SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Rust is the new NodeJS.
<SiFuh> I wish rust would rust away
<remiliascarlet> I actually want it to stay as a containment board.
<remiliascarlet> If Rust no longer exists, their userbase will just infect another language.
<SiFuh> Good idea
<SiFuh> I wish the rust userbase would rust away
<SiFuh> This has to be the most racist shit ever made
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<SiFuh> German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius on Saturday suggested possible reintroduction of compulsory military service in the country, calling its suspension a mistake despite the reasons that existed at the time.
<lavaball> i'm too old anyway and i did the bitch service instead and even there they kicked me out after 6 weeks because of insanity.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> They usually pick up on that kind of think on the first day. Didn't you have to interview a psychiatrist?
<lavaball> on the second day some state doctor.
<lavaball> then it took them 6 weeks to get the psychiatrist there.
<lavaball> he was really excited about me.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<lavaball> said he never met anyone with so much self control.
<lavaball> nd it's really refreshing not have the suicidal ones for a change.
<SiFuh> In AU, we sign a form allowing the military to dig through your history, that includes medical history. That's on the first day and they don't do it then. They bring you to an army medic to get a quick physical and then straight to a psychiatrist. When I was there they asked if anyone has weapons or sharp objects on them because the psychiatrists don't like patients with them. I was the only one that
<SiFuh> put up my hand. Everyone was staring at me wanting to see what I had. They confiscated my knives for the day and returned them at the end.
<lavaball> knives!
<lavaball> nice.
<lavaball> after driving all day the doctor had me sit in an office chair. i rotated contiuesly: ergo, crazy.
<lavaball> i guess he never met someone who was happy before.
<SiFuh> On anything?
<lavaball> anything what?
<SiFuh> Medication
<lavaball> no?
<lavaball> what am I?
<lavaball> gay?
<SiFuh> You just said you were. "who was happy"
<lavaball> oh right!
<lavaball> nice
<lavaball> you turned the gay around on me!
<lavaball> super nice!
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