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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Next time you encounter someone who can't describe what a woman is, send them a video of this biologist:
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I've recently seen 2 common traits in Germans: 1) They all believe their personal opinions are actual facts. 2) They're among the most climate culty in all of Europe.
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<lavaball> secession reach tim pool. glad i hear it here first.
<SiFuh> Texas secession on the ballot in March
<lavaball> do you want a cookie, parrot?
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<zorz> yyyyyyyooooooooooooooo
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> How much energy does this Blue Eye Samurai (2023) waste in battle....
<zorz> ???
<zorz> no conection:Pp
<zorz> looks intersting
<SiFuh> It is actually
<zorz> curl
<zorz> Location: Kuala, Aceh, 23764, Indonesia [3.7043876,96.8472773]
<zorz> 23c rain posible
<zorz> SiFuh: do you know curl
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> I was going to watch every episode last night, got through 3 episodes and realised I have a used paint roller in the refrigerator for about 3 days in a row. So I decided to better finish painting the room today.
<SiFuh> Is that a console weather thing?
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> Then if so yes
<SiFuh> Use a super custom conky for my weather
<zorz> its a super cock
<SiFuh> This is my conky. The complete size. Bottom left corner of the screen. Same height as the toolbar in fluxbox.
<zorz> looks nice
<SiFuh> It rotates between several city/towns around the world
<SiFuh> Looks like I configured it for 10 seconds each city/town
<zorz> i use dwm, changed the keys as i3, added the xf86 keys, slstatus...thats all
<SiFuh> curl
<zorz> curl
<SiFuh> Yeah but Kuala_Lumpur in Indonesia? Also almost no weather data
<SiFuh> curl works but still no data
<zorz> igor chubin, russian tech.
<zorz> curl
<zorz> Weather report: Oymyakon
<zorz> Mist
<zorz> _ - _ - _ - -53(-59) °C
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> u cannot pea on the street over there.
<SiFuh> curl
<SiFuh> How come I can get info for a fscking island at the bottom of the planet and not for Kuala Lumpur International Airport?
<zorz> dont know man
<zorz> go to the section text sharing
<zorz> not bad.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i finally managed the server without the php-fpm.sock but with
<zorz> SiFuh: they wrote a fork of nginx which supports lua. meaning that somebody can use lua+php... amzing.
<zorz> SiFuh: today i installed emacs-no_x11 from your ports
<SiFuh> I haven't updated the ports in a while because the server keeps crashing
<zorz> it installed out of the box, signatures everything
<zorz> but i will pass,,, i am used to vim
<SiFuh> emacs probably has a feature for that
<zorz> then i read about xi-editor.... very promising, but i get no python jedi
<zorz> so what i need to do, is uninstall crux- vim and compile a new vim with python interpreter.
<SiFuh> emacs probably has a feature for that
<zorz> for jedi it has
<zorz> heh
<zorz> hahaha
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