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<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> Bourbon
<SiFuh> Page 115, the last paragraph
<SiFuh> Might be of interest to farkuhar as well.
<SiFuh> Page 115 comes up as page 145 in xpdf
<zorz> SiFuh: morning, man. speaking of xpdf. if i want to see with prt-get which packages depend on poppler. how can i see that ?
<SiFuh> deptree
<SiFuh> prt-get deptree poppler
<zorz> thank you
<SiFuh> You could also RTFM ;-)
<zorz> SiFuh: not this, this is the same as prt-get depends. i want to know if i unistall poppler which packages will be affected.
<zorz> RTFM ?
<SiFuh> uninstall poppler and run revdep
<zorz> clever, thx
<zorz> gimp and gegl depends on poppler but the update has
<zorz> NEW -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/poppler/CairoRescaleBox.h
<zorz> MISSING -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/poppler/JPXStream.h
<zorz> crux, finds a way to keep you busy :-)
<SiFuh> Mine just sits in the corner doing nothing
<zorz> haha
<zorz> look the funny part, prt-get sysup did not install the poppler package because of missing footprint, i go to /usr/ports/opt/poppler i do pkgadd poppler#24.02.0-1.pkg.tar.gz and it installs it.
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> Run revdep
<zorz> now i am good
<zorz> i went in the folder to install the old poppler, i saw the new poppler package aswell ... and i said lets give it a try... and it installed it.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: doas prt-get update gimp gegl -uf
<zorz> remiliascarlet: why ?
<remiliascarlet> The `-uf` flag means "update footer", which'll then succeed the installation without re-compiling again.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: thanx
<zorz> but we speak for poppler, cause poppler update had a footprint miss match.
<SiFuh> You should be careful when changing footprints though.
<zorz> anyway, poppler i do not need... soon i will remove gimp too that has poppler as dependancy and gegl.
<remiliascarlet> Poppler is a C library that's often used for PDF related stuff.
<remiliascarlet> So it's probably going to be everywhere.
<SiFuh> It is everywhere
<zorz> yes i agree, but right now i do not use anything unless gimp that depends on poppler. maybe the crux devs should take a look at popplers update.
<zorz> SiFuh: i refuse to read pdf files :)
<SiFuh> If you don't want to install poppler you can install Free-DOS ;-)
<SiFuh> zorz: In Soviet Russia PDF files refuse to read you
<zorz> sometime ago when i used to read pdf i was with mupdf.
<SiFuh> XPDF and zathura
<zorz> Soviet Russia, were the best, had an open fight with religion... and religion survived.
<zorz> xpdf and zathura you need poppler... zathura is nice.
<SiFuh> Only person to ever beat Chuck Norris in a fight was Bruce Lee and he is dead now.
<SiFuh> I use zathura for reading comic books
<zorz> SiFuh: hahahaha
<remiliascarlet> It's funny how people in the western world generally call Putin a "war criminal" and Russia "committing war crimes" because of Ukraine. But I have yet to see Obama and the United States to be called a "war criminal" and "committing war crimes" because of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Palestine, and some others I'm probably missing here.
<SiFuh> The liars rule the world.
<SiFuh> What pisses me off is they are known liars and people still beleive what they hear
<SiFuh> I remember in the 70's hearing the joke "How do you know when a politician is lying?" "His mouth is moving"
<SiFuh> So since I was a kid it has always been known that politicians are liars. Yet people still listen to these assholes
<remiliascarlet> Because television is much more common now, and the academic brainwashing is now complete.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: you missed south america... latin america. all the countries over there.
<remiliascarlet> All I can think of there is Venezuela. Not sure where more Obama's blood can be found?
<zorz> che died in nicaragua.
<zorz> basically murdered.
<SiFuh> Che isn't a country
<zorz> nicaragua is.
<SiFuh> Afghanistan Pakistan Libya Yemen Somalia Iraq Syria are the countries he bombed
<SiFuh> Although I believe he had a hand in the Sudans
<zorz> why you speak only for obama? no matter who is the president of usa the deep state governs the country. edgar hoover is still alive.
<zorz> deep state does not want trump.
<zorz> but now israel wants trump
<zorz> so most probable next president will be trump.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That's cool
<SiFuh> Reminds me of the one my mother, ex-girlfriend and I were laughing about
<remiliascarlet> "Show, show me your fashion!" "One moment honey, I'm looking for the most uncomfortable clothes in my closet."
<remiliascarlet> s/Show/Men
<SiFuh> Tight clothes are common here
<SiFuh> I can't stand it
<SiFuh> Try to kick someone in the ear and you will split your pants
<SiFuh> zorz: prt-get dependent poppler
<remiliascarlet> Over here bulky clothes are a lot more common.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Got to have places to hide those shuriken
<SiFuh> Yes, I'd prefer Hakama pants
<SiFuh> I did see the workers in Japan with baggy pants which was cool
<zorz> wait i was scraping. lol
<zorz> SiFuh: this is what i need now.
<zorz> the inside,, not the ooutside
<remiliascarlet> zorz: The inside if you want to get horny.
<zorz> The inside of the package always matters
<SiFuh> Horny Goat WEed Leaf Extract?
<zorz> 18 sec lag... my god
<zorz> poppler dependent poppler-data, gegl. gegl dependent gimp. SiFuh thx this is a nice tool.
<remiliascarlet> Today I learned that there's a FreeDOS port of Vim.
<zorz> what is freedos ?
<zorz> msdos opensource? :Pp
<remiliascarlet> A DOS-based operating system.
