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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Went to a pet store, and the "raw meat" there is a scam.
<remiliascarlet> Every "raw meat" they have is either cooked, or includes 20 different veggies. For cats and dogs!?
<remiliascarlet> No wonder why both people and pets over here tend to get so sick so often!
<remiliascarlet> "Here's a piece of beef steak with 20 fancy chemicals added to it, just for your health."
<remiliascarlet> "Don't like that? Then how about our veggies and fruits we've put 5 different seed oils on, in addition to the same 20 fancy chemicals you can find in steak."
<remiliascarlet> "If you get sick, then just blame climate change, because there's totally no way our foods can possibly cause poisoning and imflamation, we promise!"
<remiliascarlet> s/climate change/climate change, Qanon, and conspiracy theorists
<dlcusa> SiFuh, I can only wonder if that was a DEI hire.
<SiFuh> dlcusa: I reckon it was
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Do you have a slow cooker?
<SiFuh> Because I remember you saying meat tastes just as good without marinating it.
<SiFuh> Alright, 125 beers bottled. New batch of wort is mixed and settling down before I pitch the yeast.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: All I have is a gas cooker, a grill, a rice cooker, and a microwave.
<remiliascarlet> So no, no slow cooker.
<SiFuh> Does your rice cooker have a warm function?
<remiliascarlet> It has a function to keep it warm, but not for too long.
<SiFuh> 6 hours? 12 hours?
<remiliascarlet> One hour max. Keep it in too long, and the rice gets hard.
<SiFuh> Does it turn itself off?
<remiliascarlet> No.
<SiFuh> So can you keep it on warm for 24 hours?
<remiliascarlet> I got that thing when I moved out of my parents' home, and had not a lot of money, so I bought a cheap one.
<remiliascarlet> It probably can, but it's not a good iea.
<remiliascarlet> s/iea/idea
<SiFuh> My rice cooker stays warm forever but it has a porcelain crockpot and it is surrounded by water.
<SiFuh> My slower cooker is forever until it dies
<remiliascarlet> Mine is metal, and not surrounded by water.
<SiFuh> My instapot is 12 hours
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yeah I am sure the type you have.
<SiFuh> Aluminium pot with a spring plate inside the pot sits on right?
<remiliascarlet> Not sure what you mean, the outside is surrounded by plastic.
<remiliascarlet> Like they all are anyway.
<SiFuh> You should get a slow cooker
<remiliascarlet> What is a slow cooker even?
<SiFuh> You can set the temp to about 80 Celsius and throw in some fatty beef only. And just leave it on for 24 hours.
<SiFuh> A slow cooker will actually cook food super slowly and keeps the flavour without destroying the cell structures of the foods you are eating. If you run it for like 7 days everythign including the meat will turn into mush.
<SiFuh> Mine has other options like cooking rice, deep frying, hotpot and so on. But I almost always use it for low temperature cooking or converting starch into sugars
<SiFuh> Mine was a gift. So I am not sure the cost. No one used it, but when I discovered it was a slow cooker, I snatched it up pretty quickly
<remiliascarlet> Is this a slow cooker?
<SiFuh> This is the one i have
<remiliascarlet> "Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue"
<SiFuh> Yes, that photo is a slow cooker
<remiliascarlet> I guess I'll need to archive it then.
<remiliascarlet> Never seen something like this before.
<SiFuh> I wish I had it when I lived in Kyrgyzstan and Australia. It's awesome. It's as a cool as having an Instapot
<SiFuh> I set the Instapot to warm and stock a thermometer inside to see what temperature it sits at. The Instapot (Phillips) sits at 80 Celsius
<SiFuh> I did the same with my porcelain rice cooker which is also 80 Celsius
<SiFuh> But the slow cooker I have, I can actually set it between 50 and 240 Celsius
<remiliascarlet> Quite a difference.
<SiFuh> Yes, and I don't like having my food nuked at high temperatures. So it is fantastic that you can put something in at let's say 60 Celsius and walk away, come back 24 hours later and the food is cooked and your house didn't burn down.
<remiliascarlet> For obvious reasons, the exact rice cooker I have is no longer for sale, since I bought it 6 years ago, but this is the closest thing to the one I have:
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<remiliascarlet> You can cook other things in it as well, but never tried it.
