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<znf> Does anyone know if there are some graphs like these, but for AMD cards?
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<znf> BtbN, I did get that working, btw:
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<nigetilly> hey quick question ....i download some free movies off youtube there from the 50s no copyright ...but my mothers TV doesnt support the format so i change it too mp4 and ac3 but the quailty drops massive anything i can do ?
<another|> what codec is it in?
<aaabbb> nigetilly: if the movies from youtube are h264, then you can do a stream copy to not transcode anything
<nigetilly> yea its in h264
<nigetilly> how does one stream copy
<aaabbb> ffmpeg -iOCOC input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a ac3 output.mp4
<aaabbb> that's an example
<aaabbb> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a ac3 output.mp4
<nigetilly> ok thanks
<aaabbb> that i mean. that will copy the video, and convert the audio to ac3 from whatever it is
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<nigetilly> yep it def needs to be ac3
<nigetilly> :)
<aaabbb> is the quality of the audio or the video what drops?
<nigetilly> vid
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<aaabbb> and you can't use aac for audio?
<nigetilly> no
<nigetilly> not a option
<aaabbb> well if you have to use ac3 then "ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a ac3 output.mp4" is a minimum that would work
<aaabbb> or it should work at least
<nigetilly> Tv doesnt know what it is
<nigetilly> the input is
<nigetilly> h.264
<nigetilly> atm
<aaabbb> what is the command you used? was it just "ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.mp4"?
<nigetilly> when i change it to mpeg4 thats when the quality drops
<aaabbb> oh, you need it to be mpeg4?
<nigetilly> this is the thing ...some h.264 seem to work i think
<nigetilly> and others dont
<aaabbb> ah, that you may need to transcode it. what profile is the ones that work vs the ones that don't?
<aaabbb> for example the ones that all work, are they all constrained baseline?
<nigetilly> i have no idea
<nigetilly> this is the thing
<aaabbb> run ffprobe on them
<nigetilly> i download some ...and noticed that some did some didnt so i got ffmpeg
<nigetilly> and changed them
<nigetilly> so changed well others didnt
<nigetilly> i del the ones that didnt
<nigetilly> so i would have to get some more of them
<aaabbb> yeah try to get some more of them
<nigetilly> ok
<aaabbb> because some h264 profiles may be supported and others may not be
<nigetilly> yea
<nigetilly> thats what is happening aaabbb
<aaabbb> well you could transcode to the baseline profile
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<nigetilly> how do you do that mate
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<aaabbb> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -c:a ac3 output.mp4
<aaabbb> that's the lowest profile
<nigetilly> ok
<aaabbb> it doesn't work with all resolutions/bitrates etc
<aaabbb> if that works, then try it with "main" instead of "baseline" because that will be higher quality per bit
<aaabbb> most good quality h264 uses profile "high", but that's not always supported on older hardware. "main" is more likely to be supported, and "baseline" will definitely be supported if h264 is
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<nigetilly> ok
<nigetilly> thanks so much
<nigetilly> that makes life alot easier know that
<nigetilly> knowing
<aaabbb> you can also use -crf and then a number to tweak the quality/size tradeoff
<aaabbb> the default is 23, which is the same as if you do "-crf 23". a lower crf is higher quality, but bigger file size
<aaabbb> and you can also increase quality by using -preset, the default is medium aka "-preset medium". if you have some time on your hands, you can set it to "-preset veryslow" which takes longer to convert, but gives you better quality without increasing the file size much
<nigetilly> oh ok
<nigetilly> how would that look
<aaabbb> so i'd suggest something like "ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -preset veryslow -crf 20 -c:a ac3 output.mp4"
<nigetilly> ok
<aaabbb> if the quality isn't good enough, you can decrease crf to 19 or even 18. if the file size is too big, you can increase the crf. usually you'll want it somewhere between 15 and 30 (roughly speaking), with lower meaning big file with high quality and higher meaning small file with worse quality
<nigetilly> yep yep
<nigetilly> ill do some testing now
<nigetilly> see what it comes out with
<nigetilly> :P
<nigetilly> so that line is saying mp4 copy to video libx264 the profile goin to be baseline the present is going to be veryslow for better quality and the crf down to 20 from better quality and the audio going to be ac3
<aaabbb> yeah, well it won't copy it it will convert it to the baseline profile (which means features that are sometimes incompatible, like cabac, are turned off), using the veryslow preset (which means it takes longer to convert but the quality is btter) with the crf down from 23 to 20 (meaning better quality at the expense of file size), and the audio will be converted to ac3 with default settings, and it will be
<aaabbb> put into a .mp4 file
<nigetilly> yep yep
<nigetilly> what about if ya happy with the video format
<nigetilly> and your just looking to do the audio
<nigetilly> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a ac3 output.np4
<nigetilly> mp4
<nigetilly> ?
<nigetilly> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a ac3 output.mp4
<aaabbb> happy like it already works?
<aaabbb> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a ac3 output.mp4
<aaabbb> that will take the h264 video and copy it without any changes, but will convert the audio to ac3
<nigetilly> ok
<nigetilly> great
<nigetilly> im getting it now
<nigetilly> makes alot more sense to me
<aaabbb> and if baseline works, try main next, because it's better quality
<nigetilly> yep for sure
<aaabbb> basically you want to use the highest quality profile that is supported
<nigetilly> yep no doubt
<nigetilly> legend effort!!!
<aaabbb> you'll still lose quality if you have to transcode, but much less quality if you're converting to h264 instead of mpeg4 :)
<nigetilly> yep i hear ya
<nigetilly> thanks so much for your help
<aaabbb> yw :)
<nigetilly> :)
<nigetilly> where ya from aaabbb
<nigetilly> i got to take off for abit thanks again
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<jokoon> I use ffmpeg.exe -f image2 -framerate 2 -i C:\_chest2\creations\calvin\croppedby2\%02d.png -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p calvin.mp4
<jokoon> on 13 PNGs
<jokoon> wait, no, 2.5 instead of 2
<jokoon> does that mean the last image will show about (2.5/13) seconds, or will it just be the last frame?
<jokoon> wait my math is bad
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<jokoon> VLC is weird on windows when dealing with start/end of video, it seems to cut off too early
<jokoon> firefox doesn't
<jokoon> Not sure if that's me
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<CounterPillow> The mpeg-4 container does not standardise what should be done with the last frame of a video iirc, so what is done depends on the player
<jokoon> I duplicated PNG to avoid this, so I have 15 PNG instead of 13, with ./ffmpeg.exe -f image2 -framerate 2.6 -i C:\_chest2\creations\calvin\croppedby2\%02d.png -pix_fmt yuv420p calvin15.mp4 so it goes under 6s for whatsapp
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<arseru> Hi there! Could anyone point me to a good guide on how to rip DVDs to h265 using only ffmpeg on linux?
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