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<synimas> Do i need to include the official repo as well?
<synimas> Or just the community maintained one
<sad_plan> no. the official repo is out of date by a long shot by now. just use those from kiss-community
<synimas> So i should apply the perl patch too?
<synimas> Well obvi lol
<sad_plan> if youd like to build the kernel without needing perl, then yes.
<synimas> Well perl isnt in communtiy
<synimas> Or im just blind and setup my path wrong
<sad_plan> perl is in kiss-community/community
<synimas> Ah
<synimas> Thank you very much
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<sewn> hi
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<sad_plan> ji
<sad_plan> hi
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<sewn> hi sad_plan
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<sad_plan> hi sewn
<sewn> how are things
<sad_plan> good. a bit frustrated with me not figuring out the scaling on my website, but ill figure it out eventually. also watching latest season of dark
<sad_plan> timetravel is a complete clusterfuck if you think about it
<sad_plan> how about you?
<sewn> whats dark?
<sewn> sad_plan: personally, i think timetravel isnt possible because of the time travel paradox
<sad_plan> a german tv series
<sad_plan> well, thats the issue I was refering to. i.e. if you go back in time to fix something you wish didnt happen. you now wont travel back in time, because it didnt happen, so you now have no reason to. and even if it did, which "future" do you go to? the one youve now created, or the one where you didnt go back in time?
<sad_plan> theres all kinds of paradoxes with timetravel, both forward and backwards are both the same
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<sewn> it only depends on if multiverses theory is true
<sewn> if it is, then you go to the universe of the one where you changed something
<sewn> if not, then the event of you travelling in time just cannot happen
<sad_plan> yeah, it gets complicated real fast if one doesnt take multuverse into consideration
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<sewn> should i give up on chromium and firefox and return to alpine or keep fighting by moving to wayland (cuz apparently wayland works better on both browsers)
<sad_plan> im obvously impartial to neither of these options. nevertheless, how is both browsers worse on xorg? did they partially remove support for X?
<sewn> sad_plan: chromium segfaults on X without ATK, chromium fails to compile GLSL (basically cannot render anything) for some reason after an update, and firefox just cant play videos without it's video threads segfaulting
<sewn> ive always had that firefox problem but chromium not really
<sewn> bruh i fixed chromium by just one rm -rf gpu cache command
<sewn> kiss r firefox'ing now
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<sad_plan> right. so its fixed now I suppse. why dont you just use atk so chromium doesnt segfault?
<sewn> i am using atk
<sad_plan> and yet it segfaults?
<sewn> the fault is in gtk's remove atk patch, as compiling a specifically designed gtk program will segfault
<sad_plan> I see
<sewn> although, one of chromium's patches is to have atk be conditional too
<sewn> but atk is always disabled within the build, regardless if gtk is atk or not
<sewn> its (mostly) being investigated at
<sad_plan> hm. glad Im not affected by this. seeing as I use luakit :D
<raph_ael> luakit is still developped ?
<raph_ael> dwb was nice, but no more developped since years
<sad_plan> yeah luakit is still in active developement. and yes, dwb is unfortunatly unmaintained now. never tried it myself, but seemed cool
<raph_ael> it was
<raph_ael> luakit is nice too, i'll retry it
<sewn> is luakit different from WebKit
<sewn> please tell me it is sad_plan
<sad_plan> luakit is just the browser. it is webkit based, like surf
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