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<zorz_> bonjour
<zorz_> こんにちは
<SiFuh> You measel!
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<SiFuh> That told him!
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<SiFuh> おはよう
<SiFuh> 馬鹿野郎!
<SiFuh> zorz_: If you want to say hello in Japanese you should use "お前ら、うるせぇぞ!"
<zorz_> HAHAHAHA
<zorz_> crazy
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That actually means "you're annoying as fuck!".
<remiliascarlet> Or "you guys are annoying as fuck" to make it more explicit that "お前ら" is addressing multiple people.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I am aware
<SiFuh> I want him to insult the entire channel
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: "You guys are noisy
<zorz_> google translate.... SiFuh things he is still in highschool :)
<remiliascarlet> zorz_: うるさい by itself can mean "noisy", "annoying", "a burden", and similar meanings. But in this context it's "annoying as fuck".
<SiFuh> Google translate sucks with Japanese and Kyrgyz
<SiFuh> Urusee!
<zorz_> SiFuh: i found a way with emacs-gtk --> dired --> eglot -> company-mode. it is good as fuck. thanks man.
<remiliascarlet> Automatic translators in general suck at all languages in general.
<SiFuh> Especially when you use general in the same sentence twice
<remiliascarlet> Spoken languages are very human, so no machine can ever master it.
<zorz_> epsecially greek.
<zorz_> especially lol
<remiliascarlet> Especially every language.
<SiFuh> zorz_: Did they ever play the series "Acropolis Now" in Greece?
<SiFuh> It's all Greek to me
<zorz_> i do not know that.
<SiFuh> I have the full series here somewhere
<zorz_> SiFuh: megaupload :) remember ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Still used
<remiliascarlet> Japanese is very high context compared to English, so we use far fewer words in JP to make a point than you have to in EN. There's lots of reading between the lines too, so for example if you say "want another glass of beer?" in a more annoyed voice, it actually means "please leave you son of a bitch".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: But you have more words that mean stupid/idiot than any other language on the planet
<zorz_> SiFuh: now it is the one i gave you access.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Yes, and a lack of really hard insults that any other language on the planet does have.
<SiFuh> I couldn't understand Thai insults.
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: i read somewhere for every word in english there is minimum 10 words in greek.
<SiFuh> Imagine having a word "I" as in "I am" and another word Koo as in "Koo am" Koo and I mean exactly the same thing. But Koo is impolite but I is not...
<remiliascarlet> So that means "kill yourself, bitch" can be expressed in 30 different ways in Greek?
<zorz_> SiFuh: is a way for me to download the san job from the grand tour?
<SiFuh> In English impolite words general have another meaning, usually to do with genitals and dirty animals and things
<SiFuh> I gave you the magnet link the otherday
<SiFuh> Just use qbittorrent or transmission or aria2c "with quotes" or some other torrent downloader
<zorz_> oo shit, i did not see it... how i am setting openbsd, no notify yet.
<remiliascarlet> In English, the polite way is to basically say something in a British accent.
<SiFuh> Actually it is more complex than that
<zorz_> SiFuh: never used torrent in my life, only in windows back in 2006
<remiliascarlet> "Fuck off" in British accent = polite. "Fuck off" in American accent = rude.
<zorz_> you wanker
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Just joking.
<SiFuh> Use questions for everything is the polite way. You must give them a choice. As long as they have a choice they ... Hmm sounds like the Matrix.
<zorz_> SiFuh: please can you send the link onemore time?
<SiFuh> zorz_: So you did use torrents you lying fanny
<zorz_> SiFuh: does not count! :Pp
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: And the beer thing works in English here too.
<SiFuh> Oh you want another beer!
<SiFuh> zorz_: Australian fanny, not US fanny hahahahahaha
<zorz_> live the funny
<zorz_> :Ppp
<SiFuh> Fanny
<SiFuh> No Funny
<zorz_> Fanny*
<SiFuh> Fanny means bottom as in arse in US
<SiFuh> Fanny in Australia means Vagina
<SiFuh> Someone got lost
<zorz_> G
<zorz_> SiFuh: sent the link man.
<SiFuh> I did
<SiFuh> You blind as a plank of wood?
<SiFuh> here since you still haven't figured out how to use IRC yet
<zorz_> you are so keen
<SiFuh> You are a liar
<SiFuh> You said you will watch it the next day.
<SiFuh> That was Friday and now today is Sunday
<SiFuh> It wasn't as exciting as the other episodes
<SiFuh> I guess they calmed down after James May head butted a wall in a military tunnel
<zorz_> James May YOLO
<SiFuh> What is a YOLO?
<remiliascarlet> You Only Live Once.
<SiFuh> Can you imagine time travelling to the 16th century and speaking like you yobos with ancronymns.
