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GeekoftheWild has joined #kisslinux
<GeekoftheWild> hi, im currently trying to install kiss linux but am having some troubles. i am up to the bit where i have to install grub or efistub things but can get neither to work. for grub, it just says loading linux-6.6-rc2 and waits for a while (no errors (/var/log is also empty), while efistub immediately returns to the lenovo boot menu. i have installed
<GeekoftheWild> both using instructions from the kiss website and kiss-community website. any help is greatly appreciated! can give more details on request
<midfavila> hey, maybe not the best place to mention, but i'm looking to part with my workstation. if any of you are considering a new setup for development, network simulation, etc, i've got a 48t dual xeon machine expandable up to like 1tb of ecc ddr4 we could chat about. feel free to pm me if interested
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<illiliti> in short your kernel lacks framebuffer support
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<midfavila> /whois latex
<midfavila> fuck
<midfavila> thank you very much hexchat
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<sewn> hi from znc
<sewn> i dont find znc very nice
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