<remiliascarlet> When browsing without an archiver, I got "access denied", so that electronics store is an access denier.
<SiFuh> I am rendering beef fat at the moment. Set at 90 Celsius. I can do as high as 120 Celsius but I prefer to do it as low and slow as possible.
<remiliascarlet> If you can't view something for using Tor, archive it. If you get paywalled, archive it.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I reckon that it will work if you can enable warm function only
<SiFuh> Also because mine has so many temperature options, I can do Sous Vide style as well.
<remiliascarlet> Most paywalls use Javascript, but a lot of sites using them prevent you from viewing if you disable Javascript, which is where archives come in handy.
<SiFuh> dlcusa: I only know what DEI is because I read this article this morning
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I prefer to call it "die", because DEI is what kills businesses.
<SiFuh> Racism and Breastfeeding
<SiFuh> Hahahahahaha idiots with PHDs
<SiFuh> In Malaysia PHD stands for Permanent Head Dammage
<SiFuh> I burst into laughter and said "I like that!"
<remiliascarlet> Great!
<remiliascarlet> Going to use that from now on.
<SiFuh> I made a Victorian Era style beer. It has been sitting in bottles for almost 6 months. They say you should wait 6 months before drinking it. Unfortunately I forgot to try a 7 day/14 day version of it. So I don't have anything to compare with now.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: You know the food pyramid, right? Did you know the Japanese version of that for whatever reason includes soy-based products in the "meat" category?
<remiliascarlet> From what animal does soy come from? Humans?
<SiFuh> I remember the original food pyramid had mostly fruit and vegetables and meat. It contained no dairy or grains
<SiFuh> But the US government switched it around and modified because they didn't like the results of her Pyramid
<remiliascarlet> "Sorry, you have been blocked You are unable to access"
<remiliascarlet> Got an image proxy though.
<remiliascarlet> Where is the McDonald's Group?
<SiFuh> Boycotted for supporting Joo Joos
<SiFuh> The Food Pyramid was developed by Sweden’s National Boars of Health and Welfare which was to help the people achieve their needs when it comes to food. Because of high food prices in 1972
<SiFuh> Wow, didn't know that
<remiliascarlet> That explains why they promote the 2nd most unhealthy thing as "you should eat that the most".
<remiliascarlet> I would perhaps swap the animal product and the grain product categories. I can see why tghey did it that way if food prices were a concern.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Is that guy behind a green screen?
<SiFuh> I'd elimitate the grains altogether since we only eat the commercial version and they are GMO or Poisoned with Round-Up and we never saok and ferment them like our ancestors use to
<remiliascarlet> You can see the green screen in the reflection of his glasses, and some green-ish hues going from the edges of his body.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Highly possible since his camera lens is reflecting green off of his sunglasses
<SiFuh> glasses*
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: We only eat like 1% of the grains that actually exist. The ancestors would soak them and wash them and soak them, then ferment them. The removed all the natural gut destroying toxins that the grains have.
<remiliascarlet> I heard they originally used a blue screen, but that one had problems with niggers, because their skin would blend in with the blue, which is why they went for a green screen instead.
<SiFuh> And I am guessing that how they discovered grain alcohols ;-)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I heard it had issues with Superman's suit and the sky
<SiFuh> You know the more appropriate term is Negro right?
<SiFuh> Although the word Mongoloid has been used as a form of insult for a while and so some people don't like using it.
<SiFuh> Damn, I like Mongol throat singing.
<remiliascarlet> "Mongoloid" makes me think more of Mongolia than anything in Africa.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: The one WEF member worth supporting, a true legent!
<remiliascarlet> s/legent/legend
<SiFuh> You are a Mongoloid dude
<SiFuh> It's the name for Asians
<SiFuh> Caucasian = is like White people, Negro = Black people and Mongoloid = Asian people
<remiliascarlet> "You know the more appropriate term is Negro right? Although the word Mongoloid has been used"
<remiliascarlet> Where do Arabs fall under?
<remiliascarlet> Or Zi Jewz?