<remiliascarlet> And it's free and open source.
<zorz> it is the one that you do format c:
<remiliascarlet> Don't know, I have no hands on experience with DOS or Windows NT systems, and to this extend, ReactOS systems.
<SiFuh> zorz: Yes
<remiliascarlet> But if you want to run DOS today with up to date software, you can use FreeDOS.
<zorz> good stuff.
<remiliascarlet> The newest version came out 2 years ago, and they seem to have a pattern of updating once every 4 to 5 years over the past 20 years.
<zorz> question freedos can run in a linux enviroment or you need a vm like qemu?
<remiliascarlet> You need in a VM, or on bare metal.
<zorz> ok.
<remiliascarlet> "FDOS is a trademark of Kenneth J. Davis" Is he a brother of Thierry Davis by any chance?
<remiliascarlet> "Who is Thierry Davis?" The puritan who created TempleOS, arguably the most unique OS's I've seen, although full of Christianity bullshit.
<remiliascarlet> Still, very impressive to see it all created by just 1 guy.
<zorz> SiFuh: i think that a great invention is the command scp :Pp
<SiFuh> I think that a great invention is the BMX bike
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Why scp if we already have rsync?
<SiFuh> Why rsync when we already have cp
<zorz> for example, now i am editing a css file, i test it i just need to upload the css scp -r /home/xyz/rocket/static/css root@
<zorz> scp with id_rsa... is amazing no need for rsync.
<SiFuh> cat file.txt | ssh HOSTNAME 'cat > file.txt'
<zorz> SiFuh: thank you for the enlightment.
<SiFuh> tar czf - data/ | ssh user@remoteserver "cd /opt && tar -xvzf - "
<SiFuh> ssh user@remoteserver "cd /opt && tar cfz - data/" | tar xfzv -
<SiFuh> The old way I use to do it back in 2001
<zorz> bravo
<SiFuh> Johnny Bravo
<zorz> SiFuh bravo
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<SiFuh> Fscking globalist controlled Australia
<SiFuh> Should government step in to help Australians quit their big car habit?
<SiFuh> That's the title for those who can't handle sites with javascript and shit
<zorz> SiFuh: german people cry now for what they voted for.
<SiFuh> I don't think they voted for that
<SiFuh> I think their elections were stolen
<zorz> west countries, from one side have the dry of panama canal. from the otherside houthi, yemen on red sea and suez canal... at the end Elon to will cry bitter... this fucker.
<zorz> no chips :)
<zorz> Elon will search for chips, and they will send him lays potato chips.
<SiFuh> zorz: Doritos!
<SiFuh> Haven't you learned anything?
<SiFuh> 1:13
<zorz> let me see
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> its all about threadrippers
<SiFuh> You think your Commodore 64 is really neato. What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito? You're usin' a 286? Don't make me laugh. Your Windows boots up in what, a day and a half? You could back up your whole hard drive on a floppy diskette. You're the biggest joke on the Internet
<SiFuh> Dorito
<zorz> Dorito
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: seriously now to plants of tesla in europe postponed operations due to the lack of Doritos.
<zorz> to=two
<SiFuh> Water and fertilizer can help the plants grow
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<SiFuh> Duck fat only
<farkuhar> When openjpeg2 is available, poppler prefers it instead of libjpeg-turbo. One of those maintainer_clean_footprint scripts should fix the footprint mismatch:
<farkuhar> SiFuh: commandline printing of PDFs eventually worked again. I can't remember what fixed it: restarting the CUPS daemon, manually cleaning out /var/spool/cups, or rebuilding ghostscript and all the other ports that make up the PDF workflow.
<SiFuh> I am not sure either what happened to me. It started working again and I didn't restart any daemons.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Kind of strange you and I both have the same or similar issues around the same time and both resolved around the same time
<farkuhar> SiFuh: especially if your issues happened on OpenBSD and mine happened on CRUX.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: And we are probably using different versions
<SiFuh> cups-2.4.2p0 cups-libs-2.4.2 cups-filters-1.28.16
<farkuhar> cups#2.4.7 cups-filters#2.0.0 ghostscript#10.02.1
<SiFuh> ghostscript-9.56.1 ghostscript-fonts-8.11p3
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "Why rsync when we already have cp" Because cp isn't as extensive as rsync, which from a minimalist and developer point of view sounds like a very good thing, but from a system administrator and data anal-ist point of view sounds like a rather bad thing.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I used to use RSA, but I prefer Ed25519 these days, because of the security benefits, and on top of that the keys are far shorter (and thus, easier to manage).
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Davos 2025 got postponed due to the lack of crickit chips in Swiss pet shops.
<lavaball> rsa? how old are you?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: hi sorry for the delay.... i use rsa because it is handy on hetzner. i really do not actually care if it is rsa or ed25519.
<zorz> swiss... actually thaey did something well lately. since they nationalize the banking sector. Americans played Credit Suisse and went broke. Ubs did not have the power to buy CS so the goverment helped but nothing is free they have now votes on the board. first thing they did they cut the bonus of the directors.. the bank goes bankrupt but the bonuses are paid. so no need for huge bonus to the
<zorz> managers. :P
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Went to the markets today and paid 3,616.91 Yen for 3KG of beef
<SiFuh> Street markets
<lavaball> sifuh!
<lavaball> xfs
<lavaball> any good?
<lavaball> 1gig isn't enough for zfs, so i'm trying that.
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> xfs is a very nice and stable filesystem.