SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project | Logs:
<zorz> :-)
<zorz> remiliascarlet: man i just manage to start using mysql and look what i got
<zorz> lol
<zorz> ('MrGrand ???? ????? ?????? ???????? ???????????? 500ml.', Decimal('12.00'))
<zorz> utf8mb4_unicode_ci
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Change it to VARCHAR(255). Why the fuck is a title supposed to be DECIMAL(12.00)?
<remiliascarlet> s/12.00/12, 0
<remiliascarlet> Trying out Slackware live USB, and my intuition already tells me to leave.
<remiliascarlet> KDE is the default environment, so it'll probably get installed whether you like it or not, HP Device Manager bloat is already included, 2 different volume widgets, light theme by default.
<remiliascarlet> It's yet another distro where you need to massively debloat right after installation.
<remiliascarlet> OK, I'm out of there. Has been a fun 5 minutes.
<zorz> man slack sucks
<zorz> dont even bothe
<zorz> bothe!
<zorz> bother!
<remiliascarlet> I was planning on giving Gentoo a try as well, but I might as well just go straight (because I'm not gay) into CRUX.
<zorz> listen...
<remiliascarlet> On a different laptop.
<zorz> listen....
<zorz> i was for years with arch, my first linux... i left it for debian because arch sucks too.
<zorz> i read about gentoo and I got a headache only reading about gentoo
<zorz> CRUX is straight forward!
<remiliascarlet> I actually found Arch to be a lot better than Debian. Do you even realize how many steps it takes to install an average package compared to doing so on Arch?
<zorz> and because i tried almost all the linux the king is crux, if you go for binary its Alpine.
<zorz> thats it.
<remiliascarlet> And I mean the latest version.
<remiliascarlet> Funnily enough, I actually run PostmarketOS on a phone, which is based on Alpine.
<zorz> do u no, that when u finish debian installation before the grub loader u go to shell and you do--->
<remiliascarlet> Although Alpine propers repos are very barren compared to PostmarketOS's repos.
<zorz> apt install sysvinit-core libpam-elogind and u have a system with no systemd
<zorz> out of the box u run debian withsysvinit.
<remiliascarlet> So basically, Devuan is irrelevant now?
<zorz> ofcourse, it was always irrelevant
<remiliascarlet> I quit Debian-based distro's a long time ago anyway. Even on servers I can't endorse it.
<zorz> the only thing that you strangle after reboot is you need to setup wifi from scratch
<remiliascarlet> My servers are all either FreeBSD or OpenBSD these days.
<zorz> and install chronyd
<zorz> FreeBSD has some wholes proper craters like the ones on th moon :Pp
<remiliascarlet> WiFi on OpenBSD is easy mode. But on FreeBSD it's an absolute pain in the ass.
<zorz> if you dont go wi openbsd for server, crux you need to try hard, alpine isoute of the box.
<remiliascarlet> One reason for using FreeBSD is when you use a Node.JS package, and don't want to run it under Linux.
<zorz> with lighttpd
<remiliascarlet> PeerTube for example, all they support is systemd/Linux and FreeBSD, and nothing else.
<zorz> debian the have all the packages ready....
<zorz> what is peertube?
<remiliascarlet> But Debian's packages are outdated as fuck.
<zorz> not exactly... depends
<remiliascarlet> PeerTube is a decentralized and federated video platform server, like the Mastodon of video so to speak.
<zorz> i like nostr
<zorz> only nostr is decentralized
<remiliascarlet> Nostr is a meme.
<zorz> not at all
<zorz> but is hard for regular people to make keys
<zorz> simpleXchat(whatsapp this are nostr protocol
<remiliascarlet> I'd much rather use twtxt if it had to be not ActivityPub.
<remiliascarlet> twtxt is literally just a text file you host on your own server, and that's then your social media profile.
<zorz> today, i just finished now, i started noon i installed mariadb... i set it up... and now i am fully using it in python.
<zorz> mysql in one day.
<remiliascarlet> You know what's sad about SQL in general? That so many younger people have wasted 4 years of university to learn how to be a developer, they then go into the workforce as a web developer, and even after 10 years they have no idea how to even do a basic "SELECT * FROM table;" statement..
<remiliascarlet> Because throughout this entire time, all they were using was some query building framework where they didn't have to worry about how SQL works under the hood.