<SiFuh> For fuck sake
<SiFuh> Imagine going back in time to the 16th century and talking like you hooligans with your modern slang and shortcuts.
<zorz_> You Only Live Once RTFM
<zorz_> :Pp
<SiFuh> Imagineth going backeth in timeth to the 16th century and talking liketh thee hooligans with thy mod'rn slang and sh'rtcuts
<zorz_> correct
<remiliascarlet> I think similar language was used in the Roman Empire in the 5th century.
<SiFuh> The Greeks and the Roman's destroyed civilization
<SiFuh> A man goes on a business trip to Japan. The night before his big meeting, he hires a prostitute. She really seems to be having a good time, because as they do their thing, she keeps enthusiastically saying things in Japanese over and over again. The next day, he invites the Japanese businessmen out for a game of golf after their meeting. After a nice hole-in-one, he decides to try out a phrase his
<SiFuh> prostitute used the other night to express his excitement. One of the businessmen turns to him and says, "What do you mean, 'wrong hole'?"
<remiliascarlet> Perhaps even the Ottomans in the 20th century.
<zorz_> ofcourse
<SiFuh> No, you have to blame the Greeks
<SiFuh> Because zorz_ is here
<zorz_> :-)))
<remiliascarlet> Greece was at one point part of the Ottoman Empire.
<zorz_> SiFuh: conky temperature in openbsd? Do you have something handy? :Ppp
<SiFuh> And a woman was part of a man, but we blame the woman for everything
<SiFuh> zorz_: Use Gkrellm
<zorz_> what is this?
<SiFuh> For fucks sake
<zorz_> ok i pass.
<SiFuh> Gkrellm existed long before Conky
<SiFuh> Here is mine.
<zorz_> hahaha, this is not the .conkyrc
<zorz_> 96.9c
<zorz_> SiFuh: is busy!
<remiliascarlet> .conkyrc is gay. .config/conky/conky.conf is the way to go.
<zorz_> ok i do it the mans way. :-)
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, what Gkrellm theme are you using?
<zorz_> ppetrov^: bonjour!!! :-)
<ppetrov^> hey man
<zorz_> SiFuh: i do not use Gkrellm, as a matter of fact i have conky no x11, and i pipe the data to the status bar, i only miss the temperature.
<remiliascarlet> zorz_: Are you covered in cum?
<remiliascarlet> zorz_: Sorry, typo. I mean, please wait for SiFuh to come back.
<zorz_> ok
<ppetrov^> zorz_, I used Conky before it was called Conky. Before it was cool, man I'm a hipster
<SiFuh> zorz_: Yes, was busy taking a screenshot of Gkrellm
<SiFuh> Actually it sits around 70 C
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: My own theme
<SiFuh> I use conky for temperature
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, it's a nice theme, do you have it uploaded somewhere? I have a port of Gkrellm skins, so I may include it
<zorz_> SiFuh, thanks man
<SiFuh> zorz_: It rotates between various cities to tell me the weather and time.
<zorz_> hahaha
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: No, I probably could though
<ppetrov^> i am using a transparent one, but yours looks quite unobtrusive
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I could never get into transparent
<ppetrov^> why?
<SiFuh> I liked having a big wide black bar on the right side of the screen out of the way
<ppetrov^> mhm
<ppetrov^> thanks
<ppetrov^> looks great
<remiliascarlet> "Microsoft" is the description of Bill Gates's penis: micro and soft.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Did you just discover that?
<remiliascarlet> Long time ago, I simply got reminded to it after seeing a video on Microsoft's Xenix.
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, when i was a teen, we whough this was hilarious
<ppetrov^> some 25 years ago...
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<SiFuh> I remember in 2003 a Malaysian was telling me that the reason it was called Windows was because Microsoft had designed the perfect operating system on paper and they accidentally left the window open and all the design plans flew out the window. So they raced around gathering all the sheets but were missing many pieces but it still managed to work
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<SiFuh> zorz_ is here. Everyone hide.
<zorz_> haha
<zorz_> SiFuh: hide & seek
<zorz_> brb
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<SiFuh> Okay everyone can come back out again.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not really woke to be honest
<SiFuh> There is a feminist in it
<SiFuh> But that is about all
<SiFuh> Actually it is pretty good. I was expecting the same and boring but it turned out to be quite good
<remiliascarlet> So it's already out?
<SiFuh> Oh there was a gay guy in it but he didn't last very long. Like two scenes or soemthing
<SiFuh> Yeah, already out
<SiFuh> It is from 2023
<remiliascarlet> Time to sail the 7 seas then, because I don't have Netflix.
<SiFuh> I got mine from the ocean too
<SiFuh> Actually my version was English dubbed. So I had to find a Japanese version with subtitles
<remiliascarlet> Apparently, dubbers these days often have the tendency to alter the whole script to spread "the message".