<SiFuh> Jews are Caucasoid
<remiliascarlet> Caucasoids with long hook noses?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> And Arabs fall under the same
<SiFuh> These are just major groups. The further you look into it the more that appear. For example Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand and the Islands are considered Polynesian
<remiliascarlet> If "kn" in English wouldn't ignore the "k" sound, then "who knows" would sound like "hook nose".
<SiFuh> South India, Sria Lanka the Andaman Islands are usually Dravidian
<remiliascarlet> Can't view it.
<SiFuh> Too big
<SiFuh> Just search "Ethnographical maps"
<remiliascarlet> Is it the same as this?
<SiFuh> That's a very limited one but yes
<SiFuh> The sick marriage between big pharma, the food industry, and the FDA. This is by design. <-- he says it exactly
<SiFuh> US Workers LOSE 1.4 Million Jobs, While Immigrants GAIN 3 Million!
<remiliascarlet> Said the immigrant.
<remiliascarlet> "The US is just 1 of 2 countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical ads on TV." I believe it's a lot more than just 2.
<SiFuh> Nephew was offered a job to work as a Fork Lift Technician. 12 months, full training but paid for and a shit salary. After the time is up he can work for 3 years full time with them. He doesn't want it. He wants to be an Mechanic. Damn! I want the job then.
<SiFuh> Well, I know South East Asia, and Oceania have banned it
<remiliascarlet> I know for use that Poland and Spain allow it, because their ad rolls on TV is littered with pharma ads.
<SiFuh> Some medical stuff is shown but that is useless stuff like chest rubs and cough syrup
<remiliascarlet> In Japan it's common in trains, both on the TVs and as static ads the trains are always littered under.
<remiliascarlet> Each Japanese train perhaps have more ads than your average FIFA soccer stadium.
<SiFuh> We don't watch commercials because I am too annoying
<remiliascarlet> I don't watch TV at all since early 2020.
<SiFuh> Not including the sparse times I have seen it in Asia. I haven't since around 1986
<remiliascarlet> Before 2019 you'd still get lots of entertainment, but from January 2020 to May 2023, TV has been literally nothing but "COVID IS GONNA KILL US ALL REEEE!!" and anime.
<SiFuh> We don't even have TV here. Everything we watch downloaded
<SiFuh> no idea
<remiliascarlet> And anime can be downloaded from so easily, there's just no point in having a TV at all.
<SiFuh> I think the last time I watched a TV was Chinese New Years during the count down and dancing sexy girls prettending to sing while the fat singers were hiding behind the scenes
<SiFuh> is where I get mine
<remiliascarlet> I even got my old game consoles hooked to their proprietary video/audio cables to HDMI converter, although I ended up prefering emulators.
<remiliascarlet> is great, because all the ads have been cut out.
<SiFuh> didn't know there were any
<remiliascarlet> When they appear on TV, they'll just put 3 or 4 ad rolls in between segments of episodes.
<SiFuh> You know One Piece is big here among the dumb kids?
<remiliascarlet> One Piece is big everywhere.
<SiFuh> I hate it
<SiFuh> I download it for a friend and it really sucks
<remiliascarlet> But they typically do it like this:
<SiFuh> Gatchaman, Burakku Jakku and Kyatto Ninden Teyandee are probably still my favorite
<SiFuh> Both the American version and the Japanese version of Kyatto Ninden Teyandee are awesome. Even though it is the exact same cartoon. The language makes it different. So the US version is more comedy compared to the Japanese version
<remiliascarlet> ads -> episode starts -> intro starts and sponsors show up -> ads -> episode starts -> eye catchers with a little preview on what to expect next or a black out -> ads -> the remainder of the episode -> ads -> ending theme -> preview for the next episode and sponsors show up again -> ads
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, when downloaded from, it's: episode starts -> intro starts -> episode starts -> eye catchers with a little preview on what to expect next or a black out -> the remainder of the episode -> ending theme -> preview for the next episode
<SiFuh> I personally think advertisements should be banned everywhere except in shopping malls
<remiliascarlet> Or at the very least be toned down.
<remiliascarlet> Have you seen how many ads you get on your average fake news website?
<remiliascarlet> I mean after turning off adblockers.
<remiliascarlet> No wonder people love adblockers!