<zorz> hahah
<zorz> where have you ben this morning
<zorz> i was needing help
<zorz> u know on my crux i dont have bootloader
<remiliascarlet> Stayed up until 3 am, so I slept for the vast majority of the morning.
<zorz> i dont have any special machine an msi delta.
<zorz> the kernel has all the drivers,, u just need to configure it well at the compilation time
<zorz> i turn on the laptop and in less than 9 sec dwm is up and running.
<zorz> all the packages in ports opt and contrib work out of the box... the crux guys are amazing.
<remiliascarlet> On CRUX I just use SYSLINUX.
<zorz> no need efistub from kernel with efibootmgr to write the entries on the efi boot
<zorz> read the handbook the last paragraph
<remiliascarlet> My laptop is BIOS, it doesn't even have UEFI.
<zorz> aaaaaaa
<zorz> ok
<remiliascarlet> And yes, that thing is really old.
<zorz> u dont have hard time compiling packages?
<zorz> takes time man
<remiliascarlet> Depends.
<remiliascarlet> There are packages that take forever to compile, but most of them get done in just a few minutes to hours.
<remiliascarlet> But apparently, you don't have to actually compile everything from source:
<zorz> they have a trick u can compile packages on
<zorz> yes
<zorz> and uget the compiled ones.
<remiliascarlet> Yesterday my laptop finally finished upgrading all the ports, which took me literally 5 days to complete.
<zorz> u r h4ck3r
<zorz> from the old days.
<remiliascarlet> So yes, I did `doas prt-get sysupgrade -f` on Tuesday morning, and it finished on Saturday evening.
<zorz> anyway.... going to sleep
<remiliascarlet> Have fun.
<zorz> nevere did sudo prt-get
<zorz> su -
<zorz> go to root
<zorz> and do prt-get
<zorz> thanx man... by.
<zorz> bye
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<remiliascarlet> The other problem with Nostr is its dependence on Bitcoin. And whatever depends on Bitcoin always tends to depend on hundreds of trackers and proprietary Javascript code.
<remiliascarlet> It's very rare to find people who are both pro-crypto and pro-free software. I like both myself, but most people tend to be either pro-crypto and anti-free software, or pro-free software and anti-crypto.
<remiliascarlet> It's as if the 2 just can't co-exist for some weird reason.
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<ppetrov^> the amount of stupid stubbornnes in Slackware's community is baffling at times... Someone created a packages repo from, the most upvoted comment is by some saying theyr would neither use nor even visit the website
<ppetrov^> that's on LQ
<ppetrov^> some 10 years ago there was a greek guy, Panagiotis, who aimed to do the same. Hos website SlackOnly did not meet almost any support or appreciation
<ppetrov^> on the contrary, he faced kinda harsh end demeaning comments by core members of the community
<ppetrov^> k, i'm done
<ppetrov^> no, i'm not done... what puzzles me is how come someone invests time and effort to do something that would benefit the rest, and he gets people opposed to the project
<SiFuh> Easy, greed
<remiliascarlet> I really thought Babylon Bee was a parody site, might have been wrong after all.
<SiFuh> Hahahaha
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, and i thought Idiocract
<ppetrov^> Idiocracy was a comedy not documentary
<SiFuh> It _WAS_ a comedy. Now it _IS_ a documentary
<ppetrov^> how it started vs how's it going
<SiFuh> I love the scene where he just walks out of the prison
<ppetrov^> come back.. oh baby come back
<remiliascarlet> Also, Sony is basically telling you "it's OK to pirate":
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<remiliascarlet> This is why you should never depend on cloud services, especially if you have to pay per content. Always make sure you make local copies of digital data you paid for.
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<SiFuh> Probably revenge for the Sony hack after they made a stupid movie
<remiliascarlet> This should be considered outright theft by Sony. But I guess the Sony-ponies will just take it and still give Sony more money.
<SiFuh> Did they do any good movies or series?
<remiliascarlet> I'm not really into watching movies, but they did release an extremely massive list of movies and series they'll steal from paying customerrs.
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<zorz> SiFuh: MaGiC: prices = [re.sub('[^0-9.]', '', price.text.strip()) for price in soup.find_all('div', class_='pDscntPercent ng-binding')]
<SiFuh> No idea
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<farkuhar> zorz: works fine until the website you're scraping one day decides to upgrade to a new framework, and the html elements aren't named the same way. I saw the same thing happen with the script that generates gemini://
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<zorz> farkuhar: ofcourse... u adapt it on changes.
