroes itself out. So 60 KPH hitting a wall is the same as 60 KPH hitting a car travelling at 60 KPH
<SiFuh> However, the car has to be 100% equal weight, weather the same, tyre tread the same, brake strangth the same, reaction the same and so on.
<dlcusa> Oversimplification, but in general, true.
<SiFuh> But the media turned it into something simple and stupid and people who are not physicists saw it and believed it
<ppetrov^> so, why would they teach such a lie also in the driving class?
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Exactly Oversimplification
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Money. Justifying a reason for fining you for not commiting a crime. A statutory offence.
<SiFuh> Ever notice that the media is always advertising fear?
<SiFuh> They say it makes money, it is profitable. But the reality is it makes money off the fearful
<SiFuh> The entire systems is designed to make all of us afraid
<SiFuh> That fear justifies charging you a fee and taking away your liberty
<SiFuh> Climate Change is exactly that
<SiFuh> I remember a case where a pregnant woman driving her car alone, with kids in the back screaming and yelling and she was beating them back and got a speeding ticket. I told her husband "EXACTLY what to say" I said do not deviate. Say exactly as I said and make sure she knows it. She won the case
<SiFuh> He gave me a tip and shook my hand and thanked me
<SiFuh> I explained to him that only 5 laws exist in Australia to do with traffic and two of them are not even under traffic and the rest is under criminal law.
<SiFuh> The rest are rules, and if you can justify a reason for breaking those rules 'mainly safety' then they are irrelevant
<SiFuh> But we live in a world where rich people tell us how to live and what we can and can't do. And since 1988, I remember staring at the wall thinking 7 more years of this shit. And thinking to myself, who gaves these clowns to the permission to tell me how to live my life.
<SiFuh> If I didn'
<SiFuh> t commit a crime, why am I paying a fine?
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Here is a great example. 5 months ago, we received a letter in the mail, with no envelope. It was just something printed and you fill in the blanks.
<SiFuh> I remember walking by the table and seeing this but I didn't think much of it, but I questioned her "What is this?". She said it is from the Council they want to know how income, our ussage of everything basically and the how much we paid for our house because they will re-evaluate the amount of tax to charge us for the service. (We call this tax RATES in Australia)
<SiFuh> I picked it up, glanced over it, and threw it on the table and burst into laughter. She asked why I was laughing and I said "BIN IT"
<SiFuh> By law all legal documents must be in a sealed envelope and must be in capital letters and addressed exactly to you. If it is an A4 piece of paper printed with fill in sections it is bullshit.
<SiFuh> What is interesting is that is said if we do not fill it in we can go to prison for 2 years.
<SiFuh> I said to my wife. Love to see that in a court of law. So I convinced her to scrap it and she did.
<SiFuh> Her work colleagues were super angry and one of the husbands went to the council demanding to know if they are responsible for this and they said "Yes". He turned up to my wife's office and was complaining about how they are only given 2 months notice and emergency 3 months to find out the value of their property. My wife said "SiFuh says throw it in the bin. It isn't legal. They can't threaten you
<SiFuh> because they are not following any law". She convinced not only her working staff but pretty much every neighbour in the area. Even to this day, no one has come forward to demand prison
<SiFuh> They love to threaten and scare you to get you to bend over and get fucked in the arse. That's the nicest way I can put it. If you sit down and study, like ready your laws, you will see they get away with so much crap because they threaten you
<SiFuh> Swindlers is what they are
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Can I PM you about Israel
<SiFuh> Nothing serious just something between a friend and me
<SiFuh> Involves Isaiah and Revelations
<SiFuh> Later, I will be back Monday I guess
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I like your discussions, never be shy.
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<ppetrov^> SiFuh, i am not shy, i just don't see the point. Also, i am banging my head with some work-related stuff
<SiFuh> whether or not you see the point, isn't a disscussion one of the the rare amazing things that distringuishes the human race from all other life?
<SiFuh> Anyways, I will be back at 4am, I need to snooze now. Night everyone
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I forwarded the Komodo Dragon venom with no facts or refrences to my father
<SiFuh> He is easily mislead
<SiFuh> I reckon Tuesday I will look depper into it
<SiFuh> deeper*
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, yes, discussion is as you say
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<SiFuh> Morning
<ppetrov^> evening
<SiFuh> I am from the future ;-)
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Parts of that video sounds like something they've been predicting to happen for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, and never came true.
<remiliascarlet> I think they've been saying this all since 2014 even when the Ukraine vs Russia war started for the first time. "WWIII INCOMING THIS YEAR!! END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR!!" 10 years later, still didn't happen.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Just made a cup of Vietnamese egg coffee
<SiFuh> Made a mess of the kitchen though.
<SiFuh> Did you see the Harrison Smith video about the Amish farmer?
<lavaball> arey ou up again?
<lavaball> oh.
<lavaball> you said it up there.
<SiFuh> Yeah, I woke up 15 minutes earlier than usual 03:45.
<lavaball> wah?
<SiFuh> That's what I was thinking