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<iqualms> Hi, does anyone have any idea how to fix "The "mapping" option is deprecated: set input to output plane mapping" message when using mergeplanes? I can't seem to find any info on google.
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<jokoon> where can I find the keyboard shortcut and mouse things of ffplay?
<jokoon> oh found it
<jokoon> when I drag with right click, it sets the frame percent, but it doesn't actually show the frame until I press space?
<jokoon> there's next frame, but not previous frame... :(
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<kalen22> -- i have the first line describing the issue here, but its a matter of max_pixels being 0 (not sure how to set this properly)
<kalen22> it prints out an issue saying the image given of 640x360 is larger than max_pixels
<kalen22> all of the latest bots told me to cast videoCodecCtx = (AVCodecContext*)videoStream->codecpar; ... seems that i am getting address sanitizer error when i directly set max_pixels this way (none of the other fields cause this)
<kalen22> i see some older example here on the site dated from 2001 and it writes an mp2; i suppose its likely using the older avpacket api. just looking for newer examples, especially around writing an mp4 with a simple tone/sweep
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<furq> ignore the copyright date, all the examples on site should use up-to-date apis
<furq> assuming you're on the latest doxygen
<kalen22> furq: thanks
<kalen22> looks like thats not running it through a demuxer right, just direct nalu frames out if you were to use libx264?
<kalen22> i mean muxer*
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<JEEB> there's separately a transcode example that adds more stuff, the dec|enc examples are specifically minimalistic
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