<zorz> SiFuh: i add notify-send to weechat, please use nick completion ser
<zorz> farkuhar: u use gemini protocol??? iam impressed! :-)
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<SiFuh> zorz: You know what is funny? I have heard you tell me about a thing called Weechat and I don't actually know what it is
<zorz> SiFuh: its good staff for irc... what u use bitchX ?
<zorz> SiFuh: pkg_add weechat
<SiFuh> irssi
<farkuhar> How can we expect SiFuh to get in the habit of nick completion when he considers it beneath his dignity to use autocorrect?
<farkuhar> SiFuh prefers to blame any misspellings on a flaky Bluetooth connection or some other hardware error. Never software.
<SiFuh> There is autocorrect for Unix?
<SiFuh> I thought you were talking about on a phone
<farkuhar> I dunno, you'd have to ask remiliascarlet about that.
<farkuhar> Maybe it's one of those WeeChat plugins.
<SiFuh> Autocorrect is basically your phone saying it is better than you and assumes what you want to say and is basically saying you are wrong.
<SiFuh> also farkuhar I don't use a flaky Bluetooth connection.
<SiFuh> No Bluetooth in OpenBSD
<zorz> SiFuh: irssi i forgot about this ancient tecnology
<zorz> SiFuh: who needs bluetooth... in one of my kernels which i run all the time i even dont have multimedia... no webcam.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Actually the real reason is there are two main reasons. The first reason is that I have rechargeable batteries that don't last long. So I am constantly recharging the batteries. When they are dropping then letters seem to vanish while I am typing. I get longer life out of non-rechargeble like Energizer. The second reason is my client window is quite small and so I can't see the beginning of
<SiFuh> the paragraph I am typing and sometimes have forgotten what I had typed. :-)
<SiFuh> dropping/almost flat*
<farkuhar> SiFuh: it was actually the reference to batteries that made me jump to the conclusion you were using a Bluetooth keyboard. If you had a wired keyboard, why would there be any need for batteries?
<SiFuh> I am using a Wireless keyboard that doesn't use Bluetooth
<zorz> farkuhar: SiFuh next will do ssh -L <user>@<ssh-host> -N -v
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet:,-235.5661&extent=9.64408,-231.17706&listOnlyShown=true&baseLayer=terrain
<SiFuh> Philippines is havining an Earthquake party
<SiFuh> zorz: Is that a thing?
<zorz> if you right and a bash script to tunnel the connection
<farkuhar> It's been a while since I used irssi, but if it takes input the way catgirl does (one line at the bottom of the window with only left-right scrolling) then I can see why it's hard to remember what you typed earlier on a long line.
<SiFuh> I could open it wide screen though since I am using a TITAN ARMY widescreen
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> I can then type 626 characters in one straight line and read all
<zorz> i forgot you dont run bash... u do ksh
<SiFuh> Heh, cool
<zorz> socat STDIO OPENSSL:$IRC_HOST:$IRC_PORT,verify=0
<zorz> connect() { exec 3<>/dev/tcp/$IRC_HOST/$IRC_PORT || exit 1; }
<farkuhar> another example of the dislike for bash software: all the alternatives to passwordstore, opting to implement the same functionality in a compiled language like C.
<zorz> farkuhar: check lesspass
<zorz> no cloud storage, no local storage
<farkuhar> but ukky would argue that software coded in POSIX shell is more extensible, with a lower barrier to entry for users who want to improve it or fix bugs.
<zorz> lesspass is a very good idea.
<farkuhar> yet there was hardly any interest in adopting Han Boetes' POSIX shell rewrites of pkgutils, prt-get. I wonder if an archived tarball of Han's code exists somewhere online.
<zorz> Han Boetes is with openbsd now.
<zorz> he is on github
<SiFuh> Han was always with OpenBSD
<SiFuh> farkuhar: That's the Han I was talking about too by the way the other day
<farkuhar> The OpenBSD commands /usr/sbin/pkg_* are perl scripts, but that doesn't present a much higher barrier to entry than POSIX shell. Just recently GazL (a self-described C guy) suggested an improvement to prtwash, which shows how readable perl can be for someone coming from another language.
