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<iconoclast_hero> File 'If This Be Treason -- Part 06: Striking the Copperhead.opus' already exists. Exiting.
<iconoclast_hero> Error opening output file If This Be Treason -- Part 06: Striking the Copperhead.opus.
<iconoclast_hero> is that second error line recently new to ffmpeg? (I rebuilt yesterday from current source)
<CounterPillow> no, it's there because the file already exists.
<iconoclast_hero> i wasn't getting that second line with the previous version I'd built
<JEEB> that is not a new message at all
<JEEB> ffmpeg the app has checked whether the output file name exists for probably more than a decade by now. if not more than that, even. I'm just lazy to check when it was added
<furq> it would normally prompt unless you specified -n or stdin isn't connected to a terminal
<iconoclast_hero> yes, that call uses -n so that i can run ffmpeg in parallel
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<iconoclast_hero> I would like to use duration from ffprobe <file> in a script. how can I either just output that or | or > ffprobe's output?
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<furq> iconoclast_hero: ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=nk=1:nw=1 foo.mkv
<iconoclast_hero> thaks
<iconoclast_hero> thanks
<iconoclast_hero> i assume there's a way to format that differently? i.e., in the same format as what is output by a simple ffprobe: hh:mm:ss.ms
<iconoclast_hero> -sexagesimal ?
<iconoclast_hero> does it matter if I have more than 3 digits when making an ogg/opus index? https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,97533.0.html
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