<SiFuh> No idea
<SiFuh> Been using adblocks since I can't remember
<remiliascarlet> Also, speaking of banning ads, Kyoto did that:
<SiFuh> They say it is illegal to be distracted when you drive yet they put big ass billboards, even digital billboards everywhere
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I don't like those blue and white signs all over the road. Just like in Russia
<SiFuh> I prefer Green and White
<SiFuh> From 2021
<remiliascarlet> So Elon still didn't rename the domain yet?
<remiliascarlet> "patients"
<remiliascarlet> Just eat more properly, do more exercise, and expose yourself to sunlight (or get vitamin D if you live in places with barely any sunlight), and you'll be fine.
<remiliascarlet> If everyone would do that, the entirety of Big Pharma, Big Sugar, Big Seed Oil, and the rest would need to learn to code.
<SiFuh> Patients?
<remiliascarlet> The video said "covid patients".
<SiFuh> Oh okay
<remiliascarlet> So I put them in quotation marks.
<SiFuh> Covid is fake
<remiliascarlet> I know.
<remiliascarlet> Which is why I put "patients" in quotations.
<SiFuh> I laughed when Harrisson Smith was telling a caller "I know Covid is real because I got it!" Everyone was like "How do you know? You used a fake test to test for a fake virus and it was positive so the fake test proves it was real?"
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, I said this a lot: a virus so bad, you need a test kit to even know you have it.
<remiliascarlet> A vaccine so safe and effective, they have to force it on to you.
<SiFuh> They never forced it on me. I told them "NO!"
<remiliascarlet> Neither did they do so to me.
<SiFuh> I've always had a very bad temper that can make me flip an aircraft with my hands. Hahah
<remiliascarlet> I got an invite to get it, but I immediately destroyed it, and never got a 2nd invite ever again.
<SiFuh> So when I say "NO!" even the police back away.
<remiliascarlet> So you're Broly?
<SiFuh> Broly?
<SiFuh> Broly is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball media franchise.
<SiFuh> I do not like Dragon Ball
<remiliascarlet> I like it, mostly in manga form, which is the most underrated one too.
<SiFuh> Beer keeps me calm
<SiFuh> US to Relist Yemen’s Houthis as Designated Global Terrorists After Biden Removed Them In 2021
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Same thing for dinner again. HAHAHA
<SiFuh> You should see what she eats. ;-) It's like an 'all you can eat restaurant'
<SiFuh> Good thing I have plenty of Vitamin Beer
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, same food?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Dead cow and two eggs. Gunna get scurvy soon
<SiFuh> She cooks the meat in a pressure cooker so she basically destroys it
<ppetrov^> she's a keeper, man
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> She's lazy
<SiFuh> I just asked her what will you cook tomorrow she said "The same"
<SiFuh> So I told her that I want to show her a healthier way of doing the meat. 24 hours at a low temperature
<SiFuh> I have to finish rendering the beef fat first though
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<SiFuh> Told her she is going to give me scurvy if she keeps pressure cooking meat and obliterating all nutrition from it
<SiFuh> lavaball: boemerang?
<SiFuh> I searched online and found a guy in a brown suit
<lavaball> that's it.
<SiFuh> Reminds me of when I was watching World Wrestling Federation and I made a comment that basically informed my friend that it was fake. Everyone knew that. But the my friend was like surprised and said that it is real and then I was surprised he thought it was real! Then when his friend Ross came home. I shouted "Hey WWF is real or fake?". He laughed and said "Fake of course" Then my friend was "WTF?"
<SiFuh> and Ross realised our friend thought it was real.
<SiFuh> I ended up downloading a making of WWF that explains everything. My friend had the most dissappointed look in his face. Like telling a 5 year old Santa is a lie that parents tell their children to force them to do what they want and threaten them if they are not
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<SiFuh> I found the dolphins helping the humans on how to fish the most interesting
<SiFuh> And the Hyena.
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<remiliascarlet> OK, I hate hard disks now.
<SiFuh> They were cool back in the day
<SiFuh> That movie Sniper 6 through to 10 just sucked.
<SiFuh> 2 and 3 were good, but 1 was always the best
<SiFuh> 4 and 5 were just average
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<dlcusa> SiFuh, take a look at for a little amusement...
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