<SiFuh> Someone mentioned the movie "A Prayer Before Dawn (2017)". I can't find it in any irssi logs, Telegram or emails. I wonder who suggested it to me
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: Why do you tag me? I don't even use autocorrect!
<SiFuh> farkuhar: didn't mean to. It was autocorrect that did that.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I always make sure Bluetooth is disabled regardless of device or OS. It's such a massive attack vector, I don't want it at all.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: okay, maybe you don't actually use autocorrect, but you make a good joke out of it when a typo occurs.
<SiFuh> I was riding my motorcycle back from work. It's a long road and not so many cars. I have a bluetooth thing on my helmet that connects to the phone. While riding home I hear "Hello". There was a few seconds where I thought "Is this God?" then I realised it was my friend who had called me but for some stupid reason it didn't ring or anything it just auto answered. It was hilarious.
<remiliascarlet> It's always fun to know that CRUX and OpenBSD are such good friends.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: "very rare to find people who are both pro-crypto and pro-free software." On the other hand, it's not too hard to find people who are both pro-Ukraine and pro-Palestine on the matter of resisting occupation, even if some media outlets like to portray that combination as a minority view.
<remiliascarlet> You look in the Debian community, and everyone uses Debian. You look in the Arch community, and everyone uses Arch or one of their derivitives (for which they get roasted over). You look in the Gentoo community, and everyone uses either Gentoo or Arch. You look in the OpenBSD community, and everyone uses OpenBSD, and will absolutely roast you if you dare to use anything else. You look in the
<remiliascarlet> CRUX commuinity, and everyone uses OpenBSD and CRUX.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: Team Ukraine and Team Russia people were easy to find. The left was all pro-Ukraine, and the right was all pro-Russia. But Team Palestine and Team Israel is a bit different, because it's now left on left violence, and the left now can't even decide whether they want to be an antisemite or an islamophobe. Everyone else is just taking out their popcorn and laugh at those idiots eating
<remiliascarlet> each other.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Actually a lot of OpenBSD users are CRUX users
<remiliascarlet> It's understandable, because both are doing a great job at keeping it simple.
<remiliascarlet> Arch and Gentoo used to be about simplicity as well, they were born in response of distro's getting too complex. And now both Arch and Gentoo themselves have become complex.
<SiFuh> Gentoo simplicity? Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> After using OpenBSD, it's hard to enjoy anything else. Likewise, after using CRUX, it's hard to enjoy anything else.
<remiliascarlet> Maybe KISS Linux and to some extend Venom Linux, but other than that?
<farkuhar> OpenBSD is so simple that I can read the man-page for pkg_add, nod in agreement with each step in the process, and then wonder why CRUX is taking forever to fix FS#15.
<SiFuh> Venom Linux? Heh
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet:
<remiliascarlet> Never used Venom or KISS before though, I just know them because people often tend to do CRUX vs KISS vs Venom comparisons.
<SiFuh> A friend in the next state over from me built Venom Linux
<SiFuh> I don't even know if he uses it because he was always on CRUX
<remiliascarlet> Much as they do with OpenBSD vs FreeBSD vs NetBSD (ignoring Dragonfly BSD), Debian vs Fedora vs Ubuntu (because sometimes they're not that bright), and Arch vs Gentoo vs Void.
<farkuhar> I had a brief correspondence with one user, who found CRUX too bloated and went with KISS Linux instead.
<remiliascarlet> Lol, CRUX too bloated.
<remiliascarlet> I had OpenBSD and CRUX side by side, both running only DWM and Neofetch, both ThinkPads of the same generation and same amount of RAM, and they both used the exact same amount of RAM.
<remiliascarlet> Forgot to mention they were both running st as well, because you can't run Neofetch without a terminal (or TTY).
<SiFuh> I don't know why you'd need to install st though
<farkuhar> If Per had chosen to write pkgadd in perl (like the OpenBSD command pkg_add), and not in C++, then maybe FS#15 would have been resolved years ago. "Simple to understand and extend" (part of the CRUX mantra) is not an apt description of most C++ codebases.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I remember when I installed CRUX for the first time, it took me 2 months to get it to the point I can finally daily drive it, but I didn't get hospitalized over it.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: To have a terminal.