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> And I don't like mouthes moving out of sync and yapping with nothing coming out
<SiFuh> I noticed in the trailer he calls him Frankenstein. But in both the subtitled version and the dubbed version he calls him Two-Face
<SiFuh> Two-Face is heaps better in my opinion
<SiFuh> I am aware
<SiFuh> I see it all the time
<SiFuh> Oh for fucks sake
* SiFuh is multilingual and watches many foreign movies/series with subtitles
<SiFuh> I even watch English language stuff with subtitles
<SiFuh> And they do exactly as you said in English as well
<remiliascarlet> That's why I'm so glad Japanese is my native language, and have somewhat proficiency in English, so at least I can bypass the lolcowlizers.
<SiFuh> I wish Japanese was my native language
<remiliascarlet> Only annoying if that's the only option though.
<SiFuh> I don't understand why people are crying in some ceremony where they cut a dudes hair
<remiliascarlet> Because they're faggots.
<SiFuh> All that work for a haircut?
<SiFuh> The biggest thing I disliked about Japanese culture was the stupidstition and rituals based on nothing
<remiliascarlet> Stupidstition?
<SiFuh> Yeah Stupidstition
<remiliascarlet> What does that mean? I don't speak Ameristralian.
<SiFuh> Try superstition
<SiFuh> I don't think it is super. I think it is stupid
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I see.
<SiFuh> My mother is British by the way
<remiliascarlet> Anglo-Ameristralian then.
<SiFuh> Can shorten that
<SiFuh> It has USA AU and UK in the same word melded together. hahahaha
<remiliascarlet> I was considering to somehow add in "Malay", "Uzbek", and "Thai" into this mixed term, but couldn't figure out how.
<SiFuh> USAUK can pronounce it like YOU SUCK ;-)
<remiliascarlet> s/Uzbek/Kazagh
<SiFuh> I don't speak Uzbek/Khazak or Kyrgyz
<remiliascarlet> I believe you once said you had a girlfriend in Khazakstan who thought you weren't English speaking because of how well you spoke Khazak.
<remiliascarlet> Or something along those lines.
<SiFuh> That was Thai
<SiFuh> And I only had a girlfriend from Kyrgyzstan
<SiFuh> Not Khazakstan
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I see.
<SiFuh> And they called me The Malaysian
<SiFuh> Because I flew from Malaysia to Kyrgyzstan
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: When I lived in Thailand, I lived in the Esaan areas. So when I was listening and talking to them, I thought I was speaking Thai. When I went to Laos, I realised I can speak to them. I think it was about 2 years before I had discovered I had learned two languages at the same time.
<remiliascarlet> So basically the entire east of Thailand?
<SiFuh> I never had any intentions to ever learn Laos. Just never knew I was learning it
<SiFuh> North-East
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<SiFuh> If you want to learn/hear the best most pure Thai, you need to go to South Thailand.
<remiliascarlet> That's where Bangkok is right? That would make sense.
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> Bangkok is Central
<SiFuh> South is the very bottom of that picture
<remiliascarlet> Oh, now I see the 2nd screenshot.
<SiFuh> Surprised me as well to discover this
<remiliascarlet> Funny how there's no west Thailand.
<SiFuh> And the gren section. North Thailand, the further West you go the more they speak Pama. Which is Thai and Burmese
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Never noticed that :-P
<SiFuh> North, Isaan, East, Central and South.
<remiliascarlet> Makes sense considering that bordering regions often tend to get influenced by their neighbors.
<SiFuh> Lots of fighting in their history
<remiliascarlet> Since Japan borders nobody, there's no real influence from neighboring countries.
<SiFuh> Just seafood :-P
<remiliascarlet> There is a massive Chinese influence as well as English fluence, but the former is due to history, and the latter is due to modern politics and US troops.
<remiliascarlet> And the furthest north east of Hokkaido has lots of Russian influence because of the large amounts of Russian fishermen living there.
<remiliascarlet> For context, the Russian influence isn't necessarily in the Japanese language itself, but as one of the languages used on things like signs up there.
<remiliascarlet> Because in most places you'd see signs in Japanese followed by an English translation, and sometimes Chinese and Korean too. But in Hokkaido you often see signs in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian.
<SiFuh> I think the signs should be in Japanese only
<SiFuh> although....... I must admit. Typing English characters to spell an Asia word seems a bit dumb to me
<remiliascarlet> You can thank all those foreigners living here who refuse to learn Japanese for that, combined with the good intensions of Japanese people to make things too comfortable for them.
<remiliascarlet> Which in the long term has only hurt the culture.
<SiFuh> For example. ni1hao1ma1 to type 你好吗 is dumb when I can just type ni hao ma.