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<aaabbb> when i view the frame types for a video after transcoding with libx265, there are usually many sequential b frames. but with one particular video, it's almost all sequential p frames, with the occasional few b frames
<aaabbb> why would it be picking almost all p frames?
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<aaabbb> out of 150 frames in the video taken at random, 1 is an i frame, 2 are b frames, and 147 are p frames
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<aaabbb> >It is recommended to have –gop-lookahaed less than –min-keyint as scenecuts beyond –min-keyint are already being coded as keyframes.
<aaabbb> always funny to see silly typos in official documentation (x265 readthedocs)
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<aaabbb> when i denoise it, it's able to use far far more b frames, interesting
<aaabbb> it's not very noisy, but hqdn3d isn't harming the quality much either, for the amount of savings (far more than i'd usually get with it)
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<aaabbb> i know hqdn3d generally improves compressibility slightly, but this is a world of difference
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<itt788> can anyone show me the command to use to concatenate two flac files with the possibility to tune the start and end point for each input file of the actual segments that have to be contatenated
<itt788> but i always get errors like "Cannot find a matching stream for unlabeled input pad 0 on filter Parsed_concat_0
<itt788> "
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<itt788> so guys?
<aaabbb> it can sometimes take a little while to get an answer
<aaabbb> just hang tight
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<mosasaur> until now I've been happily using lavfi delogo filters, but since I switched to watching donghua, the number of filters I want to use has increased a lot
<mosasaur> so now I'm watching this page
<mosasaur> it seems to do the trick? I don't know if it will compile, how long it would take to process lots of video. And also, I'd like to have something in python. I'd be satisfied with something that just gives me a list of rectangles and time intervals, I can then write delogos for them myself, I wouldn't want to remove english subs, but would want to remove hardcoded chinese subs
<mosasaur> what's the state of the art here?
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<mosasaur> would it be possible to activate/deactivate delogo filters on the fly in a running video?
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<aaabbb> delogo doesn't seem so heavy that it couldn't run in real time
<mosasaur> oh wait, the tool I am already using can do that. It has only one rectangle 'register' at the time though
<mosasaur> in fact I am using its output to get the coords for my filters which I then copy and paste in my mpv startup script
<mosasaur> aaabbb: yes, seems so
<mosasaur> maybe streamlining the process is enough, like automatically getting the coords in some tkinter dialog, and be able to add them or deactivate old ones
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<aaabbb> you can use multiple rectangles by running the filter multiple times
<mosasaur> right, maybe it's time to brush up my lua skills
<itt788> so guys isn't it possible to join together two flac files in one shot with ffmpeg
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<aaabbb> itt788: to concatenate them?
<itt788> yes
<aaabbb> yeah it should be possible with the concat demuxer
<aaabbb> you could decompress to wav, then concat and recompress as flac
<itt788> actually the method should let me be able to use -to and -ss for each input file
<aaabbb> you can do that while decompressing to wav
<aaabbb> it'll take a few commands but it won't be slow
<itt788> even with wav files it did not work
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<aaabbb> ffmpeg -ss $seek1 -to $to1 -i in1.wav out1.wav; ffmpeg -ss $seek2 -to $to2 -i in2.wav out2.wav; echo "file 'out1.wav'" >> list; echo "file 'out2.wav'" >> list; ffmpeg -f concat -i list combined.flac
<aaabbb> try something like that
<itt788> i know this way
<aaabbb> what is it you're trying to do then?
<itt788> with the concat demuxer it seems directly with flac files, it works
<aaabbb> it probably works but you may get slightly better compression the other way
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<itt788> aaabbb: so you recommend that i first convert my flac files to wav?
<aaabbb> itt788: it's a lossless operation, and that'll allow redundancy in the first file to help with compression in the second, which may save a small amount of space
<aaabbb> although increasing to -compression_level 12 would help even more
<itt788> ok
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<furq> use -compression_level 10
<furq> 11 and 12 create non-subset flacs
<furq> also if you're going to recompress you can just do it in one go with the concat filter
<furq> -ss 4 -t 4 -i foo.flac -ss 4 -t 4 -i bar.flac -lavfi concat=n=2:v=0:a=1 -compression_level 10 baz.flac
<aaabbb> that's much better than my way haha
<aaabbb> what is wrong with 11 and 12? they seem to play on everything i've used
<furq> i'm not really sure how much it matters but at least flac -8 is subset so there's doubtless some stuff that expects it
<furq> it probably doesn't matter for any software decoder
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<Kobaz> curious... i make a mkv file with SimpleScreenRecorder and convert to mp4 via: ffmpeg -i $FILE -codec copy -movflags +faststart $FILE.mp4. and then I cannot seek the video in chrome (but it does work in firefox)
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