<SiFuh> alt+cntrl+F2 :-)
<remiliascarlet> Yes, you can use xterm, but a white background with black characters is eye cancer.
<SiFuh> But my xterm is black with white
<remiliascarlet> That's why I believe websites need to make dark theme the default, rather than an option or just not having one at all.
<SiFuh> Xterm is black with white text
<SiFuh> But I don't actually use xterm. I kind like urxvt
<remiliascarlet> I tried to edit the .Xresources file to make it BW (the normal way of using the terminal) rather than WB (the eye cancer way), but for whatever reason it gets ignored.
<SiFuh> You .Xdefaults
<SiFuh> Use*
<SiFuh> XTerm*background: black
<SiFuh> XTerm*foreground: white
<SiFuh> And I force it to be read anway when I log in with .xsession
<SiFuh> /usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb -merge "${HOME}"/.Xdefaults
<SiFuh> anway/anyway* (That was me farkuhar not the batteries)
<farkuhar> Does anybody recall the source of the adage "show me your data structures, and I don't need to see your algorithms"? I wonder if a resolution of FS#15 would require a completely new data structure, since the existing pkg database imposes constraints on the algorithms we can apply to it.
<SiFuh> Back in the early days it was either '.xsession or .xinitrc' and '.Xdefaults or .Xresources'. So we'd make one of each and ln -s them.
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of early days, I've read this post:
<SiFuh> There is a lot more they poached
<farkuhar> I poked around /var/db/pkg on an OpenBSD system, and that directory tree is much richer than what CRUX pkgadd writes to its database. So maybe perl versus C++ is the wrong direction to pursue, and our pkg database is just too simple to support the kind of logic needed to resolve FS#15 (without the help of other clues on the target filesystem).
<farkuhar> ukky came up with a good fix for the original FS#15 bug report ("could not remove ... not a directory"). What jue reported in 2013 probably deserves its own ticket, and that's where a richer data structure like what they have in OpenBSD might prove useful.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It's richer because we have more features
<SiFuh> For example. If I do 'pkg_add xdm' on a system with no X server then there are a lot of dependencies that need to be filled. let's say I don't want xdm anymore I can do 'pkg_delete xdm && pkg_delete -a'. Every dependency automatically installed will be wiped out completely
<SiFuh> If install something else that requires one of the dependencies that xdm needs and I then remove xdm and remove all the dependencies automatically. The dependencies that the new port I installed will not be removed.
<SiFuh> It's actually quite a complex but clean pkg system
<SiFuh> 33.3M /var/db/pkg/
<SiFuh> 689 folders
<SiFuh> My favorite feature in CRUX is prt-get fsearch <whatever>
<SiFuh> <-- Technical details
<SiFuh> 6. If several candidates are left, pkg_add will ask the user in interactive mode, and not perform the update in non-interactive mode.
<SiFuh> This particular one in case you are not aware is when you do 'pkg_add emacs'. It will then ask you do you want to choose none, emacs_no-x11, emacs-gtk2, emacs-gtk3 and so on
<dlcusa> Re: black on white versus white on black, I don't know how many millions of 1950s USD were spent on the research, but here's the report:
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Must have been a lot since the end result is 16 pages
<SiFuh> No abstract! Damn! They blew the budget for sure
<SiFuh> Figure 1. Hahaha
<SiFuh> I see nothing on the black and white though
<SiFuh> Checkout "black background" in search
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<zorz> connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $sql | its not the connection that dies.... its me die! @!#@%!$#^%^@%&
<SiFuh> So we are told standby because we all may head jungle 29,30,31. Better 29,30,31 and 1 so we don't have to suffer the fireworks
<farkuhar> Another win for lynx! Lack of support for JavaScript lets you bypass the paywall that would otherwise block
<zorz> farkuhar: lynx is good
<remiliascarlet> Lynx is divine.
<remiliascarlet> Only if the entire web didn't have the JS frontend problem, it would have been my main browser.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Also we get an email the next day every time we pkg_add -u or change stuff or have a hard drive mounted and so on ;-)
<farkuhar> lavaball: the url I posted above reminds me of what happened to your algorithms book, as new editors got their hands on it and demanded changes from the authors.
<lavaball> what's the texit question?
<lavaball> do i need to call bravestarr?
<lavaball> if you get that, you're the bomb.
<SiFuh> Texas leaves the US
<lavaball> anexation the opposite?
<lavaball> texit? OHHH I GET IT!
<lavaball> texit!
<lavaball> so, bravestarr? anyone?
<SiFuh> Well, no Tex Hex but Textit was something that has been on the books since the fake election.
<lavaball> hahaha
<lavaball> everything is fake with you.
<lavaball> ccp virus, holocaust, now the election.
<lavaball> how are we doing on the earth roundness?
<SiFuh> Santa Clauss, the Tooth Ferry. Yeah I know you clowns beleive in all that shite
<SiFuh> Roundness? Don't flat earthers think the Earth is round
<lavaball> i'm not sure.
<lavaball> i heard there is conetheory.
<farkuhar> fake news? that meme was already old when therealfun commented on FS#1313 back in 2017.
<SiFuh> Me too and that was just weird
<SiFuh> lavaball: When I lived in Tasmania and saw the sun movement in Winter and Summer and when I lived in Kyrgyzstan and saw similar movement but in reverse so Summer and Winter. That flat thing doesn't make sense.
<SiFuh> Secondly I have worked with gyroscopes and we made adjustments for gyroscopic shift for a reason
<SiFuh> I always found that funny
<SiFuh> Then they'd say the plannets are fake
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<farkuhar> Not all the planets, only Pluto got demoted.
<SiFuh> temporarily because scientists are fucking twats
<SiFuh> Nagging like they should be in a female air saloon about shit
<SiFuh> hair*
<SiFuh> Never once did I hear them say the Sun can have moons.
<SiFuh> But they can just say Pluto orbits Earth with a weird elliptical way outside the boundaries of a planetary saetellite
<SiFuh> Ever wonder if Pluto thinks about penis sizes? Imagine so small you are told you don't have a Willy, but you got a Jenny.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That video I sent you. Update
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<dlcusa> Apologies regarding the report's lack of documentation regarding the the specific colors on screen (I did not read it before posting the URL).
<dlcusa> It may be that stuff was considered classified, or the reseach about that aspect of design was just folklore.
<SiFuh> Colours or tones?
<dlcusa> Of course green on black predated 3270s; e.g., 2260 terminals.
<SiFuh> I never saw Green and Black
<SiFuh> I saw Green and Dark Green though
<SiFuh> I liked that though
<dlcusa> Tones and colors was supposed to have been researched, as TJ Watson was supposed to be concerned what a career of looking at the screens would do to employees.
<dlcusa> That was yourgrandfather's IBM--long gone.
<SiFuh> Are you insulting my age?
<dlcusa> No, mine ;-)
<SiFuh> I read what you sent last night, by the way. I don't know why you sent it to me. Were you mistaking me for someone else or am I getting too old?
<zorz> SiFuh: this is the first symptoms of altsheimer ::PPppp
<SiFuh> Zorz. Actually I am not sure about it. Maybe you are right. I have coversations where not even 2 sentences later my friends don't know what we are talking about.
<SiFuh> Here is a conversation only a couple of days ago between my wife and maybe my alzheimers
<SiFuh> Mum has constipation. Can you recommend something?
<SiFuh> Yes, my chilli. The one in the refrigerator downstairs.
<SiFuh> Don't worry, there is a bottle in my refrigerator.
<SiFuh> A bottle of what?
<SiFuh> Oh, that is almost finished.
<SiFuh> Are you fucking shitting me? A bottle of fucking elephant shit. WTF?
<SiFuh> How can you talk to your wife like this?
<zorz> SiFuh: it is not you havin the problem ... its the others problem
<zorz> lol
<SiFuh> zorz: I have been thinking about that movie. The one I cannot find anyone recommending to me in the logs. I have a feeling it was recommended to me by a guy in the pub last Saturday. Not The Saturday just gone. I think I forgot about it and dreamed about someone in IRC telling me to download it and I woke up and downloaded it and then want to commend the guy on IRC who asked me to download it only to
<SiFuh> find out, it was a dream.
<zorz> ?
<zorz> SiFuh: which movie man?
<zorz> prayers dawn?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> prayer dawn?
<zorz> man... i was socked his first night in prison, what they did to his inmate sex till death.
<zorz> and i really like at the end, that i see the face of the original guy.
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<SiFuh> You know he never saw the movie when it was released?
<SiFuh> He was in prison again :-P
<SiFuh> Moore missed the 2018 premiere for the film based on his book as he was jailed for burglary.
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> no i did not
<SiFuh> I am questioning the entire story but I know how many have been in his situation. I am not doubting his prison and what he went through. I just have some questions
<zorz> u know which movi i really really funkin enjoy
<zorz> 1 is Les Lyonais
<SiFuh> Fortunately for me when I was in prison in Thailand, I never had to move from my location to his prison and my court case was on going. So I had nothing, nothing at all like him in that movie
<zorz> les Lyonais... is a story
<zorz> SiFuh: in jail
<zorz> lol
<zorz> SiFuh: in prison
<SiFuh> Yeah in Malaysia they say "Lock Up" for where I was and Prison for where that guy was
<zorz> SiFuh: what did you do man? did not pay the IRS ?
<SiFuh> I am in a prison behind the police station
<SiFuh> I didn't do anything except help a friend drive his car when he was drunk
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> I was being charged for hit and run of two police officers, two different dates, both when I can prove I was in China and Malaysia for each.
<SiFuh> Very long story but it was all a missunderstanding or as I think
<SiFuh> I know that prison he was in by the way. I am just suprised they never mentioned the other foreigners that I know were in there during that time
<zorz> sad story... in greece they say stupid are behind bars, and uselless are employed buy the goverment.
<zorz> btw no iam setting nginx server on local host. pity crux does not have lighttpd on ports.
<zorz> look i wanna show you something
<SiFuh> zorz: Fact
<zorz> the other guy on lighttpd does install -D -m 0755 "${SRC}"/${name}.rc "${PKG}"/etc/rc.d/${name}
<zorz> is that an openrc file?
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> It is
<SiFuh> Is there something wrong?
<zorz> no can sysvinit run it?
<zorz> is here something wrong --mandir=/usr/man
<zorz> [03-Dec-2023 21:46:29] ERROR: unable to bind listening socket for address '/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock': No such file or directory (2)
<SiFuh> zorz: Did you recommend that movie for me?
<zorz> Les Lyonnais .... yes
<SiFuh> But you are not in my loggers you hacker
<SiFuh> Maybe you hacked my logs!
<zorz> Welcome to nginx!
<zorz> Les Lyonnais is amazing, another on is Man on the ledge.
<zorz> Man on fire was good too
<SiFuh> I am kind of high for a second night in the row. The truth is I have been painting the house and paint fumes can, well you all know. So yeah. Couple more days again and then all should be good.
<SiFuh> Then I start work on a room I don't sleep in or use a computer in :-P
<zorz> SiFuh: next level will be start inhealing gasoline :Ppp
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> You ass
<SiFuh> I actually carry more than my truck holds when I am Jungle
<SiFuh> Truck is 90L and all Jeery Cans are 105L. Oh, not that much more
<zorz> fuckin hell
<zorz> life is good
<zorz> LG
<SiFuh> Not really
<SiFuh> My wife makes me 5 meat balls, 2 mushrooms and then cuts up raw cabbage and throws it in a bowl. What it is she says she can't handle my complaining. And I still gain weight!
<zorz> cabbage olive oi and lemon add some carrot
<zorz> and celery
<zorz> becomes a good salad.
<SiFuh> See if I can remember todays. Sorry it goes so fast, I maybe can't remember it. I think 5 pieces of spaghetti sized meat with some bok choi base and 2 quail eggs
<zorz> man.... the price of olive oil this year in greece is out of imagination
<SiFuh> No oil of any kind when I cook
<zorz> olive oil is good!
<SiFuh> Fuck no
<SiFuh> Duck fat is the best
<SiFuh> cabbage olive oi and lemon add some carrot and celery
<SiFuh> Hmm I have and not really like
<SiFuh> `I have always liked spreading peanut butter inside of celery and gratting some cheese in my salad.
<SiFuh> Although the cheese can be better off replaced with real mayonaise.
<zorz> how much fat has to have a mayonaise in order to be cold mayonaise
<zorz> ?
<zorz> ok server is running
<SiFuh> No idea
<SiFuh> After I finish renovating this room, I am going to work on a freaking bath tub with stinking hot water
<zorz> make a port of lighttpd in your repository
<zorz> with mysql enabled.
<SiFuh> i haven't touched my repository in a while
<zorz> pleaseeeeeeeeeee
<SiFuh> No chance even in hell
<zorz> ok i do it myself
<SiFuh> Actually in hell, I'd be thinking how to take over it first since I am anti everything
<zorz> let me see
<SiFuh> You want to come down to hell and join me?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Remember that picture of the room I was painting and you said 'cute'? The paint lady said that the combination will fail. When I showed the photo of part of the room she was like a phone addict. He eyes were wide, she was stearing and saying words I didn't know until traslated meaning 'class'
<SiFuh> farkuhar: All spelling errors above are me and not bluetooth which I don't have or a battery issue
<SiFuh> And lack of punctuation is just rude and I apologize for that
<zorz> SiFuh: something wrong with your fingers :Ppp
<SiFuh> You leave my three fingers alone
<zorz> x
<SiFuh> Still can't figure out the wife's brain
<SiFuh> I was a professional cartoonist. So yeah. She says my choice of colour and design is garbage.
<SiFuh> She has been spending a lot of time in my room thinking
<SiFuh> This is a bad thing actually because last time a woman thought she ate an apple
<SiFuh> And destroyed the human race
<SiFuh> But with all jokes aside, she sits in this room and admires it
<SiFuh> Then tells me she wants the same kind of thing
<SiFuh> I will paint her fscking walls!
<SiFuh> Actually my room is painted some white that is plain and yeah that is it. I want to give it depth, shape, a homely feel
<ppetrov^> professional cartoonist, SiFuh? That's why you made that awesome scaled up CRUX logo
<SiFuh> It had it's flaws
<ppetrov^> man, that's my "default walpaper" for CRUX
<SiFuh> Professional means 'paid' I was hired and paid to make cartoons since I was in 5th grade at school
<ppetrov^> ever since you made it. Well, I added "CRUX" underneath
<SiFuh> I have an animation project coming in January
<SiFuh> For a debt collector company
<SiFuh> Skill ain't lost, it is just sleeping
<ppetrov^> :)
<zorz> export GCC_COLORS='error=01;31:warning=01;35:note=01;36:caret=01;32:locus=01:quote=01'
<SiFuh> zorz: exporting colour codes is a thing in compilation?
<SiFuh> How oldschool am I?
<SiFuh> zorz: Didn't even know that was possible
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<SiFuh> Maybe I should retire like our good buddy frinnst
<zorz> SiFuh: fuck off:PPpp
<farkuhar> SiFuh: you can't retire. Who would serve as operator for this new channel?
<SiFuh> I am not an operator farkuhar
<ppetrov^> yes, it just started!
<SiFuh> And I gave operator status to jaeger out of respect
<SiFuh> I just have op capability and I have no intention to use it for anything but channel config
<SiFuh> Love you too zorz
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I actually offloaded my Op on Jaeger so that the channel can run free. Even if I leave or die
<SiFuh> Don't want another void insident
<ppetrov^> void incident?
<ppetrov^> the clowns again?
<SiFuh> But in general, I am not here to police this channel. You guys do what you want
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Void had a Maintainer that vanished leaving void 'gods' and users with no access to void pagers
<SiFuh> pages*
<ppetrov^> geez...
<SiFuh> So I gave +F to jaeger and he has authority to kick me out
<SiFuh> I wanted crux-social and crux to be under on maintainer as a god. Hehehe god jaeger but anyway..
<SiFuh> on/one*
<SiFuh> Don't worry, if I am shot in the chest or having my throat cut I will crawl to the keyboard and +F farkuhar
<SiFuh> Don't worry your little heads off
<zorz> SiFuh: /ping sifuh
<SiFuh> Why?
<zorz> i thought i was laggiing
<SiFuh> Oh
<SiFuh> It's normal
<SiFuh> Everyone lags behind me
<zorz> Void is not stable at all
<SiFuh> zorz: actually agree
<SiFuh> Good night
<SiFuh> I am leaving
<zorz> Good night turbo boy
<SiFuh> I don't give a shit what night you think it is
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> I amy be offline for a bit
<SiFuh> Got to move the computer
<SiFuh> To paint the wall
<zorz> dont break it
<SiFuh> I care not about the computer
<SiFuh> I care only the drives the data is on
<SiFuh> I am gone,
zorz has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.1.1]
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